Page 151 of Truman

  Sheley, O.C. “James Peacock and ‘Jim Crow’ Chiles,” Frontier Times, May 1963.

  Shogan, Robert. “1948 Election,” American Heritage, June 1968.

  Slichter, Sumner H. “The Past Year and the Next in Our Economy,” The New York Times Magazine, June 10, 1951.

  Slomovitz, Philip. “Harry S. Truman: The Modern Cyrus,” The American Jewish Outlook, January 23, 1953.

  Smith, Beverly. “The Curious Case of the President’s Bathtub,” Saturday Evening Post, August 23, 1952.

  ——. “Washington’s Greatest Storyteller,” Saturday Evening Post, July 2, 1949.

  ——. “What a Spanking He Gave Truman!” Saturday Evening Post, August 2, 1952.

  ——. “Why We Went to War in Korea,” Saturday Evening Post, November 11, 1951.

  Smith, Gaddis. “The Acheson Papers,” Whistle Stop, Spring 1973.

  Smith, H. Allen. “A Friend of Ours Named Harry,” This Week, April 5, 1964.

  Snyder, John W. “Unforgettable Harry Truman,” Reader’s Digest, November 1980.

  Staley, J. W. “Eyes Across the DMZ,” Army Digest, October 1969.

  Steinberg, Alfred. “How Harry Truman Does His Job,” Saturday Evening Post, March 3, 10, 1951.

  ——. “Mr. Truman’s Mystery Man,” Saturday Evening Post, December 24, 1949.

  Sutton, Horace. “Key West, The Living End,” Saturday Review, January 7, 1978.

  Tammeus, William D. “He Plowed a Straight Furrow,” Whistle Stop, Vol. 12, no. 4, 1984.

  Thierman, Sue McClelland. “A Church with Roots in History.” Louisville Courier-Journal, June 3, 1945.

  Truman, Harry S. “My First Eighty Years,” Saturday Evening Post, June 13, 1964.

  ——. “The Most Mistreated of Presidents,” The North Carolina Historical Review, April 1959.

  Truman, Margaret. “Memories of a Cherished Home,” The New York Times, April 22, 1984.

  Tucker, Captain Frank C. III, USAR. “Reserve Duty Means Adventure for HST,” The Officer, May 1984.

  “Two Presidents and a Haberdasher—1948,” American Jewish Archives, April 1968.

  Vaccaro, Ernest B. “Harry Truman and the Press,” The Quill, February 1973.

  Waugh, Alfred S. “Desultory Wanderings in the Years 1845–46,” edited by John Francis McDermott. Missouri Historical Society, April and October 1950.

  White, Hollis L. “Champ Clark, The ‘Leather-Bound’ Orator,” Missouri Historical Review, October 1961–July 1962.

  White, Theodore H. “‘Wise Man’ in Quest of Security,” The New York Times Magazine, March 16, 1952.

  Whitman, Walter. “Take a Tip from Harry Truman. ‘Wake Up and Walk!’ ” This Week, June 4, 1961.

  Williams, Herbert Lee. “I Was Truman’s Ghost,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Spring 1982.

  Wills, Garry. “I’m Not Wild About Harry,” Esquire, January 1976.

  Wilson, Richard. “Truman Brings Back Boss Pendergast,” Look, October 29, 1946.

  Wiltz, John Edward. “Truman and MacArthur: The Wake Island Meeting,” Military Affairs, December 1978.

  Woolf, S. J. “President Truman Talks About His Job,” The New York Times Magazine, July 15, 1945.

  Wyden, Peter. “The Sudden Dawn,” The Washingtonian, July 1985.

  Yancey, Noel. “The Day Truman Dropped In,” Spectator, August 1, 1985.

  Yergin, Daniel. “Harry Truman—Revived and Revised.” The New York Times Magazine, October 24, 1976..


  American Heritage, eds. The American Heritage Pictorial History of the Presidents of the United States. Vols. 1 and 2. New York: American Heritage Publ. Co., 1968.

  Bartlett’s Quotations. Boston: Little, Brown, 1980.

  Boorstin, Daniel J., and Brooks Mather Kelley, with Ruth Frankel Boorstin. A History of the United States. Lexington, Massachusetts: Ginn and Co., 1981.

