Page 15 of Beware of Bad Boy


  “The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.”



  Waking up the next morning with a feeling of anticipation, I felt better than I ever had on a Monday morning. I hurriedly dressed for school and went downstairs. Grabbing a breakfast bar and Gatorade, I sat at the kitchen table, tossing my backpack on the chair next to me.

  My mom snatched the Gatorade from my hand and replaced it with a bottle of water. “Honey, do you realize how many calories are in just one Gatorade?”

  “No, mom.” The bottle of water got a scowl from me. My mom got another one as she left the kitchen.

  Caleb walked in and awareness coursed through me. Did he have to be so hot? His body was freaking ridiculous. He was obviously irritated. This wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with our little chat last night, would it? I hoped so.

  “Good morning, Caleb!” I said cheerfully.

  “Morning,” he grumbled while pulling the Gatorade I wanted back out of the fridge.

  “So when are we going shopping?”

  He finally looked at me, eyes wary. “Shopping? For what?”

  I leaned forward and whispered, “For Operation Pop My Cherry.”

  He was in the middle of taking a drink and spewed red liquid all over the countertop. I turned my head to the wall, holding back laughter.

  “Are you serious, Gianna?” he asked, his eyes flaring wide.

  “Of course I’m serious. You’re a dude. You’ll be able to help me pick the sexiest outfit for Jared.” I thought my patient tone was a nice touch.

  “You want me to go with you to pick out an outfit for you to lose your virginity in?” His own tone of disbelief and horror was priceless.

  “Well, I probably won’t be losing my virginity in the outfit. The goal is to drive Jared so wild he rips it off me first,” I explain coyly.

  “Please someone save me,” he muttered distractedly.

  “What was that?” I pretended not to hear.

  “Nothing, we’ll go later this week, I guess,” he agreed reluctantly.

  “Thanks, Caleb. You’re the best stepbrother ever!” This revenge stuff was fun. Picking up my backpack, I slung it over my shoulder.

  “Wait, Gianna, I’ll drive you today.”


  “Just do what I say,” he barked out irritably.

  “Um, okay,” I said quietly. Why would he want to drive me?

  We drove to school in silence. I couldn’t help noticing how handsome he looked in a white Henley and dark blue jeans. The Henley was tucked in only at the front, showing his belt, which added a bit of sexiness.

  He managed to get a close spot in the school parking lot. I grabbed the door handle but he put a hand out to stop me. He was about to say something but changed his mind, shaking his head. People approached both of us as we got out of the car. If you put a camera in their hands, they’d be paparazzi.

  I zeroed in on Josh standing by the front doors, staring our way. God, I’d totally forgotten about him. I glanced over at Caleb to see him glaring back at Josh. I was surprised Josh didn’t come up to me. Maybe he was taking this breakup better than I thought he would. Well, that was a relief. I had been worried he’d do something crazy or embarrassing.

  People crowded us as we entered the front doors. I mostly ignored them and nodded my head here and there. My gaze met Josh’s when I passed by him. “Hi, Gianna.”

  “Hi, Josh.” Deciding that was polite enough, I kept walking.

  Some girl I’d never seen came up and touched Caleb’s arm, hanging on as if she were afraid to let go. He smiled charmingly at her and she giggled like an idiot. I had the urge to pull her bleached hair. At least my naturally dark blonde hair didn’t look like straw. I couldn’t believe I was getting jealous again over a player. It defied logic. A guy like him shouldn’t even be taken seriously.

  I ignored their flirting and walked to my locker. So much for Hannah, I guess she was last week’s flavor like I’d thought. Speak of the she-devil; she was waiting by my locker.

  “Hi, Hannah.” Turning the dial, I unlocked my locker and unloaded a book from my backpack to replace it with another. Finding a Gatorade I’d left there on Friday, I opened it and took a big gulp. What my mom didn’t know didn’t hurt her.

  “Do you know what your stepbrother did to me on Friday night?” Hannah hissed angrily.

  I thought to myself, do I want to know? But I instead said to her, “Nope.”

  She stomped her foot, and I thought, oh my god did she just stomp her foot? “I asked him if he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend!”

  Oh no, the G-word. That was taboo with Caleb.

  “And do you know what he did?” she asked insistently.

  “Nope,” I repeated, hoping she would just go away.

  “He laughed and told me, ‘As long as you’re okay with an open relationship.’ What the hell is that, Gianna? I can be his girlfriend as long as he’s allowed to be with other girls. That defeats the whole purpose of being his girlfriend!” Hannah screeched, oblivious of the attention she was drawing to herself. Two sophomore boys were her rapt audience.

