Page 13 of Hollow

  “Sorry, ladies. I need to steal him away for a moment.”

  There were a few groans and Ezra promised he’d return as I took him over to the tents so we could talk privately. I was ready to put an end to this deal once and for all so I could cut Knox out of my life for good.

  “I need a favor from you.”

  His eyes lit up as he stuck his hand in his pocket, pulling out two pills. “The blue one will make you feel nothing, the red will make you feel everything. Which is it, Alice?”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  He shrugged as I pulled my lower lip between my teeth, looking over my shoulder at Knox whose lips were moving along Cadence’s neck as she giggled.

  Ezra popped the red one into his mouth before taking my drink and finishing it off. “Now, what is it you need?”

  “You see that guy that Tatum is talking to? That’s her boyfriend, Bryce. Knox wants him gone, but Tatum isn’t going to just walk away from him without a… distraction.”

  “And what are you getting out of all of this?” His eyes narrowed.

  I looked back at where Knox had been sitting put the spot was now vacant. I didn’t know why I cared, or what Cadence had that I didn’t, but none of that mattered now. A deal’s a deal, and I was going to keep up my end, but on my terms.

  “You don’t have something going on with him, do you?”

  “Just help me out. I’ll take care of Bryce.”

  I took my cup back from Ezra and headed over to Bryce as my body began to feel light and the anger that was starting to consume me evaporated.

  “Bryce,” I called out when I was only a few steps from Tatum. Both of them looked to me, and I had to blink several times to bring them into focus. “Can you help me work the beer thing. I’m so stupid, I can’t figure it out.”

  He smirked, immediately standing taller. “The keg? Yeah, I can help you out.”

  “Thanks.” I glanced over Bryce’s shoulder to Ezra, who was already making his way toward us.

  I began to chat up Bryce, pulling him toward the keg as Ezra started up a conversation with Tatum so she wouldn’t follow us.

  “This is a great party,” he said, his voice cutting through the fog that was settling in my head.

  “I can’t take credit for that. That was all Knox’s work,” I admitted as he filled my cup.

  “The trick is, tilting the cup to the side and pouring it really slowly, you get less head that way.”

  “I never thought I’d hear a guy say he’d like less head,” I quipped as my drink overflowed the cup, running over his hand and down his pant leg.

  “Shit,” he jumped back, shaking off his damp arm.

  “It’s okay. Did you bring extra clothes?”

  “No, all I brought was a sleeping bag to sleep out under the stars.”

  “You can change in my tent. It’s the orange one right over there. I’m sure Ezra brought something you can wear.”

  “Thanks,” he smiled as he handed me my drink. I took a sip, searching the crowd for Tatum but I didn’t see her or Ezra.

  “Come on,” I looped my arm in his and stumble-stepped my way toward the tent.

  “Woah, you’re a little wobbly.”

  “I’m fine. Just not used to walking in the woods,” I slurred as he bent down to unzip my tent.

  “Thanks,” Crawling inside I grabbed Ezra’s bag and yanked it open, flipping through his clothing before my hand landed on a bottle of pills. Groaning, I dropped it and continued searching as Bryce crawled in beside me.

  “These will do.” He grabbed a pair of jeans. “You sure he’s cool with this?”

  I waved my hand. “He won’t even notice,” I assured him before crawling to the tent door and stepping back outside and fumbling with the zipper. My eyes locked on to Knox’s. Cadence was standing with her back toward me, talking animatedly with her hands. I was lost in a daze as Bryce crawled out of the tent and stood beside me as he pulled up his zipper and thanked me.

  Some guy walked over, slapping and shaking hands with Bryce. His voice was coming in and out in waves as he praised Bryce. “I can’t believe you hit that with your girl here and everything.”

  “It’s not like that,” Bryce explained, but it was too late. This was how rumors began, and if I could feel anything right now, it would be pride. I tipped my cup of beer to my mouth and took a sip before running my finger along my lower lip.