  Britannica Book of the Year 1949. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1949.

  Britannica Book of the Year 1951. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1951.

  Britannica Book of the Year 1952. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952.

  Britannica Book of the Year 1953. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1953.

  Cohen, J. M. and M. J. The Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations. New York: Penguin Books, 1978.

  Conrad, Howard L., ed. Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri. A Compendium of History and Biography for Ready Reference. Vol. III, Vol. VI. New York: Southern History, 1901.

  Current Biography

  Daniel, Clifton, ed. Chronicle of the 20th Century. Mount Kisco, New York: Chronicle Publications, 1987.

  Foner, Eric and John A. Garraty, eds. The Reader’s Companion to American History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1991.

  Gordon, Lois, and Alan Gordon. American Chronicle. Six Decades in American Life 1920–1980. New York: Atheneum, 1987.

  Information Please Almanac 1949. New York: Farrar, Straus. 1949.

  Irvine, E. Eastman, ed. The World Almanac and Book of Facts for 1945. New York: New York World-Telegram, 1945.

  Morison, Samuel Eliot, Henry Steele Commager, and William E. Leuchtenburg. Concise History of the American Republic. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.

  Palmer, Alan. The Penguin Dictionary of Twentieth Century History 1900–1978. New York: Penguin Books, 1979.

  Presidents. New York: New England Publishing Associates, 1988.

  Schoenebaum, Eleanora W., ed. Political Profiles: The Truman Years. New York: Facts on File, 1978.

  Taylor, Tim. The Book of Presidents. New York: Arno Press, 1972.

  Time Magazine, eds. The American Presidents. Special Report. New York: Time, Inc., 1976.

  White House Historical Association. The White House. An Historic Guide. Revised Edition. Washington White House Historical Association with the cooperation of the National Geographic Society, 1979.

  Young, Brigadier Peter, ed. The World Almanac Book of World War II. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1981.


  American Heritage • American History Illustrated • American Jewish Outlook • American Mercury • American Spectator • Bulletin of Atomic Scientists • Collier’s • Coronet • Esquire • Etude • Fortune • Harper’s • History Today • Liberty • Life • Look • McCall’s • Military History Quarterly • Missouri Life • Nation • New Republic • New Yorker • New York Times Magazine • Newsweek • Parade • Parents Magazine • Reader’s Digest • Saturday Evening Post • Saturday Review • Smithsonian • This Week • Time • Wallace’s Farmer • Washingtonian • Whistle Stop.


  Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal • American Observer • Arizona Republic • Atlanta Journal • Baltimore Sun • Belton (Missouri) Star-Herald • Blue Springs (Missouri) Examiner • Boston Daily Globe • Boston Globe • Boston Post • Catholic Herald Citizen • Charleston (West Virginia) Gazette • Chicago Daily News • Chicago Sun • Chicago Sun-Times • Chicago Tribune • Christian Science Monitor • Cincinnati Enquirer • Cleveland Plain Dealer • Columbus (Ohio) Evening Dispatch • Daily Oklahoman • Dallas Morning News • Denver Post • Deseret News (Utah) • Des Moines Register • Detroit Free Press • Detroit News • Emporia (Kansas) Daily Gazette • Hartford Courant • Idaho Daily Statesman • Illinois State Register • Independence (Missouri) Examiner • Independence (Missouri) Sentinel • Indianapolis Star • Jackson (Mississippi) Daily News • Jackson County (Missouri) Advocate • Jackson County (Missouri) Examiner • Kansas City Jewish Chronicle • Kansas City Business Journal • Kansas City Journal-Post • Kansas City Star • Kansas City Times • Kansas City Weekly Enterprise • Knoxville (Tennessee) News-Sentinel • Lamar (Missouri) Democrat • Lansing (Michigan) Star Journal • Liberty (Missouri) Tribune • Long Island (New York) Press • Louisville Courier-Journal • Memphis Commercial Appeal • Miami Herald • Montana Standard • Morning World Herald (Omaha, Nebraska) • New Bedford (Massachuset
ts) Standard Times • New York Herald-Tribune • New York Times • New York World-Telegram • Philadelphia Inquirer • Pittsburgh Courier • Pittsburgh Post-Gazette • Portland (Oregon) Journal • Prairie Farmer • Rochester (New York) Democrat and Chronicle • Salt Lake City Tribune • San Antonio Express • San Francisco Chronicle • Seattle Times • Shelby (Kentucky) Sentinel News • Skaneateles (New York) Press • South Bend (Indiana) Tribune • St. Louis (Missouri) Globe-Democrat • St. Louis (Missouri) Post-Dispatch • St. Louis (Missouri) Star-Times • St. Paul Pioneer Press • Syracuse Post Standard • Times (London) • Toledo Blade • Tucson Daily Citizen • Wall Street Journal • Washington (D.C.) Daily News • Washington (D.C.) Post • Washington (D.C.) Star • Washington (D.C.) Times Herald • Willard (Ohio) Times


