Page 11 of Submit

  Shane held up his hand and the waiter practically tripped over himself to get to Shane’s table. Tipping insane amounts of money, Shane had found, was a very rational tactic.

  “My lady friend will have a Manhattan, and I’ll have a refill. ”

  The man scurried away toward the bar while Gwen sat down, pressing her panting chest against Shane’s arm. On some other night he might have been happy to take her home and relieve the ache that was a constant in his life now. But since his kiss with Lia, he just couldn’t seem to psych himself up for one of his normal one-night stands. At this rate, he might never have sex again… That thought jolted him into turning to face Gwen, who was practically in his lap.

  “I’ve missed you, Shane. Since sharing your bed, I haven’t been properly satisfied — not even once,” she said as she traced his chest with one of her long red fingernails. She didn’t stop when she reached his pants, and he found himself grabbing her hand before she grabbed hold of him.

  “You’re not holding anything back tonight, are you, Gwen?”

  “I’m extremely aroused, doll; just looking at you always gets my motor humming. Why play coy? You’re the best lover I’ve had in ages and I want a repeat. ”

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  Shane heard a gasp and looked up to see his waiter sweating and shaking as he placed their drinks on the table. The poor kid was barely of drinking age, and right now his eyes were directed at Gwen’s overflowing cle**age. Shane couldn’t blame the kid. She certainly wasn't trying to hide them.

  “I’ve always appreciated your honesty, Gwen, but it’s not going to happen tonight,” he warned her as he picked up his drink.

  “Never say never,” she purred, not in the least put off as she lifted her own drink.

  While Gwen rubbed up against him, Shane’s eyes traveled over the dance floor. Maybe he was just getting too old to play the games he’d once enjoyed so much, over and over and over. Whatever. But he couldn’t find even a spark of interest in his old flame.

  Gwen continued rubbing against him and just as something like annoyance was starting to set in, Shane’s eyes connected with Lia’s. He’d almost passed her by in the throng of people on the dance floor, but then his gaze zeroed in and he suddenly felt some excitement in an otherwise dull evening, some emotion to rouse him from his apathy — unfortunately, that emotion was anger.

  When did she get there, and what in the hell was she wearing?

  Shane’s eyes narrowed as they traveled across her skin-tight black dress. If the skirt had been any shorter, the entire club would have seen what color panties she was wearing. Her brother would have killed her if he’d known what she was doing.

  She was currently pressed up against some jerk who had his hands all over her. Shane was trying to decide whether to pound the guy in the face, or simply to throw Lia over his shoulder and drag her home kicking and screaming, when he was jostled, his drink spilling from his glass.

  “Hey, handsome. Boy, am I glad to see you here. Lia dragged me out tonight and then she hooked up with some hot banker and now I’m just a third wheel. ”

  “Honey, you’re a third wheel here, too,” Gwen snarled.

  “Nice to see you, Rachel,” Shane replied.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. Am I interrupting something? It’s just that I didn’t want to be all by myself in this club, where the only thing thicker than the smoke is the sex hormones oozing through the air,” Rachel said with big, innocent eyes and a pouty lip.

  Shane had to hide the smile fighting to break free. Rachel was one hell of a good actress. She had innocent schoolgirl down to a science and she also had a way of bringing him out of his lousy moods. She was just so full of life, with an infectious exuberance about her. He wondered how he could see Lia and Rachel in such different lights.

  “Of course you’re never interrupting. What would you like to drink?”

  “Thanks. I’m parched. I’ll take a martini and a plate of hot wings. Lia promised me some good food before she decided to let her hormones lead her to the nearest dance floor, and I’m starving — not that I’ll eat well here. ”

  Shane’s eyes were drawn back to Lia. She was no longer looking at him, but instead rubbing up against a different guy, who looked quite pleased with the situation. Shane’s fists clenched in his lap.

  “What is your sister doing out? Hasn’t she learned her lesson yet?” He couldn’t believe Lia had put herself at risk again after landing in the hospital. Was she really that foolish? Maybe he’d misjudged her.

