Page 12 of Bad for You

  I could tell him now to stop and slow down. I could use this moment to remember why this was a bad idea. I had never done anything like this. But I didn’t. Because more than anything else I wanted his thumb to stop teasing me. I wanted his hands on my breasts. My nipples were aching so bad and if he didn’t grab them I was going to have to.

  He ran his nose along the line from my ear to my chin, then pressed a kiss to my lips. “Tell me, sweetheart. What do you need?”

  “Touch me,” I begged, too incredibly past the point of need to be humiliated.

  His hands moved, and his thumb was gone, causing me to cry out in frustration. Then the zipper at the back of my dress slowly slid down, and I stopped breathing, unsure if this was what I wanted. Having his hands on me was one thing, but seeing me was another. What if he didn’t like how I looked?

  I couldn’t stand the idea of him walking away and leaving me there after I had been given a taste of this. Of him. The straps of my dress fell away and slid down my arms. I kept my eyes closed tightly and tried to inhale and exhale.

  “Jesus,” he said in a reverent tone that didn’t sound like he was praying at all.

  I opened my eyes to see his hands cover each of my breasts. I let out a strangled sound, and he inhaled sharply as his eyes swung up to meet mine. I needed more than that. The heat from his palm was teasing me. The achiness grew, and I felt as if my boobs had swollen under his touch.

  “Always so perfect,” he muttered as he lowered his head, his eyes still locked on mine. He pressed a kiss to the top of each mound. Then finally his hands moved, gently squeezing, and then his thumbs pressed against each nipple. I let out a scream and arched into him again.

  Krit’s eyes flashed brightly as if something inside of him had suddenly lit on fire. “Fuck, love,” he said right before he touched me again.

  “Please,” I begged this time, then I cried out. I wasn’t sure what I was begging for, but I was desperate for it.

  His hands left me, and I was ready to snatch them and put them right back, when my bra fell open and Krit was pushing it down my arms. Then it was gone.

  I was bare. For the first time in my life, someone was seeing me naked. The terror that should be there wasn’t. Not with Krit. It felt right. His hands came up to cup each breast. He squeezed and inhaled sharply again as he fondled them. I began to squirm and plead. This wasn’t me at all. I couldn’t believe how I was acting.

  Instead of freaking him out, my actions seemed to excite him. He began to get more aggressive as he pinched each nipple and tugged on them. He sent me into a frenzy of panting, and I had to grab his arms to keep from falling. A strange haze was coming over me, and I was scared of it and clambering closer to it all at one time. More was all I could think about.

  When a wet heat pulled a nipple in, my eyes snapped open and I cried out Krit’s name. His lips were wrapped around my nipple while his eyes were locked on my face. Then he began to suck, and I lost any train of thought I had been pitifully holding onto. With each tug of his mouth, I could feel the bar in his tongue rub against my sensitive flesh. I grabbed at him as everything began to spiral out of control around me. I was going under, but the pleasure coursing through me made me not care where it was I was falling. Grabbing handfuls of Krit’s hair, I began crying out his name and holding him to me. I couldn’t bare the idea that he might stop this. Nothing had ever been this amazing.

  The flame that was consuming me burst wide open and swallowed me as I trembled and lost all conscious thought other than the blissful wonder that had taken over my body.

  Slowly, the wonderment began to fade as I sank back to Earth. My head was tucked against Krit’s chest, and one of his hands was wrapped tightly around me while the other one caressed my back in lazy strokes. I didn’t move. I liked the way it felt being held like this.

  I would have to face him soon enough. Right now I wanted everything he was willing to give before he got up and walked out of there. I knew without a doubt this was not a “friend” thing. It wasn’t okay for friends to do what we had done. Yet I had begged him to touch me. I had pushed him to do what he’d done.

  He turned his head and pressed a kiss to the side of my head. “You back with me?” he asked in a tender voice that was too much for me at the moment. What had I done?

  “Yeah,” I said, not looking at him or moving from the comfort of his hard chest.

