Page 9 of Tease Me

  more metal than blues. The entire reason he’d given up and switched to metal was because every genre he attempted sounded metal under his fingers. “I was never very good at it, though.”

  “He even tried country for a while,” Owen said.

  “Well, I am from Texas,” Adam reminded him, playing a country riff that also sounded very metal. He laughed at his lack of skill. “Apparently from the metal part of Texas.”

  The crowd really got behind this idea, cheering for their preferred genre of music.

  “Cuff’s better at country than I am,” Adam teased Kellen, who promptly played the intro to a well-known banjo tune.

  Adam mimicked the notes and, as expected, the backwoods banjo music sounded like incredibly distorted, loud and heavy guitar when he played it. “I’m sorry,” Adam said with a grin. “No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to play anything but metal.”

  The audience cheered, not minding his lack of range.

  “Then you’ve come to the right stage,” Jacob said, and he lifted his hand to signal Gabe to start the opening drum progression of the next song.

  Adam entered the song with a rapid string of notes, carrying the final in the series with a loud wail. Jacob caught on to Adam’s enthusiasm, hamming it up for the crowd with even more gusto than usual. Kellen seemed more concerned with playing every note perfectly—probably because he was trying to impress his composer guest—but it was Owen who was behaving completely out of character. Usually the life of the party, he kept to the back of the stage and played his bass lines with an air of glumness. It wasn’t as if bass riffs were ever particularly cheerful, but if Owen kept playing them like that, they’d all be suicidal by the end of the evening.

  Adam snuck up behind him and did his best impression of twerking to rub the strings of his guitar against Owen’s wireless receiver and produce a hideous cacophony. From the front, Adam was sure it looked like he was dry humping his bassist’s ass, but it was worth the hilarity that ensued as Owen stumbled forward several steps in absolute shock and then burst out laughing when he saw who was assaulting him.

  “Are you high?” he asked, and then his face fell when he seemed to think he’d discovered the truth.

  “On life!” Adam shouted and climbed up on the platform supporting Gabe’s drum kit so he could clang a symbol with his guitar stock.

  “I don’t know what’s in the water down here,” Jacob said at the end of the song, “but it apparently makes Adam feel real good.”

  Adam pointed at Madison, who was gaping at him from her position at the side of the stage, and then hopped off the drum platform to join Jacob.

  “I do feel good,” Adam said. “How do you all feel tonight?” he asked the audience.

  They cheered enthusiastically.

  “Well, I for one,” Jacob said, “am feeling a little twisted.”

  Which was Adam’s cue to start the intro to one of their most popular songs. He briefly wondered if he’d ever write anything as good as “Twisted” in the future or if he’d peaked early and his career was all downhill from here. He shoved the thought aside as he gave his all to the fret board. He’d worry about the future later. Or never. Never sounded like a better plan.

  When the stadium lights went up after the encore, Adam tossed his guitar to a waiting roadie and headed directly for Madison. After stealing a lingering kiss, he scooped her off her feet and tossed her over his shoulder, one hand under her skirt and resting securely on her bare thigh. He spun on his heel and trotted down the steps.

  “You’re crazy!” she accused with a laugh as he carried her down a corridor toward the exit.

  “Oh no, gust of wind,” he said, flipping her skirt up. Not high enough for anyone to see she wasn’t wearing panties, but still she slapped a hand over her butt, laughing and squirming on his shoulder.

  “Stop it! Have you lost your mind?” she asked.

  Quite possibly. He had an entire weekend free to enjoy Madison’s company, and he wasn’t going to allow stupid crap like responsibility and worry and reality put a damper on his enthusiasm.

  As the rest of the band were heading out of town for the weekend, Adam was doubly glad he’d rented the motorcycle for personal use. That way he didn’t have to wait for the rest of the guys to get their shit together. He was more than eager to get Madison back to the hotel and spend time together. He had plenty of teasing in store, but he also just liked to be around her. She made him happy to be alive. He couldn’t say that about any other person on the planet.

  He dropped her off at the bottom of the tour bus steps. “Put your leather back on,” he murmured into her ear. Just thinking about her in those tight leather pants had him all hot and bothered and the effect had little to do with the sultry night air.

  “I think—”

  “Unless you’d rather wait half an hour for a cab.” He didn’t want her to argue. And he wasn’t going to allow her to ride on a motorcycle in a skirt. He’d seen what the road could do to bare flesh, and he refused to risk damaging her perfect skin—no matter how unlikely they were to meet the pavement in the few miles between the venue and their hotel.

  “I wasn’t refusing,” she said. “I was going to say I think I’ll need your help.”

  She took his hand and led him up the bus steps.

  “You seemed to be having fun on stage tonight,” she said as she walked backward toward the empty bedroom, her eyes never leaving his.

  “I was,” he said. “You put me in a good mood.”

  “I do?”

  He nodded. “I usually try to hide the way you make me feel from the guys, but—” He shrugged. “I’m to the point where I don’t care what they think about us.” After all, the next time they saw her, he planned to have put a huge fucking diamond on her finger, and then they’d know for sure that he was pretty serious about Madison.

