Page 8 of Effortless

Chapter 8

The First Farewell

Having the noise and the chaos of the bar shut off from me calmed me down some. It really wasn't my friends' fault. I shouldn't be angry or upset with them. Kellan either. He'd been looking for something. Unknowingly, he'd been looking for a genuine, loving connection with someone. He'd just gone about it all wrong. Jumping into the physical aspect of a relationship without building up the emotional part of it. No wonder the feeling had never lasted long after the sex for him. No wonder he'd flitted from person to person, desperate and unhappy.

And besides, his past was his past, and just like we'd talked about today, it was all behind him. He'd found what he'd been missing. The only person he was being overtly sexual with was me. . . and that was the way it should be.

Laughing lightly as I organized stock shelves that didn't need organizing, I tried to imagine the funnier stories the girls had told about the group. I could just picture them all drinking stale coffee at some middle-of-nowhere rest stop, complaining about Griffin's crappy car.

Smiling at the image of Kellan in wet board shorts at a water park, I re-folded the stack of Pete's shirts for the third time. Eventually I'd need to go back out there. Maybe after I filled all of the extra salt shakers. Vaguely, I heard the sound of the door opening and closing, the noise of the bar increasing and decreasing. Sighing that an employee was messing with my chi, probably about to bite my head off for hiding out during the busiest night we'd ever had, I kept my back turned, trying to appear horribly busy in my quest for. . . something.

But then, I felt a body come up right behind me, way too far into my personal space. Alarm washing through me, I started to twist around. Strong hands rested against the shelves on either side of me with a firm, hard body pressed into my back. While my heart raced, a mouth hovered near my ear.

"Don't turn around. "

My heart surged, racing through my veins and thudding in my ears. A list of horrible, life changing events passed through my mind. Was I being attacked? Was I about to be raped? Would anyone hear me scream back here? Would anyone rush to my rescue? Where was Kellan?

Panicked and scared out of my mind, I instantly turned around. Or I tried to anyway. The strong hands jerked my head straight. The body behind me pressed me up against the shelves, the arousal of the man evident against my low back. Oh God, so this was going to be rape then? I started shivering as the voice growled in my ear, "I said, don't turn around. "

Just as I was debating which part of my body to hit him with first, my attacker started laughing. The ice and fear leeched from me as I instantly recognized the amused chuckle. Rolling my eyes, heat taking over fear, I twisted to face him.

"Kellan! You scared the shit out of me!" I smacked him in the chest, then did it again for good measure.

He backed away a step, then pulled my body flush to his. Still chuckling, he shook his head. "You're disobeying me. . . " Grinning devilishly, he leaned his face against mine and backed me up into the shelves. I could smell the wave of alcohol on his breath. "I may just have to punish you tonight," he whispered.

It was so erotic, I instantly wanted him, then hated my treacherous body for submitting so fast. It was hard to think, though, with his evident pleasure now pressing right where I needed it. Grabbing my leg, he hitched it up his hip a little, and pressed that marvelous hardness against me even more. I groaned softly, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around him.

"Don't. . . I'm mad at you," I muttered.

A low rumble came up his throat as his mouth attached to my neck. "It makes me hot when you're angry," he murmured, dragging the tip of his tongue from my neck to my ear. I sucked in a breath, my head dropping back to the shelf behind me while his ready body rubbed against me.

Oh, damn.

His fingers deftly untucked my Pete's shirt, one hand dipping underneath to cup my breast. His teeth lightly tugged on an earlobe before his hot lips closed around it. He groaned low and seductive as he pressed against me, and before I knew it, I was nearly panting, silently begging him to take me.

Hissing through his teeth, he murmured, "God, I want you. . . do you want me?"

The hand not engaged in fondling me, slinked inside of my jeans and darted inside my underwear. I exhaled in a rush, my eyes flying open. "No, Kellan, don't. " I grabbed his hand right before his fingers could reach me. God, if he actually touched me. . . we'd be undressed and all over each other a second later. And I knew from experience that this room wasn't exactly secure.

Frowning, he pulled back to look at me. Or he tried to look at me. His eyes focused and unfocused. "Why'd you stop me?" he said, slurring a little and blinking slowly.

Sighing, I tried to get his hand out of my pants; somehow he managed to inch it down a little more. "Are you drunk?" I whispered, bringing my other hand down to try and yank his up.

