Page 21 of Desired

  “What was that?”

  “My hamburger is getting cold.”

  “Jesus, you like her.”

  I scoffed. “I do not. I want in her pants. There’s a difference.”

  He shook his head. “Josh Hayes, I know you, and I’ve been around you long enough to know that if you wanted into Heather’s pants, you would have been all over her at the graduation party and when you saw her again at Jeff and Gunner’s place, and the other day at my place. Dude, you barely said two words to her.”

  “She’s shy!” I replied, taking a bite of my burger.

  Brad stared at me like I had just sprouted two heads.

  “She’s not fucking shy. If I remember right, the other day she was the one who started talking to you. Asked how you had been, and you could hardly form a sentence! Holy shit! How did I not see this before? It’s happened!”

  “What’s happened?” I asked.

  “You met the one.”

  I stared at Brad for a good solid minute. Letting his words sink in because I knew he was fucking right.

  “Fine. I like her, and that confuses me.”


  How did I tell Brad that I had been longing to find someone like he had with Amanda? That I was tired of the revolving door? That I wanted to wake up each morning holding the same girl in my arms, smelling her heavenly scent and looking into her beautiful blue eyes?

  That’s when it hit me.

  Heather was the one.

  Oh holy shit.

  And that scared the shit out of me.

  “It just hit you, didn’t it?” Brad asked before shoving a few fries into his mouth.

  I dropped back against my chair and let out a pained groan. This couldn’t be happening. Shaking my head, I pushed my fingers through my hair and laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I can’t fall for a girl like Heather. She’s too perfect. Innocent. Beautifully untainted. I’d ruin her.”

  Brad frowned. “How would you ruin her?”

  “I just would. What if I don’t know how to be with one girl? What if I cheated on her?”

  “You were with Victoria.”

  I shivered at the mention of her name. “You know we don’t speak of her.”

  Brad snorted. “That’s right. The one who shall not be brought up. Anyway, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself, dude. Sit back, chill with the other woman, and get to know Heather. I mean really get to know her and see what happens.”

  For the first time in over a month, I was able to make sense of the confusing thoughts running in my head and my body. I desired Heather Lambert; there was no denying that. And I was positive that was not about to change anytime soon.

  I needed to just give it time. See where these feelings led me and get to know Heather. I could do that. I could totally do that.

  Nodding my head, I smiled as I picked up my hamburger and took a bite.

  “See what happens. I think I like that plan, bro.”

  Brad smiled and lifted his bottle of Coke up in a toast. “To the one.”

  With a smile of my own, I lifted my beer and clinked it against his glass.

  This was going to be a fun and very interesting ride.

  For those of you who have picked this book up and have not read the Wanted series, the story continues in Wanted, book one of the Wanted series.



  Kelly Elliott, Desired

  (Series: Wanted # 6)




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