  He continued to run his fingertips down my bare back. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “That was your first orgasm, wasn’t it?” he said. But it wasn’t a question.

  I nodded a second time. It was my first everything. And I didn’t want it to be a mistake. It would kill me if it was.

  He kissed my head again then tangled his hands in my hair and let the strands fall from his grasp before returning to stroking my back.

  “Thank you,” he said in a husky whisper.

  Why was he thanking me? I was the one who had just been shown what heaven was like. Not him. I pulled back just enough so that I could look up at him. He didn’t ease his hold on me. He tugged me close to him again.

  “Easy, love. I’m being a good boy, but you just fell apart in my arms and looked like every fucking fantasy that I’ve ever had. And if you show me those perfect titties again, I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep being a good boy.”

  A smile tugged at my lips just before a giggle broke free. How was he able to do that? I was nervous and worried, and with one sentence he eased my nerves and made me laugh.

  “They’re jiggling, sweetheart. Please have some mercy on me and be still,” he said as he hissed through his teeth and pulled me back up against his chest tightly. “There, that keeps them out of sight and still.”

  I couldn’t even remember what it was I had been going to say to him, so I cuddled back into his chest and lay there. I didn’t want him to leave. Ever. This was perfect. I didn’t even care that I was topless.

  We sat there quietly as he continued to run his fingertips down my back, and then he moved to my arms and shoulders. I sank deeper into him and then wrapped an arm up around his neck.

  His breathing changed, and I realized he had stopped rubbing me. I moved to look up at him. He snapped his eyes closed and took a deep breath.

  “Go put a bra on and one of those big-ass sweatshirts of yours. Please,” he said as he continued to sit there with his eyes tightly closed.

  “I took those to the Goodwill,” I explained.

  He let out a frustrated growl. “Fuck.”

  He liked the way I looked. He was trying to be good and not touch me again. The silly smile on my face only got bigger. If he liked touching me, I wanted to do that again too. I loved the way he had made me feel.

  “Krit,” I said, reaching out and touching his face.

  He flinched then leaned into my hand. “Yes, love?” He didn’t open his eyes. This was becoming amusing.

  “Can we do that again? I mean, if you’re trying to be good because you don’t think I want you to do that again, then you’re wrong. I liked that very much.”

  Krit let out a shaky laugh and covered his face with both of his hands and rubbed it hard while groaning. “God, sweetheart. If that was all I wanted to do, then I would take you up on it, but that’s not all I want.” His voice lowered as he let his hands fall to his lap and his eyes lock on my chest. He stared at me hungrily before lifting his eyes to look at my face. “I want you flat on your back underneath me while I fill you over and over. I want to hear you scream my name while you fly off into that happy place with me inside of you, being squeezed by your tight little pussy as it convulses with an orgasm around me. I want you to claw at my back and beg me while I kiss every last inch of this body. But I’m not going to do that tonight. Because I don’t deserve it. I’m not sure anyone on this Earth is worthy of that. Of you. So, I need you to go get covered up and then come back in here and cuddle up with me on this sofa while we’ll watch a movie.”

wasn’t sure how to respond to that. What he described I wanted very much. But I wasn’t sure I was ready for it. That kind of connection and vulnerability. Then there was the girl: Britt. It had been just a few hours ago that I had heard her screaming his name. No. I wasn’t ready. As wonderful as that sounded, he had been with someone else today. I couldn’t be that girl for him. One that was okay with sharing him. I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing him with other girls now that he had touched my boobs.

  I moved off of him, covered my chest with my arms, and headed to my bedroom. My sundress hung forgotten on my hips.


  She was asleep. Her breathing had changed over the past few minutes, and while she watched the movie, I had watched her. I’d known the moment she recalled Britt’s words about me fucking her. It had been all over her face. When she retreated to her room, I had sat here with the fear she might not come back out. All I needed was to hold her.

