May 16th.--A sub-overseer, a man named Hankey, has been talking to me.He says that there are some forty of the oldest and worst prisoners whoform what he calls the "Ring", and that the members of this "Ring" arebound by oath to support each other, and to avenge the punishment of anyof their number. In proof of his assertions he instanced two casesof English prisoners who had refused to join in some crime, and hadinformed the Commandant of the proceedings of the Ring. They were foundin the morning strangled in their hammocks. An inquiry was held, but nota man out of the ninety in the ward would speak a word. I dread the taskthat is before me. How can I attempt to preach piety and morality tothese men? How can I attempt even to save the less villainous?

Marcus Andrew Hislop Clarke's Novels