Page 17


  "Maybe it's Charles bringing our ice for the ice box and another five-gallon container of water," she teased, not believing it, as early in the morning as it was, but if the dogs they'd heard barking belonged to Charles Roux and he'd returned home, he might be dropping by to complain if he'd discovered Cameron had fired up the hot tub without his permission.

  "It's about time we got some service around here," Cameron said with a wink, although he didn't sound like he believed it either as he climbed out of bed and jerked on his jeans.

  Faith hurried to get dressed. She quickly ran a brush through her hair as Cameron finished buttoning his shirt and looked over at her. "Ready?"

  She nodded.

  As soon as Cameron opened the door, she saw two policemen standing beyond their snowed-in entryway—Adams and Whitson. The same ones who had spoken to them in Millinocket when they'd been at Kintail's office and found the dead body. She closed her gaping mouth. With them coming all the way out here this early in the morning, it couldn't be a social call.

  Officer Adams flipped through a notebook. "Faith O'Malley? Cameron MacPherson?"

  "Did you learn anything more about the dead man?" Faith asked, hoping this was good news and nothing more that was bad.

  "May we come in?" Adams asked, his tone more of a directed suggestion rather than a question.

  This smacked of an investigation—as if Cameron and she were under the gun.

  Cameron motioned for them to enter, although getting through the piled up snow for them was a trial.

  Then a man appeared in a parka, his fur-trimmed hood framing his darker skin, his dark eyes focused on Cameron as he trudged into the snow piled up on their porch. "Charles Roux, owner here. I'll bring a shovel and clear the snow away. Return later to talk with you folks," he directed to Faith and Cameron.

  Talk to them later about what? The hot tub?

  She suspected they were in more trouble than that, if the police had anything to do with it. The officers came inside and shut the door.

  "Green tea?" Faith asked the men. She was shivering between the cold in the cabin from the fire going out and letting in the frigid air from outside. At least the wind seemed to have stopped and the snow was no longer falling.

  Cameron quickly shook his head. "I'll have some coffee at the main lodge later. " Then he rubbed her arm and kissed her cheek. "You're shivering. I'll start a fire. "

  "Thanks, Cameron. " She glanced at the police offi cers. Adams and Whitson took deep breaths, then looked from Faith to Cameron. "Tea?" They both declined. Faith started the kettle while the men waited. "So what did you find?"

  "Where were the two of you between yesterday afternoon and early this morning?"

  Faith put the box of tea bags down and paid more attention to the officers. She and Cameron were suspects in something else now?

  Shoving a couple of logs into the wood-burning stove, Cameron took the lead, not sounding in the least bit troubled. "We were snowed in here. I left Faith for a few minutes when I thought I heard someone yell out near the lake. But I didn't see anything or anyone. And then I headed back to the cabin when I heard a couple of snowmobiles, concerned that someone was taking ours. "

  "Yes, two men stole our snowmobiles. Here's the description I have of them. " She headed to the dining table and offered the note to the closest officer. "We were at the hot tub for a while also. We had witnesses. A lady named Mary, and three guys. One was named Matt and another, Chris. We didn't get the last guy's name. "

  "Were they guests of yours?"

  Faith looked at the officer as if he'd gone mad. "Of course not. Cameron and I arrived first. Then Mary. Then the three guys. We hadn't met any of them before. "

  "Uh-huh. " The officer raised his brows at Cameron, who was lighting a fire in the stove.

  Cameron shook his head. "Didn't know any of them. "

  "Can you describe them?"

  Faith poured hot water over her tea bag. "The lady was maybe sixties, gray hair, gray eyes, large build. The guys—Chris had bushy red hair, green eyes, scrawny. Matt, had nearly black hair and eyes, more muscular, and the last, light brown hair, blue eyes, medium build, late twenties. He didn't offer a name. They were lightly dressed and wore boxers into the hot tub. Mary had on a bright pink swimsuit. "

  "Uh-huh. "

  "Well, all you have to do is check their stories at the other cabins. "

  "According to Charles Roux, the only others staying at the cabins are a Leidolf Wildhaven of Portland, Oregon, and a Hilson Snowdon of the same location. "

  Faith clamped her gaping mouth shut, set her tea mug down, and sat before she collapsed.

  "Mean anything to you?" Officer Adams asked, knowing damn well it did from her reaction.

  Cameron was watching her just as closely. God. What the hell was Hilson doing here? He was supposed to have been at the other cabin resort a couple of miles away that was booked solid or she would have stayed there instead. And Leidolf? Was he with him? What were the odds that two men would be here from the same city in Oregon that she was from?

