Page 9 of Desired

  I laughed. “Yeah, wait until the last few weeks. It’s boring as hell.”

  We both gave each other a grin. This was nice. Just the two of us being civil with each other.

  “Ellie said you’re going to UT also.”

  “Yep. I’m a little nervous. The campus is so big, and after today . . .” Her voice trailed off, and her eyes filled with tears again.

  I reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “Don’t ever walk around campus alone at night. Okay?”

  She nodded. “’Kay.”

  “If you ever need anything, y’all call me or Gunner.”

  Her brows lifted. “Who’s Gunner?”

  I sat back in my chair. If she got one look at the bastard, I’m sure she would have to wipe the drool away.

  “My roommate.”

  She grinned. “That’s right. You always make him leave when Ellie comes over. Why?”

  It was my turn to shrug. “I don’t know. He’s good-looking, and I don’t really want my sister having a crush on a college guy. At least not yet,” I said, shooting her a wink.

  Ari took a drink of her coffee, dropping her head so I wouldn’t see the pink on her cheeks. “You ever think maybe she might not have a crush on him?”

  My head tossed back, laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked, letting loose a small laugh of her own.

  “You have to see Gunner to understand.”

  She gave me a really look. “Well, now I’m intrigued. Let me see a picture of him.”

  I frowned. “Hell no.”

  “Why. You afraid I’ll have a crush too?”


  Fuck. It came out before I could stop it.

  Ari chewed on her lip for a few seconds, and my dick instantly started to get hard.

  “No, I mean, I wouldn’t care if you liked him. Well, I guess I would in a brotherly kind of way.”

  Fuck. Dig yourself deeper into the friend zone there, Jeff.

  She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Don’t worry; I sort of already like a guy.”

  My stomach dropped. “Really?”

  It wasn’t lost on me how disappointed my voice sounded.

  “Well, maybe it’s more of a crush kind of thing. It would never work out, so I admire from afar.”

  “Huh? I’m sure he’d want to know.”

  She shook her head, then laughed. “Nah. He’s older and has no interest in me at all. He’s made that very clear.” When her eyes met mine, for the briefest of moments, I thought maybe she was talking about me.

  No fucking way.

  Ari couldn’t stand being near me half the time. This was the first time in years we had even talked like civil human beings to one another.

  “Then it’s his loss.”

  Her eyes widened slightly before she broke the stare. “So let me see a picture of him.”

  I sighed and pulled out my phone.

  “Shirt on or off?”

  “Um . . . I’m slightly disturbed you have a shirtless picture of your roommate on your phone, Jeff.”

  I laughed. “Don’t let your thoughts get crazy. We were at spring training a few days ago and were messing around. A friend of ours told us to take off our shirts and pose. He was sending the picture to a girl who was interested in a double date, and he wanted her to pick between me and Gunner.”

  Ari snarled her lip. “Christ almighty, what type of women are y’all dating at UT?”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, well, she wanted her friend to pick, so . . .”

  She rolled her eyes and held her hand out for me to show her.

  The idea that Ari would like Gunner made me physically sick. Pulling up the photo of me and Gunner messing around a few weeks back, I handed her my phone.

  Ari winked as she took it from me. Her smile faded quickly, and she stared just a little too long. I needed to know which one of us she was looking at. I could have shown her a picture of just Gunner, but I showed her this one on purpose. It was both of us. Shirtless.

  “Wow. I didn’t realize you had such an amazing um . . . tattoo.” Her eyes lifted to mine, and her teeth sunk into her lip.

  My stomach dropped. She had been staring at me and not Gunner. I wanted to fist-pump and yell out in celebration right then and there.

  “Yeah, you didn’t know I had that?” I asked as she looked back down at my phone.

  She shook her head and replied, “No. When did you get so built?”

  I laughed. “I work out, Ari. A lot.”

  Her gaze lifted to mine again and then back to the phone. “I see that.”

  “So what about Gunner . . . see what I mean?”

  Her eyes drifted to the left, and that’s when I knew she hadn’t even looked at him yet. That did weird shit to my chest.

  With a half shrug, she answered, “I mean, he’s cute. Nice body and all.”

  She handed me back my phone and smiled. “I could see Ells thinking he was hot. She’s dating Ryan, though, so I honestly think you don’t have to worry about it.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I took my phone from her hand. I attempted to ignore the way my skin caught on fire when my fingers brushed against hers. Of course, when she inhaled quickly at our touch, the fire grew ten times hotter across my skin.

  What in the hell was happening?

  “Yeah well, I’m not ready to introduce her to the college scene just yet.”

  Her smile was genuine. “I can understand that. It won’t be much longer, though. A few more months, and she’ll be graduated.”

  I nodded. The faster she got out of that house with my mother, the better.

  “You feeling better?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be going back down there to volunteer for a while. That really sucks, though; I love it.”

  An idea hit me. “Well, we could go together. I mean, I could pick you up and drive you over. That way if he is ever there, he’ll see you with me.”

  Her mouth parted open, and she stared at me for a few seconds before pressing her lips tightly together and looking away.

