Page 21 of Wrecked

  Still humming, I was preparing to begin pleasuring myself—a warm up before Hunter joined me—when on the other side of the shower curtain I heard the bathroom door open.

  “Breakfast is served,” Hunter called.

  “Mmm I can smell it already,” I answered. “Smells so delicious. I’ll be out in a jiffy.”

  “No need. I brought it in here.” I heard a clink as he placed the food on the bathroom counter. Then he pulled the shower curtain back and marveled at my body. “How’s the shower going?” he purred.

  “Good, but a little lonely. All I have is this loofah to keep me company.”

  “That loofah is a bastard.” He growled. “Lemme keep you company.” He tore off his clothes and hopped into the shower with me. I held the loofah idly by my waist but he took it and tossed it into the trash; he dipped to his knees and began kissing the skin where the loofah had been.

  “Mmm,” I hummed as hot water poured over our bodies. I’d never showered with a guy before and my excitement for the idea was heightened by the fact that the guy was Hunter.

  “Now lemme lick this sweet cunt of yours, Lorrie.”

  His filthy words made my body thrum with desire. Before I could react, he grabbed my waist and closed his mouth over my sex. Instinctively, I leaned back against the tile, one hand holding onto the ceramic soap dish affixed to the wall, the other hand grabbing Hunter’s hair. He wasted no time sucking on and flittering his tongue over my clit as if starved for the taste of it. I curled my toes against the tub, desperately trying to remain standing even as I felt my legs turning to jelly.

  He growled into my folds and dipped his tongue into my depths, spearing me with a back and forth movement of his head.

  “Oh god, Hunter. That feels so good.”

  “You taste so good,” he grunted.

  Because of the water, my fingers were beginning to slip from the soap dish. I was afraid I was going to fall and crack my head open mid-orgasm. Feeling a balance-shattering climax dangerously approaching, I tried to wiggle free but his large hands firmly grasped my waist. “Hunter, we shouldn’t stay in the water too long,” I managed to utter between moans. “We’ll end up looking like prunes.”

  He stopped, leaving me bereft of pleasure. I wanted him to quell the gnawing ache between my legs he had started but I also wanted to finish my shower and eat breakfast. If only we could multitask.

  “Good point,” he said casually.

  I turned off the shower and Hunter guided me out of the tub by hand like a bad boy gentleman. While he began drying my body with a towel, sneaking kisses against my skin here and there, I spotted a tray on the bathroom counter with a plate of eggs and sausage, another plate with toast, a jar of grape jelly to the side, and a tall glass of orange juice. I was impressed not only by the demonstration of his culinary skills but also by the presentation.

  “Aw, you’re so sweet, Hunter.” I turned to him, lifted on my toes, and affectionately kissed his lips. “You’re so sweet you’re going to give me cavities.”

  “I’ve got an extra toothbrush you can use.” He winked. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Are you going to have any food?” I asked smiling, my mouth watering at the feast before me.

  “I already ate a little bit. All this is for you. Dig in.”

  I turned to the food, rubbed my hands together, picked up a sausage link, and bit off a piece. “Mmm so yummy,” I murmured with my mouth full. “So juicy and tender.”

  Hunter slid his hands across my waist from behind. I wiped the condensation from the bathroom mirror and saw ourselves in the reflection. Enjoying the surreal sight of both of us naked together, I reached up to cup his cheek and he smiled. “You’re so gorgeous, Hunter. I love it when you smile.”

  He locked his eyes with mine in the mirror as he tugged me to him, the small of my lower back pressing against his formidable erection. “It’s ‘cause you’re here with me. But look at yourself. Look at these gorgeous tits,” he said as he began plumping my breasts in the reflection. “I could play with them all day.”

  “I like you playing with me,” I said, feeling the ache in my sex swelling from his hands at my chest. “Can we multitask?” I took another bite of the sausage in my hand and backed my ass into his erection teasingly, which pulled an erotic groan from his lips.