  I managed to hold back my laughter, but at the same time I thought, what a creep Caleb was. But then, it’d been his whole purpose, to discourage Hannah from thinking relationship-type thoughts.

  Before I had to suffer any more of Hannah’s whining one of Josh’s friends came up to me. “Hey, Gianna, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  I gave him a grateful smile. “Sure, Seth, do you want to walk with me to class?”

  His green eyes lit up. “I’d love to.” I’d always liked Seth. He was such a sweet guy. He was kind of cute, too, with brown hair and green eyes. He played on the football team with Josh and we’d chatted in the past.

  While we were strolling down the hall, he cleared his throat nervously. “Josh told me about you two breaking up. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not,” I told him. Truthfully, I really wasn’t sorry at all. Josh suffocated me with his attention and possessiveness. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, the weight of a smothering ex-boyfriend.

  His expression transformed from nervous to relieved. “I know this is kind of soon, but I was wondering if maybe you’d want to go out with me after the game on Friday night?”

  Hearing an obnoxious giggle, I turned my head around to see Caleb and that idiot girl leaning into each other in a flirtatious manner. I spun back to the guy next to me. “That sounds like fun, Seth.”

  His shocked face made me smile. Seth reached out for my hand. “Thank you.”

  “What?” I asked, laughing. Did he just thank me for agreeing to go on a date with him?

  “Oh, I mean, I’ll meet you in the parking lot after the game,” he rushed to say, blushing.

  “Okay, see you later,” I responded, entering my first class. I’d never thought of Seth in a romantic way before and I hoped I didn’t regret going out with him. I hadn’t foreseen him asking me out, being Josh’s friend and all. I probably would’ve said no, but seeing Caleb flirting with another girl after the weekend we just had made me jealous as hell. So, I figured, why not?

  My first few classes were a nightmare. News spread fast about me and Josh breaking up. I’d had three more guys ask me out already. I declined by saying I was already dating someone new. Hopefully news would spread just as fast about me being off the market again. A lot of girls liked Josh so he was probably going through the same thing.

  Hurrying to third period across the building, I felt someone grab me from behind and pull me out of a set of doors leading to football field. As I was pushed up against the brick wall, I saw it was Josh who’d yanked me out of the building.

  “What are you doing, Josh?” I yelled at him, getting scared at the hostility in his eyes.

  “I should be the one asking that,” he gritted out. “What’s this I hear that you’re already dating someone new, Giann
a? Since when? Were you cheating on me the entire time?”

  I fought against his hold, but he was too strong. “No, of course not. And I’m not really dating anyone else yet. I have a date Friday night, that’s all.”

  He pushed his body harder against mine. “With who?”

  “None of your business!” I tried pushing back against him, alarm flashing through me, but couldn’t move.

  He squeezed my jaw roughly with one hand and planted his lips onto mine. His tight grip was hurting my face and I couldn’t help crying. “Shh, don’t cry, baby. I’m sorry. It’s just that I love you so much and the thought of you with someone else drives me fucking insane. Tell me you won’t be with anyone else, baby.”

  Not wanting to antagonize him, but refusing to get back together, I told him, “We’re not getting back together, Josh.”

  His face turning red, he grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me against the wall. I cried out from the pain of hitting my back and head against the brick. “Don’t say that!” he screamed at me.

  I started crying harder because he was still hurting me. “Please let go of me, Josh!”

  He swooped in for another kiss, but I turned my face to the side and his lips met my cheek. Enraged, he slammed me against the wall again, but the doors suddenly opened and a P.E. class filed out. He released me at once and I took the opportunity to run away from him and around the building. I didn’t stop until I reached Caleb’s car in the parking lot. Checking the doors, they were locked, so I circled around to the other side of the car and crouched down against the side of it. I was worried Josh would come looking for me and I didn’t want him to find me if he did.

  I pulled out my cell from the front of my backpack and sent Caleb a text.

  Me: Can you give me a ride home?

  I was relieved when he answered immediately.

  Caleb: Right now?

  Me: Yes PLEASE!

  Caleb: Ok meet me at my car

  No problem, I thought to myself. I still sat against the side of his car when he showed up. “What are you doing down there?”

  I quickly wiped my face with my hand and said nonchalantly, “Just waiting for you.”

  “Why were you crying?”

  “I wasn’t crying,” I denied, then changed the subject, “Hey, if you don’t want to miss class, I can just take your car and pick you up after school.”

  “When did you get the impression I gave a fuck whether or not I missed class?” His hazel eyes still roved over my face, taking in what I was sure were red eyes and blotchy cheeks. “Come on, get in the car.”

  I had to circle the car again to the passenger side. Once we were out of the parking lot and on the street, he demanded, “Tell me why you were hiding on the side of my car, crying.”