Page 14 of Tempted

Chapter Fourteen

  Zoey! Are you in there? Let me in! In less than a breath I was off the bed and at the door. I wrenched it open to find Stark leaning heavily against the doorframe. Stark? What are you doing out of bed? He was wearing hospital scrub pants and no shirt. His chest was covered by a huge white gauze Band-Aid that wrapped all the way around his torso. His face was the color of bone, and a veil of sweat beaded his forehead. He was drawing short, ragged breaths and looked like he was going to fall over any second.

  But in his right hand he clutched his bow, and it was notched with an arrow. Shit! Get him in here before he passes out. If he falls down, we'll never get him up again, and he's too damn big to drag around. I tried to grab Stark, but surprising me with his strength, he shook me off. No, I'm fine, he said, stalking into the room and looking around us like he expected someone to jump out of the closet. I'm not going to pass out, he spat out as he got his breathing under control. I stepped in front of him, calling his attention back to me. Stark, there's no one here. What are you doing here? You shouldn't even be out of bed, let alone climbing stairs. I felt you. You were terrified. So I came to you. I had a bad dream, that's all. I wasn't in any danger. Kalona? Was he in your dream again? Again? How long have you been dreaming about him? Aphrodite asked.

  Unless you're sleeping with someone, and I don't mean just a roommate, Kalona can get into your dreams if he wants to, Stark said. That doesn't sound good. They're just dreams, I said. Do we know that for sure? Aphrodite asked. She directed the question to Stark, but I answered her. Well, I'm not dead. So it was just a dream. Not dead? You need to explain that, Stark said. His breathing had leveled off, and even though he still looked pale, he sounded every bit like a dangerous Warrior who was ready to fulfill his oath and protect his High Priestess. In her dream Zoey hurled herself off the top of a cliff to get away from Kalona, Aphrodite said. What did he do to you? Stark's voice was low and filled with anger. Nothing! I said way too quickly. That's because you jumped off a cliff before he could do anything, Aphrodite said. What was he trying to do? Stark asked again. I sighed. The same old stuff. He wants to control me. That's not how he puts it, but it's what he wants, and I'm never going to give him what he wants. Stark's jaw tightened.

  I should have known he'd try to get to you through your dreams. I know his tricks! I should have made sure you slept with Heath or Erik. Aphrodite snorted. That's a new one. Boyfriend number three wants you to sleep with boyfriend one or two. I'm not her boyfriend! Stark practically roared. I am her Warrior. I've given my oath to protect her. That means more than some bullshit crush or stupid jealousy. Aphrodite just stared at him; for once she didn't seem to know what to say. Stark, it was just a dream, I said with a lot more conviction than I felt. It doesn't matter how many times Kalona butts into my dreams, the result is going to be the same. I'm not going to give in to him. You better make sure of that because if you do, the rest of us are in for some serious shit, Aphrodite said. What does she mean? She had another vision, that's all.

  That's all? Talk about being underappreciated. She gave Stark a long look. So, Arrow Boy, if you sleep with Zoey, will that keep Kalona out of her dreams? It should, Stark said. Then I think you should sleep with Zoey, and since three is definitely a crowd in situations like this, I'm out of here. Where are you going? I asked. Wherever Darius is, and, no, I do not give a shit if it annoys the penguins. Seriously, I do have a massive headache. So I'll just be sleeping, but I'm going to be with my vamp. And that's all there is to it. She grabbed her clothes and her purse. I figured she was going to duck into a bathroom and change out of her granny nightgown before finding Darius, which made me remember I was standing there in my very own granny nightgown. I sat down on my bed and sighed. Oh, yeah, he'd already seen me blazingly naked, which was way more embarrassing than a white cotton granny nightgown.

  My shoulders slumped. Goddess, for a girl who had multiple boyfriends, I was seriously impaired in the ooh-look-how-cool-I-am department. Before Aphrodite made it out the door, I called, Don't say anything about your vision until I have a chance to think more. I mean, I hurried on, you can tell Darius, but that's it, okay? I get it. You want to avoid hysteria. Whatever. I'm not much up for listening to the nerd herd and the rest of the masses shriek, either. Get some sleep, Z. I'll see you at sunset. She gave Stark a little wave and then shut the door firmly behind her. Stark came over to the bed, sitting heavily beside me. He flinched a little as the pain in his chest must have finally registered. He set his bow and arrow on the bedside table and gave me a rueful grin. So, I won't be needing these? Ya think? Which means my hands are now conveniently free.

  He opened his arms to me and shot me a cocky look. Why don't you come here, Z? Hang on. I hurried over to the window, buying time while I wondered how I could move from one man's arms to another. I definitely can't rest until I make sure you're not going to incinerate, I babbled. While I was pulling the blinds I couldn't resist peeking out, and was rewarded with the sight of a day that included very little light. It was a silent gray world filled with ice and gloom. Nothing was moving. It was like life outside the abbey, along with the trees and grass and fallen power lines, had been frozen. Well, I guess this explains how you made it up here without being fried to a crisp. There is no sun out there. I kept staring out the window, mesmerized by the world turned to ice. I knew I wasn't in any danger, Stark said from the bed. I could feel that the sun was up, but it's not shining through all that icy stuff and the clouds.

