Page 25 of The Reluctant King

Page 25


  “Yes, of course,” Gabriel sighed.

  “We think they were after information about my colony,” Silas explained.

  “So then, to Peru,” I announced even though it could have gone unspoken.

  “Yes,” Gabriel sighed, tugging at his collar. “But…. ”

  “We won’t leave for a couple days,” I read his thoughts and answered them. “We need a break. We’re chasing a lead, not a person with this one and I know that we all need a break. I’ll give Titus time to heal and decide if he wants to stay with us or not. In the meantime we’re going to keep brainstorming all of this and see if we can’t come up with more answers. ”

  Not just for Terletov, I thought selfishly.

  I needed answers about Amelia too.

  Chapter Nineteen

  With a plan in motion, I felt like I could relax, at least for a couple hours. I knew my brain would take over eventually and sooner than my deadline I would be itching to get back on the road again, but for now I needed a break.

  A serious break.

  Titus was up and moving around, although he did admit he felt a little bit sluggish. I could deal with sluggish. Sluggish was expected after a close call with death. What I could not have handled was a coma.

  Or worse.

  Damn it, thirty seconds into my break and I already had myself riled up and ready to get back onto the hunt.

  “Avalon, everyone’s eating, come on in,” Amelia called out in her sexy accent from a ways behind me.

  A smile replaced the tension in my face and I turned away from Gabriel’s freakishly-always-blooming sunflowers to the doorway of the cottage. I wondered for the millionth time how I couldn’t have noticed her only three ago. She was gorgeous. Her eyes were narrowed, untrustingly at me and her curvy little hip was propped against the doorframe. Her skirt was short, but those gorgeous legs were covered by thick gray tights, which almost made my curiosity unbearable. And knee high black boots? She was trying to kill me.

  “I didn’t mean to make you wait, I apologize,” I offered, realizing I was always apologizing to her.

  “You didn’t. Make me wait, I mean,” she straightened her posture and fidgeted nervously, her right hand pressing the fingers of her left hand back as far as they could go. “Eden sent me out to find you. She said you would be hungry. ”

  Eden could have easily called me herself, without ever lifting a finger. Huh….

  I closed the space between us faster than she was ready for and she bounced back against the stone wall of the small French house. She looked up at me from under thick lashes. Her magic was already intertwined with mine, although I could tell she was trying to hold it back.

  Only Titans were capable of feeling other Immortal’s magic, unless there was a physical and emotional relationship between the two. Once the magic between two Immortals started to intertwine, they could both feel the separate magic once they started to touch. I couldn’t tell by the fearful look in her eyes if she could feel my magic or not. I didn’t want to scare her off, she was obviously skittish, but I did want her to feel it between us.

  I wanted her to know this was getting deeper between us.

  “I’m glad we have a moment to talk,” she broke me from my thoughts and I realized I had been staring down at her, trapping her from escaping.


  “Yeah? About what?” I asked and even I could hear the sexy sound to my voice. This girl did not stand a chance.

  “About Jericho,” she replied, and I could tell she was forcing herself to stand strong. Her gaze flickered to my lips and I forced myself not to move a muscle, not even give into the cocky smile I was biting back.

  “Ok,” I nodded my ascent, knowing there was nothing to talk about.

  “I didn’t mean to give you the impression that Jericho and I were a couple,” she started sheepishly.

  I couldn’t help myself; I leaned in towards her and was rewarded well when her breathing picked up frantically. “You didn’t?” I asked casually.

  “Uh, uh,” she shook her head like she was trying to clear it. I leaned in further. “We’re obviously not…. a couple,” she clarified and then laughed breathlessly. The cool autumn breeze lifted her hair off her shoulders and she reached up to brush her hair out of her face. I inhaled her perfume; she’s all around me and all I could smell was vanilla and lilacs. “What I meant is that I like Jericho. I don’t know if he likes me back or anything yet, but I um, I really like him. And I didn’t want you to get mixed signals. ” She cleared her throat, seeming to focus better and straightened her shoulders.

  “What are you so scared of, Amelia?” I whispered, dipping my head nearer to hers. She turned to look out at the sunflowers, pulling her lip in with her teeth.

  “Scared of? Nothing,” she was quick to defend herself and when I chuckled at her, she changed her story. “Well, right now I’m a little frightened that you’re going to try to kiss me again. ”

  “Liar,” I ground out, so close to her I could feel her heart beating against my chest.

  “Liar?” she asked, turning her face back to mine. Her tongue moved slowly across her bottom lip inviting me to prove it to her.

  “Mmm…” I agreed, still waiting on her. But when her defiant little chin tilted in my direction I lost all logical thought and intention and captured her mouth with mine.

  She let out a moan against my lips and my hands responded to the sound by grabbing her roughly around the waist and pulling her into me. Her answer to that was kissing me deeper; her hands snaked around my neck, holding her body against mine. I pressed her into the wall while our magic threaded together around us. I felt her electricity pulsing wildly inside mine and I consciously covered hers completely with my magic, claiming her as mine.

