
  Jehanne’s father is completely exhausted. And he knows that if he doesn’t let his horse rest, they will never make their destination. Looking at the soldiers that have continued on with him, he can see that they and their horses are in the same condition.

  Reining his horse to slow down…he holds up his right hand and shouts, “Thirty minutes rest!”

  Everyone follows his lead. Finally a creek is found and they dismount their horses, allowing them to rest.

  As his horse pulls at the grass around him and drinks from the stream, Jacque walks back and forth impatiently in one spot.

  One of his soldiers can see that something is wrong and walks over to him to ask, “What is the matter, Jacque?”

  Without looking up he continues to pace back and forth as his soldier walks by his side, waiting for his response.

  Finally, Jacque says softly, “I don’t know what it is. I have never felt this feeling before. But it is one of urgency! Like voices calling from the heavens. I don’t hear them, but I can feel the vibrations and their pain.”

  “I don’t feel any of that, Jacque, but there is something in the way that the air feels, a kind of uncommon stillness, like the earth is holding its breath.”

  Trying to understand the feelings that they both have, they continue to walk back and forth hoping the time to remount and be on their way will come faster.