He laughed lightly, his stronger hand not budging, even with all of my efforts. God, I hoped no one walked in on us like this. "Probably," he giggled a little, "and I want that sex now. "

Shaking my head, I set my mouth into a firm line. "No, I'm not having sex with you in the back room. "

Frowning, he brought his lips to mine. I resisted, but he teased me with light flicks of his tongue against my skin and I had no choice but to let him in. My grip on his hand relaxed just a fraction, too. "Why not?" he murmured. "I had Pete fix the door. . . it's locked, if that's what you're worried about. " His hand slid down a half inch lower, and I let it. "Besides, it is my big night. "

Summoning all of my will power, I pulled back from his mouth. "Why would you have Pete fix the door?"

He shrugged, heading back towards my lips. "I like it back here. This room holds. . . happy memories for me. "

Avoiding him, I raised an eyebrow. "Happy? Us screaming at each other is a happy memory for you?" I cringed at the night we'd finally blown up at each other. It had been the worst verbal fight I'd ever been in, and hoped to ever be in again.

He grinned lazily, the alcohol flowing through his veins apparent in his features. "Remember what I said about your being angry making me hot?" The tip of his finger brushed over a curl below and I hissed in a breath, yanking his hand up a smidge. He grinned wider, then exhaled softly. "I told you I loved you in this room. " His voice wistful, he shook his head. "I should have said it earlier. "

Seeing the love in his drunken haze, I smiled and released one of my hands from his arm to stroke his cheek. "Yes, you should have. " Sighing, I shook my head. "And I should have said it back. "

His expression turned serious for a second and he lowered his head against mine, closing his perfectly deep eyes. "Yes, yes you should have. " Giggling, he added, "You always were stubborn as shit, though. It took you forever to admit you even had feelings for me. "

Pulling back from him, I frowned as deeply as I could with his hand still down my pants. He giggled more and leaned over to kiss me. "What? You know I'm right. " His tongue brushed against mine and I moaned. I considered letting him do whatever he wanted with me. He did get the door fixed after all. . .

Maybe sensing where my head was, or maybe too drunk to care, his hand slid down to cup my body. I groaned, aching with the need for him to lift a finger and touch me. He didn't, though, just held his hand there and passionately kissed me. His breath was harder, and as my fingers reached down to tentatively touch his arousal, I could feel that it was harder too.

Wanting to scream, "Okay, okay, just take me!" I suddenly remembered the chaos we'd left in the bar. Releasing my hand from him, I pushed his shoulder back. "You have to go play, Kellan. " Narrowing my eyes, ignoring the throbbing in my body, I looked over his slightly glazed face. "Can you even do that?"

Laughing, he nodded. "There's a lot I can do when I'm drunk. " He laughed again and I frowned, also remembering the earlier revelations that had been made to me by my coworkers.

"Yeah, I hear you make out with Pete's waitresses on New Year's Eve when you're wasted. "

He looked at me blankly, a dopey, satisfied smile on this face, then he frowned. "What?"

Rolling my eyes, I yanked on his hand still happy and content on my privates. "Kate, you ass. You never told me you almost had sex with her. . . Jenny too. "

He rolled his eyes and slurred, "I never got anywhere near sex with Jenny. She said no. And Kate. . . . doesn't count. "

I narrowed my eyes, leaning into his face. He blinked as he readjusted his vision to look at me. "What do you mean she doesn't count?"

He shrugged slowly. "Almost doesn't count. "

Grunting, I successfully yanked his hand free from my jeans. He openly pouted at me as I handed his hand back to him; he even gave me puppy dog eyes. Smiling, in spite of my objections to his comment, I shook my head. "What am I going to do with you?"

His smile turned lascivious as his eyes locked onto my pants. "I could think of a few things. "

Chuckling, I physically turned him around. Hopefully his. . . situation. . . wouldn't be too apparent to the patrons when I stormed him back out to the bar. That could be a little embarrassing for him. Then again, probably not. Kellan didn't get embarrassed by things that would have most people mortified. He'd probably just shrug and drink another beer.

He sighed morosely while I pushed him forward. I chuckled again, realizing something. He looked back at me once we got to the door. Frowning, he muttered, "What's so funny?"

Smiling at the look of insolence on his face, I grinned and laughed a little more. "Well. . . Casanova. . . since you are obviously living it up on your night, guess what I get to do later?"

He grinned again, bringing his still ready body around so he could press it into mine. Unfortunately, I was still ready too, and it felt, really, really amazing when we pressed together. I started to close my eyes but opened them when he mumbled, "Me?"