  “Are you ready to put me in a good mood?” she asked, the suggestiveness in her tone making his cock twitch with interest.

  “You aren’t already?”

  “I’m feeling pretty good, but I could be feeling a whole lot better.”

  He kicked the bedroom door closed behind him, bathing them in darkness. Her hand pushing down on his shoulder was the only cue he needed. He dropped to his knees before her and pushed her skirt up. He found her swollen mound by feel, working her heated flesh with his mouth.

  “Oh, Adam,” she moaned. “I need you so bad.”

  He grinned to himself, pressing his tongue into her cleft. If she thought she needed him now, he couldn’t even guess how much she’d need him by the next night. He unfastened her skirt as she clung to his hair with both hands and ground her pussy into his face.

  If he could kick his drug habit with the might of his willpower, teasing this woman incessantly while not giving in to his own needs should be as easy as strumming an A chord.

  Yeah, right.

  He tipped her back onto the bed and pulled her boots off. He had planned to dress her in her leather pants immediately, but he had to have a little taste of her first. She was already so worked up that he’d have to take great care to not let her come. Madison opened her legs wide as he settled his knees on the floor at the end of the bed. When he gripped her ass in both hands and pulled her pussy to his mouth, she cried out and her back arched off the mattress.

  He twirled his tongue in her opening, collecting the musky taste of her sex in his mouth. His cock pulsed with excitement at the promise of being enveloped in her slick heat.

  He pulled away and took a deep breath. Fuck, how was he supposed to keep her teetering on the edge if he wanted to fly beyond it with so little prompting? Her heel dug into his back and pulled him into her. He groaned, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks as he found her clit with his mouth and flicked it with his tongue until she was writhing with pleasure.

  He pulled away again, panting hard through his nose as he tried to regain his will to refrain from what he really wanted to do—fuck her as hard as she liked it.
  “Adam,” she moaned as she sat up to grab the back of his head. When he resisted her pull, she released her grip on him and reached between her thighs, rubbing her clit with rapid strokes that would quickly give her the release she craved. He captured her wrists and trapped her hands on either side of her hips.

  “If you come tonight, I’m not taking you to the sex club tomorrow,” he said.

  “What?” Her voice was breathy with excitement, and the sound of it took hold of his balls and tugged.

  He lowered his head and lapped at her drenched pussy. “No coming,” he said, turning his attention back to her clit.

  “Oh God,” she moaned, her hips rocking in time with the motion of his tongue. “I have to.”

  “Not if you want to see what I have in store for you tomorrow.”

  “That doesn’t make sense,” she complained.

  He chuckled. “It does to me.” He knew what a challenge it could be to push her out of her comfort zone. She would have to be at her tipping point before they arrived at the club the next night, or she’d never agree to what he proposed.

  “Put your pants on,” he said, rising to his feet and backing toward the door, because he knew if he stayed to help her, his so-called willpower would last about twenty seconds and then his own pants would be on the floor.

  “And if I refuse?” she asked, exasperation strong in her voice.

  “I’ll go to the hotel without you and text you pictures of me jacking off.”

  He turned on the ceiling light, and his breath caught at the sight of her looking all disheveled and aroused in her cutsie plaid shirt and nothing else.

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “Are you sure about that?” ’Cause he was about to start jacking off any moment. Lord, the things he put himself through to take this woman on creative sexual adventures and offer her new heights of excitement.

  While staring at him, she slid one hand down her belly and used two fingers to part her folds. “You shouldn’t turn me on if you don’t plan to get me off.”

  “I do plan to get you off,” he assured her and leaned over to gently tug her hand from her pussy. He drew it over her head and pinned it to the mattress before kissing her deep and long. His hips seemed to have a mind of their own as they gyrated, rubbing the aching length of his erection against her. Even through his clothes, he could feel her heat beckoning him, promising him nirvana.

  He tugged his mouth from hers slowly and stepped away before he lost complete control.

  “Get dressed,” he said, his voice gruff.

  She nibbled on the tip of a finger, watching him closely. He was as turned on as she was, and she damned well knew it. “I think I need a spanking first,” she said. “I’m having all sorts of naughty thoughts.”

  “You aren’t the only one.”

  He grabbed her leather pants off the dresser and tossed them at her. Her pink lace panties tumbled through the air as well. She must have hidden them so no one would see them when she’d so boldly left them behind earlier.

  “Put those on,” he demanded gruffly.

  Instead of obeying, she slid a finger into her cleft. “But I want to play some more first. Don’t you want to play with me?”

  Fuck yes, he wanted to play with her, but he said, “Not until tomorrow.”

  She sighed—loud and long—and reached for her panties. “You are going to give me a complex.”

  He watched her slip her shapely legs into her panties and pull them up, lifting her butt off the bed to draw them over her hips. She put those goddamned leather pants on next. He’d have thought her covering some skin would cool his ardor, but if anything, those sexy-as-fuck leather pants made his cock even harder. He wasn’t sure how that was physically possible, but God, he wanted her. She caught him watching and yanked her top open, the snaps popping free all at once to expose her lacy pink bra. She tossed the shirt aside and he expected her to put on the black T-shirt she’d purchased, but instead she reached behind her back and unfastened the clasp of her bra, tossing it aside to bare her breasts.

