With the help of Daniel and his staff, Jon, Julia, and Running Deer enter the magical portal and are instantly back in the Hall of Corridors.
As they walk down the hallway past the portal where the huge fish lives, Running Deer looks cautiously in that direction. “Be careful of this portal. This is where that huge fish stuck his tail out and pushed me and Gray Wolf into different portals, sending us to our different dimensions.” He notices a huge black eye looking his way and moves to the other side of the hall.
“Yes. We don’t want to go through that again,” Julia states with a smile.
“I don’t think that he has enough courage to do the same thing to adults, Running Deer,” Daniel adds.
“I hope not. But I still think that we need to be careful!”
“You’re right, let’s keep that in mind for when Gray Wolf returns.”
“Have you heard anything concerning my brother, Daniel?”
“I know that he landed on the island of Martinique, in the Caribbean. Why don’t we go and talk to Treysen and Joshua, to see if there is anything new. They are the ones that have been keeping track of both you and your brother.”
“Daniel, do you mind if Julia and I go to see what news they have?”
“That would be fine, any time that you want to know what is happening it is ok to ask them.”
“Thank you.”
Staying behind Running Deer asks, “May I ask you a question?”
“Yes, Running Deer. What is it?”
“Why, if I am so excited to know where my brother is and that I will see my parents again…do I miss Jacque and Isabelle?” Sadly he continues, “And my heart. My heart hurts being away from, Jehanne.”
“It is because we are all one family, Running Deer. We are all mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. And when we get to know someone, that connection is made.”
“I understand what you are saying, Daniel but my heart feels differently when it comes to, Jehanne. It hurts. I am in pain not being with her, and knowing that I may never be.”
“We never know what the future will hold, Running Deer. But for now, this is how it has to be.”
Looking at Running Deer, Daniel can feel his pain as he remembers his own wife and how his heart hurts not being with her, but says nothing further. “Come with me. Let’s join Jon and Julia, we have a lot to talk about. There are still plans that need to be made.”