Page 7 of Desired

  Josh was typing something out on his phone, and I was positive it was a text message to our overly friendly waitress.

  We soon got lost in football talk and how we felt like our senior year was going to be. All three of us had already been approached by NFL scouts. I wasn’t the least bit interested in playing pro. I knew Jeff wasn’t either, but I had no idea where Josh stood on the matter.

  “So you thinking pro?” I asked, taking a bit of my sandwich. I glanced over to see it was Jeff now texting with someone. By the smile on his face, I was positive it was a girl. A girl named Sunshine. I rolled my eyes.

  “Nah, I’m going to start working with my father. Hopefully learn the ropes of his business. I mean, he’s running a multimillion-dollar-a-year gig. All by making furniture for people.”

  “Woodworking in your blood too?” Jeff asked.

  “Heck yeah. I’ve always loved making things with my hands. I’ve made a few pieces for my dad’s clients, and I really enjoyed it. I wouldn’t mind branching off and expanding a bit more outside of Austin.”

  I nodded. “Sounds like a good plan.”

  “What about you, Gunner? What have you decided?” Josh asked.

  “The ranch. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. After graduation I’m planning on moving to Mason.”

  “Damn, I love Mason,” Jeff added.

  “Move there with me. Work on the ranch until you decide what you want to do.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know. It depends on if I get offered a position where we intern at. If it’s one I can’t refuse, I may just take it. Stay close by Ellie.”

  Her name caused my heart to feel like it skipped a beat. I pushed the crazy feeling away.

  “Hell, I’m full now,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Me too. I’m ready to just kick back for a bit and not think about football or running again tomorrow,” Josh said, forcing a yawn back.

  Jeff shook his head. “Pussies. I’m thinking of going on another run after this food settles.”

  Sunshine walked up and flashed that sexy smile she had mastered probably years ago when she stood in front of a mirror as a high school girl.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you boys?”

  Jeff used his finger for her to move in closer.

  “What’s for dessert?”

  Her tongue moved across her lips slowly. It even made my dick jump as I stared at her mouth.

  “Depends. You want dessert from the menu or dessert from me?”

  Josh laughed.

  “I think we’ll just take the check, Sunshine.” I said, kicking Jeff under the table to break his eyes away from hers.

  Looking my way, Sunshine frowned. “Buzzkill.”

  She set the check down and stared at me for a few seconds.

  “It’s a shame; you were the one I was most hoping to hook up with.”

  When she walked way, I looked at Jeff and Josh glaring at me. I lost it laughing.

  “For that, your ass is paying,” Josh stated. He slid out of his chair and started walking off, his pride wounded.

  “What? I didn’t do a damn thing!” I said, trying to keep myself from laughing.

  Jeff slowly shook his head. “That’s the problem, Mathews: you’re too damn pretty.”

  “Pretty? Did you just call me pretty? Who’s the pussy now?” I said as I threw a few twenties onto the table.

  When we got to the truck, I stopped and looked at both of them. “Do me a favor, y’all: don’t get with Sunshine. I have a weird vibe about her.”

  Josh stared at me like I was insane. Jeff wouldn’t look at me, so that only told me he had already made plans to meet up with her sometime.

  “Just for once listen to your heads and not your dicks, will you?”

  Josh opened the back door. “My little brain has never steered me wrong before.”

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to convince them to keep away from Sunshine, so I dropped it. They’d find out one way or another the girl had something other than sex on her mind.

  Chapter Ten – Jeff

  My head was pounding before I even opened my damn eyes.

  I was up against someone, and I prayed like hell it was Sunshine, but I knew it wasn’t. The girl was perfectly shaved everywhere.

  “Motherfucker,” I mumbled as I opened my eyes. I had my leg thrown over one of my best friends. And I would bet a million dollars we were both buttass naked.

  “What in the fuck, Josh!” I jumped up and out of the bed so quick I stumbled back and landed on my ass.

