Page 3 of Wyvern's Passion

  We discuss all the options, and then have a light lunch in the main dining room. I stay in the hospital wing for a little longer, until the guard downstairs sends me a message that someone’s waiting for me outside.

  Alexandra hasn’t wasted any time. She has a few flasks of her grandmother's potion ready. Thank Hommis!

  “Take it straight in the morning and then in the evening if you feel overwhelmed,” she tells me.

  I hug her again and then head over to my chamber. This has to work tonight, because I need to be normal around Jorgen. We have so much to talk about. He won't be happy, knowing that I'm planning to leave Rivenna.

  Lenin’s still out, probably searching for food in the kitchen, and I ignore Alex's advice and take a few drops of potion to see if the liquid will ease the heat.

  The evening’s fast approaching and I'm nervous about seeing Jorgen. I can't stop thinking about him, but it's difficult to figure out if it's because of the heat or because we’ve grown so close. We both confessed our feelings for one another, and neither of us is playing any sort of game.

  I have butterflies in my stomach, and keep going over the magnificent kiss that we shared in the tent. It's a huge deal for me, because I'm so inexperienced. I just don't want to make an absolute fool of myself.

  I try to read for a bit to take my mind off of other naughty thoughts, but that doesn't work. Several minutes later, there’s a knock at my door and I jump, startled. It's still pretty early and I don't expect anyone. Maybe it's Thayer. Lately he’s been helping me with my research about Pixie magic and hopefully, he finally found something useful. I open the door and my heart instantly bounces in my chest, because it's not Thayer, but Jorgen. A small wave of energy rushes through my body and down to my core, and I'm suddenly out of breath.

  “I heard you walking around in your chamber. Are you ready to talk?” he asks.

  "Sure, we aren't on any sort of schedule here,” I say, trying to seem relaxed, but I fail miserably. My voice vibrates and my body language is stiff.

  Jorgen’s still attractive, even without his inner dragon, and he isn't in any way like his evil brother.

  His chamber is a little dark, with only a dim light on, but a slight waft of his exotic cologne hits me instantly. I try to ignore the fact that my palms are damp with sweat, and that I feel way too hot. Alex's potions will work, I just need to calm down.

  “Would you like a drink?” his voice echoes in my head. I turn around to see him showing me a bottle of wine, and I nod. The last time I drank alcohol in a restaurant, I lost control a little and it wasn't because of the heat. I kissed Lucas, who in the end turned out to be a traitor, working for Ruscal.

  We have a lot to discuss, and I need to tell him about the druid, but the image of him kissing me roughly bounces around in my head. When he walks over to me and hands me a glass of wine, I remind myself that I need to keep on breathing. This warmth and liquid heat is becoming addictive and I don't know what to do with myself. Jorgen never looks at my scar, only my eyes and lips.

  For Hommis, I want him–I can't deny it.

  Then, he lifts his hand and tackles a lock of my blond hair behind my ear, and I'm quickly turning to mush. A strong wave of desire pours through me, making my knees a little weak. I love the way his touch activates all the small nerves in my body. My imagination wanders off, placing me in situations that I can't handle right now. I want Jorgen; it's my first and real crush on a man.

  “Tell me what’s on your mind, Astri, we’ve barely spoken. It's been weeks and I've missed you,” he says, caressing my cheek. The heat slowly becomes unbearable and I know I need to say something.

  “I went to visit my friend Alex today. Her husband told me that there’s a village in the Asian World inhabited by real dragons. Apparently, a druid has been breading them for years. Tom said that the venom from the dragon can cure anything and reverse any type of spell,” I say, talking fast, trying to distract myself from the image of us together in his bed.

  Jorgen looks surprised as he takes sip of his drink, not taking his eyes off of me.

  “It's a good story, but everyone knows that real dragons were slaughtered years ago. The beasts are only a legend now,” he says and it angers me a little that he doesn't want to believe me.