Pushing him back, I raised a finger in warning. "No. . . " Smiling innocently, I reached behind him to open the door. "I finally get to drive the Chevelle again. "

He frowned and instantly started protesting, but I shoved his drunken ass though the door. There was no way I was letting him drive to the after party.

Just as he was back out into the hallway, adorably sputtering that he was fine and of course he could drive, he started ringing. Well, the cell phone in his front pocket started ringing, but since Kellan wasn't used to wearing one on him, he looked around himself like he had no idea why he was making noise. He started patting his body, looking for the source of the sound. Laughing, I stopped his hands and put one of them on the slight bulge that was his cell phone.

Giggling to himself as the people walking past looked at him oddly, he muttered, "Oh thank God, it's the phone. I thought my cock was ringing. "

As my cheeks flamed bright red and my hand slapped over my mouth, Kellan dug his phone out of his pocket and answered it. Upon hearing his greeting, I instantly wondered if Kellan should be speaking on the phone in his condition. I also wondered who could be calling him. . . most of us were already here, or on our way here.

"Yo, talk to me," he spouted merrily, sitting back on a hip. Shaking my head at him, I rolled my eyes. Lord help whoever he was talking to. I figured out who that was a moment later. His face dropping in complete surprise, Kellan loudly exclaimed, "Dude! Denny, man! You have, like, fuck-tastic timing. Tonight's my last show and Kiera and I were just-"

My eyes widened and I immediately tried to take the phone from him. Of all the people for Kellan to talk to drunk, Denny was the worst one. There were way too many delicate topics he could accidentally start talking about.

Glaring at me, Kellan twisted out of my reach, stumbling back a step. "Relax, Kiera, I wasn't going to tell him that you just blew me off. " My mouth dropped open; he'd just said that directly into the phone and it sounded really, really bad. His hazy mind registering what he'd done, Kellan blinked and quickly covered with, "Oh, Denny, not that she actually blew me or anything, she didn't, she doesn't really hang out down there, if you know what I mean," he paused to giggle, "and I guess you do, huh?"

Reattempting to snatch the phone away before the idiot told Denny everything that he didn't need to hear, I watched Kellan frown as he batted me away. "Sorry, man, you probably don't want to hear shit like that. " There was a pause from Kellan as Denny spoke, then Kellan laughed. "Yeah, well, at least I didn't say you caught us in the middle of doing it. . . that would have been awkward. "

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Idiot. Joking or not, Denny really didn't need to picture Kellan and I together. I heard silence and peeked an eye open at Kellan; he was frowning. "Denny? You still there?" After another second his frown lifted to a medicated smile. "No, the tour starts tomorrow, we're livin' it up for our last night in Seattle. "

Sighing, I grimaced. I hadn't realized that Kellan had told Denny that he was leaving for a few months. I could just imagine what Denny thought about that. Denny probably wouldn't say anything directly, but I was sure, in his head, he was making some comparisons to when he'd left me.

Wondering how to get Kellan out of saying something stupid to his friend, potentially ruining the tenuous relationship that they had, I tried for the phone again. Kellan held me back at arm's length as he blabbered on. "Yeah, I know. Six months, Denny. On a bus, man! An actual tour bus, can you believe that shit?" Kellan paused, then tilted his head. "Yeah, I'm seriously buzzin'. . . why?"

Taking advantage of Kellan's brief moment of confusion, I snatched the phone out of his hand. Denny was laughing when I put the cell up to my ear. "Hey, Denny, it's me. Sorry about that, he's been. . . celebrating. "

Still chuckling, Denny murmured, "I can tell. Hey, how are you?"

I knew he was asking about Kellan's upcoming departure, but I answered like I didn't know he was asking that. "Oh, I'm doing great. Work's busy and school's crazy, but I'm getting by. "

There was a pause and I studied Kellan. He'd crossed his arms over his chest and was tapping his foot like a petulant teenage girl. I bit my lip to not laugh. After the silence, Denny seriously said, "No, Kiera, I meant with Kellan leaving. "

Sighing, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the phone. "Yeah, I know that's what you meant. I'm fine. . . really. " Opening my eyes, I smiled at Kellan; he smiled back, wobbling a bit on his feet. "This is a big moment for him. I'm not going to ruin it by. . . " I bit my lip, not wanting to say it to Denny.

