Page 156 of Truman

  Walker, Kay

  Walker, Walton

  Wallace, Carrie

  Wallace, David, suicide of

  Wallace, Frank

  Wallace, Fred

  Wallace, George

  Wallace, Helen

  Wallace, Henry A.

  character of

  China trip of

  HST’s firing of

  as presidential candidate

  Progressive Party of

  speech fiasco and

  as Vice President

  as vice-presidential candidate

  Wallace, Madge Gates

  death of

  HST’s residence at house of

  Margaret’s singing and

  Wallace, May Southern

  Wallace, Natalie Ott

  Wallace, Natalie

  Wallgren, Monrad C.

  Wall Street Journal

  Walsh, David I.

  Walsh, Edmund A.

  Walsh, Jerome

  War Department, U.S.

  see also Defense Department, U.S.

  War Mobilization

  War Powers and Stabilization Act (1942)

  War Production Board

  Warren, Earl

  Washington, George

  Washington Evening Star

  Washington News

  Washington Post

  Washington Press Club

  Washington Star

  Washington Times-Herald

  Wasson, Guy

  Wasson, Yancey

  waterways proposal

  Watson, Edwin “Pa,”

  Weathers, James

  Webb, James

  Weizmann, Chaim

  Welch, Casimir

  Wells, Louise

  West, J. B.

  West Germany (German Federated Republic)

  Westminster College

  West Point:

  cheating scandal at

  HST’s aspirations to

  HST’s views of

  Westwood, Mike

  Wharton, Edith

  Wheeler, Burton K.

  Wherry, Kenneth Spicer

  Whistle-stop Campaign

  White, Grace

  White, Wallace H.

  White, Walter

  White House

  balcony added to

  bomb shelter in

  collapsing structure of

  entertaining at

  as haunted

  Public tours of

  renovation of

  television tour of

  Whitman, Alden

  Whitney, A. F.

  Whitney, Albert

  Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt

  Whitney, Courtney

  Whittier, John Greenleaf

  Wickard, Claude

  Wiley, Alexander

  Wilhelm, Warren F.

  Wilkins, Fraser

  Willa Coates Airport

  Willard, Daniel

  William Jewell College

  Williams, Herbert Lee


  Willis, Raymond

  Willkie, Wendell

  Wilson, Arthur

  Wilson, Charles E.

  Wilson, Ellen

  Wilson, Francis M.

  Wilson, Ida

  Wilson, R. P.

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Winant, John G.

  Winchell, Walter

  Winslow, Lorenzo

  Wise, Stephen

  Wolf, Agnes Strauss

  women’s vote

  Wonderful Town

  Woodham-Smith, Cecil

  Woodward, Isaac

  Woodward, Sara

  Woodward, Stanley

  Wooldridge, Glen

  Woolf, S.J.

  Works Progress Administration (WPA)

  World War I

  HST’s service in

  World War II:

  aftermath of

  aid to European Jews in

  atomic bombing of Japan in

  Battle of Britain in

  Big Three conferences in see Potsdam Conference; Yalta Conference

  Churchill’s history of

  civilian control of military in

  demobilization after

  division of Korea in

  end of

  HST’s sudden responsibilities in

  Manhattan Project in

  mobilization for

  Nazi attack on Soviets in

  Nazi-Soviet Pact and

  1944 presidential campaign and

  Roosevelt’s death and

  Senate probe of spending in, see Truman Committee

  vice-presidential selection and

  war agencies developed for

  WPA (Works Progress Administration)

  Wright, Fielding L.

  Wyeth, Andrew


  Yale University

  Yalta Conference (1945)

  Yalta Declaration

  Yeager, Chuck

  York, Alvin

  Young, Ada (aunt)

  Young, Brigham

  Young, Ed

  Young, E. Merl

  Young, Elizabeth (aunt)

  Young, Harriet Louisa Gregg (grandmother)

  death of

  Lane and

  will written by

  Young, Harrison “Harry” (uncle)

  character and appearance of

  death of

  Lane and

  Young, Hiram

  Young, Jacob (great-grandfather)

  Young, Laura Jane (aunt)

  Young, Loretta (Mrs. E. Merl Young)

  Young, Rachael Goodnight (great-grandmother)

  Young, Sarah Ann, see Chiles, Sarah Ann “Sallie” Young

  Young, Solomon (grandfather)

  death of

  farms of

  Kansas City exile of

  slaves owned by

  wagon-train expeditions of

  Young, Susan Mary (aunt)

  Young, William (uncle)

  Younger, Coleman

  Younger, Henry


  Z Committee

  Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield

  Zemer, Leslie

  Zhukov, Georgi

  Zionist Organization of America


  see also Palestine

  Photo Credits


  Harry S. Truman Library: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 32, 37, 39

  Library of Congress: 8, 35

  U.S. Army: 19

  Joe Pruett Collection: 25, 27, 28

  Kansas City Star: 29, 30, 31

  AP/Wide World: 33

  UPI/Bettmann: 34, 36

  Chicago Sun-Times: 38


  Harry Goodwin, Washington Post: 1

  Independence Examiner: 2

  Abbie Rowe, U.S. National Park Service: 3, 11, 20

  U.S. Army: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

  U.S. Navy: 5, 14

  Harry S. Truman Library: 10

  Photo World/ FPG/International: 12, 22

  AP/Wide World: 13, 25, 27

  UPI/Bettmann: 15, 17, 19, 21, 24

  Copyright Washington Post; Reprinted by permission of D.C. Public Library: 16

  Kansas City Star: 18

  Courtesy Selby Kelly: 23

  St. Louis Globe-Democrat: 26


  U.S. Overseas Mission: 1

  Harry S. Truman Library: 2, 6, 14

  Copyright Washington Post; Reprinted by permission of D.C. Public Library: 3, 5, 16

  UPI/Bettmann: 4, 9, 11

  AP/Wide World: 7, 12, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25

  U.S. Navy: 8

  Abbie Rowe, U.S. National Park Service: 10, 13, 15

  Herblock/Washington Post: 18

  U.S. Army: 17

  Chicago Tribune: 21

  Levi Photo: 22

  Bradley Smith: 26, 27

  Randall Jessee/Harry S. Truman Library: 28


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  David McCullough, Truman

  (Series: # )




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