  Josh sat up quickly, then let out a long moan.

  “Jesus H. Christ, my head is pounding!” Josh said in a hushed voice.

  “You asshole! Why are you in bed with me?”

  Josh looked around. He was more confused than I was as he said, “What? Wait. Let me think for a second. What in the hell happened last night?”

  Reaching for the blanket that was on the floor, I grabbed it and wrapped it around my waist. “Let me refresh your memory. I was here about to fuck Sunshine when your ass showed up!”

  He rubbed his hands down his face and groaned. “Stop yelling at me, you asshole!”

  “Don’t yell at you? I just woke up practically spooning your ass. There was no Sunshine between us, so forgive me for freaking the fuck out!”

  Josh laughed. The bastard actually laughed. He got out of bed, on full display, and wandered around the room.

  “What. In. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing?”

  “Looking for my pants. What do you think I’m doing?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. All I know is you’re walking around with your junk on display!”

  Following Josh’s lead, I started looking for my jeans.

  “Where are my clothes?” Josh asked right when I realized my clothes were gone. I had undressed and put them over the chair when I got to the hotel last night. Once Josh had gotten here, I was feeling too damn good to care where he had gotten undressed.

  Going into the bathroom, I grabbed a towel and threw it at him. “Cover yourself up for fuck’s sake.”

  Josh wrapped the towel around his waist and walked the room again. “Dude, all my clothes are gone.”

  “So are mine,” I said, Gunner’s warning about Sunshine replaying in my mind. “I don’t really remember much about last night. What happened?” I asked, sitting down in the chair.

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Josh said, “Um. Well, when I got here, you were pretty wasted already. Sunshine said she had given you a little something in your drink to relax you. I told her there was no way I was doing a threesome with my best friend.”

  The breath I had been holding came rushing out. “Thank God.”

  Josh frowned. “Yeah, well, don’t be too thankful. We may not have crossed swords, but you sat in that very chair and watched me fuck the girl six ways to Sunday.”

  I gagged. Then got myself under control, then gagged again as the thought came back to me. “I’m so glad I don’t remember it.”

  “Yeah, well, I do. I wasn’t the one wasted.”

  “Oh really? Then how the fuck did you end up in the bed with me?”

  Josh threw a pillow at me. “After I screwed her, I took a shower, and she went at it with you. When I came out, you were passed out in the bed. She was laying next to you, so I laid next to her. She must have left sometime after I fell asleep.”

  “You think?” I shouted. “Why didn’t you get dressed?”

  He shrugged. “I did. But, dude, when a hot chick wants to go down on you in the middle of the night, you discard the boxers.”

  I swallowed hard. “I don’t think I want to be your friend anymore.”

  Laughing, he asked, “Why? ’Cause I got blowed while you laid in the same bed passed the fuck out?”

  “Yes! Why is that even a question for you?” I stood up and jumped around like I had the heebie-jeebies.

  “You didn’t even know what was happening. It’s not like you took part in it. Christ, John
son, have you never had a threesome?”

  “No! No, Hayes, I haven’t, and I sure as fuck never want to have one with you!”

  He grinned. The bastard actually grinned. “Afraid I’d outfuck you? She’ll like me better than you? I can probably give you some pointers, no pun intended.”

  My head dropped. “Christ almighty, why are we friends?”

  “Listen, the important thing is there wasn’t a threesome, just a little peeky peeky on your part. It’s a damn shame; I’m sure I could have taught you a thing or two.”

  “I swear to God if you didn’t have a towel hiding your junk and I didn’t have a blanket wrapped around me, I would beat the hell out of you.”

  Josh shot me a smile that begged for me to punch him in the face. He cleared his throat and said, “Okay, we have a bigger problem here. Little Miss Sunshine took all our clothes, and I’m going to guess our wallets too.”

  I groaned again. “Why didn’t I listen to Gunner?”