  “You know Lia — if you tell her to go right, she’ll turn left. She told me that since you’re an idiot, she’s on the hunt for someone who appreciates that she’s a woman. You’re not jealous, are you?” Rachel taunted him as she batted her eyes.

  Rachel was getting under his skin — not that he’d let her know that. She was also wrong. Lia and he had skirted around a minor attraction, but they both knew it wasn’t going to lead to anything. Lia was just being a spoiled brat who needed a good spanking. Of course, in this kind of club, that would just be considered foreplay.

  “Not at all, Rachel. Lia’s a grown woman who’s free to do whatever she likes with whomever she pleases,” Shane answered through clenched teeth. “For the millionth time, there is nothing going on between the two of us. ”

  “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, maybe you will remember I’m still sitting here. I want to dance, Shane,” Gwen demanded.

  “Sorry, Gwen. Rachel’s like my kid sister. If I leave her here alone, her brother will have my hide,” Shane answered, giving her his most apologetic grin.

  “Fine, but you could have had one amazing night,” she snapped as she scooted out of the booth and stomped off.

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  “I hope I didn’t ruin your plans,” Rachel said, her tongue tucked in her cheek.

  “Yeah, I bet you are, kid. ”

  “I’m not a kid. In case you haven’t noticed, I have real boobs and all, now. ”

  Shane wanted to block that image from his head forever. He snarled at her as he raised his hand for the waiter and ordered more drinks and a few plates of appetizers.

  “So, your big sister hasn’t gotten the partying out of her system yet?”

  “No. But I do have to say, with Mom and Dad on vacation, we’re having a blast. We have the house all to ourselves. You know, we’re thinking of having a party later on tonight. Want to join us?”

  “Why don’t you just have some food and get your sister to go home — alone?”

  “That will never happen. She’s going through a midlife crisis or something. ”

  “She’s only twenty-six, Rachel. That’s a bit young to have a midlife crisis,” he replied with frustration. He was sure he felt gray hairs sprouting.

  “You can take that up with her. I’m just tagging along to make sure she doesn’t get drugged and attacked again and maybe end up on some stranger’s bathroom floor. ”

  “Neither of you would have to worry about that if you didn’t go to places like this. ”

  “You’re here,” she pointed out.

  “I’m a lot wiser than the two of you. ”

  “Whatever, Shane. You can either join us or get out of the way,” she said stubbornly, crossing her arms in defiance.

  Shane suspected it was going to be a very long night. While he sat with Rachel and ate lousy food, his eyes kept straying to Lia. On her fourth dance with the sleazy guy, Shane had had enough.

  “I’m getting your sister. It’s time to go home,” he said, getting up and starting toward the dance floor.

  “I don’t think she’ll like that,” Rachel called out after him before her laughter was swallowed up by the music.

  Shane prowled forward, parting the crowd to reach Lia. When she was in sight, her dance partner snaked his hand low and squeezed her ass.

  “I’m cutting in,” Shane said, el
bowing the fellow away.

  “Find your own date. This one’s mine,” the man growled and grabbed Lia's arm.

  “I’ll give you to the count of one before I rearrange your face,” Shane threatened, needing to smash something and hoping the guy didn’t back down. Make my day…

  “Sorry, John, the dance is over,” Lia told him as she reached for Shane.

  “You teasing bitch,” the guy spat before turning and getting lost in the crowd. Shane took a step to go after him before Lia grabbed ahold of his hand.

  “Are you going to chase after a drunk guy or are you going to dance with me?”

  Lia’s words spoken close to his ear stopped him. He turned back to face her and she molded her body to his. As her curves aligned to his body, he clenched his teeth, his hands automatically wrapping around her to pull her in tight. It was as if he were powerless over himself when it came to her.

  “I thought you were never going to ask me to dance,” she said, wiggling her h*ps against his. Shane instantly hardened, and took a moment to thank whoever had invented the six-inch heels she was sporting.

