Page 22


  "I told you he was a nice man. "

  As long as he wasn't too nice. As they neared the Eagle's Nest cabin, Cameron suddenly thought back to what Faith had been saying. "Did Leidolf tell you one of Lila's wolves had bitten him?"

  "No. Just that a wolf had bitten him. " Faith's eyes grew big. "You think he might collaborate our story, that the same wolf bit him that attacked you? Or one of Lila and Kintail's other wolves?"

  "Yep, that's exactly what I'm thinking. Let's pay Leidolf a visit. " He led her up the steps to Leidolf's deck, but when he knocked, there wasn't any answer.

  "Maybe he's gone to the lodge. " Faith glanced at her watch. "They should be serving early lunch there now. "

  "Okay, let's go. You can talk to Charles about finding Trevor, too. "

  Faith didn't say anything and he got the impression she had other things in mind. "You still want to go, right?"

  "I… thought if I could talk to Hilson, I might not bother with Trevor. "

  Cameron stopped walking and pulled her to a stop. "So what's really up, Faith?"

  She let out her breath. "Hilson stole my father's flash drive containing his research. Hilson's been gone for a couple of days now, but I located him in the area by discovering his password and finding his itinerary. "

  Research, like the police officers had mentioned her father was doing. Cameron shook his head. "Breaking into someone's computer and…"

  "Hey," she said, poking his chest with her gloved finger, feigning annoyance, "did you hear what I said? Hilson stole my father's research paper. And Hilson's computer was at my place and he abandoned it, and me. So fair play. "

  Cameron took her hand and wrapped her arm around his waist, then hugged her tight, looking down into those sparkling green eyes. "What am I going to do with you?"

  She gave half a shrug. "Treat me to lunch. "

  "We've got some other business to take care of first. " He didn't often use his lock picking kit, but every once in a while, a situation justified the use. He turned her around and headed back toward Hilson's cabin.

  "What are we doing now?"

  "We're going to see if Hilson has your father's flash drive. "

  Faith frowned at him. "But the place is locked tight. I didn't think you believed in breaking and entering. "

  "Not the way you were going about it. That would add charges of destroying property. "

  She tightened her hold on Cameron and gave a relieved smile.

  "So, Faith, what's the research about that's so impor tant Hilson wanted it?"

  "I have no idea why it would be so important. But something Dad had witnessed while he was on his soci ology research project with Trevor Hodges was what spurred him on to write the paper. He's supposed to be speaking on it in just a week. So I have to have it to him before then. "

  "He didn't have any other copies?"

  "On his hard drive, but Hilson stole that also, and Dad wouldn't tell me what it was about. Super hush-hush. All I know is that initially he went on a hunt for Bigfoot out in this area with a group who really believed in the elusive creature. My dad didn't. He was just doing a study of the group's behavior, how they goaded each other on, how that affected what they might find. Of course they didn't know he was a nonbeliever and that he was studying them. But something happened while he was out here. He was shaken when he first came home, wouldn't talk about what he'd seen, thought he was being followed even, and then dove into writing the paper with such enthusiasm, I was thrilled to see him interested in his research again. But no matter how many times I asked, he just wouldn't tell me what it was all about. "

  "But Hilson must have known. "

  Faith didn't say anything in response and that's when it dawned on Cameron. The guy had used her to get to her father's research. Then again, maybe not. Maybe he'd just learned of it while he was seeing Faith and thought he could make a quick buck off it if he could find a buyer.

  "How long ago did you say Hilson stole it?"

  "A couple of days. "

  Cameron frowned.

  "I know. Hilson's probably already sold it. But I still have hopes I can find it. And if not, Trevor's my next best bet. Maybe he can help me reconstruct what had happened. I thought if I learned what happened from Trevor's perspective, I could help my father put the pieces back together in time for his lecture if I couldn't get the flash drive from Hilson. "

  "I'll help in any way I can. "

  She looked up at him, her smile dazzling. "Thank you, Cameron. "

  He shook his head. "That's another of my problems. Helping women in distress. "

  She chuckled, the sensual tone triggering another bout of deep-rooted need. "Seems I have the same problem, except I help men in distress—rescuing my father from failure, and you from a wolf. "

  "For which I'm grateful. " He didn't think his friends would ever let him live the fact down if the word got out that a petite lady like Faith had saved his butt from a big, bad wolf attack.

