Christ speaks
Christ spoke to the children, and gave them this blessing:
“I will watch over your souls with patience and prayer.
Through me ye shall be kept safe in your innocence.
I will be your light on the paths of salvation.
When you follow me, I will show you true freedom,
and shepherd you into my Kingdom forever.”
Christ spoke to the aged, and promised them Forever:
“Well done faithful servants, you have been a blessing
to my church. You have sacrificed worldly freedom
for divine labor, with tireless fasting and prayer.
Not for these works, but faith, I grant thee salvation,
and welcome thee into eternal innocence.”
Christ spoke to the sinners of restored innocence:
“Your crimes are pardoned, and forgotten forever.
Sin no more, but claim the free gift of salvation.
The curse on your lips shall be turned into blessing;
a mouth that once blasphemed shall henceforth speak prayer.
From base temptations ye shall finally find freedom.”
Christ spoke to the righteous, to offer them freedom:
“Though you keep the law slavishly, your innocence
is as filthy rags. Not by thy strength, but by prayer
comes mercy. What, art thou God? Perfect forever?
Eat my flesh and live, drink my blood and find blessing.
Take my hand and be led into sure salvation.”
Christ spoke to the seekers, pointing out salvation:
“I am the Way. Enter through me and find freedom.
Truth is not found by labor, but as a blessing
it is given. Submit, approach in innocence,
or in pride fumble outside the door forever.
All of man’s wisdom pales next to one word of prayer.”
Christ spoke to the scoffers, inviting them to prayer:
“The Father has wrought miraculous salvation.
Will you deny Him and risk just wrath forever?
Who else has given thee your lives, your minds, your freedom?
Clear your minds of the world’s lies, and learn innocence,
And I will show you Heaven in love and blessing.”
Christ speaks today, and forever. He whispers prayer,
sighs of grace, and breathes blessing. He sings innocence,
speaks forth salvation, cries love, and shouts of freedom.