  "No, it's true Jorgen. Tom has been travelling around the Asian World and he told me that he has seen the dragons himself near the mountains. I was going to wait until later to talk to you about this, but I think I should travel there. Jetli’s going to die if we don’t do something. Derek’s keeping her alive, but I have no idea how much longer she’ll last. If I can get my hands on that venom, then I can not only heal her, but you too,” I explain, knowing that he most likely disapproves of the idea, but he wants to find a way to bring his beast back as well.

  “Okay, hold on a second. I’ll be back in a minute,” Jorgen says, suddenly getting up and vanishing behind the door.

  I frown, wondering where the hell he’s going. I drink some wine, planning the trip in my head. I don't feel any better after taking Alex's potion. The heat ravages my body, causing my heart to pound even faster. I’m going to have a heart attack if this continues.

  Five minutes later, Jorgen’s back and I can't read anything from his expression.

  “I just went to see Thayer. Apparently, he’s heard about the druid too. He mentioned it to me once a while ago, so I spoke to him to find out a bit more. I only just remembered it” Jorgen says. “General Ming rules that part of the Asian World. He’s human and has been oppressing shifters for years. Ming doesn't consider mages and shifters equal. If we go ahead with this plan, the trip will be extremely dangerous."

  I stare at Jorgen, baffled, having no idea what he’s talking about.

  “We?” I ask. "I haven't made up my mind yet, but I wasn't planning on taking anyone with me."

  Jorgen chuckles, shaking his head. “Do you really think that I would let you go alone, travel around the Asian World without protection? I know you’re fierce, but we’re in this together,” he says. “It’s my fault that I led Ruscal to you in the first place."

  I still have no idea why Ruscal’s Jorgen’s enemy. Even Lucas didn’t know exactly what had went on between the two of them in the past. I don't know what to think about Jorgen’s idea.

  I should’ve known that he would want to accompany me. He already consulted with Thayer, who’s probably travelled around the Asian world too in the past. We can't waste any time on planning, and I need to tell Jorgen about being in heat. Now, I don't have any other choice, I need to be upfront with him.

  “There’s something that you should know before you decide to join me,” I start, knowing that either way, I can’t keep avoiding the subject forever. I thought that I could wait, but now we’re going to be together day and night. He needs to know what he’s signing himself up for.

  I can’t imagine how he’s going to look at me when I tell him that soon I might be out of control, driven by my sexual instincts, unable to function. Besides, once he realises that I’ve never gone through heat before, he’ll know that I'm a virgin. I really wanted to avoid this subject, because I feel completely mortified.

  “Astri, you don’t even need to try to convince me not to go with you. I'm not letting you go alone and that’s the bottom line. Thayer mentioned that the druid doesn’t trust anyone. His dragons are vicious and he doubts that anyone could get near him,” Jorgen says, and then entwines his fingers with mine. My skin feels hypersensitive, and I can't think straight when he’s staring at me, filled with fiery heat.

  More scorching sensations are passing through my body, and my fingers are tingling with energy. The voice of reason reminds me that I have to just get on with it, and tell him that I have never been with any other man before.

  “No it’s not that,” I start, taking a deep breath. This isn’t how I imagined this moment at all. I wanted to impress the duke, and instead I need to almost beg him to take me as his mate. “In the past several weeks I’v
e been feeling different being around male shifters, but with you it’s always been more intense. It turns out that the time where I need to mate with someone is approaching and fast. Twenty one isn’t the exact age that I imagined it would happen, but here I am. I guess that I can’t keep hiding this secret any longer.”

  There it is, I said it, and now I feel a little relieved. Jorgen stares at me for a really long moment, looking completely stunned. I want him to kiss me like he did during the festival.

  Then a huge smile breaks through his handsome face, and he moves closer to me. It’s unbearable trying to hold it all together.

  “For Hommis, you’re even more perfect than I imagined, and untouched. Mating with you would be an honour.”

  Chapter Four

  Pep talk and a gift.

