Page 28 of Riding Wild

Page 28

  Author: Jaci Burton

  His cock was hard as a rock against her hip. She wanted it out of his jeans and inside her. She wanted everything right now, and she found it hard to focus while his fingers were buried in her pussy and ass, doing delicious things to her.

  “Mac. Oh, Mac,” she cried, no longer caring at all who heard, or how loud she was. “Make me come. ”

  He twisted his fingers inside her, pulling out, then pushing deep, withdrawing them from her pussy to coat her clit with her juices. Tantalizing the tight knot while fucking her ass with relentless strokes was her undoing. She let out a cry as her orgasm rushed over her, quick, intense pulses that made her jerk against Mac’s lap, shuddering as the waves of climax splintered her.

  Mac withdrew and she lifted off him. He left for only a few seconds to use the bathroom and wash his hands, then he was back, undressing as he approached. She had already pulled off her shirt and bra, needing his cock inside her.

  “On your knees,” he commanded.

  She dropped, eager for a taste of him, not waiting for him to tell her what he wanted. She knew.

  Her mouth. On his cock. The musky scent of him compelled her, his cock head swollen, with a drop of pearly liquid pooling at the tip. She grasped the base of his shaft and brought it to her mouth, tilting her head back to look at him as her tongue snaked out to lick the salty fluid from the wide crest.

  “Christ,” he whispered, grasping the nape of her neck and guiding his cock onto her waiting tongue.

  She swirled her tongue over his heated flesh, licking around every vein, each ridge, flicking the wide head before enveloping it between her lips and closing her mouth to suck him inside. She took him inch by inch, watching his face, his tortured expression as she engulfed his shaft completely.

  His harsh intake of breath was music to her ears, letting her know he really liked what she was doing. She took him deep, all the way to the back of her throat, swallowing him.

  “God, Lily,” he said, tightening his hold on the back of her hair, then setting the rhythm by pulling her head back and pushing it forward.

  It excited her to have him control her movements, to know that he wanted her to take him deep. She loved pleasing him, because it heightened her senses, made her nipples tingle and her pussy quiver. She reached down and began to rub between her legs and Mac groaned.

  “You want to come again, baby?”

  She couldn’t answer, of course, because her mouth was filled with his hard cock. But she groaned, her throat vibrating against the soft tissue of his cock head.

  “Jesus, you’re making me crazy. ”

  He withdrew, then dropped down to his knees in front of her, taking her mouth in a hard kiss. He drove his tongue inside, his lips rolling over hers in heated passion, his fingers tearing through her hair.

  She loved this wild side of him, the part of him that was desperate to possess her and completely out of control.

  He broke the kiss and picked her up, then deposited her on the bed, following her in a hurry. Lily barely had time to catch a breath before he spread her legs and plunged inside her.

  She responded with a shriek of pleasure that she knew every single guy on the floor had to hear, which only made her pussy tighten around his cock.

  Mac lifted her arms over her head and licked her nipples, stopping every few seconds to kiss her, to talk to her and tease her about the noises she made.

  “You know they can hear you,” he said, his voice tight with strain.

  “I don’t care what they hear. Just keep fucking me. ”

  She lifted and spread her legs, allowing Mac to sink deeper inside her, to rock his pelvis against her clit and take her closer to another orgasm. She wanted that—to come again, to splinter around his cock and squeeze the come right out of him.

  “Come on, Mac, do it,” she said, urging him on.

  He responded by slamming into her, grasping her buttocks and lifting her legs so there wasn’t a space of air separating them. She was sweating, crying out, so close she could feel the quivers inside.

  Then she let go, shuddering as the sweetest sensations poured through her. She moaned her satisfaction, crying out Mac’s name as she orgasmed. And she didn’t care who heard her. Mac stilled against her, burying his face in her neck as he came, then panted against her, resting his head on her shoulder.

  Lily swept her hands over his back, realizing how much she’d changed since being with Mac. She was so bold now, unafraid to show him her wants and needs. And he always gave her what she craved, as if he could sense her desires.

  Not that she hadn’t liked sex before—she had. She’d loved experimenting, but she’d never given her all to any man before. Maybe she’d been saving it for Mac—that wild and uninhibited part of her that she always knew existed, but had never let out.

  It was sure as hell out in the open now. She couldn’t imagine being this free and open with any other man. But what would happen when this was all over? Would she stay with him, or would they part ways and go back to their respective lives?

  She realized she didn’t want to leave him, but that decision wasn’t entirely up to her. Mac had a life—a very secret life. And he’d just recently let her in on it.

  A lot of things between them were up in the air.

  And they still had a long way to go before any decisions about their future could be decided.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lily loved these guys. It was like having brothers.

  Annoying brothers, but still, it was the closest thing to siblings she’d ever had. They’d made her feel welcome and like part of their family.

  After she and Mac resurfaced from his room, she got looks, raised brows and some snickers—pretty much what she’d expected after all the noise they’d made. She wasn’t at all embarrassed about it, either. From what she could tell, the guys were jealous, but they took it well, and were surprisingly respectful to her. She liked that about them.