  “Brunch sex huh? I guess there’s a first time for everything.” He reached into the pocket of his sweatpants that were lying on the floor and pulled out protection.

  “Never had brunch sex before?”

  “I’ve never had this much sex in such a short time, period.” He grinned as he finished wrapping his cock. “You ready?

  “Wait Hunter, I’ve got to eat this sausage,” I said flirtatiously, preparing to take another bite.

  “I got your fucking sausage right here.” He growled.

  He shoved himself into me, hips crashing into my backside. I was already primed since stepping out of the shower, so his entrance came easily. I gasped and instinctively leaned over the bathroom counter for support, eager for him.

  His strong hands firmly gripping my waist, he continued thrusting into me, steadily, needily but without hurry. I watched our bodies colliding in the mirror, saw how my hair and breasts jostled each time he drove into me. We performed our own song with him grunting and me moaning in response. It wouldn’t be a billboard hit, but I found I enjoyed it more than Love Story.

  We’d already had sex half a dozen times in the last sixteen hours. Sex with Hunter was quickly becoming as frequent and necessary as breathing. Finding myself adjusting to his demanding pace, I casually reached over to open the jar of grape jelly. I tried to unscrew it but my hands were wet; the vigorous thrusting quaking my body didn’t help either.

  “Can you help me with this?” I asked, holding up the jar for Hunter.

  “Sure, no problem.” His pace persisted even as he casually moved his hands from my hips to the jar and unscrewed it. “Here you go.”

  I backed into him, taking his cock to the hilt as a way of offering my thanks. “You’re so helpful, Hunter.”

  I saw his reflection smile. “I do what I can.”

  After spreading some jam onto the pre-buttered toast, I bit off a piece, and licked my lips. “This is really good toast. You want a bite?”


  I raised it up for him and he leaned over—penetrating me deeper—and chomped on the toast. “Mmm yummy. I need the energy to keep fucking you,” he said as another thrust pressed my thighs into the counter cabinets.

  “Then maybe you should have some more energy.” I dipped my finger into the grape jelly and held it up for him. “Here have some sugar.”

  He took my finger and inserted it into his mouth, sucking it the delicious way he’d sucked my clitoris. Then he licked the tip clean, making my sex clench around him from the teasing. In a flurry of lust, he growled and flipped me around to face him. We locked desire-lidded eyes. He plucked the jar of grape jam from my hand and poured the contents all over my breasts. I arched my neck and gasped from the cold sensation, fingers desperately clutching the edge of the counter for balance.

  “You’re getting me all dirty again!” I cried.

  “Just the way I like it.” He growled before dipping and taking one breast into his mouth. His hand swirled the jelly around the other breast. He swirled his tongue around the tip, spreading the sticky substance over my skin before sucking it up into his mouth. “Now that’s a good breakfast.”

  I popped the last of the toast into my mouth. “I agree. Best breakfast I’ve had yet.” Missing his cock inside me, I said, “I could go for some more of that Hunter sausage though.”

  There was a momentary smile on his lips before he slammed his cock into me, pushing me from a standing position into a seated position on the bathroom counter.

  We continued going at it until long after the steam had dissipated from the bathroom. Eventually, we finished breakfast with two orgasms and a side of orange juice.

/>   After another quick rinse in the shower, we dried off, neglected to put on clothes, and plopped onto his bed, crawling back into the warm blissful haven beneath the sheets. Light beamed in through his bedroom window. It was one of those unusual days where the ground was still covered in snow but the sun shone brightly in the sky.

  “Do you have any plans the rest of the day?” he asked, propping himself on an elbow beside me. “I know you said you had plans last night, I’m sorry I made you miss them.”

  Laying on my back, I turned to smile at him. He hadn’t shaved and I found the light stubble on his face made him even more alluring. “Well, I didn’t really have any last night. I was just saying that as an excuse to avoid you.”

  He gave a lopsided smile. “I figured as much.”