  Seconds later, he kisses me and I'm slowly igniting with lust like oxygen that turns a small flame into a raging fire. He devours me and I instantly forget that he's the Duke of Rivenna–a former mage that I’m supposed to respect. It no longer matters that I’ve never been with a man before, or that we’re from two separate worlds. All that matters is Jorgen…

  I lose control completely when he takes me into his arms. The blazing fire jolts through my system and I press my lips harder to his, fighting with greed and desperation to be closer. It's all too much, yet not enough. He bites my bottom lip and then devours my neck, planting small kisses along my collarbone. My hands wander off into his silky hair, as the fire in my belly makes me dizzy. If he’s not going to stop, then I'm screwed. Every pore, every part of me demands more – it's awakening the Wyvern female shifter inside of me.

  Then, I'm pushing him towards his bedroom, as his hands explore the naked skin on my stomach, his fingers trace the line of my hips. Jorgen pushes me down onto the bed, and a low moan escapes through my lips. The heat slides deeper and further and all rational thought is gone completely–it’s only thoughts of me and Jorgen…and this bed. The pressure between my legs keeps building, aching and stretching my limits. The throbbing is driving me insane and I need him to ease it. I start fighting with his belt, asking myself what the hell is wrong with me. His lips are kissing my breasts, his tongue keeps sliding down, and my nipples harden. I move my hands along his torso and downwards to his trousers, feeling a comfortable bulge. I grab his hand and guide him further down below my belly button, closing my eyes and hoping that he can soothe the ache between my legs.

  Jorgen’s not stopping, and I'm allowing him to continue. His cologne soaks into my pores, pooling in my core like molten lava. The tiny voice in my head screams through me.

  “All right, all right. I can’t. …” I say, somehow managing to wiggle myself out from underneath him and backing away all the way to the door. My vision is a little foggy and I'm aware that just a second ago his fingers were rubbing over my naked flesh seductively, sending my heart into another fit of beats. A storm of emotions swirl through me, reminding me that I still have a couple of weeks left according to Alexandra. I need to deal with this desire, with my overwhelming emotions. I want him, but not like that and especially not right now.

  “Yes, you’re right, I got carried away, but you're so beautiful and so vulnerable too,” he says taking a long, deep breath. His jaw is tight and he’s struggling to remain still. Moments later, he drags his hands through his hair and walks to the table, probably to break the scorching tension filling this room like a thick fog. His expression softens instantly when he takes a sip of his wine. I hate myself for leading him on like that. “I knew that you were inexperienced, but never imagined that you had never gone through heat, Astri. This is blowing my mind and I'm so grateful that you told me.”

  I don't feel that relieved, but he makes out like it's not a big deal. I couldn't ask for a better mate; it seems that Jorgen understands me.

  After a few minutes, my breathing goes back to normal, and my hands finally stop shaking. I'm filled with sexual energy that’s slowing exploding, especially if I keep teasing myself like that. Maybe the lack of sleep has something to do with it too.

  “It’s fine, I get it, this whole thing is new to me and I have no idea what to expect. I was so damn close to losing control,” I say, aware that he just agreed to become my mate, to be with me during this moment in my life. "And that's the reason why we have to leave right away. I don't have much time and I can't imagine going through heat in the middle of nowhere."

  We told each other about our feelings, but Jorgen’s never admitted that he’s in love with me. This is all happening way too fast and we need to slow it down. It's too dangerous for us to go public with this. Most shifters wouldn't understand Jorgen.

  Moments later, Jorgen walks up to me and the heat starts scorching through me again.

  “Tomorrow then, but no one must know that we’re leaving for the Asian World. The moral in the castle isn’t that great and I keep hearing rumours that humans are wishing to separate themselves from mages. They’re no longer happy with me. We don’t want to cause a panic just yet,” Jorgen explains and I wonder why I haven't heard about this before. I must have been too busy trying to help Jetli rather than caring about rumours.

  “What exactly is going on? Does it have anything to do with Ruscal?” I ask, knowing that people must have heard that Jorgen has a twin who’s claiming his rights to Rivenna.

  The situation in the city must be bad if he’s sharing this kind of information with me. People aren't happy and Jorgen seems concerned.

