It all begins and ends with God’s holy power.
Who else creates worlds with neither counsel nor help?
Nature is not random, but carefully shaped and blessed.
Every property has been arranged to better
support life. He simply spoke into the silence
and it was so: With God, word and deed are equal.
God next made man, in His image, not His equal,
and granted him reason and free will--the power
to disobey. Then as now, man left the silence
of Eden, lured by the voice of temptation. “Help
yourself,” it hissed, and man did, though he knew better.
Then God cursed Adam, whom he would have always blessed.
Out of faithless generations, Noah was blessed
and found righteous, and for his great work made equal.
He preserved a remnant into a new and better
world, when all things were drowned by God’s poured-out power.
In spite of wrath, God was still with Noah to help,
and kept him while the waters assuaged in silence.
When wicked men strayed once more, God kept not silence,
but chose the faithful servant Abraham, and blessed
Israel above all nations. He was their help
in Egypt--Pharaoh’s magicians could not equal
the signs of Moses, who freed them by God’s power.
God had reserved his people for something better.
Then came Christ, to establish a new and better
covenant; to replace law with grace, and silence
our accuser; to free us from death’s power,
that we might worship the true God, holy and blessed.
Centuries of sacrifice cannot equal
The drops of blood shed for our healing and our help.
Despite his bright coming, today men still need help:
If we don’t know Christ, He cannot make us better.
If we don’t cling to Him, our doom remains equal.
One more miracle must be found, in the silence
of prayer: We have but to believe to join the blessed.
All things begin and end with God’s holy power.
God has no equal. He formed man from dust and silence,
Sent us righteous examples to help us live better,
And blessed us with new life in Christ, to whom be all power.