  “But to answer your question, no, I don’t really have any plans today. I might have to do some studying for midterms coming up, but nothing really pressing. You? You going to train today?”

  “I usually do on Sundays but I don’t really feel like going today.” He groaned then smiled at me. “I just wanna stay inside the apartment all day long and hang out with you. What do ya think?” He squeezed me to him. I loved it every time he squeezed me and crushed my body against his; the pressure was invigorating.

  “Don’t you train like every day though? When’s the last time you missed a session?”

  “Umm . . . I think I missed a day about two years ago because I got sick.”

  “Wow, so dedicated. I feel bad, I don’t want to be the reason you skip again if it’s that important to you.”

  “You’re what’s important to me. I just wanna be with you and that’s what I plan on doing. So what do ya think about hanging out with me all day?”

  I giggled. “I’d love that actually. I was kind of thinking the same thing: staying in all day. I don’t want to leave the apartment either. I wish we could just stay in and have sex all day every day.”

  He laughed. “I like that idea. Why can’t we do that?”

  “Because we have responsibilities and stuff,” I offered as a suggestion.

  “Eh, we can blow those off.”

  I smiled in agreement. “I mean we have classes and midterms, you have matches to fight, we have to eat—we’ll eventually run out of protein bars you know.”

  He kissed me and brushed my hair behind my ear. “We can order delivery. I got some extra money from my fights. That should last us a while.”

  “Mmm . . . delivery. I like the sound of that.” I giggled. “We can be like the cats—they’re happy never leaving the apartment. It’s scary and dangerous outside, there’s fast cars and feral cats.” I briefly thought about that feral black cat again and how it had almost caused me to drown. It terrified me to think what would happen if Taylor got into a fight with that cat. “Plus, I’m sure other cats gossip. And I don’t want anyone talking shit about Taylor.”

  “That’s right,” he murmured against my cheek before pecking it with his lips. “Well, the kitties need more food too. So we may have to get them some more from the mall. Unless we can order it off of Amazon.”

  I nodded. “Amazon rocks.”

  He glanced at my breasts. “We also need to get more condoms and lube. I think we’re almost out. I can’t believe we blew through so much. I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know what it is, but I can’t get enough of you either, Hunter. It’s like you’re turning me into a sex kitten,” I teased. “You make me feel so good.”

  “You’re not sore yet right?”

  “I’m a little sore but I like the feeling. It’s like having an itch but when you scratch it, it feels so good. It’s kind of good to feel something all the time, you know? I want to be even more sore. How are you holding up?”

  “I’m so sore right now.” He grinned. “I don’t think I’m gonna be able to walk tomorrow. But I can’t stop fucking you, Lorrie. Everytime I look at you, feel your body against mine, I’m hard again. It’s painful, but goddammit does it feel good. It’s like I have to be inside you. I’ve never felt this way before, ever. I don’t care if my dick falls off.”

  I giggled, wondering if such a thing was possible. “Is it possible to have too much sex? Maybe we’ll go blind.”

  “Who cares? As long as we have each other, we’ll be good. You ready for round ten?”

  I nodded eagerly. “Bring it on, Hunter ‘The Hammer’ Jensen!”

  I woke up with my head against Hunter’s chest. I must’ve fallen asleep. There was still a little bit of light outside. Hunter was gently stroking my hair, his eyes closed.

  I grumbled softly. “Mmm . . . what time is it?”

  “Dunno,” he murmured lazily.

  “How long was I asleep?”

  “Mmm . . . maybe an hour, half an hour?”

  “Really?” I rubbed my eye and yawned. “Feels like I was out for a while.”

  A buzzing on the bedside stand woke us from our stupor. Hunter reached over and picked up his phone. “Damn, Gary just sent me a text. I was supposed to spar with him today.” He showed me the message on his phone.

  “Uh oh,” I replied. “Will he be mad?”

  “Busy hanging with Lorrie,” Hunter said, prolonging the pronunciation as he typed out the words. He sent the reply to Gary and returned the phone to the nightstand. “Nah, there’s plenty of other guys at Bigg’s that can help him train . . . now what were we talking about again?”