  “You realize you’re nothing but trouble, don’t you?”

  “That’s what all the boys say,” she answered with a giggle as her br**sts rubbed against his chest, and his throbbing body tightened even more.

  “Why are you doing this, Lia?”

  She looked at him thoughtfully for a few seconds before her eyes dilated. “If I can’t have you, then I’m not going to sit at home crying. I’m an attractive, young, wealthy woman whom most men would find a catch. The crap thing is that I’m not attracted to anyone but you, or so it seems. I think you ruined me when I was a teenager, but I’m still searching. I figure one of these guys will turn out to be prince charming eventually. ”

  The sadness in her tone frightened him. She was smiling, as if what she was saying were nothing more than a joke, but he could hear the truth beneath her teasing words. Maybe he should give a relationship with her a try. Hmm…

  Shane shook his head. He didn’t do relationships. He did one-night stands. It was less complicated. No one got hurt. If he ever hurt Lia, dammit, it would be like ripping a piece of his heart out. He would destroy everything — betray his best friend and lose the entire family. A hot night of sex wasn’t worth all that — no matter how tempted he was.

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  “Don’t you think it’s time to head home, Lia?”

  “I thought you’d never ask. ” She grabbed his head and pulled him to her as she connected their mouths.

  Shane’s mind went blank as her teeth bit his bottom lip and her tongue slipped inside. With a sigh of defeat, he grabbed her backside and pulled her tightly against his erection, all thoughts of dancing forgotten. Her hands wound behind his head and her fingers tangled in his hair and he wanted nothing more than to find somewhere to lay her down so he could worship every inch of her body.

  Lia’s scent invaded his senses, and the noise from the club faded away as blood rushed through his veins. He’d been attracted to many, many women, but none of them had brought him to the brink of passion so quickly. She could consume him in seconds.

  A couple bumped into them, bringing Shane back to the present, making him realize he was all over Lia in the middle of a crowded dance floor.

  “You’re deadly, woman,” he said as he pulled back and grabbed her hand. She giggled as he placed her in front of him while leading her to his table. He had to hide his condition until he got himself back under control.

  Rachel looked up expectantly at the two of them. Shane raised his hand, then handed several hundreds to the waiter, making the poor guy almost pass out. Then, grabbing Rachel's arm, he led the two women from the club.

  His driver picked them up in minutes, and the three climbed into the back of his car; he was thankful that the two sisters had been smart enough to take a taxi to the club.

  “This has turned out to be a great evening,” Lia purred as she snuggled up close against his side.

  “For you. I’m not exactly painting the town red,” Rachel grumbled.

  There was no way Shane would grope Lia with Rachel sitting on his other side. He was more than a little uncomfortable on the fifteen-minute ride to their house as Lia rubbed against him and he had to fight against looking down and gazing at her extraordinary legs. That insanely short dress was sorely testing him.

  When they arrived at the Palazzo family house, Shane told his driver to park while he escorted them inside. He knew he shouldn’t follow them, but he had to make sure they’d get inside safely. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, after all.

  “Let me show you my room, Shane,” Lia said as she took his hand and led him up the stairs.

  Say no right now. And whatever you do, buddy, don’t think about sex. That’s just not an option. But somehow he found himself following her. Had she cast some sort of spell over him? Though he knew entering her room was the wrong move to make, he was doing it anyway.

  When they reached her door, Lia’s face turned a little green and her eyes widened. Shane knew what that meant. He looked around and spotted the door on the other side of her room. Praying it was her bathroom and not a closet, he hoisted her into his arms and rushed forward. They made it just in time for her to empty out her stomach.

  Shane held back her hair while she finished, then sat her on the lid of the toilet as he got her a cup of cool water to rinse out her mouth and wet a washcloth to wipe her face.