  "Possibly, but I have a feeling that someone’s using propaganda to turn people against me. Ruscal must still have people in the city, and I hardly believe in coincidences," Jorgen says, and I want to hug him, but it's a bad idea going anywhere near him, especially now.

  "That's why we should take things slow. It's better that we don't bring any attention to ourselves. You're not a mage and from what I know Ruscal’s ready for anything in order to get to me," I said, feeling slightly relieved. Maybe now Alex's potion is finally taking effect, but my heart keeps pounding away and Jorgen’s still standing way too close to me. The kiss; his mouth on my body felt incredible. Right now all I can think of is him being on top of me. For some reason, I don't care about the pain or the fact that I would have no idea what I was doing

  "Astri, Astri? Are you with me," Jorgen's voice stirs me back to the present and I swallow hard, needing to get out of his chamber as soon as possible. I can't keep doing this to myself. There’s no way that I could stand to be around Jorgen all the time during our crazy adventure to the Asian World. The need of being with him won't be easy and the sexual tension might become unbearable. The realisation of all this starts hitting me hard.

  I’ll be a sex-crazed maniac and completely lose control!

  Maybe I should consider going alone. Jorgen wouldn't be able to follow me.

  "Sorry, I just can't be around you right now. My hormones are driving me crazy, but I agree, we should leave tomorrow. Lenin’s going to help me pack, and yes, I’ll make sure that he won't talk about our plans to anyone," I tell him, already walking towards the door.

  I need to get out of here in order to clear my head and take care of my silly hormones.

  "Astri, you have no idea how much I respect you right now. You don't have to worry about anything, I'll take care of you," I hear Jorgen’s voice that moves through me like a stream of passion. I don't dare turn around to face him, because I know I’ll be totally screwed.

  I open the door and then run back to my chamber, not even saying goodnight to him. This fire in the pit of my stomach won't stop burning, and I'm suddenly so glad that Lenin isn't around. I take off all of my clothes, switch on the shower and then walk inside the cold water. I want to scream at top of my lungs with frustration, knowing that this won't make much difference anyway. I'm so screwed.

  I stand inside for a long time trembling as my body temperature slowly decreases. At some point, I get out and put my clothes on. My muscles are aching, and I'm still so tense. I go to bed and then drift off i
nstantly, still dreaming about Jorgen making love to me for the rest of the night.

  The next day, I walk to breakfast feeling like I’ve been roasting in the blazing heat for several hours. Jorgen isn't in the main hall and I'm relieved. Things got a little out of hand last night, but I'm glad that I told him everything. It's better that it’s all out in the open now.

  Alex's potion is hit and miss for me. Last night I thought it worked, now sweat’s surging down my body, and I want to hide in my chamber for the rest of the day.

  After I sit down, I spot a few staff members whispering in small groups. I start eating and notice that people keep watching me if I stare at them for more than a minute. Jorgen’s right, there’s something going on, but I hadn’t noticed it earlier.

  "Shifters in the castle aren't happy. I hear a lot of moaning in the corridors, I hope nothing’s going to happen once you and lordi lord leave," Lenin says, wolfing down a massive blueberry pancake.

  "When I visited him last night he did say that shifters in the city aren't particularly happy. What else have you heard?" I ask the Pixie, worried that maybe this whole trip to the Asian world isn't such a good idea after all. I shouldn’t think about the worst case scenario, but what if Jetli dies and I’m not here to say goodbye?

  "I heard a lot of moans and complaints from the guards, everyone thinks that the lordi lord’s brother might invade Rivenna, now that he’s broken the treaty with Leahori. It's good, I didn't like that Cassandra anyway. She called me a fairy? It's worse than being called a troll, Astri," Lenin shouts, waving his small fists with anger. I wait until he’s calmer and lean closer.

  "We made a decision, Lenin. We’re leaving tonight, and I still need to pay a visit to Emilia," I say lowering my voice, wondering how Jorgen’s planning our trip in secret. His father’s bound to ask questions and he needs to at least tell Thayer that he's going to be gone for a while.