  Eden squeaked inside my head. Sebastian’s looking for you. And he’s pissed!

  I grunted out a growl of frustration, giving Amelia one last desperate kiss. Our tongues tangled together, her hands were hot against my neck, twisting almost painfully in my hair. I slipped my hands under the hem of her sweater, pressing against the silky heat of her skin. She felt incredible in my arms, like perfection and excitement…. like I could handle the weight of forever if I had this to look forward to every day.

  Because I could tell that this would never get old. No matter how long this infinite life of mine lasted.

  This…. Amelia…. was my completion.

  I felt Sebastian’s magic approach and knew I had to end this. Although, since this girl was so intent on playing games with me, I decided to test out a theory and play my own games. Regretfully I pulled back, separating our lips. She followed me, trying to stall the ending and I let her get one more sexy kiss in, her tongue teasing my bottom lip before it turned into a bite. My breath whooshed out of me as my blood heated fast to a boil with desire.

  I could play games too, but with kisses like those I would never be in control.

  “Told you,” I mumbled against her lips, where they still worked feverishly for me to lose my mind.

  “Told me what?” she pulled back, her eyes bright and wild with adrenaline.

  “That you were a liar,” I laughed. I buried my face in the crook of her neck, taking one big breath of her and then kissed her creamy skin slowly…. gently.

  She shuddered in my arms just as Sebastian reached the other side of the door. I pulled away, leaving her to glare after me. She looked adorable with mussed hair and swollen lips. She stayed against the wall like I had physically molded her into it. I gave her a casual smile and then turned away to meet Sebastian right as he pulled on the handle.

  “Thanks for letting me know about dinner,” I called back to her. “Oh, hey, Sebastian. ”

  “Avalon, everyone’s looking for-“ he stopped when his eyes found his sister, still pushed against the stone wall. “Mimi, is everything all right?”

  “Mmm-hmmm,” was her dazed and weak reply. I couldn’t have stopp
ed the smug grin that spread across my face if I wanted to.

  Sebastian’s stare moved from me to his sister and then narrowed in distrust. I scooted by him quickly, not wanting to hang around for probing questions. Amelia wasn’t quite ready to admit she had feelings for me for whatever reason but I couldn’t deny the sense of satisfaction that came with leaving her all confused and flustered. I smirked to myself, but then dropped it when the kitchen and dining room filled with people seemed to scrutinize my every move. Everything stilled as I moved to get a plate down from the cabinet. I elbowed my way through the small space to get to the stove, deciding we could not all stay here, there just wasn’t enough room. I felt every eye follow my every move and I knew it had to do with the shit-eating grin I was wearing, but I couldn’t seem to wipe the damn thing off my face.

  “What?” I asked out loud.

  Nobody answered; they just got back to eating. The sounds of forks and knives scraping plates filled the house and soon low chatter distracted everybody from my awkward entrance. Everybody except Eden, who sat at the table with a knowing smile of her own.

  Just enjoy the show. I mumbled inwardly to her. She turned and winked at me. Brat.

  I opened my mouth to embarrass her in a lame attempt to at revenge for thinking she knew everything. Even though she had saved me from Sebastian and his overprotective-brotherliness, I still felt the need to even the playing field on which she seemed to have the advantage right now. But before I could say anything, a violently strong wave of nausea smacked me in the face and I reeled from the hit. My mouth watered disgustingly as if I suddenly had way too much saliva and my throat burned like it was preparing for what was coming up.

  I had never been sick before, and other than the disgusted feelings that came with watching Immortals destroy their own kind, these feelings were completely new to me. I clutched at my stomach and set my plate down realizing it was the food that was making me feel this way and that I was very abruptly no longer hungry.


  The last thing I wanted was for Amelia to see me unable to eat her dinner.

  The nausea hit me again and I realized it was twice as strong this time. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Eden lean forward and clutch the table. She could feel it too.

  Panic was the first emotion I had to sort through as the room spun around me. Eden and I didn’t get sick. What the hell was going on?

  King’s Curse? No. This was miserable, but way to gentle.

  Residual from Titus? Possible. But not probable.

  My gaze flickered back to Eden who was turning green trying not to throw up all over the table in front of everyone.

  “Magic, Eden,” I growled through clenched teeth, hating how my mouth just kept watering. The feeling was unpleasant and irritating and I had no desire to find out what throwing up felt like. I had Eden’s memories to fill in the blanks for me.

  Eden. The sickness was coming from her. It had to be something left over from Titus.

  The green color of her skin turned bright red with embarrassment, but she listened. Her magic solved the queasiness and I could stand up again without feeling like I was going to faint or puke. I felt so much better, but a quick glance at Eden revealed that she was still panicking.