  "Then where did the other people go? The ones that came into the hot tub?" she asked, hoping the officer would believe that was the reason for her shocked reaction.

  "What's this all about?" Cameron asked, rejoining Faith, his hand resting reassuringly on her shoulder.

  Not answering Cameron, Officer Whitson pointed at Cameron's parka hanging over one of the dining room chairs, the sleeve torn and stained with blood. "Your coat didn't look like that earlier yesterday when we first met. Care to explain?"

  Faith really didn't feel good about this. Something else had to have happened if they were being considered as suspects in some kind of criminal activity.

  "A wolf bit me. A white wolf. And since I'd seen Lila Grayson with some earlier in the day near the same area, I figured it had to be one of hers," Cameron explained. "I suspect you don't have any in the area otherwise. I'm glad that you paid us a visit though. Before her wolves bite anyone else, I want to press charges. " The officers traded conspiratorial looks, but the impression Faith got from the exchange was that Lila and her wolves were either above suspicion, or Lila and Kintail brought too much business into the area to warrant an investigation. Small town politics. At least that's the way she felt.

  "Care to show us your injury?" Officer Adams asked.

  Cameron obliged, pulling up his sleeve to expose his skin, but nothing on his arm indicated he'd been bitten. No bruising, no bite marks, nothing.

  Faith stared at his arm in disbelief, his expression just as surprised. "It was bad last night," she said, "but he healed up quickly, and this morning all that was left was bruising and shallow bite marks. You can see a little dried blood still. And my bloodied towel. " She pointed to where Cameron had left it on the kitchen countertop. "I'd wrapped it around the wound. "

  Officer Adams frowned at Cameron. "Mind if we take it with us and have it checked out?"

  Whitson continued to be the strong, silent type. Although now he warily watched Cameron, no longer keeping his attention on Faith.

  "Why? What's happened?" Faith asked.

  "Charles Roux found a dead body not far from here. He went on in with his dog sled and reported it at Skidoo Rentals at the trailhead. They passed the word along to us since there's no reception out here for phones. "

  Not believing another dead body had mysteriously turned up, Faith cleared her throat. "Who died?"

  "Not sure until we positively ID him. No papers on him. "

  "Did he die in the same way?" Faith asked.

  "Can't say. Ongoing investigation. " Officer Adams tilted his head to the side. "You wouldn't know how the other man died, would you?"

  She folded her arms. "Not sure unless I did lab tests. " She was used to being asked her opinion about how victims died, but not as a key suspect!

  "You say you saw Lila Grayson with some of her wolves,"
Officer Adams directed to Cameron as if he had never mentioned the fact that one of the wolves had bitten him. "Did she tell you where your partners are?"

  "Hunting, she said. She told me they were quitting the partnership, but I don't believe it. I want to hear it for myself, so she said she'd let them know. Problem is I'm not sure she's telling the truth about any of it. "

  The officer jotted down something, then looked up at Cameron. "Maybe you should have a look at the dead man. Just in case it's one of your partners. "

  Cameron's jaw tightened, but he didn't say a word.

  Faith took hold of his hand and squeezed. "Can I go, too? As a courtesy? I can have a look at him and see if I notice anything about the body that might help you in your investigation. "

  "We have our own investigators on it, but thanks for the offer, ma'am," Officer Adams said. He didn't sound sincere.

  "I don't want to leave Faith here by herself," Cameron said, squeezing her hand back. Was he really worried about her safety? Or did he think she might see something he'd miss?

  "She can't go. Not without permission from our head honchos, and we can't get it out here. Maybe she can visit with Charles Roux while we take you out there. You say your snowmobiles were stolen?"

  "Yeah, and then they were returned behind the shower building," Faith said. "Really bizarre. When I saw them, I hollered for Cameron, and when he came around the building, the wolf attacked. So we never did have a chance to bring the machines back here to my cabin. "

  "We'll take a look at them. Are you ready to go with us, Mr. MacPherson?" Adams asked.

  "Faith?" Cameron said.

  She nodded and pulled on her ski jacket. As soon as Cameron was out of sight, she was going to have words with Hilson and get her father's flash drive back. Pronto. And although she wanted to see Trevor Hodges to learn more what went on, if she could get the flash drive, she would be happy enough to leave and forget about the cold, about Trevor, about everything. Except for Cameron. But what if the spark she felt for him was a case of instant rebound from Hilson's betrayal? What if having a fling with Cameron was nothing more than a way of validating that any man would want her?