Sighing, I heard him fill in the blanks. "By breaking up with him so he gives up everything to rush back to you. . . even though it's too late. "

Swallowing, I turned away from Kellan. "Denny. . . "

Clearing his throat, Denny sniffed into the phone. "Hey, sorry. I didn't mean to go there. I really didn't, Kiera. " Sounding uncomfortable, he cleared his throat again. "Look, I'll call back later when he's sober. I just wanted to wish him good luck on his tour. " He laughed softly. "Not that he'll need it. "

I smiled a little, looking back at Kellan who was leaning against the far wall, staring at the exit sign at the end of the hallway. "Yeah. . . I'll tell him later. " Tilting my head, I shook it. "Thanks for calling, Denny. I know it means a lot to Kellan. "

A brief silence, then, "Yeah. . . goodnight, Kiera. "

"Goodnight, Denny. "

Shutting the phone, I held it in my hand a moment before turning back to Kellan. He was staring at me again, blinking slowly. When I walked over and held the phone out to him, he numbly took it, still expressionless. Shoving it in his pocket, he finally grimaced. "I'm hungry. . . do you want to split some fries with me?"

Exhaling in a long, relieved breath, glad that he wasn't going to start a drunken fight with me for chatting with my ex, I nodded. "Sounds great. I'll get some cooked up for you. "

He nodded, smiled brilliantly, then gave me a swift kiss on the cheek. Then he tipsily swaggered down the hall, getting distracted by every person that spoke to him along the way. Slowly shaking my head, I prayed he didn't get sick before the night was through.

About an hour later he paraded up onto the stage. The sound was deafening as the boys took their places for their last official performance here; ten times louder than I'd ever heard it. Kellan had an adorable expression on his face. It was a mixture of joy, contentment and excitement, with a touch of wistfulness and a good dollop of alcohol. He'd sobered up some after I'd made him down a plate of food, but I was pretty sure he was still feeling no pain.

Slinging his guitar over his body and grabbing his mic, he held his hand up to the massive crowd that had turned out; there were people still outside, the bar too packed to let them in. As the other boys adjusted their instruments, Kellan's eyes swept over his well-wishers. I swear the blue depths were a little misty as he started shaking his head, his face disbelieving.

"Wow. . . there's a lot of you here. " He smiled gorgeously after speaking and a shrill scream of approval went through the crowd. I flinched at the sound, Kellan grinned wider.

Popping the mic off the stand, Kellan stepped to the edge of the stage; I prayed he didn't fall off of it. "I want to thank you all for coming, for supporting us for so long. " He paused, waiting for the sudden noise to die down. The wistfulness in his expression took over as he locked gazes with some of the fans directly in front of him. Sighing, he shook his head. "I'm gonna miss this. . . "

He lifted his eyes and found mine. It took him a second to focus on me, but when he did, his entire face lit back up. Giggling, he muttered, "I'm so wasted right now. "

The crowd cheered, screaming again, and I rolled my eyes. God, I hoped he could still play, I'd hate for his last show to suck. The melancholy of it being his last performance tried to sneak up on me but I pushed it back. There'd be time to dwell on it later. For now, while it was happening, I wanted to enjoy it. Smiling at him, I shook my head and went back to my duties. I heard him laugh again, then Evan started his intro.

They played their new song first, and I listened intently for any indication that Kellan was off. He wasn't. He was pitch-perfect, even his playing was right on. You'd never, ever know by listening to him that he couldn't walk in a straight line anymore. Muscle memory. . . truly one of the marvels of the universe.

After their new song, the band rocked the bar with all of their greatest hits. I watched them whenever I could. Kellan smiled and flirted, looking right at home up on that small stage. There was nothing more natural to me than seeing Kellan singing with his friends, the black wall behind him, decorated with various styles of guitars, as his backdrop. While I was thrilled at what the future could potentially hold for him, I was going to miss this, too.

About halfway through the set, Kellan played my song. I stopped working, taking my break so I could listen. It was the song he'd been singing the night we got back together. It was the song he'd written about us, after I'd broken his heart. I hated it. . . I loved it.

Edging my way through the fans, I squeezed into the front row. Someone threw their arms around me and I blinked at seeing my sister there. She'd stopped in after her shift at Hooters and melded into the crowd. I smiled at her, then focused all of my attention up at my boyfriend. He'd watched my progression through the pack of people and his eyes were burning holes through me as he sang his melancholy ode to heartache. It still brought tears to my eyes.