  “No? Doesn’t sound like a good idea?” I asked.

  “That’s a pretty big commitment on your part. I wouldn’t ask you to do that.”

  I smiled. “You’re not asking; I’m offering.”

  She let out an awkward laugh. “We don’t even really get along anymore, Jeff.”

  I winked. “We seem to be getting along fine right now.”

  Ari chewed on her lower lip, and I knew she was thinking it over. I reached for her hand, not being able to go another second without touching her. Even if it was meant to only be a sweet gesture.

  Then I heard my name.


  Turning, I let out a mumbled curse word when I saw her. “Hey there, Lynn.”

  Lynn Dominic walked up to the table and smiled. She glanced over to Ari. “Oh! Is this your little sister you told me about?”

  Ari lifted her chin and forced a smile.

  “No, um, this is a friend of mine. Ari Peterson, this is Lynn Dominic.”

  Ari smiled. I could tell it was forced.

  “Hi, Lynn. I’m actually best friends with Jeff’s sister, Ellie.”

  Lynn glanced down to my hand covering Ari’s, then back to me. “She’s a little young, isn’t she, Jeff?”

  Jerking her hand out from mine, Ari sat back some. Her face showed her embarrassment.

  I shook my head and kept my smile the same. Fucking hell, Lynn. Just go away.

  “What can I do for you, Lynn?”

  Her eyes heated, and I had to force myself not to let out a frustrated sigh.

  “I saw you sitting here and thought I’d say hi.”

  With a nod, I replied, “Hi.”

  She laughed. “Is that it? I don’t get to join y’all or anything?”

  “No, I’m having coffee with a friend.”

  “Well, that gives me hope then.”

  With a confused expression, I asked, “Hope for w

  “A second date. I’m open tonight if you’re in the mood for dinner.”

  My mouth nearly dropped open. Was she serious?

  I glanced back over to Ari. She was now staring down at her cup of coffee.

  “Sorry, Lynn. As you can see, I’m actually with someone right now, and I’m perfectly content on staying here with her.”

  Ari’s eyes lifted to mine, and she smiled. There was no fucking way I was blowing off Ari for Lynn. Not when we were getting along so damn good.

  Lynn’s gaze bounced between me and Ari. “Okay, well, I guess I’ll see you around then.”

  I nodded. “See ya around.”

  When Lynn walked off, I watched while Ari stared at her.

  “Wow. Do you always have women come up to you and offer themselves up like that?”

  There was no way I was going to answer that question truthfully. “She only wanted a free dinner.”

  Ari focused back on me. Her expression told me she knew I was full of shit. “Yeah . . . she wanted something all right, but it wasn’t dinner.”

  When her phone went off, she glanced down at it. “It’s my mom. Do you think I should tell my folks what happened?”

  I don’t know why I did it, but I slid my hand across the table and grabbed on to her hand again. I gave it a little squeeze. Ari’s eyes fell to our hands and then snapped back up to look directly at me.

  “Yeah, I’d tell them about it, sweetheart.”

  She swallowed hard. “Th—thanks, Jeff. For being there for me today.”

  “Anytime, Squirt.”

  Something in her eyes changed, and she pulled her hand away from mine. She stood quickly. “I better go.”

  Fuck. I just treated her like she was my sister’s annoying best friend. I knew she hated that nickname, and I had no fucking clue why I used it just now.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked as I stood along with her.

  She stared at me for the longest minute. It felt like she wanted to say something but wasn’t sure if she should.

  “Thank you again. I’m sorry I pulled you away, and I hope I didn’t ruin a date or anything.”

  “A date?” I asked with a gruff laugh. “I didn’t have any plans, and stop saying you’re sorry. I’m glad you called me, Ari. Really glad.”

  She smiled, and this time it reached those beautiful eyes of hers. “I have to go.”

  “I’ll walk you to your jeep.”


  As we walked through the parking lot, I tried like hell to get the courage to just ask her out. But what if she laughed? Or worse, what if we went out, and things got out of hand and I ended up sleeping with her? Was I ready to settle down with just one girl? Yes . . . if it was Ari. Or no. Shit. I was so confused. Hell, she was younger than me, still in high school and getting ready to start a new life. Then another thought occurred to me.

  Ellie would never forgive me if I hurt Ari.

  When we got to her jeep, I opened the door for her.

  “So thanks again,” she said, barely above a whisper.

  I wanted so badly to drop my mouth onto hers.

  “Sure. That’s what friends are for.”

  She looked down and nodded. “Yep.”

  Before I could say anything else, she was in her jeep and shutting the door.


  After she started the jeep, I tapped on the window. She rolled it down.

  “Please be careful, okay? Don’t go back to the shelter. If you do want to go, you call me, okay?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Okay.”

  I didn’t know what in the hell came over me, but I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. My entire body felt like it came to life. Ari let out a breath of air as she smiled.

  Taking a few steps back to distance myself from her, I nodded. “See ya around.”

  “See ya around, Jeff.”

  Watching Ari pull out and drive off gutted me. What I wouldn’t give to have that girl be mine. I always thought it was a dream that would never happen. But after today, I had a small glimmer of hope bubble up in my chest at the idea that there was a small chance that dream could maybe come true.

