Page 5 of Sacrifice of Love

  “Thanks for that, Perizada. I’m glad that you reminded me that Cypher has decided to send me home, because I sort of forgot, even though I’m standing her in the freaking foyer with my packed bags.”

  “Okay, note to self, human is touchy about eviction topic,” Peri said absently as she picked up Lilly’s bags. “Alright, have you said your goodbyes? Have you done all the ranting you require? Have you shredded all his sheets and burned the curtains? I saw that in a movie once and it seemed therapeutic.”

  “Can we just go?” Lilly said as her shoulders slumped forward, her eyes devoid of their usual spunk.

  “Grab my sleeve please, and try not to puke.”

  Lilly closed her eyes, expecting there to be some sort of flash or rush of air. But instead there was nothing and then when she opened her eyes she was no longer in the foyer of Cypher’s home.

  “Uh, Peri, I thought Cypher told you to take me to the airport,” Lilly said slowly as she looked around.

  “You must not know me very well if you think that I always do what those bossy, arrogant supernatural men tell me to do. I mean, where would the fun in that be?”

  “That sounds like something Jen would say,” Lilly smiled.

  “Well if she does, it’s because she learned it from me.” Peri’s voice was full of her usual haughtiness.

  “Whatever you say, Peri fairy.”

  “I’m going to let that slide since your boyfriend just gave you the boot. Now, come on, let's go find your offspring and her cronies.”

  Decebel knocked on Dr. Cynthia Steele’s door. He had debated for half an hour whether or not he should speak with her about his dilemma and finally decided that it was the best option he had. He wasn’t sure how Cynthia was going to respond to his admission, but he knew that as her Alpha he could command her to keep her silence if need be.

  The door opened and Cynthia’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Decebel,” she said carefully, “is Jen alright? Do you need me to come and check on her?”

  Decebel shook his head. “She is fine. I’ve come here to speak to you about something that has to do with me,” he paused and then amended, “well it has to do with both myself and my mate, but I do not want her to know that I have come to see you. I also must insist that everything that is said in this room tonight stays between you and me. Is that clear?”

  Cynthia nodded as she stepped aside so that he could enter.

  “What can I do for you,” she asked as she motioned him to a chair, which he did not take.

  Decebel rubbed the back of his neck and Cynthia noticed then that his face was lined with worry and his eyes a little brighter than she liked. She waited patiently, not wanting to provoke an already agitated Alpha.

  “I need something to keep Jennifer from being able to enter my mind while I sleep.”

  Out of all the things that she thought he would say, that was definitely not one of them.

  “I don’t know of any sort of human medicine that would do that, Alpha. Why haven’t you sought out Rachel or Sally?” Cynthia attempted to keep her voice as calm and clinical as possible.

  “This is something that I cannot trust them with. Their loyalty to my mate will overrule their loyalty to me.”

  “What about Peri?” she asked.

  Decebel’s jaw clenched. As he breathed out, the air forced through his gritted teeth made an eerie snake-like sound. “Do you really think I can trust a fae who would rather skin us males than look at us?”

  Cynthia nodded. “Good point.”

  They were both quiet for several minutes. Cynthia wracked her brain for some way to help Decebel. He was obviously very distressed about something and if it had to do with Jen then he would be relentless until he found a solution. Then it hit her. She grabbed her cell phone and began texting quickly. She thanked the Great Luna that all of the females in their group had exchanged numbers.

  “What are you doing?” he growled.

  Cynthia held up a finger and hoped that he wouldn’t bite it off. She pressed the send button and then looked up at him.

  “I realize that whatever it is that you are dealing with is sensitive and private. The person I just asked to come can be trusted. Please trust me.”

  Decebel could see the sincerity in the doctor’s eyes. Though he didn’t really want to trust her, what other choice did he have?


  Just as the word was out of his lips, Elle appeared next to Cynthia. She glanced from Cynthia to Decebel and huffed. “This is going to be bad isn’t it?” she asked.

  Decebel looked at Cynthia with tight lips and a raised brow. It was very much a look that said what the hell doc?

  “You say I can trust her?”

  Cynthia nodded and then looked at Elle.

  “Elle, now would be the time to reassure the obviously upset Alpha that he can trust you so that he doesn’t make you a snack before dinner.”

  Elle let out a quick breath. “Right, um, you can trust me, Decebel.”

  “No matter what I tell you? You cannot share it with Sorin.” He narrowed his eyes at her and took a step forward.

  To Elle’s credit she did not back away.

  “Yes, no matter what you tell me. And I won’t tell Sorin anything that you do not want me to. I’m capable of keeping my thoughts guarded.”

  He told Elle the same thing he had told Cynthia and then waited for the fae’s response.

  “I can put a block in your mind that will be triggered as you relax into sleep. Unfortunately, Jen will be able to tell that it’s there. There is nothing I can do to prevent that.”

  Decebel would have preferred she make it appears as if his mind was just blank as he slept so that Jennifer wouldn’t think there was anything wrong, but at this point she knew something was up and as much as he hated it, this was his only option.

  “Fine,” he told her gruffly. “Do what you must.”

