Page 5 of Black Tie


  Entry #1

  I've found them! Years of chasing rumors and threads of threads and I've found them! Pray now I don't lose the trail. The sisters have moved to Rauchenwarth, a small hamlet south of Vienna, their evil game no doubt still afoot. I've taken a room at the inn of a neighboring hamlet, Ebergassing; I dare not reside in the same village as the sisters, that would be too close. My hosts are an old married couple, they speak very little, they go about their business with the quiet efficiency lent from years of experience. Their rates are fair for the area and their coffee is quite good. This morning I got up earlier than usual and felt the urge for some rigorous calisthenics. I bathed and headed towards Rauchenwarth. I had never been so close to the sisters before, I must proceed with extreme caution.

  I spent the day in Rauchenwarth trying to surreptitiously discover the precise whereabouts of the sisters. I took care to never reveal my true name or identity to the locals who I questioned. I stopped by the local tavern to ask the barman if anything strange had been going on. He told me the strangest thing to happen recently was a nosy traveler asking if anything strange had been going on. His sour attitude was likely due to my tip, or lack thereof. This quest had already cost me quite a deal of money.

  Entry #2

  After an exhaustive search today I have located the cottage the sisters are staying in. My belief is that they prey only on travelers heading to or from Vienna, never preying on locals. It is brilliant in its simplicity, it would take some time for suspicion to fall on the small town and by then they would have moved again. Tomorrow I shall observe the sister's cottage from a hide near their residence. God willing, I will learn their habits so as best to exploit them.

  Entry #3

  My God this is worse than I had feared! The cottage remained silent all morning and through the afternoon (though I did doze off for twenty minutes or so at noon). In the evening, with the setting sun I saw it. The silhouette of a woman exited the cellar, turned examining the countryside, and entered the cottage. Moments later two figures exited the cottage and entered the cellar. I have seen the sisters! My hand is shaking now as I write, the terror still lingers in me. I heard a scream of terror emanating from the cellar then abrupt silence! I was frozen in my hide by fear, I dare not move. I stayed there motionless for an hour before I dared to leave. I don't think I'll sleep this night.

Kris Shamloo's Novels