Page 18 of Riding Wild

Page 18

  Author: Jaci Burton

  “Okay. She hurried upstairs and rummaged through the dresser drawers, thrilled to find a two-piece swimsuit and a pair of cotton shorts to toss on. Fortunately, they fit fairly well, though the top was a bit small. Her breasts poured over the material, but it would have to do. Besides, it would just be her and Mac and he’d seen it all already.

  She was glad to have the suit to wear, since as soon as they stepped outside she couldn’t believe how hot it was. The sun beat down on them as they walked the smooth path from the back porch to the boat dock. She was barefoot and the wooden planked walkway was warm under her feet.

  It felt so good. Some of her stress was already melting away in the heat.

  The dock was incredible and much more than just a spot to anchor Tom’s boat. It was huge, with lawn chairs and tables with sun awnings to block the rays and a couple lounge chairs for tanning. There was even a small boathouse next to the deck with a private changing room and bathroom so you didn’t have to walk back up to the house. She could spend an entire day sprawled out near the water’s edge and be perfectly content.

  And the view—awe inspiring didn’t begin to describe it. The sun cast rays down upon the water, rendering it like smooth, shiny glass. Beyond were miles and miles of waterway, broken up only by shoreline and rising trees, so dense they looked like one giant mass of green hill, instead of thousands of hickory and oak. It was breathtaking. She sat at the edge of the dock and slipped her feet in the water.

  “Yikes, that’s cold,” she said.

  Mac stood next to her, looking out over the water.

  “Yeah, the days have been warm, but that sun hasn’t heated the water enough to take a dip yet. If you get hot enough lying around out here, though, a quick swim will feel pretty good. ”

  “We’ll see about that. ” It felt frigid to her at the moment. She’d have to be pretty damn hot to plunge into the icy lake. But the view was spectacular, it was quiet here, and she was actually relaxing. She scanned the area. Other homes sat off in the distance, their docks bobbing up and down in the water. Some had boats tethered to them. So far she hadn’t seen any people. With the thick trees and bushes, it would be easy for someone to hide, either on this side or the other side of the lake.

  Someone could be watching them right now. Targeting Mac. She realized she wasn’t at all worried about herself, didn’t see herself as the target. He was the one with the virus.

  Somehow she figured the bad guys knew that.

  “We’re safe here, Lily. Properties in this area are well secure. If there was a problem, we’d know it. ”

  Mac had changed into shorts and T-shirt with cutoff sleeves. She liked the look. It gave her an opportunity to ogle his muscles.

  “Are you going to sit?” she asked.

  “I’m not much for lounging. Thought I might scrub the deck for Tom. ”

  She rose and wiped her hands on her shorts. “I’ll help you. ”

  He cocked his head to the side. “You don’t have to. ”

  “I want to. I’ve been doing a lot of sitting around the past few days. I like being active. ”

  “Okay. ”

  He gathered materials and they got to work doing some serious cleaning.

  The day grew hotter, but it felt good. No, it actually felt great to be outside, to feel the heat on her skin and to simply enjoy working and playing alongside Mac. Every time the sweat would really start pouring off her, he’d squirt her with the hose and cool her down. Which would require her to jump up and wrestle him for it, and they’d both end up wet, which both cooled and heated her.

  It was light and playful and the hours passed quickly.

  Before she knew it the deck was clean. She went into the house and fixed them sandwiches. They ate at one of the shaded tables on the deck.

  “This reminds me of lunch on the quad in high school,”

  she said. “Do you remember?”

  “Not really. ”

  “Oh, that’s right. You were too cool to join the masses. ”

  He snorted. “I was out smoking in the parking lot during lunch hour. ”

  “Tsk tsk. Such a bad boy. ”

  His grin was devastating, making her heart skip a beat.

  “That’s what turned you on, if I remember right. That bad boy streak in me. The thrill of the forbidden. ”

  He was so right. At first, anyway. She remembered running out to her car one day at lunch because she’d left a book there she’d need for an afternoon class. Mac had been in the parking lot with a group of other guys. Some of the guys spotted her, came up to her and started teasing her, cornered her. She’d been scared to death, wondering what they were going to do. Mac had sauntered into the middle of the group and told the guys to get lost, that Lily was a friend of his and she was cool. The guys had shrugged and walked away.

  Lily had been stunned Mac had come to her rescue, especially since she didn’t know him at all. She’d thanked him, but he blew her off, said no big deal and left her standing there by her car.

  To her it had been a big deal, and she’d made it a point to find him again, to figure out who he was.

  “You were my knight in shining armor,” she said.

  His brows lifted. “Is that right?”

  “Or maybe a bad boy in shining leather?”

  He grinned. “Sounds more like me. ”

  They finished their sandwiches and spent an hour after that just lazing away in the shade, cooling down their bodies and relaxing.

  “Your face is getting sunburned,” Mac said.

  “It is?”

  “Yeah. ” He reached out and brushed his thumb across the tip of her nose. “You look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. ”

  She pushed his thumb away. “I do not. ”

  “Your cheeks are red, too. Are you blushing?”