Tilting his head at me, he stepped up to the edge of the stage. The fans went nuts at how close he was, their hands shooting out to touch him. Ignoring them for a moment, he dropped down to a knee right in front of me. Shutting out the world, shutting out the fans stroking the edge of his jeans, he locked his eyes on me and sang his heart out. The tears were streaming down my cheeks by the time he was finished with his song.

Smiling, still dropped down on his knee, he crooked his finger at me and leaned forward. Forgetting that he was in the middle of a show, I swiped the tears away and leaned up to kiss him. The shrieks and hollers as our lips brushed together reminded me that we weren't alone in the back room anymore. I instantly wanted to pull away, embarrassed, but his hand reached out to grab my head. Chuckling in my mouth, he held me against him, deepening our kiss.

I flushed red hot everywhere, feeling every eye in the place on me. When he finally broke away, his grin was devilish. He knew how much stuff like that bothered me. I'd rather slink in the back unnoticed than have every woman gaping at me. Smacking him on the arm, I gave him my best, We'll talk about this later, look. Laughing, he stood back up.

As fans jostled against me, some asking questions, the rest trying to take my place and lean up to attach their lips to him somehow, I wiggled past my sister and past the mob of people now studying my every move. Even mortified though, my lips burned in the absolute best possible way from where he'd touched me.

When the band's long set finally ended, the crowd erupted into applause and cat calls. Kellan grinned as he took it all in, looking a little more sober after his couple of hours onstage. Evan beamed as he clicked his sticks together. Matt looked down at the floor as he unstrung his guitar from around his neck, and Griffin raised his chin up and surveyed his Kingdom with the air of someone who felt entitled to it.

Grabbing the neck of his guitar, Kellan raised his hand for quiet. The bar hushed almost instantly, the opening and shutting front doors the only sound for a moment. Smiling warmly, Kellan said, "The band and I would like to thank you all again. You're the best fans that we ever could have asked for and we're going to miss playing for you every weekend. . . "

He paused, absorbing the sight of everyone enraptured by him, then, grinning wickedly, he pointed over to Matt. "Now let's all go over to Matt's place and get royally fucked up!"

There was an earsplitting noise of agreeance by the crowd as Matt frowned over at Kellan. Griffin patted him on the back as the group hopped off the stage. Kellan put his guitar back in its case and slung it over his shoulder; he was the only one that didn't just leave his instrument at the bar. I thought that maybe Matt and Griffin might grab their instruments this time, too, since they weren't coming back, at least, not for a really long time. But then I remembered what the girls and I were doing tomorrow afternoon once the boys had left town. We were packing up their stuff, Evan's drums, the guitars, and all of the sound equipment that was theirs. We were closing up shop for them, so the guys didn't have to do it after the bar closed tonight, so they could relax and enjoy their last night in Seattle.

As I was dwelling on that, Kellan pushed his way through the people to get to me. It was a process; he was stopped and fondled at every step. He even had to brush past I've-slept-with-you-girl that we'd run into at school earlier. Her and her friends had taken his invitation and come out to see the show. Glancing up at me, he quickly disengaged himself from her. I couldn't stop the small grin on my face at the disappointment in hers.

When he finally made it to me, he threw his arm around my shoulders. Sighing in my ear as he hugged me, he muttered, "I can't believe that was our last show here. " Pulling back, he shrugged. "This place is home to me. "

Shaking my head, I ran my knuckle over his cheek. "You'll be back. " I said it matter-of-factly and Kellan raised an edge of his lip. We really didn't know if and when the band would be back. Touring could lead to all sorts of possibilities, and all of them were bigger than playing at the same small bar every weekend.

Not wanting to think about it, I pointed to his guitar. "Why don't you go put that in the car and go with Matt to his place?" Sighing, I shook my head. "I'm sure you're eager to get to your after party. " Noticing my sister behind him, I briefly waved at her as she darted out of the doors with Griffin.

Smiling, Kellan moved his arm around my shoulder down to my waist. "No, I thought I'd help you clean up here before we headed out. . . together. "

Inwardly touched, I frowned. "It's your party. . . don't you want to go?" I looked around at the mass of people leaving the bar and the mess they'd left behind. "I might be stuck here another hour?"

Chuckling, Kellan darted back into my vision. "Not if I stay to help. " Smiling, he shook his head. "Besides, I want to spend my evening with you. . . not a bunch of drunk people I barely know. "

Grinning, I leaned up to kiss him. "Okay, good. Then come back here after you put that away. " He nodded against my lips and laughing a little, I added, "And don't forget to give me your keys. "

Pulling back, he raised an eyebrow at me. "I sobered up on stage. I'm completely fine to drive. "

Furrowing my brow, I narrowed my eyes. "You remember telling Denny earlier tonight that I don't hang out 'down there'?"

