Page 4 of Desired

  I turned back to the house and stumbled up the steps as I mumbled under my breath, “Idiot.”

  Chapter Five – Josh

  I lay there staring at the ceiling until I was positive she was asleep. I carefully swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat there for a few seconds. After rubbing my hands down my face, I stood and grabbed my jeans and quickly put them back on. Glancing around, I saw my T-shirt thrown across the room. As quietly as I could, I tiptoed across the room and grabbed it. After I pulled it over my head, I worked on getting my socks and then my boots on.

  One more glance over to her lying in the bed, and I shook my head.

  What in the hell is wrong with me?

  I swallowed hard as I stared at the girl I’d met last night at Fado’s. The need to feel some sort of connection was hanging over me like a damn cloud. But I felt nothing besides regret.

  Same shit, different day.

  I was sick of waking up in a different bed with a different girl’s arms and legs wrapped around me. The need to find someone who sparked something deep inside me was growing stronger. All I wanted was to find the one girl who made me feel different. The one that when she smiled at me, my breath caught in my chest. Yet every single time I met someone, I felt nothing. The only thing I knew to do was replace the emptiness with sex.

  Damn idiot!

  Grabbing my keys and wallet, I headed out of her bedroom as quick as I could. The faster I got out of there, the faster I could put the night behind me.

  I pulled up and parked in front of Gunner’s and Jeff’s house. When I got out of the truck and rounded the front, Jeff was running up the sidewalk. He stopped and took one look at me. “Hell, I know that look.”

  Nodding, I replied, “I need a beer.”

  “By the look on your face, I’d say you needed at least ten, but you do know it’s only nine in the morning?”

  I groaned.

  “What happened?” he asked while we made our way up the steps and through the front door.

  “Just woke up in another stranger’s bed this morning.”

  Jeff slid a coffee over in my direction but not before pouring a little bit of whiskey in it first. “Dude, don’t you get tired of that shit?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s fun; don’t get me wrong. I love sex, but it would be nice to find someone who makes me want to get to know her rather than her pussy.”

  He laughed. “Spoken like a true manwhore.”

  “I smell coffee.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I shot Gunner a grin. “You look like shit.”

  He grunted and poured himself a cup of coffee. “I drank too much, then had weird dreams all night.”

  “What about?” Jeff asked.

  Gunner paused for a moment as if remembering the dream. Then he shrugged. “Stupid shit.” He took a good look at me and shot me a grin. “What happened? She not into you last night?”

  I chuckled. “Oh, trust me, she was into me. She finally passed out around four this morning.”

  “Our boy here is getting tired of his ways,” Jeff offered.

  Lifting a brow, Gunner took a drink of his coffee. “No kidding? You finally going to hang up the hat you’ve worn proudly the last few years?”

  My hands flew up. “Hey now, I’m not saying I want to give up sex; I like it too damn much. All I’m saying is that I wish I could meet someone who made me want to change. Does that make sense?”

  They both nodded and replied, “Yeah.”

  The three of us sat there in silence for a few minutes before Gunner finally spoke. “I know what we could do—head to the ranch. Get some of the built-up energy out by helping out Gramps.”

  Jeff and I both smiled.

  With a smile of my own, I replied, “Hell yeah, I’m down for that.”

  “I have a class this afternoon; other than that, I don’t have anything until Monday,” I added.

  Gunner’s face grew into a wide grin. It was clear how much he loved his grandparents’ ranch. His dream was to take it over someday, and he’d do a great job running it. There was no doubt in my mind about that.

  “All right, then, let’s plan on heading out after your class. I’ll let Grams and Gramps know the three of us are coming out for the weekend.”

  My mood instantly lifted, knowing we were headed out to the country for a long weekend. There was something about Mason, Texas, that made me feel happier. We’d made a lot of memories on that ranch, and a part of me knew it was only the beginning of many more to come.

  Chapter Six – Gunner

  We pulled up to the gate, and I couldn’t help but smile.