  Chapter Thirteen – Josh

  I sat in my truck and dropped my head back against the headrest. It was one in the morning, and I’d just left the apartment of the girl I had hooked up with earlier. The same ache in my chest was present as I let out a long frustrated groan.

  When was this going to get old? At least once a week I was walking away from a different girl’s bed. Every time I did, I’d promise myself this was it. It was a vice I couldn’t seem to let go, though.

  Turning the key over, I started my Dodge truck and headed home. There was a car parked on the side of the road with two girls standing there looking at a flat tire.

  “Christ, that’s not safe.”

  Quickly pulling over, I sat there for a moment and thought about the whole Sunshine thing. How did I know these two girls weren’t up to something?

  I glanced in the mirror and saw them both get back into their car. Yeah, they were scared. There was no way they were up to no good.

  Getting out of my truck, I slowly walked up to the car but stayed back enough that I hoped they would see I wasn’t a threat.

  “Y’all need some help?” I asked, trying to peek into the window.

  The girl in the driver’s seat rolled the window down just a bit.

  “My dad is on his way to fix the tire.”

  Leaning down, I caught a glimpse of the other girl and something weird happened when her eyes met mine. I could hardly see her, but a strange feeling washed over me.

  “I don’t mind helping if y’all need help. I can give you my license to hold on to if you want while I change your tire.”

  The driver chewed on her lip. “That’s awfully nice of you, but my father would kick my ass if he knew we got help from a stranger.”

  Nodding, I bounced my gaze between the two of them. “Y’all in high school?”

  “Yes. Mandy, and that’s Heather. Thank you so much for the offer, though.”

  With my hand held up, I replied, “It’s my pleasure. I’m just going to go sit in my truck until your father gets here. Just so no other guy shows up. You might want to let your dad know so when he pulls up he doesn’t shoot my ass.”

  The girl in the passenger seat laughed.

  What in the fuck?

  It felt like my heart dropped to my damn stomach. There was something about that laugh.

  “I’ll let my dad know. Thanks again; we appreciate it.”

  With a nod, I leaned down and smiled at the girl in the passenger seat. I’d already forgotten her name because those blue eyes of hers erased everything in this world but her.

  “Y’all have a good night.”

  She waved. “You too. Thanks.”

  Walking back to my truck, I jumped in and pulled up the calendar on my phone.

  March twenty-fifth. I was marking this day down in my calendar. It was the first day in my entire life a woman actually made my heart jump instead of my dick.

  The light in the car came on, and I watched both girls. The driver had long dark hair; the passenger had blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. She stared at my truck, and I knew she probably couldn’t see me sitting in there. I had my headlights off and my hazards going. Even though I couldn’t really see her that great, I could tell she smiled, and I hoped like hell it was a smile for me.

  Lights in the distance grew closer, and another truck pulled up behind the girls’ car. An older man got out and walked to the window and leaned in. I was hoping like hell it was the driver’s father. I got out of the truck and stood there for a few seconds before he headed my way.

  “Thank you so much for waiting here for me to get here. I appreciate you looking out after my daughter and her friend.”

  I shook his outstretched hand. “It was my pleasure, sir. I would have changed the tire for them, but your daughter said you would have
been mad if the girls got out of the car.”

  He laughed.

  “I don’t mind changing it now for you.”

  “Son, I wish there were more young man like you out there. I appreciate it, but I’ve got it. Thank you again.”

  With a nod, I reached for his hand again. “Sure thing.”

  Glancing over his shoulder, both girls were now standing outside of the car. I got a better look at both of them.

  The driver was cute as hell, but the passenger, holy fuck. She was stunning. When she saw me staring at her, she turned around.

  I cleared my throat and said good night to everyone before turning on my heels and climbing back into my truck.

  My hands gripped the steering wheel, and I took in a long, deep breath.

  It was all in my head. There was no way some high school girl standing on the side of the road actually made me wish for something more . . . with her. Hell, I could see the innocence pouring off both of them. What the hell am I talking about? I could hardly even see her!

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

  No. This is insane.

  After getting home I jumped into a hot shower to wash off the smell from the last girl I was with. When my hand wrapped around my cock, I closed my eyes and pictured her blue gaze. It didn’t take long before I became so fucking hard I had to catch my breath, my hand resting against the shower wall, holding me up as I pulled in short, quick breaths.

  Slipping in under the covers, I forced myself to forget about the stranger on the side of the road.

  Tomorrow was a new day. It would either be a bottle of Jack Daniels or another bed to crawl out of to drown out the loneliness.

  Chapter Fourteen – Gunner

  Sweat poured off me as I pulled my baseball cap off and wiped my forehead. My shoulder was killing me, but I pushed through the pain and ignored it. One stupid mistake, and I was landing on my shoulder wrong during spring training. At least it wasn’t so bad that I needed surgery.

  “You getting tired?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Hell no. I’m just getting started.”

  Jeff shook his head while he attached the fence puller on the top wire. “After this, we’re done.”

  Thank fuck.