Kellan's eyes widened as he remembered that horribly embarrassing conversation that he'd drunkenly had earlier. Biting his lip as he backed away from me, looking for all the world that he was worried that I'd slap him again, he mumbled, "Oh, right. . . yeah, I'll get those keys to you. "

I smiled knowingly and nodded. Yes, letting me drive his buzzed butt was the least he could do for me after that little comment.

Kellan ended up chatting with some of the longtime regulars instead of actually helping me, but that was all right; he was still with me, throwing me smiles whenever he looked my way. That was preferable to him at a party with a bunch of women who'd love to give him a farewell present, a very intimate farewell present. And they'd probably have no qualms about hanging out "down there. "

When every customer had finally gone and the place was clean enough that the day crew wouldn't cuss us out too bad, Kellan and I finally headed out to his car. Kate, Jenny and even Rita, all followed us as I led the way to Matt and Griffin's place. Sulking the entire time I drove, Kellan told me to head to the outskirts of the city. Oddly enough, Matt and Griffin shared a townhouse in suburbia. It was an odd thought in conjunction with Griffin. Honestly, I'd always pictured him living above a brothel or something. I suppose he would, if they were legal here.

Parking about a half mile away from the house, our group walked up to the bustling home. As Kate and Jenny relayed funnier memories to Rita, making her laugh, I looked around the cramped neighborhood and wondered how much longer it was going to be before one of the homeowners called the cops on the noisy rock stars in their midst.

Kellan opened the front door and walked through when we approached it; another home-away-from-home for him. The noise of the stereo hit me first, the bass deep and thumping, then the rustle and hiss of dozens and dozens of bodies filled my ears. The sound only amplified when Rita shut the door behind her. Kellan smiled back at me and nodded his head in a direction he wanted us to go. Taking a second to put my bag and jacket in the already crammed full coat closet, I grabbed his hand.

He started leading us directly through the mass of people in the living room. Matt and Griffin's place was much bigger than Kellan's, the living room being a wide-open design that left ample space for dancing in the center of it. A group of clearly drunk partygoers were already doing that. Some big, beer-belly man was even doing some sort of supposed-to-be-seductive shimmy, shaking his belly fat to a group of giggling girls. Kellan chuckled at him as we passed, patting his shoulder to give us space. The girls instantly locked onto Kellan, ignoring the dancing joker in their midst.

Clutching Kellan's hand tight, we finally made it through the gyrating swarm to the dining room, where a group of people were set up at a six-foot-long dining table. The table had seen much better days, the hard wood scraped and dented everywhere, but the sloppily drunk people playing drinking games didn't seem to care. Kellan paused at the table, watching the chaos for a few seconds with an amused grin on his face.

As some perky blonde pouted that she had to finish her nearly full beer, Matt came up to our side and clapped Kellan's shoulder. "Hey, you made it. People have been asking for you. "

I smiled over at Matt's cutely flushed face. His eyes were slightly unfocused. I figured he'd been indulging at his going away party. Rachel behind him placed her chin on his shoulder and smiled over at me. Her eyes were clear and bright. If Matt was caving in, she was not. I smiled and waved at her, instantly grateful that at least one person at this party was being sober and responsible.

Smiling over at me, Matt raised his eyebrows. "Hey, Kiera. We got everything. . . what's your poison?"

Glancing behind him into the kitchen, I noticed the long counters were filled with just about every beer and liquor on the planet. They seemed better stocked than Pete's. Laughing at Rita, who'd slipped into the room the other way and was now doling out drinks, just like back at the bar, I shook my head at Matt. "I'm good, really, thanks. "

Matt nodded and let it go. Kellan twisted around and frowned at me. "Uh-uh, you need a drink. "

Twisting my lip at him, I raised an eyebrow. "You're going to peer pressure me to drink?"

He smiled and rolled his eyes. Leaning into me, he placed his lips on my ear. I had to stop breathing for a second as his breath washed over my neck, igniting my body. "I don't want you spending the entire evening thinking about me leaving. "

His words washed my brief desire away and I pulled back to look at him. Frowning, he added, "I don't want you spending our last night thinking about it. . . and you will, right?" Sighing, I reluctantly nodded. Yeah, he's approaching departure was about all I was thinking about. Even the many distractions here couldn't really keep my mind from that path for long.

