Imagine a Place
Imagine a place filled with love,
graced with the voices of children;
where saints and martyrs continue
to live and praise God’s holiness;
where the light of the risen Christ
shines its beauty on completion.
Picture a time of completion,
when each spirit returns God’s love,
brought together by Jesus Christ;
when all men become as children,
wrapped warm in borrowed holiness;
when God lets no sin continue.
Think what it’s like to continue
in God, until the completion
of His work. Dream what holiness
feels like. Contemplate perfect love.
What must it mean to be children
of God, and fellow-heirs with Christ?
Believe that God sent Jesus Christ,
who died that we might continue;
who delivers us like children
from just wrath needing completion;
who fulfills mercy’s plan in love,
and leads us into holiness.
Search for someone with holiness--
I know of none. This is why Christ
was given--because of God’s love
for us. Why watch sin continue,
when one act could bring completion,
and lead home the hopeful children?
Wonder how we might stay children;
recall the key to holiness;
ponder how to find completion...
Our place is to be found in Christ.
In Him, hearts and lives continue.
How shall we refuse such great love?
Find your soul’s completion in Christ.
Become children of holiness.
Continue to lay claim to love.