  When they reached Hilson's cabin, Faith acted as lookout, and Cameron used his lock pick to unlock the door. But, inside, the place was empty. No bags, nothing out of place. Either Hilson had already vacated the place, or he hadn't actually moved in. Faith's shoulders slumped forward slightly.

  Cameron rubbed her back. "Come on. Let's get some lunch and talk to Charles about leaving to see Trevor. "

  He locked the place up and escorted her in the direction of the lodge. But they hadn't gone very far when they saw Charles stalking toward them on the path. "I've gotten word that Trevor is at a campsite about three hours from here and wishes to see you, Faith, concerning your father's trip. "

  Faith took in a deep breath, exhaled, and smiled. "When can we go?"

  "Now, if you want to grab a bag. " Charles looked at Cameron. "Still going?"

  "Yep. "

  "Are you certain, Cameron?" Faith asked, looking worried, but he noted a hint of hopefulness in her expression that he truly wanted to go with her. "What about your partners?"

  "Trevor works for Kintail as a guide, and maybe he knows something about David and Owen. Plus, I can help you gather information about your father's research while we're at it. " He just hoped Trevor would enlighten him and not give him the runaround like Kintail and Lila.

  "Are you a friend of Kintail's?" Faith asked Charles as they trudged back through the snow, and Cameron wondered why he hadn't thought to ask. Faith was really good at this investigative work and he couldn't help but admire her for it.

  "I… respect him. He's taken a rag-tag group of people and given them purpose, jobs, an income. I do business with him from time to time. He takes hunting groups out, but sometimes he has inquiries from people looking to go dogsledding. Since he has a bigger operation and much more business, he directs interested clients my way. Nothing more than that. " He looked at Cameron's torn parka sleeve. "But sometimes one of his wolves gets a little cantankerous. "

  "Cantankerous? He could have killed Cameron. He would have, if I hadn't clobbered him. " Faith folded her arms. "Kintail's wolves might be okay where some people are concerned, but not with us. "

  "You hit the wolf?" Charles stroked his chin. "I'm not one of Kintail's men. I respect what he does, who he is, but I don't work for him. But he's super-protective of his wolves. I wouldn't want to be on his bad side and…" Charles just shook his head, as if he thought better of saying anything further. As if he wanted to warn Cameron of trouble, but he was afraid, or maybe just loyal to someone who sent business his way, who he respected, and lived nearby.

  But the connotation was there. Cameron was on Kintail's bad side. He smiled a little. No one wanted to get on Cameron's bad side either.

  "Do you know Trevor Hodges very well?" Faith asked Charles.

  "He's an old-timer who's worked with Kintail on hunting excursions forever. Get your bags and join me at the barn. " Charles eyed Cameron for a minute. "You sure you feel all right?"
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  Cameron thought it odd he'd ask again. "Yeah, I'm fine. " For the moment, he was ready to get this show on the road. Maybe just the notion he could get somewhere where his friends were concerned and help Faith with her difficulties was all he needed to make him feel right again.

  When Faith and Cameron entered her cabin, she packed up a bag with a few items of clothing. "Do you really think you'll locate your friends through Trevor?" Faith asked, heading for her sleeping bag.

  Cameron hadn't unpacked his bag, so he just set it by the door. "I think he'll have seen them and reassure me they're just fine. " But he wasn't about to speculate any further than that. Before Faith could roll up her sleeping bag, he halted her. "We don't need to take your bag also, if you don't mind sleeping in mine again with me. "

  "Sure, stay warmer in the cold that way. Okay, I'm ready. "

  He handed her his sleeping bag since it was lighter and more compact, then he grabbed the bags with their clothes and other items and headed outside. She locked up the place, but way before they even reached the barn, the sound of dogs excitedly barking made them both smile.

  "Sounds like the dogs are ready to go," Cameron said, but just their enthusiasm was making him feel the unfathomable urge to run again.

  "We used to have a standard poodle, and when we said the word go, whether we were talking about taking her for a car ride or walk or anything, that dog would act crazy, hopping around, poking her nose at us, ready to go. "

  "Sounds like a Lab I had. He would sit by the truck if I mentioned taking a ride. "

  She smiled. "Someday, I wouldn't mind having another dog, but I'm living in an apartment right now and no pets nor children are allowed. "