  Harry S. Truman Library • Jackson County Historical Society • Joseph C. Pruett • Kansas City Star • Library of Congress • National Archives • United States Senate Historical Office • Washington Star


  Acheson, Alice

  Acheson, Dean

  atomic bomb and

  attacks on

  background of

  China and

  Churchill and

  death of

  defense spending and

  Europe and

  farewell luncheon for Trumans given by

  Greece and

  Hiss and

  on HST

  HST’s correspondence with

  HST’s library and

  HST’s memoirs and

  and HST’s remarks on Kennedy and civil rights

  HST’s retirement and

  HST’s Yale visit and

  influence of

  Kennedy and

  Korean War and

  MacArthur and

  McCarthy’s attacks on

  on Marshall

  Marshall Plan and

  NATO and

  Nixon’s attack on

  NSC-68 report and

  physical appearance of

  as Secretary of State

  Truman Doctrine and

  as Under Secretary of State

  on Z Committee

  Acheson, Mary

  ADA (Americans for Democratic Action)

  Adam, John

  Adams, Abigail

  Adams, John

  Adams, John Quincy

  Adams, Sherman

  Adenauer, Konrad

  Adonis, Joe

  AEC, see Atomic Energy Commission, U.S.

  Age of Jackson, The (Schlesinger)

  Agricultural Adjustment Act (1938)

  Aiken, George

  aircraft production

  Air Force, U.S.

  Alamogordo, atomic tests at


  Albright, Robert C.

  Alcoa (Aluminum Company of America)

  Alemán, Miguel

  Allen, Charlie

  Allen, Fred

  Allen, George E.

  Allen, Robert S.

  Alsop, Joseph

  Alsop, Stewart

  Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa)

  aluminum production

  Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America

  America First movement

  American Federation of Labor

  American Jewish Congress

  American Legion

  American Lithofold Corporation

  American Magazine

  American Mercury

  “American Relations with the Soviet Union” (Clifford and Elsey)

  Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)

  American Weekly

  American Zionist Emergency Council

  Anami, Korechika

  Anderson, “Bloody Bill,”

  Anderson, Clinton

  Anderson, Reuben

  Anderson, Vernice

  Andrew Jackson (James)

  Andrews, Bert

  anti-trust laws

  Arabs, Palestinian

  armed forces, see military

  Armory Show of 1913

  Army contracts, see defense spending

  Arnold, Henry H. “Hap,”

  art, HST’s views on

  Arthur, Chester A.

  Arvey, Jake

  Atlanta Constitution

  Atlanta Journal

  Atlantic Charter

  atomic bomb, atomic energy

  Acheson and

  Alamogordo test of

  in attacks on Japan

  Bikini tests of

  Forrestal and

  hydrogen, see hydrogen bomb

  Interim Committee on

  Korean War and

  Manhattan Project and

  military vs. civilian custody of

  morality of

  as nonmilitary weapon

  Soviet Union and

  Atomic Energy Commission, U.N.

  Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), U.S.

  Lilienthal as head of

  superbomb and

  Attlee, Clement

  Atwell, Lester

  Audubon, John James

  Aurthur, Robert Alan

  Austin, Warren



  automobile industry

  auto workers’ strike (1946)

  Axtell, Enos

  Ayers, Eben

  Vaughan and

  Aylward, James P.