  That’s how the ranch felt for me. I hadn’t spoken to or seen my father in almost three years. My mother had called a few times since I’d left home for college. I hated she was caught between my father and me. My grandfather and grandmother were the only family I felt like I had left.

  “I sure hope Gramps has some work for us to do. I’m ready to get some of this built-up energy out,” Josh said with a clap of his hands.

  “One of these days I’m gonna have to bring Ellie out here.”

  Josh and I both turned and looked at Jeff in the back seat.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Ellie, as in your hot sister?” Josh asked with a chuckle.

  Jeff pointed to Josh. “You are not allowed to say my sister is hot, dude. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

  I scoffed and said, “Jeff, you don’t even let me stay at home when she comes over, and you think you’re going to invite her here? How exactly is that going to work?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Once she graduates in a few months, I’ll officially introduce her to y’all, but she is off-limits. You understand me, Hayes?”

  Josh held up his hands in defense. “Dude, I wouldn’t touch your sister with a ten-foot pole; I don’t have a death wish on me.”

  Jeff poked his head between Josh and me. “Why? You think my sister is not worthy of your ass? That she isn’t pretty enough for you?”

  Josh’s mouth dropped open. “Do you hear yourself right now, dude? You literally just told me to stay away from her. Are you on something?”

  I laughed and pulled through the gate once it was fully opened. “Trust me, Jeff, I’ve only ever seen Ellie from a few feet away, and from what I can tell, your sister is not lacking in the pretty department.”

  Smacking me across the back of my head, Jeff growled. “Don’t talk about my sister like that, or I’ll twist your balls off and tie them around your neck.”

  Josh and I both rubbed our necks.

  “All I said was that she was pretty. You can’t hide her from us forever, Johnson.”

  “Yes, I can, Gunner. I’ve done a damn good job the last three years.”

  “Jeff, if you honestly think one of us would go after your sister, you clearly don’t know us,” Josh added. “I mean, that’s breaking the number one bro code. You don’t go after the sister . . . especially the baby sister.”

  Leaning back in his seat, Jeff chuckled. “You I don’t even want looking at Ellie. Gunner, on the other hand, I think he would be okay. I would trust him around her . . . I think.”

  Josh jerked his head to look at me and then back to Jeff. I couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that spread over my face.

  “Gunner! Why would you trust Gunner with your sister and not me?”

  I turned to Josh. “Do you really need him to answer that?” I asked as Jeff lost it laughing.

  “Yes! I do need him to answer that.”

  “Dude, you’re a manwhore. You were just fucking some girl you met last night and sneaking out of her bed.”

  Jeff’s phone beeped, and he groaned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Ellie’s best friend, Ari, is what’s wrong. She’s convinced Ellie they have to go to Port A for spring break.”

  “Is the best friend off-limits?” Josh asked with a chuckle.

  When I looked in the rea
rview mirror, I couldn’t help but notice Jeff glare at Josh when he mentioned Ellie’s best friend.

  “Yes, motherfucker, she’s off-limits too.”

  Josh held up his hands again. “Fine, you don’t have to bite my damn head off. Shit, you’re touchy.”

  “Yeah, well, when it comes to my sister, you know I am. That is the whole reason I haven’t brought Ellie around y’all.”

  Josh and I exchanged looks. It seemed to me, and I was pretty sure to Josh as well, that Jeff got more upset with the mention of the best friend than with Ellie.

  “Speaking of Port A, are your parents going to let us stay at their place again this year?” I asked Josh.

  “Yep. They said the place is ours if we want it.”

  It seemed a little stupid to have us staying at a huge house and Ellie and her friend staying somewhere else, but I knew if I suggested they stay at the house with us, Jeff would blow a fuse, so I let it go.

  The white ranch house came into view, and my heart soared.

  “There’s the house,” I said. My heart nearly exploded at the sight before me. I had loved this ranch for as long as I could remember. Ever since I was little, I knew it would be mine someday.