Sighing himself, he slung his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. "I want you to loosen up and have a little fun with me. " Sinking down to my eye level, he raised a brow. "Can you do that?"

Exhaling, I took a moment to memorize his features. Twisting back to Matt, who'd spent our brief discussion sucking on Rachel's neck while she tried to get him to stop, I tapped his shoulder. When he blinkingly looked at me, I pointed to the alcohol flowing freely around the room. "I'll take something. . . sweet. "

Matt brightened and leaned in to hug me. It was way more affection than I was used to from him and I giggled as I patted his back. "I'll hook you up, Kiera!" he exclaimed, leaping to his assignment like I was a royal debutante that he had to please.

Kellan laughed at his friend as he kissed my neck. "Thank you," he murmured in my ear.

I was about to tell him that he'd be thanking me later if I got tipsy and threw up in his car, but just at that moment a scream sounded over the music in the living room. Kellan and I stepped back so we could peek into the large room. I started laughing instantly. Evan had found Jenny and had picked the tiny woman up and slung her over his shoulder. Jostling her a little bit, he was playfully smacking her bottom while she squealed.

While Kate tried to help her down, Jenny laughed and clung to her teddy bear of a boyfriend. Spotting me, she lifted her hand up. "Kiera, help me!"

Evan twisted around to look at us, also twisting Jenny around in the process. She kicked her feet but Evan had her tight. Smiling at Kellan and me, he waved a quick greeting. Kellan waved back and chuckled. Smiling down at me, Kellan got a playful glint in his eye.

Mine widened as I took a step back. "Don't even think about it, Kyle. " Putting my finger in his chest as his playful grin turned devilish, I backed up into a dining room chair. The girl sitting there drunkenly stood up and grabbed my shoulders.

"Here, I'm done. . . you play. " She forcefully plopped me down and I sat in a whoosh.

No sooner had I finished my descent to a seat, than Matt was beside me, handing me a large glass filled with something an orangey-pink color. "Here you are, Kiera. Something sweet," he laughed as he straightened, "like you. "

I smiled at Matt and thanked him just as a pair of dice were placed in front of me. Frowning at the brunette who'd handed them to me, I started shaking my head. I really hadn't intended to play. Rolling her eyes, she put them in my palm and made my palm drop them.

The entire table mockingly groaned as I looked at a pair of ones. They all seemed to know what that meant. . . I had no clue. Kellan started laughing and I glanced up at him, irritated. As Matt consolingly patted my shoulder, muttering something that sounded like, "I'll make you another one, Kiera," Kellan pointed to my glass.

"Snake eyes means you have to pound your drink. " My mouth dropped open as I stared at him. Rita handed him a beer, her hand resting a little too casually on his shoulder. Kellan raised his beer to me. "Bottom's up, babe. "

I smirked and shook my head. "I wasn't really playing. . . "

The entire table started booing and groaning; someone even threw a bottle cap at me. Kellan laughed and shrugged as I took a hold of my drink. Knowing that he wanted me to loosen up and have a little fun, and figuring this was as good a way as any, I tipped the drink down and forced myself to swallow it as fast as I could.

It freaking burned.

Whatever the hell Matt had made me was strong. By the end of the glass I was coughing and my eyes were stinging. My belly also had a pleasant warmth to it and my head swam a little. I grinned up at Kellan as the table burst into cheers. God, by the approval level, you'd think drinking was a sport, and I'd just scored the winning point.

As Matt handed me another beautifully peachy drink, someone commented to Kellan, "Dude, your girlfriend can really suck 'em down. . . lucky bastard. "

Kellan started laughing but immediately stopped when he met my icy glare. Grabbing the commenter's jacket, Kellan hauled him from his seat. "My turn," he told him, sitting in his spot. I smiled as the dice made their way around to him. Jerk. I hope he got snake eyes too.

As the evening progressed, my luck with this game didn't improve. I swear to God every time anyone did anything, I was the one that had to drink. My glass never strayed from my lips long, and my head got fuzzier and fuzzier the longer I sat at the table. The drink, however, got smoother and smoother. It was practically candy at one point.

The brunette bitch to the right of me, that had made me start this little fiasco in the first place, giggled and gave me five drinks. . . just because. As I cursed and then started taking them, she adorably peeked her head up at Kellan. "Sorry, Kellan, I'm really not trying to get your girlfriend drunk. "

I wanted to leer at her and mutter, "Yeah, you are," but I wasn't finished with my assigned drinks yet.