  Josh was on the floor looking under the bed.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “My keys. If that bitch stole my truck, I’m going to kill her.”

  I got up and walked over to the table that was by the door. “They’re right here with mine, as well as our driver’s licenses and a note.”

  Josh walked up and grabbed the note. “Bitch,” he mumbled as he handed me the note.

  Dear Josh and Jeff,

  I can honestly say that was some of the best sex of my life. You’re both equally talented in the pleasure department. So that was a plus for me! It would have been fun if I could have been sandwiched between y’all, but it was hot having Jeff watch you fuck me, Josh.

  I cringed. I never wanted that mental picture to resurface ever again.

  You’ve probably guessed by now, I took your wallets. I hope you don’t get too angry with me. I like to buy myself a little something after each encounter. Sort of like a thank you gift from you to me. I won’t spend too much. I promise.

  I lifted my eyes to Josh. “Did you use a condom?”

  He nodded. “Always, dude.”

  I remembered being with Sunshine before Josh had shown up and using a condom myself.

  Thanks again, boys, for the fun time. And by the way, Jeff, you asked who had the bigger dick. I’ll let y’all decide that.


  My eyes lifted to Josh. I glanced down to his towel.

  “You had the chance a few minutes ago, dude. The moment has passed.”

  “I don’t want to see your cock, you ass. I’m trying to figure out what in the hell we’re gonna do. We can’t walk out of here with towels and blankets wrapped around us.”

  “We could call Gunner.”

  I laughed. “And hear him tell us I told you so and then make jokes about this? No, thank you.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “I’ve got an idea.”

  Walking over to the door, I opened it, hoping to see a housekeeper out in the hall.


  “Excuse me, can you come here, please?”

  The young housekeeper took one look at me and shook her head. “No.”

  “No, no, I’m not asking you to come into the room. I just need clothes.”

  Her brows pulled together. Then she took another step back.

  “The girl I was with sort of . . . well, um . . . she stole my clothes and left me with nothing.”

  Josh’s head poked out from the door. “Me too.”

  The housekeeper’s eyes widened. “Both of you?”

  She started rattling something off in Spanish as she pointed to both of us.

  “Dude, I think she’s telling us off in Spanish,” Josh said.

  I sighed. “I know! I know. We’re bad boys.”

  She nodded. “Very!”

  “We need pants and shirts.”

  When she shook her head, my heart dropped. “No! No. You two got into this mess; you get out of it.”

  “That’s just coldhearted right there,” Josh stated.

  She shrugged and turned her back on us.

  “Then I’m taking this towel!” I stated before slamming the door shut.

  “Way to tell her, Jeff.”

  Josh’s phone started ringing. “Hello? Yes, this is Josh Hayes.”

  I could see the anger growing in his eyes.

  “No, I didn’t authorize that purchase. My wallet was stolen.”

  “Fuck,” I mumbled as I made my way over to my phone. At least she had the decency to leave us our phones.

  I pulled up Ellie’s number and hit it.

  “Hey. What’s up?”

  “I need a favor. I need you to go to the store and buy me and Josh some clothes, then bring them to us at the W downtown.”

  “Do I want to know why?” she asked.

  “No. Trust me, even I don’t want to know why.”

  She giggled.

  “Does Josh wear the same size as you?”

  “Yeah. Listen, my phone is beeping. I need to get it. Hurry up, though. Room ten twenty-one.”

  I clicked over and quickly found out little Miss Sunshine was trying to rack up my cards as well. After making a few other phone calls, all three of my credit cards were turned off.

  Josh looked at me and I swore I’d never seen him so angry. “That bitch! She tried to buy a five-thousand-dollar necklace at Kay Jewelers. She said a little something! That’s more than a little something.”

  Laughing, I dropped onto the sofa and turned on the TV.

  “What are you doing?” Josh asked.

  “Ellie is bringing us clothes.”

  “No shit. I finally get to meet your sister?”