  Throwing the truck into park, we piled out just as Grams and Gramps were walking out onto the porch.

  “Drew! Boys!” Grams called out as she headed my way for a hug. I wrapped her up gently in my arms and pulled her in.

  “Grams,” I whispered before setting her back down and kissing her on the cheek.

  “I’ve missed you. It’s been a few weeks since you’ve come to see us,” she replied with a wink.

  Gramps shook Jeff’s and Josh’s hands before reaching for mine. With one shake, he pulled me for a hug.

  “Good to see you, Drew.”

  I clapped his back. “You too, Gramps. We were all needing to get out here and get our hands dirty, so I hope you’ve got work for us to do.”

  “Hell, yeah, I do. Already told Drake you boys were heading down for the weekend. We’ve been talking about cutting the east pasture up in two sections, so I hope you boys are ready to put up some fence.”

  Jeff gave Grams a kiss on the cheek, then said, “I’m ready to work, as long as Grams has some of those chicken dumplings on hand.”

  “It just got added to the menu. Now you boys go on in and get settled. I’ll fix some tea and a snack before ya head on out. You’ll need your energy, I’m sure.”

  “Don’t be spoilin’ ’em with food, Emma, before they head on out.”

  “Nonsense; look at them. They’re huge boys, and they need food for energy.”

  I laughed as we made our way into the house, and Grams went straight to the kitchen as we headed up to the bedrooms upstairs.

  “Did y’all bring work gloves?” I asked before I stepped into my room.

  Jeff and Josh both looked at me like I had just asked the dumbest question ever.

  “This isn’t our first time here, Mathews,” Josh spit out.

  With a roll of my eyes, I added, “Take some Advil now, y’all; I have a feeling it’s going to be a long, hard weekend.”

  We stepped into the bar and glanced around. The dance floor was packed, and the smell of the sawdust floor made me smile. There was something about a small-town country bar that I just loved.

  “Hell, yes, this is what I’m talking about,” Jeff said with a slap on my back. “Country girls in short shorts and half T-shirts. I’m in fucking heaven.”

  I smiled and made my way through the crowd of people. It didn’t take long before we made it to the bar, and I ordered three Buds.

  “See an empty table or somewhere to go besides the bar?” I called out.

  Josh pointed to a table that was empty but covered in beer bottles.

  “Grab it really quick,” Jeff shouted as he gave Josh a push toward the table.

  The waitress was over at the table by the time Jeff and I got there. She quickly cleaned it off.

  “You gentlemen from around here?” she asked in a thick Texas accent.

  “No, ma’am, here for the weekend helping out our friend’s grandparents,” Jeff stated with a huge smile.

  The waitress looked at me and then tilted her head. “Gunner? Gunner Mathews?”

  I nodded and asked, “Do we know each other?”

  She shook her head. “My brother is Rich Hopkins; he helps out on your grandaddy’s ranch every summer. When you’d come into town, we’d all swim in the river at the end of the summer.”

  My eyes roamed across the waitress. Holy shit. This was Lacey, Rich’s little sister.

  Standing, I gave her a quick hug. “Christ almighty, girl, you grew up.”

  She laughed. “Yes, I did. How long y’all in town for?”

  I could feel Jeff’s and Josh’s eyes on Lacey, and I was pretty sure I already knew what was going through Josh’s mind.

  “We leave Sunday afternoon. Have to be back for classes on Monday.”

  Lacey nodded, never once taking her eyes off me. “I can’t believe it, Gunner Mathews. Damn, I used to have the biggest crush on you.”

  The corners of my mouth lifted. “Is that right?” I asked with a wink.

  Her cheeks turned red, and she chewed on her lower lip for a few seconds.

  “I better get back to work. If y’all need anything, wave me down.”

  With a nod, I replied, “Will do.”

  Lacey turned on the heels of her boots and walked toward the bar. I couldn’t help but watch her walk away. Damn . . . she certainly grew up into a beautiful young woman. Her dark hair swung as she walked away, and I thought about my dreams and the mysterious girl who was haunting them.

