Page 21 of The Reluctant King

Page 21


  I chewed at my thumbnail, trying to make sense of the map. Were the red markers for where Immortals lived around the globe? Or were they places that were somehow crossed out and negated? Or tried out and failed? What did the green mean? Were they going to those places next? Or what?

  What did it mean?

  I let out a sound I almost didn’t recognize as my own, a low growl that built into a guttural scream. I turned around filled with a fury I had never felt before, not even for Lucan and I punched my hand through the weak dry wall, wishing it were stronger…. wishing it had put up a fight, because I needed to feel pain. I needed to feel like I fought for something, instead of letting these people suffer and die under my ignorant rule.

  “Roxie, what’s in that room?” I shouted, breaking up our silence with a rough, furious voice.

  “Nothing Avalon, it’s empty,” she called back immediately. “Whatever was in here was cleaned out and taken with them. ” Her voice was still weak, and I could tell she was crying, but there was more to her emotion than just sadness, there was vengeful intent and I echoed that very sentiment.

  “Jericho,” I called, pulling my hand from the wall and brushing off the dust and drywall on my flexible snow pants. When he entered the room I didn’t hesitate to give him orders. “Get Talbott on the phone now. Fill him in on this…. this…. situation. And then have him send a team of twenty or more Titans to come clean up this disaster. I want those bodies identified, their families notified and I want funerals held for them. I’ll pay for it all. Just make sure it happens. ”

  “Xander, Xavier, get in here,” I called next and they immediately responded while Jericho dialed Talbott’s number and then left the room to talk someplace more private. “Roxie, you too. ”

  When everyone was assembled around the table I pushed the anger, resentment and fear down, deep, deep down into the locked box in my soul that I would sort through later and turned my trained eye to the table.

  “Whatever this is,” I started in a choked voice and then paused to clear my throat before I continued. “Whatever this is…. has to be stopped. We have to end this. I cannot allow one more Immortal to suffer what’s happened here. ” I paused again to look each person in the eye, making sure they felt the complete weight of the task and responsibility ahead of us. “Let’s dissect this map, find out where they went and what they have planned. We leave in twenty minutes and we better know where to go next, because we cannot afford to pick the wrong place. ”

  I got four solid nods in response before suggestions started being thrown around and hypothesis made.

  We were determined.

  And we were desperate.

  But most of all, we were vetted in this arena. Terletov would not get away with this again.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Two weeks. Two f-ing weeks. And nothing. We checked out every single one of those green pinpoints, and sent teams of Titans to scour the red pinpointed areas too. And nothing.

  No leads, no more incidents, no more anything.

  The only thing we had learned was that the dead Immortals were from some of the cities pinpointed, but they were from both the red ones and the green ones. We had also learned that the dead Immortals were all Shape-Shifters that had left the hidden colonies that had survived under Lucan’s reign and joined human society.

  But those facts didn’t require very deep investigation, and because the dead were still from both the red pinpointed cities and the green, it didn’t narrow anything down at all. If anything, it made the whole situation even more confusing.

  I ran my hands over my face in frustration and then settled into ripping my thumb nail off with my teeth. A grumbled sigh of desperation vibrated my body and I used all of my will power to stop myself from shouting out obscenities. I glanced around the deserted farm anxiously, hoping that bringing everyone back to Terletov’s Latvian estate would bring us some answers.

  “There’s going to be something here,” Jericho said from the driver’s seat. I glanced over at him and nodded in approval. Jericho was as fiercely determined as I was, and there was something in that…. something in sharing our common goal of retribution.

  “Who’s meeting us here?” Roxie asked from the backseat. Her foot tapped frantically on the carpeted floor and she kept fidgeting with her hands. We were all feeling the symptoms of two long weeks of constant travel and no results. If we didn’t catch a break soon, I knew from experience we were going to start getting really short with each other.

  And violent.

  And nobody wanted that.

  “Uh,” I muttered while I pulled out my phone to look at the text Talbott had sent me earlier in the day. “Andre, Christi, Anton and Mitica…. . four Titans that participated in Eden’s rescue mission three years ago. They also were part of the group that arrested Terletov and escorted him back to the Citadel. ”

  “I’ve heard of Mitica, I thought he was a huge Lucan supporter?” Roxie questioned, her hands never staying still.

  “He was…. is, he still is. Most of these guys have been relieved of their duties, but they agreed to meet us here. I think they understand what’s at stake,” I explained, but I felt my entire body tense with the realization that these guys were not going to be easy to work with. Luckily I had access to Eden’s memories, so I knew her side of the story.

  “What did Talbott tell them? Are you announcing all of this to the rest of the Kingdom?” Roxie pressed, and I knew she was just trying to keep her mind off what could be considered a dismal failure so far.