  “Madison,” he said. He’d meant it to be chastisement for making him delirious with lust, but the word came out as a tormented groan. “What are you doing?”

  “Wearing my leather,” she said and shrugged into her new jacket. Not bothering to zip the garment, she reached for a discarded cowboy boot and began to tug it on.

  He couldn’t help but stare open-mouthed at the inner curves of her breasts, exposed for his delight between the open edges of the jacket. She stomped into her second boot and stood, sweeping both hands beneath her mass of golden-brown curls to pull her hair free of her jacket. The movement gave him a glimpse of her rosy nipples and sent his tenuous grasp on self-control into a tailspin.

  In an instant he had her pressed up against the back of the door, his mouth on hers, hands filled with her soft breasts, thigh lodged firmly between her legs and his painfully hard cock ground against her hip. He was far too aroused to stop her when her fingers began to unfasten his fly. Too excited to protest when her soft, gentle hands tugged his cock free of his pants. Too close to exploding to do anything but groan as she slid down the door to her knees and brought the head of his cock to her lips. She held the shaft in both hands as she kissed and sucked and licked the over-sensitized head. He burrowed his hands in her hair, concentrating hard on not moving, on not ramming his cock down her throat and fucking her face. His fingers dug into her scalp, and he cried out as she took him into the warm recesses of her mouth. She pulled him deep, then deeper still, until his cockhead was lodge in the back of her throat. She sucked hard as she pulled slowly away.

  He groaned, his balls full to bursting. He wouldn’t last long, and he was too excited to care. When his cock popped free of her mouth, she grasped it in her hand, her thumb massaging the tip gently. He looked down at her, on her knees at his feet with his cock inches from her sweet lips, and his balls tightened in expectation.

  She grinned deviously and tucked his cock back into his pants before rapidly closing his fly.

  “You aren’t the only one who knows how to tease,” she said.

  She climbed to her feet and zipped her jacket, stopping just below her breasts so that the soft globes were pressed up and together with their tips barely covered, presenting him with the most mind-boggling, cock-teasing cleavage he’d ever encountered.

  Oh fuck, he was in trouble.

  Chapter Seven

  A warm, wet something tugged at Madison’s nipple and pulled her from a fretful sleep. Her fingers tangled in Adam’s hair and held his mouth to her eager breast. He stroked her quivering belly, fingers trailing lower until all she could think about was how cruel he was for keeping her in this perpetual state of arousal all night and not giving her the release she so desperately needed. She held in her sighs of pleasure, tensed her muscles so her writhing didn’t give her away. She’d never been turned on enough to come simply by having her nipple sucked and her tummy stroked, but she was almost there. Just a little more stimulation and she could finally let go of all the sexual tension driving her crazy.

  Her body betrayed her by shuddering involuntarily, and Adam lifted his head. He smiled at her, stroking her hair from her face. They’d made a pact not to give themselves release and though she couldn’t deny she wanted to lock herself in the bathroom and take matters into her own hands, she knew he was setting her up for something spectacular and she didn’t want to ruin his surprise. Besides, she knew he was hurting for fulfillment as much as she was. He wasn’t withholding her peak to be cruel; he was doing it to make what came later all the more exciting. It had taken her hours of pleading and coaxing the night before for her to arrive at this conclusion, and the man had maintained his agenda without succumbing to his own desire. But if he slipped up this morning and finally gave her the release she craved, she wouldn’t complain. Hell, she’d probably cry in relief.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked. A devious glint sparked in his steel-gray eyes.
  “Not especially,” she said. “Some guy kept disturbing my rest.”

  “That wasn’t very nice,” he said. “How did he disturb your rest?”

  “His favorite tactic was to kiss my pink flesh.”

  “Such as your lips?” he murmured before brushing a gentle kiss against her lips.

  “Sometimes,” she admitted. “But he seemed more interested in my southerly parts.”

  He rose to straddle her thighs, leaning forward to take her breasts in either hand. He massaged her nipples until they pebbled beneath his thumbs, straining for further attention. “Are you talking about this pink flesh?” he asked, pinching her nipples and drawing a gasp from her.

  “Yes, those, but he went into the Deep South,” she said breathlessly, “and set up camp.”

  Perhaps he’d reconsidered his intention to tease her mercilessly and was finally ready to take her. She lifted her head to gaze down between her breasts, and her heart thudded wildly in appreciation of the sight of his stone-hard cock. He released one breast to take his length in his hand and rubbed its tip into the cleft between her swollen lips. She squirmed, trying to spread her legs, but they were immobilized beneath his thighs.

  “He kissed you here?” he asked, a fabricated look of concern on his handsome face. “While you were trying to sleep?”

  “He did,” she said, clinging to the bedclothes so her hands didn’t get too grabby. She wanted to toss him on his back and ride that long, thick cock of his for hours. “But that wasn’t the worst of it.”