  Was it a sign of some sort? Lacey was hot as hell, but I didn’t feel a single thing as she stood here and talked to me. She wasn’t the girl in my dreams.

  When I sat down, I glanced over to Jeff and Josh. Both of them had goofy ass smiles on their faces.

  “Don’t even say it; I’m not interested in her.”

  “Jesus Christ, dude, why not? Did you not see how hot she was? She told you she had a thing for you,” Josh stated.

  “Yeah, when we were ten. Besides, I’m not interested in a hookup, and I certainly don’t want to start something up with a girl who lives a few hours from me.”

  Jeff huffed. “I’d be interested in that hookup.”

  “Right,” Josh added with a chuckle before taking another drink of his beer.

  Standing, Jeff glanced around. “Well, boys, I’m going to go find me a pretty cowgirl to dance with. Excuse me.”

  Josh wasn’t far behind Jeff as they both approached the same table of six girls. Jeff turned back and looked at me and smiled, and I knew what the bastard was doing. Trying to set me up with one of them.

  “You doing okay?” Lacey’s voice came from my side. I glanced up and grinned.

  “Yeah, just watching my two idiot friends over there.”

  Lacey followed my eyes and laughed. “Well, they’re in luck if they’re wanting to score. I went to school with most of those girls; all of them I’m pretty sure would easily show your friends a good time, especially with how handsome they both are.”

  I shook my head and sighed.

  “You want to dance? I’m on a break, and I could sure use a couple of laps around the dance floor with an old friend.”

  Standing, I held my hand out for her. “Let’s get out there then.”

  We danced for three songs straight, and I couldn’t remember the last time I had smiled or enjoyed myself this much. Lacey filled me in on Rich and how he was now living in Dallas and was a lawyer. She was engaged to her high school sweetheart, and they were getting married in June. Her dream was to start her own business, a little home décor store on the town square.

  “What about your fiancé? What does he do?”

  She grinned. “What do most of the men here in Mason do?”

  “Rancher?” I asked.

  With a nod, she replied, “Yep. Lives, eats, and
breathes it.”

  “A man’s man.”

  She laughed. “You’d really like him. I’m sure y’all have probably met at some point.”

  “What’s his name?” I asked before spinning her once.

  “Hank Towers.”

  I smiled. “Hell, I know Hank. He and Rich used to hang out together, right?”

  “Yep, they still do when Rich comes into town.”

  “Damn, I haven’t seen Hank in about six years or so.”

  She glanced over my shoulder and smiled the most beautiful smile. I knew in that moment she was looking at the love of her life. My heart ached with the desire to have a woman look at me like that.

  “Speak of the devil, there he is.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw a tall, stout cowboy standing there. He wore the same smile as Lacey and couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her. I dropped my hold of her and let her start for him. She grabbed my arm as she walked by.

  “Come on, I’m sure Hank wants to catch up with you!”

  The second she was in front of him, he lifted her up in his arms and kissed her. I found myself looking away so that they could share the moment together, even though we were standing in a crowded bar.

  Lacey’s voice pulled my attention back to them.

  “Hank, you remember Gunner Mathews, don’t you?”

  With a huge grin, he reached his hand out. “Holy shit, dude. You’ve certainly grown up into a huge motherfucker!”

  I laughed and shook his hand. “Playing football for UT helps.”

  “No shit? I didn’t know that. Damn, I’ve been so busy on my folks’ ranch I haven’t had time to come up for air. My father had an accident, and I’ve pretty much taken over the running of the ranch. I think I’m getting it back under control and can finally take a few steps back.”

  “At least for the wedding and honeymoon,” Lacey said with a stern look. “Listen, I’ve got to get back to work. Thanks for the dances, Gunner. It was good seeing you. Don’t be a stranger.”

  “Good seeing you too.”

  Lacey planted another kiss on Hank and headed back to the bar.

  “I’m sorry to hear about your father, Hank.”