  “No, I’m not announcing this, at least not yet. I want this as under wraps as I can keep it. I don’t want anyone panicking, or questioning the fragile state of our Kingdom. We need a strong front, otherwise I’m afraid Terletov won’t be the only Rebellion we’re fighting,” I paused, thinking over my words and fearing I sounded like a dictator as I explained. “I’m fine with the Kingdom wanting new leadership if they are unsatisfied with my job, but I refuse to hand it over unless I’m sure that’s what the majority of the people want. But as far as these Titans go, we’re desperate, and I am hoping these guys can give us some insight into what happened to Terletov after he was arrested. They’ve been briefed on everything Talbott knows, and from there I hope they can help. ”

  Jericho slowed the car to the stop in front of the overly large cottage that screamed pretentious douchebag. Latvia was not a wealthy country and the estate of Terletov seeped with old money. It was like he had to assert his dominance everywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if inside the house there were giant statues dedicated to the size of his manhood and the whole place smelled like piss from where he felt the need to mark his territory.

  Grade-A douche.

  We climbed out of the tiny Fiat we picked up in Italy. Titus pulled in next to us, Xander and Xavier practically fell out of their identical compact car. I felt kind of bad for Xavier watching him shake out his feet that had no doubt fallen asleep in the cramped, miniscule back seat. I mean, not bad enough to trade places with him, but bad enough for a sympathetic glance. Titus was the shortest in their group and I wondered how he convinced them to let him drive.

  The Titans we were meeting were already here and gathered in a small clump of testosterone near the barn. When Eden was trying to escape, she caused a little bit of structural damage here and there, but the property showed depressing signs of neglect that went beyond Eden’s escape. I walked slowly over to the Titans that were inspecting the dilapidated barn as if making sure it was safe to go in, leaving my team to follow behind me. At the sound of my approach, they turned and greeted me.

  I had met them all before, but never spent much time with them since all but one of them chose to give up their Titan service. All Titans were given the opportunity to walk away after I took over. I knew they weren’t magically going to be loyal to me or happy with how things ended for Lucan, so I diplomatically gave them the choice to leave everything behind and make a new
life for themselves. If they stayed they had to pledge a new alliance to me; not a blood oath, but I trusted their word as an identical promise.

  Mitica, Anton and Andre had bailed immediately. To be fair, they were older in years and had served with Lucan and with his father. They knew nothing but the Kendrick line and I was some young punk that had messed up their carefully controlled world. Christi Ludu was one of the only ones of his generation to stay, and for the most part I had come to the conclusion he was a good man. I had just assigned him to Brazil, so I didn’t interact with him very often.

  And that was part of this whole problem. I knew there were disgruntled Lucan supporters throughout the Kingdom. I wasn’t naïve. But with Kiran’s support and his active role in our new leadership, I hoped it was enough to pacify them. And if it wasn’t, I had kept a close enough eye on those I knew were unhappy to know that they didn’t hold the means or enough like-minded friends to organize much of a threat.

  Until Terletov….

  Which unleashed all kinds of questions for me. How many were a part of this? How long have they been organizing this? Are my people being subjected to their sick, twisted and tortuous ways right now…. while I wander around the world lost and losing…. not helping them…. not fighting for them…. . not saving them?

  “Thank you for coming, gentlemen,” I greeted them, swallowing down the bile that thought train had produced. “Have you had a chance to look around?”

  “We have,” Christi answered politely in his thick Romanian accent. He tried to offer a bow but I waved him off. “There are several interesting pieces of evidence that would suggest Dmitri Terletov was planning something for a long time, but they don’t seem to have been touched since our original investigation. ”

  “You know about the basement room, of course,” Mitica spoke up and I was a little bit surprised by his genial attitude. Last time we spoke, he was less than respectful. “I’m afraid we are no help down there, our magic does not work. Yours however…. ” He paused while his colleagues shot him nervous glances. They were still afraid of the King, whether or not my behavior had justified his trepidation or not. It was still Lucan he was afraid of, if only he could see that. “What I mean to say, is that in our reports your sister was able to use her magic down there. ”

  “Is there anything else that you can remember from your time here?” Jericho asked, breaking up the tension the four of them created.

  “I thought of something on the way over here,” Andre announced, his light purple eyes flashing with steely resolve making them look like iridescent and gunmetal. Most of the Kingdom was very ethnically diverse, and scattered all across the globe, but when our races were divided after Derrick, the Titans were forced to stay within their Roman roots. In the last few hundred years they have all been born and raised in Romania, with the exception of when training was moved to Siberia. They all look similar though; muscled olive skin, dark curly hair and most are born with deep chocolate eyes. There is always the exception though and Andre’s violet eyes made him stand out amongst his friends. He continued, “Eden reported that Terletov begged for death after she took his magic, but that she left that for us to deal with. However, Eden wasn’t debriefed until much later, after Terletov had been moved to the prison and this farm cleaned up. I was one of the Guards that physically handled Terletov on our way back to the Citadel and never once did he seem like a man who had given up on life. He was tired, his head would droop and his eyes were sunken in after she drained him of magic, but he never asked us for death or even seemed like a man that would prefer to be dead. In fact, he fought weakly against his restraints, he bit Anton on the shoulder when we tried to get him into the van, and when we attempted to move him from the van to the prison he head-butted me after pretending to be passed out. ”