  “Thanks again, Bryce.” I held up my beer. “So, less head next time if I go nice and slow, right?”

  “Right.” He shot me a lopsided grin as I turned to stumble away. I could hear his friend laughing.

  My stomach turned knowing I had just ruined any chance at friendship with Tatum. I felt as hollow inside as I pretended to be every day. A deal was a deal, and this one little rumor would handle everything I needed to do.

  I sank down on a stump in front of the fire, taking another sip from my cup, watching the flames dance in front of me. A large shadow stepped in front of me, and my eyes traveled upward, locking onto Knox’s face.

  “That didn’t take long.”

  I snorted, stifling a laugh. “Well, don’t tell poor Bryce that, you might hurt his fragile ego. You look surprised. You didn’t think I’d hold up my end of the deal? I’m not a liar either, Knox.”

  He shook his head before sinking down on his haunches. His hand grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

  “Yes, you are.” His voice trailed off. “We both are.”

  I swatted away his hand, turning my head away so I wouldn’t have to look him in the eye. “No, I’m not.”

  Knox pushed to his feet as his eyes scanned the crowd. “Where’s Tatum?”

  “I dunno. The last time I saw her, she was with Ezra.” I shrugged. Knox bent over; his face only inches from mine.

  “You let her go off with that fucking junkie?”

  “I thought it was your job to watch her. You were too busy with Candace over there.”


  “How come you can remember her name and not mine?”

  “What?” He straightened again as he stared down at me like I had lost my mind.

  “You never call me by my name.”

  “Maybe hers is worth knowing,” he spat angrily before storming off, pulling his phone out of his pocket. My eyes focused back on the fire, but it blurred as fresh tears pricked my eyes. I swallowed hard, refusing to let them fall as I focused again on the fire.


  “How soon can you be here?” I asked as I made my way across the site, looking through the crowd for Tatum.

  “Five minutes,” Ivory replied, and I hung up as soon as I saw Ezra.

  “Take a walk, Tatum,” I said, my eyes locked on Ezra’s over her shoulder. “Go find Cadence.”

  “We’re just talking,” she shot back, but when I lowered my gaze to hers, she huffed before mumbling something about refilling her drink and disappeared.

  “Having fun?” I asked, my fingers flexing, itching to make contact with his pretty boy face.

  “Look, man,” he held up his hands. “We were just talking. I was doing Riley a favor.”

  “I’m about to do Riley a favor too.” I took a step closer to him before dipping my hand into my pocket and pulling out the small baggie and holding it up between us. “Recognize this?”

  He laughed nervously, shaking his head. “I was just trying to help her have a good time by bringing her a taste of home. That’s all.”

  “That right?” Liam walked up beside me but didn’t say anything. “You give a taste to anyone else?” My eyes narrowed, and I leaned closer, towering over him. “Maybe a girl out at the Old Mill?”

  His eyes widened as he looked between the two of us, finally realizing that this was about more than just Riley, not that I didn’t want to knock his fucking teeth out the moment he called her his girl.

  “She was asking me if I had anything. I didn’t offer.”

  “But you indulged her, right?” I laughed
as I heard bike engines rumbling in the distance. “Well, I’m looking to get a little blood on my hands. Think you could help me out with that?” I asked as I cocked back and hit Ezra on the right side of his nose. I felt the bone give way under my knuckles and blood began to down over his lips. He grabbed his face, wincing before he spits out some blood on the ground between us.

  Someone yelled, “Fight,” off in the distance and people began to crowd around us, including several Hellraisers from the club.

  “Hit me. Fight back you fucking pussy,” I yelled as I spit at him. His hands clutched his face as he lurched forward, his shoulder hitting my stomach and causing me to stumble back a step before I brought an elbow down on the back of his head. He dropped to one knee before pushing to his feet.