  They’d gone downstairs to fix something to eat, and everyone pitched in. These guys were not incompetent, nor did they expect not to cook now that there was a woman on the premises. In fact, they kept pushing her out of the way, but she continued to butt her way back in. They finally let her slice vegetables for the salad, claiming ‘meat’ was man’s duty. She rolled her eyes and pronounced them all Neanderthals.

  And oh, could they cook. The long table was covered with steaks, fried potatoes, salad, and warm bread. Who knew that men who looked like these guys also possessed culinary skills?

  “If women around here knew guys like you existed, they’d be camped out at the gates,” she said, finishing off the last juicy bite of meat.

  “Maybe we should start advertising,” Diaz said with a wink.

  “I don’t think so. Last thing we need is a bunch of squealing, hormonal females in our midst. ” AJ must have realized what he said, because his gaze shot to Lily. “Present company excepted, of course. ”

  She tried to hide her smile. “Of course. So tell me what the “AJ” stands for?” she asked.

  “None of your business,” he replied with a wink.

  “He’s never told any of us,” Spence said. “It’s some deep dark secret. ”

  “Which means it must be bad. ” Paxton looked over at AJ, who glared at him. “Really bad. ”

  “Not that we haven’t tried guessing,” Rick said. “And believe me, we’ve come up with every name in the book. We figured we probably hit the nail on the head, but he won’t admit it. ”

  AJ kept his head down and ate, ignoring all of them.

  “Adam James?” she offered.

  AJ’s lips curled, but he shook his head.

  “He wishes it was that,” Mac said. “We’re thinking it’s something like Alphonse. Or Armand. ”

  “Adolph Junior. ”

  “Alfalfa Jones. ”

  “Alimentary Juice. ”

/>   “Armpit Jolly. ”

  Lily snorted. They acted like little boys. And she was already crazy about all of them. In a brotherly way, of course.

  Their good natured teasing clearly defined their affection for each other, in a guy kind of way.

  “Better than Spencer. Or Paxton,” AJ finally said.

  “Makes you both sound like rich boys. ”

  “Yeah, well we know better than that, don’t we, Pax?”

  Spence asked. He stood and began clearing plates.

  “Sure as hell no money falling out of my family tree,”

  Pax replied with a wink. “If there was, I’d have stolen it a long time ago. ”

  They all laughed and moved the dirty dishes into the kitchen.

  “I love how they insult each other like that and not get mad. ” She leaned over to whisper at Mac.

  “Water under the bridge. We all fought it out years ago.

  Insulted each other, really dug into the pain of our pasts.

  Grange made us. ”

  She nodded. “I suppose it was like therapy. ”

  He laughed. “You could say that. None of us have secrets, Lily. Not from each other. Grange made us lay it all out on the table, everything ugly, so there’d never be any skeletons in the closet. ”

  “It drew you closer to each other, knowing you all had miserable upbringings. ”

  “Yeah. Though we’ve had different experiences, we’re the same, if that makes sense. ”

  She rubbed his cheek, loving the feel of beard stubble on her hand. “It does. ”

  He leaned over and kissed her, and what started out as a sweet gesture turned into something more passionate as he lingered, his tongue sliding between her lips. He cupped the back of her neck to draw her closer. She laid her palm on his chest and felt the way his heart picked up its pace.

  “You two can have sex on the dining room table later.

  We need to have a meeting,” Grange said as he walked by on the way to the kitchen.

  Lily and Mac grinned into each other’s mouths, then stood and helped the others in the kitchen. Once the dishes were done and the food was put away, they piled into Grange’s office and took a seat.

  “Tom’s doing fine,” Grange said. “The gunshot to his hand was minor. He lost a little blood, but that’s about it. ”

  Lily was so relieved to hear that.

  “I got some information from him. He said he recognized the guy who shot him. ”

  “Who is it?” Mac asked.

  “Some henchman for corporate bigwigs he’s seen around before. ”

  “Do we have a name?” Pax asked.

  “Yeah. Belanfield. ”

  “Name doesn’t ring a bell with me,” AJ said.

  The rest of them responded in the same way.

  But Lily’s stomach tightened as recognition struck. She had to speak up. “I know that name. ”

  Mac turned to her. “You do?”

  “Yeah. At least I think I do. If it’s the same guy, he’s done business with my father and some of the other companies my father is associated with. ”

  Grange leaned against his desk. “Who’s your father?”

  “John West, the CEO of West Industries here in Dallas. ”

  Grange nodded. “That’s interesting. ”

  “Rich girl, huh? Way to go, Mac,” Spence teased.

  Lily rolled her eyes, taking no insult.

  “Tell us what you know about him,” Grange said.

  Excited, she racked her brain to remember. “Not much, really, other than his name. I’ve heard my dad on the phone talking to him before. ”

  “How long ago was this?”

  “Oh, years ago. I live in Chicago now, not with my father. Still, I would imagine my dad’s contacts haven’t changed. He’s deep with his old boy network. If this guy is a bodyguard or someone in with Dad’s group of cronies, I’d bet money they’re still tight. ” She realized then that all eyes were on her and really hoped she’d have something of value to offer.