  I smiled from Hunter’s attentiveness and leaned my head against his chest again. Light hairs tickling my cheek were a fresh reminder of his raw masculinity. Although his chest was firm, it was the best pillow I’d ever slept on. “. . . I was just wondering how long I’d been asleep.”

  “Oh yeah, I think you dozed off after that last orgasm. You were probably exhausted.” He yawned and closed his eyes again.

  “Ah, right.” A montage of riding Hunter and being ridden by him came back to me. I didn’t know how it was possible after all the energy I’d expelled, but I felt myself getting aroused again. “You sleepy?”

  “Umm . . . a little. Why?”

  I fumbled for his cock beneath the sheets. Finding it soft, I began gently stroking it. “I don’t know. I was just thinking if you want to go for another round. Which one would this be?”

  “Hmm . . . I lost count.” He chuckled. “Yeah, of course I’m up for it. Just be a little gentle until it gets fully hard. I’m so numb and sensitive right now. It feels like it’s raw. It’s so weird.”

  “Well we’re weirdos aren’t we?” I flashed a smile at him even though his eyes were still closed.

  He smiled back. “Snorrie and Gunther. Two sex fiends.”

  “Sex fiends, and sex friends.”

  “That’s right. We can have it all, Lorrie.”

  It took a few minutes of gentle massaging before Hunter became fully erect. During that time, he was stroking my sex with his hand, heightening my arousal to match his. When we were both ready, I straddled his waist and rode him until we both came.

  When I woke up again, night had fallen, and Hunter was snoring gently. We had fed the kittens, snacked on some powerbars for dinner and came back to the bed to nap. The bed was fast becoming a home within a home.

  I watched him sleep peacefully. I was amused at the irony of him calling me Snorrie when he snored as well. It felt so surreal being with him now, in this moment. We were snuggled up naked together like we were in our own little world. Just him, me, and an ocean of blankets. It was so simple compared to the chaos happening outside this apartment. Everything out there—the rumors, the homework, the deaths, the stress, the sadness—seemed to disappear when I was with Hunter in this bed.

  Eventually he woke up.

  “What do you think about the future, Hunter?” I said softly.

  He blinked away his drowsiness and smiled warmly at me. “Hm? Like what about it?”

  “I dunno. Like end of this semester when you graduate. What are you going to do?”

’t really thought about it.” He chuckled. “I’ll probably get a job somewhere, work. There aren’t a lot of jobs related to physics but I’m sure I’ll find something. What about you?”

  “I haven’t really thought about it much either. It’s so confusing: the future, real life. I wish I didn’t have to face it.”

  “Me too, Lorrie.” He kissed my forehead. “You’re a sophomore, so you still have a few years to figure it out. Whereas for me, I got a few months.” He laughed.

  “I don’t want us to break up because you graduate,” I said softly.

  His expression became serious. “We won’t. We can face the future together. We’re both good with our hands—you got the drawing skills and I got the punching skills. We can team up and start an art gallery. You’ll do the art pieces and I’ll knock out the competitors.”

  I laughed. “Mmmhmm. I like that idea. But what if the competitors start hiring their own muscle?”

  “I’ll take ‘em all down.” He kissed my nose. “Anything for you.”

  “You’re so sweet.” I beamed, returning the kiss. “Hey, do you have a pencil and a piece of paper?” I said, suddenly inspired. “I kind of want to draw you.”

  He grinned. “Sure.” We both emerged from the blankets, naked. He flicked on the bedroom lights and retrieved the requested items from his desk beside the dresser. As I took his desk chair, flipped it around to face him, and sat down, he made the bed neatly and stretched across it. “Alright, how do you want me?”

  “How do I want you? Umm . . . I want you . . . all over me, actually,” I teased as I reached for a thin physics workbook on his desk and used it to prop up the piece of paper Hunter gave me.