  “How can you keep doing this to yourself, Lia? You have a great life and yet you’re putting yourself in these ridiculous situations. Wasn’t getting drugged last week bad enough? Now you’re working on getting alcohol poisoning. ”

  “I need to lie down” was her only reply. He helped her brush her teeth, then lifted her in his arms and carried her to the very inviting king-sized bed in the center of her room.

  How much restraint was one guy supposed to have? He’d damn well better get a medal after all of this because he was pushing his control to the very edge and somehow not diving over. His lower regions would never be the same again – not as long as he continued to deny himself.

  Within seconds of lying down, Lia passed out cold. Shane ran his finger down her soft cheek, then bent and pressed a gentle kiss against her lips. As he pulled back, he was confronted with the awful truth: this was beyond a simple crush — and he was in deep trouble.

  For about two seconds, Shane considered getting her into her pajamas, then realized how horrific a thought that was. She was drunk and passed out and he was thinking of stripping her. No, it was time he took off. Rachel would look out for Lia and call him if they needed anything. He just had to get out of the house before he wasn’t able to.

  Shane left the room to find a sleepy Rachel, who agreed to change Lia’s clothes and stay with her for the night. With an unbelievable ache in his chest, Shane left the house wondering what the hell he was going to do next.

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  Chapter Eighteen

  “Come on, Ari. You know you want to do this. It will be so much fun!”

  Ari looked at Rafe’s sisters and couldn’t hide her smile. The girls were incredibly convincing when they wanted something, but she got only one day off from Rafe and there was no way she could sneak away for several without him throwing a fit.

  Just the thought ticked her off. Rafe didn’t own her, contrary to his opinion of the matter. If she wanted to spend a weekend away with friends, and she did consider Lia and Rachel friends, then she could darn well do it. He’d just have to deal with her decision.

  “I don’t know. It’s pretty expensive…” she hedged, riding the fence on whether to join them.

  “Oh, pish. It isn’t expensive at all. The food is cheap, the liquor even cheaper, and you don’t have to worry about airfare or the room. Just say yes. You know you want to,” Lia insisted.

  “What are you girls up to?”

  Ari looked up guiltily as Rafe stepped into her office.

  “Not that it concerns you, but we want to take our friend on a little weekend trip,” Rachel quickly piped up. Ari’s temper flared when Rafe narrowed his eyes. At the closed look on his face, her decision was made. He wasn’t going to run her life completely. He had enough control as it was.

  “Ari is busy this weekend,” he said with finality.

  “You can’t work her seven days a week, Rafe,” Lia pouted.

  “We have plans. ”

  “Oh, really? What plans?” Rachel countered.

  “That’s none of your business. ”

  “I want to go with them. ”

  Rafe turned incredulous eyes on Ari and she felt a deep level of satisfaction. Let him think about that. She was sticking with their agreement, but if she wanted a weekend off once in a while, he’d have to deal with it. Heck, if he didn’t like her plans, he could always replace her.

  The thought of him doing just that caused a small lump to form in her throat. Vivid images took over her brain, images of him with another woman on his arm, and of the two of them in private, doing heaven knew what —oh, but she knew what, and it killed her.

  “Where are you girls planning to go?” he asked, now wearing his poker face. Oh, yes, he was a master at hiding his emotions. At the moment he looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Ari hated it when he acted that way.

  “Vegas!” Rachel announced, and began to sing “Viva, viva…”

  Rafe’s expression darkened and a shudder passed through Ari.

  “Why do you want to go to Vegas?”

  “Do you seriously need to ask that? Um, let me see, hot guys, cheap drinks, exotic shows. Do I need to continue?”

  “You’ve been on a mission to cause as much trouble as possible lately, Lia. I think a trip to Vegas is a train wreck waiting to happen,” Rafe scolded.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I’m over twenty-one then, isn’t it? I can go wherever I want to. ”

  Rafe and Lia glared at each other for several tense moments before Rafe shrugged. Before Ari could get too excited over his apparent acquiescence, he spoke again.

  “Fine. If you insist on going, I can’t stop you. I’ll just have to escort you there. I have business I can take care of in the city. ”