God has been from the beginning, now and ever,
existing eternally as Prime Mover, first
cause of all that now is. One always remains free
to think otherwise, but what recommends it, pray
tell? It seems to my mind a worthier practice
to trust the word given by one who is perfect!
The word is complete, self-evident and perfect:
Created things prove God, all events that ever
happen show his will. Yet some charge that we practice
circular reasoning. If so, then let them first
prove it: Show us wherein our falsehoods lie, we pray.
Teach us, ye knowing, the truth that will set us free.
The mind bound by its own assumptions is not free.
Are skeptics immune? They too are less than perfect.
They oft assert that we only believe and pray
because it helps and comforts. Yet if they ever
tire of mere assumptions, they might simply ask first,
“Is God real?” If so, their theory fails in practice.
To deny our Maker is a detestable practice.
Does chance redeem, or variation set us free?
Which specific particle shall we praise as first
and last? Is there a holy rock or a perfect
stone? Shall any ray of light remain for ever?
To which of the elements should we bow and pray?
And what of Life? Did the dust really wish and pray
itself into a man? Did lizards through practice
leaping become birds? Has one kind of creature ever
begotten another? Need alone does not free
us from heritage. Nor does chance make us perfect--
it favors the perfection that God placed there first.
Before any created things could be, God first
was. He made man his chief work... because man can pray.
Ask God then, to sweep your mind, and give the perfect
knowledge of His wonders! Seek, and serve, and practice
obedience--the surrender that sets us free!
Then worship God who reigns forever and ever.
Before all that has ever been, our God was first.
He designed us to practice righteousness and pray,
but left us free. Choose Christ, in whom we are perfect.