  I raised my fists, and we both began to take steps to the side, slowly circling each other. “Show me what you got, Hollywood.” He dove toward me again, and I swung, hitting him with a right hook on the side of his head.



  High pitched screams broke through the wall of sadness, and I pushed to my feet as everyone hurried to my right. I watched them but couldn’t make out what they were all rushing toward in the dark.

  Stumbling, I dropped my cup and began to push through the crowd. As I reached the center, I saw Knox hunched over, his fists slamming against another body as Tatum stood off to the side, screaming for him to stop.

  “Oh, God!” I rushed to Knox, grabbing at the back of his shirt as he continued to beat Ezra. The twinkling lights flashing and dancing overhead illuminated Ezra’s bloodied face.

  “Stop,” I screamed again as Knox drew back his first, his elbow connecting with my cheekbone. I fell backward, my head hitting something hard and as I laid on the ground, unable to suck in a breath, I wondered why the blue pill had not blocked out the physical pain as I struggled to blink away the blurriness.

  “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t-” Knox’s voice was near me now but then gone.

  “Get the hell away from her!” Ezra was yelling from a few feet away.

  “Both of you get back and let her breathe,” Tatum said in a panic.

  Breathe. I tried to inhale again and my lungs burned as I was finally able to gasp.

  “She’s fine. She’s okay. She just had the wind knocked out of her,” Tatum called out as she helped me sit up. I coughed, causing my head to thump.

  “Here,” Knox’s arms slid under me, and he lifted me against his chest. Looping my arms around his neck, I rested my head against him as the crowd divided, allowing us to walk through to the clearing outside of all the chaos.

  Sitting me down on the grass, he examined my face under the light of the moon. When his rough fingertips brushed against my bruised cheek, I flinched, pulling back from his touch.

  “I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.”

  “Yeah, well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions,” I muttered as I held my palm lightly against my face. “Is Ezra okay?”

  “He’ll live,” He snapped before shaking his head. “Unfortunately.”

  I pushed to my feet, wobbling. Knox grabbed my arm to help me steady myself before his fingers slid from my skin.

  A figure emerged from the trees, and Knox turned around, stepping in front of me as Ezra came into view. Several large, scary looking men were behind him, but they kept their distance.

  “I’m going to have your ass thrown in jail. How the fuck am I supposed to work with my face looking like this?” Ezra shouted before spitting blood on the ground.

  “You should have thought of that before you came into my town.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” I asked. Ezra glanced over at me, his expression unreadable.

  “It’s club business,” Knox spoke, not taking my eyes off Ezra. I thought back to him telling me he didn’t want to be a member of the Hollow Hellions and my stomach sank.

  “I thought you weren’t -”

  His eyes cut to me, narrowing. “It’s complicated.”

  “Do you have any idea who I am?” Ezra continued, taking a step closer but Knox squared his shoulders, and Ezra stopped walking. “Why are you standing in front of her? You’re protecting her from me?” He laughed, stumbling a step to the side. “You attacked me! You hit her!”

  “Yeah, I know who you are. You’re going to be that body they find in the woods if you don’t watch your fucking tone,” Knox replied, his voice was so calm it sent a chill down my spine.

  “Come on, Riley. We’re leaving.”

  “She’s not going anywhere. You’re so fucked up on pills you can’t even stand straight.”

  Ezra looked at me, amused. “Like you give a damn about her.”

  “Ezra,” I pleaded, hoping he’d think before he spoke. But that wasn’t Ezra’s style. He was used to not having any consequences for his actions, and he wasn’t feeling any pain right now. I stepped in front of Knox so I could put my hands against his chest as Ezra continued to provoke him.

  “Riley, was it worth it? Was it worth ruining your friendship with me and with Tatum for him?” Ezra yelled, and I felt my stomach sink.

  “Shut up, Ezra,” I snapped but he knew how to hurt people. Words could do just as much damage as a fist, and Ezra had come out swinging. It didn’t matter if I was a casualty.