  It was safe for me to come to you. Then he added, Z, would you come over here! My mind is telling me you're okay, but my gut's still a little shaky. I turned around, surprised that the cocky tone in his voice was gone. I left the window and put my hand in his, sitting on the edge of the bed. I am okay--a lot more okay than you'd be right now if you'd come rushing up here in the middle of a sunny morning. When I felt your fear I had to come. Even at the risk of my own life. That's part of the oath I swore to you. Really? He nodded, smiled, and lifted my hand to his lips. Really. You're my lady and my High Priestess. I'll always protect you. I cupped his face in my hand and couldn't stop staring at him, for some reason that suddenly made me cry. Hey, don't do that--don't cry. He brushed the tears from my cheek. Come here to me. Wordlessly, I slid in beside him, being careful not to bump his chest.

  He put his arm around me and I leaned against him, hoping that the warmth of his touch could wipe away the memory of Kalona's cold passion. He does it on purpose, you know? I didn't have to ask. I knew he was talking about Kalona. Stark kept talking. It's not real--the stuff he makes you feel. That's what he does. He finds a person's weakness and he uses it. Stark paused, and I could tell there was more he wanted to say. I didn't want to hear it. I wanted to curl up, and in the safety of my Warrior's arms, I wanted to sleep and forget. But I couldn't. Not after A-ya's memory. Not after Aphrodite's visions. Go on, I said. What else? His arm tightened around me. Kalona knows your weakness is the connection you have with that Cherokee girl who trapped him. A-ya, I said. Yeah, A-ya. He'll use her against you. I know. I could feel his hesitation, but finally Stark said, You want him--Kalona, I mean.

  He makes you want him. You fight against it, but he gets to you. My stomach squeezed and I wanted to be sick, but I answered Stark honestly. I know and it scares me. Zoey, I believe you'll keep saying no to him, but if you ever give in, you can count on me to be there. I'll stand between you and Kalona, even if it's the last thing I do. I laid my head on his shoulder, remembering all too well that Aphrodite hadn't said anything about Stark being in either of her visions. He turned his head and kissed me softly on the forehead. Oh, by the way, nice nightgown. A little bubble of unexpected laughter escaped me. If you weren't hurt I'd smack you. He gave me his cocky grin. Hey, I like it. Makes me think I'm in bed with a bad little Catholic schoolgirl from one of those twisted all-girl prep schools. Want to tell me about the naked pillow fights you and your roommates used to have? I rolled my eyes at him.

  Uh, maybe late
r when you haven't just almost died. Okay, cool. I'm too tired to do any impressive proving anyway. Stark, why don't you drink from me? Just a little, I hurried on when he started to protest. Look, Kalona isn't here. Actually, from my dream it's pretty clear that he's far away, since there aren't any islands anywhere close to Oklahoma. You don't know where he is. He could have been making you see him as being anywhere in your dream. No, he's on an island. As I spoke I felt the truth of my guess. He needed to go to an island to recharge. Do you have a clue where that might be? Did you ever hear him talking about an island with Neferet? Stark shook his head. Nope. He never said anything about it around me, but the fact that it's an island tells us you hurt him. Bad. Which means I'm safe right now, which also means it's okay for you to drink from me.

  No, he said firmly. You don't want to? Don't be insane! I want to, but I can't. We can't. Not right now. Look, you need my blood and my energy, or spirit, or whatever, to get better. I lifted my chin so he had a clear view of my jugular. So, go ahead. Bite me. I closed my eyes and held my breath. Stark laughed, which had my eyes popping open to see him chuckling while he clutched painfully at his chest, wheezed, and then laughed some more. I frowned at him. What is so funny? Stark managed to control himself enough to say, It's just that you look like something out of an old Dracula movie. You should be asking if I vant to suck yur blood. He made a creepy face and bared his teeth. I felt my cheeks burning and pulled away from him. Never mind. Forget I even mentioned it. Let's just go to sleep, 'kay? I started to roll over, but he caught my shoulder and turned me back to him.

  Hang on, hang on--I'm messing this up. He was suddenly serious. Zoey. Stark touched my cheek. I'm not drinking from you, because I can't. Not because I don't want to. Yeah, I heard you before. I was still embarrassed and tried to turn my head, but he forced me to meet his gaze. Hey, I'm sorry. His voice had gone deep and sexy. I shouldn't have laughed at you. I should have just told you the truth, but I'm new to being a warrior. It's gonna take me a little while to get it right. His thumb caressed my cheekbone, following the line of my tattoos. I should have told you that the only thing I want more than a taste of your blood is to know that you're safe and strong. He kissed me. Plus, I don't need to drink from you, because I know that I'm going to be okay. He brushed his lips against mine. Want to know how I know that? Uh-huh, I murmured.

  I know because your safety is my strength, Zoey. Go to sleep now. I'm here. He lay back, settling me against his side. Just before my eyes fluttered shut I whispered, If someone tries to wake me up, would you please kill them? Stark chuckled. Anything for you, my lady. Good. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with my Warrior holding me tightly and keeping me safe from dreams and ghosts of the past.