  She snorted. “Hardly. After what we’ve been through together, you can’t make me blush. ”

  He arched a brow. “Wanna bet?”

  The challenge in his gaze warmed her more than the sun had. She took a long swallow of water and shook her head.

  “Not a chance. I don’t want to take your money. ”

  He braced his elbows on the table and leaned closer.

  “Baby, I can definitely make you blush. All over, in fact. ”

  Lily didn’t even want to think about all the ways he could do that. Then again, maybe that’s exactly what she wanted.

  “Prove it,” she challenged.

  Without a word, he pushed his chair back and stood, then came around to her side of the table.

  “Stand up,” he said.

  Curious and excited, she stood and turned to face him.

  “Now turn around. ”

  She quirked a brow. “Huh?”

  He grasped her shoulders and turned her so her back was to him and she faced the water. His chest brushed her back, his hips nestled against her buttocks. When he wrapped his arm around her middle and pulled her in to him, she resisted the urge to let out a purr of delight. It always felt so good to be held against him.

  “Ever make love outside, Lily?” he whispered against her neck.

  Tremors of sensation shuddered through her nerve endings at the dark promise in his voice.

  “No. ”

  “You’re going to. ”

  Her eyes widened. “Here?” Her gaze darted toward the trees and coves nearby. No boats had cruised by them, but there were other properties, other houses. People could see.

  “Mac, that’s not a good idea. ”

  “I don’t care. I want you and I’m going to fuck you right here. ”

  His cock was already hardening against her, the firm ridge of his shaft pressing insistently against her buttocks.

  Despite her shock at what he proposed, her nipples tightened and her pussy quivered. The thought of him touching her out here, making love to he
r in such a public place, excited her.

  “Everyone has a little of the exhibitionist in them, baby,” he said, sliding his hand over the plane of her stomach.

  Her belly did somersaults in response. “Knowing that someone could be watching, could be getting off on seeing you and me together…doesn’t that turn you on just a little?”

  She didn’t want to admit that it did, but she couldn’t help herself. “Yes. ”

  He moved his hand upward, his fingers widening as he splayed them over her ribcage, coming to rest just underneath her bikini top. Her heart pounded against his palm.

  “Are you scared?”

  “No. ” Excited, yes. But she wasn’t frightened. Mac would look out for her. He always had.

  “Your heart is beating fast. I’ll bet you’re creaming in your bikini bottoms, too. ”

  He was right. She was wet, her pussy throbbing in anticipation of his touch, his mouth on her clit, licking her and giving her the orgasm she craved.

  “You’re going to have to learn to tell me what you’re thinking, to voice those nasty little thoughts rolling around in your mind. I want to hear them. They make my dick hard. ”

  “I’m wondering when you’re going to touch me. ”

  “I am touching you. ” He moved his hand across to the other side of her ribcage, teasing her with his fingers, but not touching her breasts.

  “Touch me more. ”


  She wanted him to rip off her top, pluck her nipples, suck on them. She needed so much more than what he was giving her. “Touch my breasts. ”

  He moved both hands up and covered her breasts. Oh, no, that wasn’t right. He’d left her top on.

  “No, not like that. ” Her breathing had become labored, her voice low.

  “Tell me what you want. ”

  “I want your hands on my skin. ”

  “You want me to take your top off? Out here, where someone might see?”

  Damn him for teasing her like this. “Yes, take it off. ”

  She didn’t care. She needed his hands molded to her skin, touching her nipples. She wanted to feel that sensation between her legs, firing up her arousal.

  He untied the top and it fell forward, releasing her breasts. When his hands covered the mounds, she let out a whimper that was a mixture of relief and agony. She focused on the sensations his hands created, but couldn’t help scanning the area. Her breasts were exposed. Could someone see? And if they did, what would they think?

  The thought excited her.

  “I think you like this,” Mac said, sliding his thumbs over her nipples.

  She gasped and he rolled the buds between his fingers, pulling a little harder. He rocked his hips against her, his cock fully hard now, his breath hot on her neck. He placed light nibbles on the tender spot between her neck and shoulder, and she shivered in response.

  This was absolutely wicked. She felt so bare. Even though she was half shaded under the canopy, anyone really looking could spot them. She never knew being an exhibitionist could be so arousing. And the strange thing was, she really didn’t care who was watching, especially when Mac’s fingers crept down her stomach, then lower, skimming the edge of her shorts.

  She knew where he was going, and she was desperate for him to touch her there, to feel his hand cupping her sex, his fingers dipping inside her. And she wanted him to do it right here.

  He paused, his fingers teasing the top edge of her bikini. She shivered at the sensation.

  “Are you wet, Lily? Do you want me to touch your pussy?”

  “Yes. ”

  “Do you want my fingers inside you?”

  “Oh, God. Yes, you know I do. ” Her pussy quivered.

  “Pumping deep, then drawing all that sweet pussy juice out to coat your clit. Is that what you want me to do?”

  He was making her crazy. He was doing this deliberately, toying with the edges of her bikini, but not touching her where she needed it the most.

  “Yes,” she said, tilting her head back to rest on his shoulder. “Make me come, Mac. Hurry. ”