  I laughed again. “Fuck no. You’ll go in the bathroom and not step out until she leaves.”

  Josh frowned. “Killjoy.”

  Almost two hours later, there was a knock on the door. Josh was in the shower, so it was perfect timing. I opened the door expecting to see Ellie, but instead, it was Ari. “Ari, what are you doing here?”

  She frowned. “Good to see you too, Jeff.”

  Pushing past me, she walked into the room. “Ellie couldn’t get out of work this morning, so she asked me to go and pick you and your friend up some clothes. Party too hard last night?”

  She glanced around the room. There was a pile of condoms on the bedside table.

  “Is there a secret you’ve been hiding from us, Jeff?” she asked with her brow raised.

  I grabbed the bags out of her hands. She was clearly trying not to laugh. “You can leave now, Ari.”

  She sat down on the sofa. “Oh, I don’t think so, Johnson. I have to hear how you ended up in a hotel room with another guy and neither of y’all have clothes.”

  Ari’s eyes moved hungrily over my body while she chewed on the corner of her lip. “Did y’all compare your dicks?”

  My mouth dropped. “No! For fuck’s sake.”

  “Hmmm. That’s a shame. I’d be curious to know which one of y’all is packing more.”

  I closed my eyes and prayed like hell Josh didn’t hear Ari. He’d come rushing out at the chance to show her his dick.

  “So how’d you get into this pickle?”

  “It’s none of your business. Now go on and do what little girls in high school do.”

  Her smile dropped, and I could see the hurt in her eyes. I instantly felt like a bastard.

  She stood. Her hands went to her hips. “You really are an asshole, Jeff. What happened to you that made you such a jerk?”

  You happened. You and your fucking perfectly beautiful body.

  “I’m sorry. It’s been a long morning, and I’m ready to get the hell out of here. I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “Were you in an orgy or something? I honestly didn’t think you were the type.” Her eyes looked sad.

  I sighed. She was clearly not leaving until I told her what had happened. Fine. If she wanted to stay, she was going to get a little show in the process.

Dumping the clothes out onto the bed, I grabbed a pair of the jeans and ripped off the tags.

  “You really want to know?”

  She nodded and sat back down. I ripped the blanket off, giving her a good look at my entire naked body. I had to hand it to her—she didn’t flinch. Her eyes slowly traveled over my body and then back up to where her gaze met mine. The corners of her mouth moved into a slow, sexy-as-hell smile, and now I felt like an idiot because my dick was getting hard from her stare.

  When she winked, I nearly moaned. Fucking hell. How was she staying so cool? If she stripped in front of me, I’d be a mess.

  “Not bad. Is that supposed to be a clue or something?”

  Damn her.

  “I hooked up with a girl last night who happened to slip me something in my drink. Next thing I knew, Josh was here, and they were getting it on while I sat over there and watched him fuck her, but I don’t remember watching them.” I closed my eyes and whispered, “Thank God.”

  Ari giggled.

  “I passed out. Lord knows what in the hell they did while I was out. I woke up naked, in the same bed as my best friend. Sunshine took off with our clothes and wallets.”

  Ari held up her hand. “Hold up. Sunshine? Her name was Sunshine?”


  She snarled her lip and stood up. “Gross. She sounds like a whore.”

  “Yeah, well, she probably was for all I know. She was our waitress yesterday.”

  I could see the look of disappointment in her eyes.

  “Don’t look at me that way. All I wanted to do was get laid.”

  Her body jerked, like my words slapped her right across the face. Reaching for the purse she had dropped on the table, she shook her head. “I’d say you got screwed in more than one way. Hope she was worth it.”

  Ari started for the door.

  “Ari, wait.”

  When she stopped and turned back to face me, I closed my eyes and let out a breath before focusing back on her. I needed her to know this wasn’t me. It wasn’t something I normally did. “I don’t normally do shit like this.”

  Her head tilted as she seemed to stare straight into my soul.