  Elle stepped towards him slowly as if approaching a beast that could rip her to pieces in a matter of seconds. She cringed inwardly as she realized that was exactly what she was doing; only the beast was an alpha Canis lupus.

  “I have to touch your head,” she told him as she raised her arms.

  Decebel knelt down so that she could reach him. She placed her hands on either side of his head and began to speak in a language that he didn’t understand. He felt warmth radiating from her skin and his scalp tingled. Then it was gone, as well as her hands.

  “That’s it?” he asked.

  Elle nodded.

  “Why does everything with the fae seem so anticlimactic?” Cynthia asked absently.

  Elle smiled. “Peri likes to make a show of it, but the theatrics are more for intimidation rather than necessity.”

  “For some reason, that doesn’t surprise me,” Decebel said dryly.

  Elle smirked. “Well can you blame her? She’s older than the seventh layer of the earth. She has to get her kicks somehow.”

  After reiterating several times to Elle and Cynthia that they were to keep silent, he left them and headed toward the indoor garden. It was the only place he knew to go to find solitude and privacy. He walked all the way to the back and took a small amount of something akin to peace from the rippling of the indoor creek and trickling sound the water made as it flowed over the rocks. Life seemed simple in here surrounded by nature, no matter that it was created by man rather than out in the open somewhere. His wolf longed for the forest, the smells of the earth, trees, and water. He longed to run with his mate alongside him, playing with him as they had done so many times. He forced himself to push those memories aside and to focus on the present.

  He knelt when he reached the farthest corner of the garden and closed his eyes. His mind reached out to their Creator and he prayed she would hear him.

  “Why is it that you insist on worrying that I will not come when you call?” The Great Luna sat before him on the steps that led up to the gazebo where a swing hung silently.

  “I suppose
that I feel very insignificant in this large world and imagine that you must have more important things to do,” Decebel admitted.

  She smiled gently at him. “Well, there is nothing more important than one of my own seeking me out. It takes great strength to kneel and ask another for help, to know that you cannot do it on your own, and I never intended for you to.”

  “Thank you,” Decebel told her and the words felt dry in his mouth as he knew they did not convey the gratefulness that he felt.

  “I have some questions,” he paused and waited.

  She nodded for him to go on.

  “When will the bond be broken?”

  He noticed that her eyes grew sad as she watched him. “It cannot be undone all at once. If I were to take the bond away immediately it could kill you both as you are of one soul. It must be done slowly, gradually, and even then it will be painful for you both.”

  “Is there anything that will make it easier on her?” Decebel felt his wolf fighting him, the wolf did not agree with what the man was doing. His wolf was convinced that they could find another way to save their pup.

  “Physical distance between you would help. As you know, you crave each other’s presence and touch. It makes the bond stronger.”

  Decebel’s head fell forward as her words wrapped his heart in an icy cold embrace. The idea of not being with his mate, especially if these were his last months with her, made him sick and angry at the same time. He didn’t know how he would leave her. How could he? She would more than likely kill him if he told her he would need to be away from her. And what excuse could he possibly give her?

  “Alpha, are you sure this is what you want?” The Great Luna met his eyes and the care and empathy he saw there comforted him briefly.

  “Can’t you do something?” he asked and the words came out through a deep growl that he could not control.

  “I have given you all free will. I do not force my own desires and will upon you, making you mindless robots. It is because of that free will that you sometimes choose things with consequences that are difficult to bear. Jennifer was offered a way out of death, a death that was meant to happen. And because of that there are consequences. She will face the consequences of her choice in one form or another. Don’t mistake my words for uncaring. It breaks my heart to see my children hurt. It pulls from me the deepest of grief and I mourn with you.” She stood up and walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He felt peace rush through him and let out a slow breath.

  “Death is a part of life, child. I did not create you to be immortal, even though I gave you long lives. Jennifer was to come home to be with me, and she chose not to. She went against the laws of nature. The Fates are the ones who watch over all supernaturals, not just my wolves. They keep the balance and even I cannot interfere with that balance. If you are still sure that this is what you want, then it will begin tonight. She is in her second trimester of the pregnancy. It will take the rest of that time to fully eliminate the bond between you. And do not worry about how you will put distance between you. There is an opportunity coming.”

  Decebel’s stomach tightened at this information. When he started to ask her what she meant, she was already gone.

  As he started to stand, he felt as though the weight of the world was now draped across his shoulders and he saw no way to be rid of it. He turned to leave the quiet peace of the garden, and just as he reached the door, he grabbed onto the frame as he stumbled. He felt a sharp pain rip through him and then it was gone. But left in its place was what felt like a small tear in whatever seam held him together. He closed his eyes, searching for Jennifer, needing to know if she was okay. He found her in their bedroom. Her face was pale and Sally was helping her sit down. He clinched his jaw as he thought about how it should be him helping her. It should be his arms around her, checking on her and comforting her. She looked so confused and scared.

  It had begun, just as the Great Luna had promised, their bond was being broken—the bond that had saved him from darkness was now being taken from him and it was of his own doing.