  “Can’t you see the way she looks at you? She would have done anything you asked her to. Trust me, I know. Because it’s the same way I’ve been looking at her since the day we met,” he continued. “What did he promise you, huh? What did he say to make you turn on everyone who gives a damn about you?”

  “Spare me the bullshit. We both know you don’t give a fuck about her,” Knox sneered.

  “You don’t know shit about me,” Ezra yelled back.

  “I know more than you think.”

  “Is it true?” Tatum stepped out of the trees and walked toward us, her mouth hanging open. Ezra’s bag fell from her hand to the ground below. One of the bikers picked it up and began to dig through the contents, pulling out several bottles of pills.

  “Tatum,” Knox shook free from my grip and walked toward her, but she held up her hands, fresh tears streaking the mascara down her cheeks.

  Her eyes cut to me. “How could you? How could you sleep with Bryce?” Her voice shook under her words.

  “Tatum,” Knox barked before I could say anything. “There’s more important shit going on right now than your little fight with your boyfriend.”

  Tatum swung, her palm connecting with the side of Knox’s face. “Fuck you,” she bit out as Cadence joined her at her side. “I never want to see any of you again!”

  “Come on, Tatum,” Cadence wrapped her arm around Tatum’s waist and guided her toward the cars parked out by the road.

  “Well, this has been an amazing party, as usual, Riley.” Bryce grabbed his bag from the ground before he pulled his phone from his pocket and held it in the air as he tried to get a signal. “I think it’s time for me to call it a night, don’t you? You kids stay out of trouble now.” He shot me a wink before stumbling toward the road and making a call, yelling loudly at whoever had answered.

  “I’ll make sure he finds his way back safely,” one of the bikers replied with a smirk before they began to walk after him across the field.

  I looked at Knox’s back as he stood, motionless, head hung.

  “Knox,” I whispered, wanting him to say something, anything to make this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach go away.

  “Go sleep it off in your car.”

  My fingers hung in the air, wanting to touch him again. Instead, I let my arm fall to my side. “I just-”

  “A deal's a deal, right?” He turned around, his face unreadable.

  “I don’t care about any of that anymore,” I whispered.

  “It’s too late for that, Riley. Sorry you got hurt.” There was no emotion in his voice. “That wasn’t my intention.”

  My hand went to my cheek but where I was really hurting was in my chest. The pain was crippling, radiating through my veins like fire.

  “Me too.” I turned, walking slowly across the grass, toward the road, struggling to swallow past the lump that had formed in my throat. My hands were shaking, and I dug through my purse to find my keys as I reached the edge of the small field.

  A sob ripped from my chest, and I leaned over the hood of my car as I let all of the emotions I’d suppressed take over. I missed my mom and my home back in California. Everyone here hated me and for the first time in my life I’d had a genuine friend who would never talk to me again.

  I took one last look over my shoulder to the trees. Knox was gone. Wiping my hand gingerly over my sore cheek to get rid of my tears, I climbed inside of my car, curling up in my seat to sleep.


  I walked back through the woods, making a beeline for Bryce. He was drinking beer, leaning against a tree. When he saw me, he stood straight, his eyes wide.

  “Where’s Tatum?” He took a step toward me but when my hand curled into a fist he stopped.

  “She’s gone. Your relationship is over.”

  “That’s not your choice!”

  I took a step toward him, and his words died in his throat. “I didn’t have to make that decision, did I? You fucked up all on your own. My hands are clean. Stay the fuck away from her.”

  “I just need to talk to her.”

  “You forget that I know your little secret. I’ve only kept it this long because I made a promise to a friend that I would, but if you come near Tatum again, I will fucking wreck you. You understand?”

  “Yeah,” he sighed, running his hand roughly through his hair before looking at the ground between us.

  “Good.” I took off through the crowd and out across the field to where my bike was parked on the edge of the lot.