  Like with everything else, Blythe hadn’t acted like any other girl. I would have been made to pay for it had Blythe been like the others. But she’d changed into a pair of little pink boxers that really didn’t do much to cover her, and a large T-shirt that almost covered the shorts up. The idea that the shirt could have belonged to a guy was driving me nuts.

  Without a word she had walked over to the sofa and curled up beside me. Then she handed me the remote and told me to find something to watch. It was impossible not to touch her. Luckily, she was okay with me constantly feeling her skin and playing with her hair. We hadn’t talked much, but her body had told me all I needed to know. She trusted me, and she forgave me.

  That was enough for now.

  I sat there with her asleep in my lap for an hour and watched her as she turned and wrapped her arm around my waist and buried her face into my stomach. It was a good thing she was sleeping because other parts of me were not dealing well with the fact that her head was in my lap. My cock, for example, had other ideas.

  Finally, when I knew I needed a very cold shower or things were going to get painful, I picked her up and carried her back to her room. The bed was a mess, which made me grin. Blythe didn’t seem like the type who left her bed unmade, but she had, and it looked like she did this a lot.

  Laying her down, I straightened the covers and then tucked her in. Placing a kiss to her nose and forehead, I forced myself to turn and leave. I didn’t have the willpower to crawl into bed and just hold her. The image of her coming in my lap was burned into my brain and on repeat. She’d been beautiful.

  I took her keys and locked her in as I left. I would have to set my alarm to get back down there early enough in the morning to give her the keys so she could go to school. I wanted to see her again anyway. I really wanted to wake up in bed with, her but that wasn’t safe. I couldn’t take more.

  Going up to my apartment, I knew Green had come in an hour ago. I had heard him and the silence that had followed. He hadn’t brought the party home, and I owed him one. For covering for me tonight and understanding that I didn’t want everyone there messing things up.

  The door was unlocked when I walked inside, and Green was sitting in the recliner with a beer, watching late-night television. His gaze swung to meet mine as I closed the door behind me. I owed him more of an explanation. He had taken that one small explanation on the phone and handled things.

  “Thanks,” I said as I sank down onto the sofa.

  “Yeah. That ain’t gonna do it. I need more than that,” he said, and cocked an eyebrow at me.

  I nodded. He was right. He deserved more.

  “Trisha invited Blythe to Daisy May’s birthday party. Trisha had lunch with her today and, well, you know what Blythe’s like. You spend five minutes with her, and you’re sucked in. You want to get closer,” I let out a chuckle and shook my head. Damn, I was sunk. “Anyway, then I showed up with Britt, which was a stupid move. I was surprised to see Blythe, and I handled it wrong. She assumed I didn’t want her there because for some goddamn reason she thinks the worst of herself. And Amanda and Trisha were about ready to murder me from the looks on their faces.” I turned and looked at Green as the emotion in my throat started clogging me up again. Fuck, if this didn’t get to me every time I thought about it. “She stood in a kitchen full of people she didn’t know and informed them all they were being unfair to me. That I was innocent and that she didn’t want anyone upset with me.” I stopped and swallowed hard. “She fucking said it was her fault.”

  “She defended you,” he said, and I could see he understood. I didn’t have to get mushy and act anymore like a pussy than I was already. He got it.

  “Yeah, she did.”

  Green took a long drink of his beer, then leaned forward and sat it down on the table before looking over at me again. “She sees you. Not the guy the others see. She sees you. The guy I’ve known all my life. The one you don’t share. That guy. She saw him when she first looked at you.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he looked directly at me. “Thing is, I know for a fact people can only see what you allow them to see. You let her see you. I watched you let her see you. Before you even knew her, you’d let your guard, and all those fucking walls you have built around you, down.” He stood up and stretched. I let his words sink in, and I realized he was right. “She’s seen the asshole the rest of the world sees. Problem is, you let her see the real you first.” He shrugged. “Maybe that isn’t a problem. But I guess you’ll determine that. Just don’t fuck this up. Because, dude, most every man alive would kill to be in your shoes.”