  Chapter 5

  “Whoever came up with the saying when it rains it pours was a bloody optimist. In my experience, when it rains, it doesn’t just pour. More likely, it is a tsunami. I mean the wind blows so hard that houses fly around like Dorothy’s shack and Toto can just kiss his hairy butt goodbye. Rain comes down in sheets so thick that you might just drown out on the street. And while all this is going on, we have werewolf males doing the complete opposite of what is in their nature to do. They are running in the wrong freaking direction. I mean, seriously guys, what the hell is up with that? When it rains it pours, HA, that’s a good one.” ~Jacque

  Sally was sitting next to Jen on the bed when the door came flying open. Jacque came running in with a frown on her face. Behind her, Peri and Lilly followed.

  “Lilly!” Sally smiled and jumped to her feet to give her a hug.

  “Hey Ms. P,” Jen said from the spot where she sat. She didn’t get up because she was nervous that the sudden pain would come back. Sally had called Cynthia to come check on her and they had been waiting when Jacque and the two others had come barging in.

  Jacque had yet to say anything but stood off to the side with her arms folded across her chest with her face pinched into a tight frown.

  “Um, Jacque aren’t you glad to see your mom?” Jen asked.

  “She would be, if the reason she was seeing her wasn’t because her king is giving her the boot,” Peri interjected.

  “Thank you for that, Peri,” Jacque snapped.

  “What?” Sally’s eyes widened as she took a step back so she could see everyone in the room.

  “What do you mean giving her the boot?” Jen nearly snarled as she started to stand.

  The door flew up again before anyone could answer and Cynthia came rushing in.

  “Are you alright...any blood, nausea, vomiting?” The questions flew from her mouth like rapid fire gun shots as she continued towards Jen. She ignored the others as she took Jen’s pulse and listened to her respirations and then listened for the heartbeat of the baby.

  “Calm down, Dr. Quinn, medicine woman. It was a false alarm. I had a brief moment of pain and then it was gone. Sally was just being over cautious.”

  Cynthia looked around and noticed for the first time that the room was full of women.

  “Where the heck is your mate?”

  Yet again the door flew open, only much harder since it was a large, upset wolf who came through it.

  “Jennifer,” Decebel maneuvered quite gracefully for his large size around the women until he stood in front of his mate.

  “Are you alright?” he asked gently as he brushed his fingers against her cheek.

  Jen felt the familiar butterflies that Decebel always triggered in her as if they lie dormant until he touched her or even simply looked at her as he was doing right now.

  She nodded. “It was nothing, just a sharp pain and then gone.”

  Decebel stared into her eyes. As she tried to search in his mind to find out what he was thinking, she felt him gently push her out. She was still angry about their earlier discussion, but now there were other things to think about.

  “Not now, okay. Later, we’ll talk.” He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and the act was so gentle, so unlike her mate, that once again she felt the unease of knowing that something was wrong.

  “What’s going on?” Decebel asked as he turned to face the group of women.

  Peri let out an exasperated huff. “Can we please just get anyone necessary for this little meeting of the not-so-stable minds in here so we don’t have to repeat it fifteen bloody times?”

  “Vasile wants us to meet in the great hall,” Costin said from the doorway. All the eyes in the room swept over to look at him.

  “Finally, someone who doesn’t nearly rip my door off to get in,” Jen grumbled. Decebel slipped his hand into hers and gave it a small squeeze, which just sent those damn bu
tterflies soaring up her throat and nearly out of her eyes in the form of tears.

  Everyone in the room was still looking at Costin like he was a funny growth on the wall.

  He huffed when nobody moved. “My mate informed me of what was going on so I took it upon myself to share it with Vasile. That’s how I have a freaking clue. Can we all please go to the great hall now?”

  Everyone nodded in unison with small ‘oh’ and ‘right’ coming from them. By the time everyone had filed out of the room, Fane was there waiting to take Jacque’s hand. They stayed at the back of the group with Lilly walking next to them.

  No one spoke, as if there was an unwritten law that kept them from discussing the matter until they were all gathered, just a Peri had suggested.

  Vasile, Alina, Wadim, Cyn, Sorin, Elle, Adam and Crina all sat waiting for them in the large room.

  “The gang’s all here Vasile,” Peri announced, “gathered again. It’s sort of like one of those where are they now specials on Oprah.”

  Jen let out a snort as she took a seat with Decebel by her side. “Do you do anything besides watch daytime television and perform dramatic special effects?”

  Peri raised a brow at Jen. “I keep your not so tiny anymore ass out of trouble.”

  “Hey,” Jen nearly shouted, “not cool Peri, no talking about the pregnant chick’s backside. Once it’s back in its former glory, you can make jokes about it all you want. Until then, you will learn to like big butts.”

  “And I cannot lie,” Sally whispered bringing a snort of laughter from everyone except Vasile and Alina who looked bewildered.

  As usual, Vasile cleared his throat to bring everyone’s attention back to the matter at hand.

  “From what I understand, we did not come down here to discuss Decebel’s mate’s posterior. So would someone please enlighten me as to what is going on and why we have the pleasure of Lilly’s company?”

  Lilly stepped forward before anyone could speak and nodded to Alina and Vasile in greeting. Her smile was tight and it was obvious she was upset.