  B-26 bomber

  B-29 bomber:

  in Berlin Airlift

  in fire bombing of Japan

  Babcock, Gaylon

  Bacall, Lauren

  Baker, Russell

  Baldwin, Hanson

  Balfour, Arthur, Lord

  Balfour Declaration

  Balkan states

  Ball, George

  Ball, Joseph H.

  Baltic provinces

  Baltimore Sun

  B. Altman & Company

  Bankhead, Tallulah

  Bankhead, William B.

  Banning, Mr. and Mrs. William

  “Barbara Frietchie” (Whittier)

  Bard, Ralph A.

  Barkley, Alben

  death of

  HST as seen by

  HST’s Senate reelection and

  as majority leader

  prop-stop campaign of

  as vice-presidential candidate (1944)

  as vice-presidential candidate (1948)

  Barnes, James M.

  Barr, David

  Barr, Robert

  Barry, Frank

  Barrymore, Ethel

  Bartky, Walter

  Baruch, Bernard


  Battery D (2nd Battalion, 129th Field Artillery)

  Battle, Lucius

  Battle of Britain

  Baughman, U.E.

  Baydur, Huseyin Ragip

  Bay of Pigs

  Bean, Louis

  Beatty, Earl David

  Beaverbrook, William Aitken, Lord

  Bechtel, Stephen

  Belair, Felix, Jr.

  Bell, Art

  Bell, Elliott

  Bell, Jasper

  Benedict XV, Pope

  Bennett, David A.

  Benny, Jack

  Bentley, Elizabeth

  Benton, Thomas Hart (artist)

  Benton, Thomas Hart (senator)

  Berenson, Bernard

  Berenstein, David

  Bergen, Edgar

  Berger, Meyer

  Bergheim, Myrtle

  Bergin, Thomas G.

  Beria, Lavrenti


  Berlin, Irving

  Berlin crisis

  airlift in

  turn of tide in

  Vinson mission and

  Bernadotte, Folke

  Bernstein, Carl

  Bernstein, Leonard

  Berry, Lucian D.

  Best Years of Our Lives, The

  Bevin, Ernest

  Bidault, Georges

, Francis

  Biffle, Les


  Bingham, George Caleb

  Binnagio, Charles

  Birdzell, Donald

  Black, Hugo L

  Blackmore, Dwight


  Byrnes and

  murders of

  Roosevelt and

  as voters

  see also civil rights; racial prejudice

  Blair, Frank

  Blair House

  Blandy, William

  Blaustein, Jacob

  Blitz, Samuel

  Block, Herb


  Boettiger, Anna Roosevelt

  Boettiger, John

  Bogart, Humphrey

  Boggs, Lilburn W.

  Boggs, Lindy

  Bohlen, Charles “Chip,”

  on Marshall

  at Potsdam

  Bolich, Daniel A.

  Bonesteel, Charles

  Boone, Daniel

  Boone, Daniel Morgan

  Borah, William E.

  Border War

  Boring, Floyd M.

  Boston Globe

  Boston Post

  Bourgholtzer, Frank

  Bowles, Chester

  Bowman, Frederick

  Boyd, William

  Boyle, Clara

  Boyle, William

  accusations against

  background and character of

  resignation of

  Bradley, John H.

  Bradley, Omar

  atomic bomb and

  Berlin crisis and

  Korean War and

  MacArthur and

  Brandeis, Louis D.

  Brandeis, Mrs. Louis D.

  Brandt, Raymond

  Brewster, O. C

  Brewster, Owen

  Brian, Donald

  Brice, George

  Bricker, John W.

  Bridges, Styles

  Brooks, Curley

  Brooks, Philip C

  Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Brotherhood

  Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen

  Browder, Earl

  Brown, John

  Brown, John Mason

  Brown, Matilda D. “Tillie,”

  Brownell, Herbert, Jr.

  Bryan, William Jennings

  Bryant, Paul


  Buck, Pearl S.

  Bud Billiken Day

  budget, national


  Bulger, Miles

  Bundschu, Henry

  Bunnelle, Robert

  Burke, Ken

  Burns, James MacGregor

  Burrus, Florence

  Burrus, Rufus

  Burton, Harold H.