  I watched as my best friend walked down the hall to his room. His door clicked closed behind him.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The smell of coffee woke me up. Confused, I stared at the ceiling and tried to figure out when I went to bed last night. A cabinet closed in the kitchen, and I shot up out of bed. Just before I went into full-blown panic, last night came back to me as my sleepy mind began to catch up with the rest of me.

  Krit. He had been there. I’d fallen asleep in his arms. Spinning around, I looked down at my bed, but the other side didn’t look like it had been slept on. The covers were much neater than they normally were, but the other pillow was still unused.

  I slipped into the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair before walking out to the kitchen to face him. Not that it mattered much. He had been quiet last night when I had come back into the living room after changing. I didn’t have to ask him to know he had been rethinking things.

  I had to reassure him that this changed nothing and that we could still be friends. I wouldn’t act weird and get upset over him dating his slew of women. But for my sanity, I could not allow what we did last night to happen again. It had been . . . It had been the most . . . There were no words for what that had been.

  Quietly, I made my way into the kitchen and stopped and watched him as he poured a cup and started fixing it the way I liked it. At least he didn’t look like a man who was about to stop being my friend. Had he stayed there all night? On the sofa maybe?

  “Good morning,” I said, hating the sleepy sound still clinging to my voice.

  Krit jerked his head around then slowly let his gaze drift down my body and back up again. He had seen me in my oversize T-shirt and boxers last night. He picked up the cup in front of him and brought it to me.

  “Morning,” he said, a grin tugging at his lips.

  At least he didn’t look like scared runaway Krit.

  “Made you coffee,” he said as I took the cup from him.

  “Thank you.”

  He stood there close to me even after I took the cup and we stared at each other. He was the pro at this kind of thing. I had no idea what I was supposed to say. So I waited.

  “Was it too much to ask for you not to look so damn good in the morning?” he asked as he reached out and wrapped a strand of my hair around his finger.

  “I brushed it,” I admitted.

  He chuckled softly. “Next time I want to see it

  Next time? There would be a next time? I didn’t want to get too excited. He could mean the next time he stays over and watches a movie and puts me to bed.

  “I have a gig tonight about an hour away. What time do you get off work?” he asked as we stood there, my coffee forgotten in my hand. Krit’s blue eyes could make you forget your name when they were focused on you.

  “Uh, four,” I replied in a little bit of a daze from his intensity. He was never this close and intense before yesterday.

  “I’ll pick you up at six. I want you to go with me.”

  As if any female with a beating heart could tell him no. I simply nodded.

  He grinned, and his dimples came out. I reached up and touched one before I could stop myself.

  His grin slowly faded as his eyes flickered with the heat I remembered from last night. “What you doing, love?”

  “I like your dimples,” I replied honestly.

  He reached for the coffee he had given me and I let him have it. He set it down on the counter beside him then picked me up and set me on the other counter, leaving him standing snuggly between my legs.

  I wasn’t sure what he had planned on doing until he cupped my face with both of his hands and held it as if I were breakable. His eyes locked on mine then dropped to my lips. “I was gonna be good and not kiss you this morning. But I don’t think I can do that.”

  I didn’t want him to be good. “Okay,” I said, almost afraid to talk. I didn’t want him to change his mind.

  He moved in closer, and then his mouth was on mine and his tongue was teasing my bottom lip. I opened for him and moaned in pleasure as he slid inside. Just like before, I had to grab ahold of him for fear of losing myself somewhere. My head felt light and my heart pounded so hard, I knew he had to hear it.

  My body started tingling again, and I needed to squeeze my legs together, but he was standing between them. His hands drifted to my waist, and I wanted to beg him to touch me again. Moving my body closer to him, I hoped to get a brush of his chest.

  But before I could feel him, he was gone.

  I opened my eyes and he was standing back just a little bit, taking quick short breaths. His eyes were still on me, and I had to bit my