Kellan smiled at the cute girl next to me, but before my jealousy could really start to flare up, his gorgeous blue eyes turned to mine. Even my slow head could appreciate the beauty in those dark depths. Keeping his gaze on me, he told her, "No, go ahead, get her drunk. " Grinning devilishly, he added, "The odds of me getting lucky tonight will only increase if you do. "

I wanted to blush and be embarrassed, but really, I'd had far too much alcohol by this point. In-between sips, I laughed and tossed out, "Since when have you ever needed help with your odds?" Surprisingly, I only slurred that a little bit.

Kellan charmingly cocked an eyebrow at me while the table rolled with laughter. He'd sobered up a bit on the stage, but with how long he'd been playing this game with me, he had to be as buzzed as I was. Smiling crookedly, he leaned forward on the table. "True. . . " he murmured drunkenly.

He was sitting kitty-corner to me at the massive table, but our feet were touching underneath it. The table was packed with people, the room was crammed with watchers, but as Kellan locked his simmering eyes to mine, and my body flared with heat in response. . . we may as well have been alone.

He ran his teeth along his bottom lip, the move so sexy I bit my own, then he dropped his voice to a seductive level that I usually only heard when he were alone, wrapped in each other's bare arms. "But, maybe I could get you to do that one thing with your-"

Suddenly remembering that we were not alone and wrapped in each other's bare arms, I partially stood from the table, cutting him off. "Kellan Kyle! You shut the hell up!"

He laughed and sat back in his chair. Quite a few people in the room laughed with him and I finally felt that blush creeping into my cheeks. He shrugged and shook his head. "Just saying. . . " As I narrowed my eyes at him, making the room crack up even more, he tilted his head, staring at me in an unmistakably loving way. "You're such an adorable drunk, Kiera. "

Grinning, my mood shifting again, I finished standing up. He watched me curiously as I leaned over the table, completely pausing the drinking game as everyone stared at us. For once I didn't care if they did. Kellan was my focus and I wanted him to kiss me. . . even if I had to crawl over the table to get to him.

Smiling at the image in my head, I crooked a finger at him. One edge of a lip curling up in a way that was dangerously attractive, he stood slightly and leaned over the table as well. Our lips met in the middle, my mouth parting as his tongue lightly brushed against me. My sloppy mind heard a few giggles and whistles, but Kellan's soft skin took up all of my concentration. I nearly wanted him to lay me down on this damaged, beer-stained surface.

As I was considering yanking him over the table so his entire body could be on mine, a particular voice broke through the chaos. "All right! We playing spin the bottle?"

Kellan and I broke apart at the same time and glared over at the annoyance who'd distracted us. As Griffin strode up to the table, I suppressed a sigh. Well, I knew he was here. . . it was really only a matter of time before he made an appearance. Glancing behind him, I noticed my sister leaning against a wall, a familiar, satisfied expression on her face. I instantly did not want to know where they'd been hiding.

As Griffin stood beside Kellan, clapping a hand on his back, Kellan fully stood and shook his head. "No, we're not, Griffin. "

Ignoring him, Griffin reached down to the table. Finding an empty beer bottle, he laid it on its side and spun it in a circle. The table instantly started laughing at the new aspect being introduced to our game.

With everyone chuckling around us, I sat back down, blushing. I hadn't played spin the bottle since the eighth grade, and I was pretty sure I didn't want to ever play it with Griffin. Even my frazzled brain knew that much. The brunette beside me bit her lip as she stared at Kellan; I knew exactly where she was hoping her turn would land her. I had no intention of letting her wish be fulfilled. Breech of party etiquette or not, no one was kissing Kellan tonight but me.

Griffin had an eager look on his face as he watched the brown bottle start to spin slower. As the room quieted in anticipation, I glanced over at Kellan; he was still standing in front of his seat, arms crossed over his chest as he watched Griffin with a smirk on his face. I wondered if Kellan was just as against anyone kissing me as I was about anyone kissing him. I wondered what he'd do if the bottle stopped on me? Oh God, what would I do if the bottle stopped on me? Griffin wouldn't let it go with a simple refusal. Even if he had to hunt me down, he'd stop at nothing to get his kiss.

Just when I was about to gather all of my slow senses together so I could make a bolt for the back door, the bottle stopped spinning and the room started laughing. . . hysterically. I couldn't figure out why until I looked down at the bottle, then I started laughing hysterically too. It had finally stopped moving with the neck pointed perfectly. . . at Kellan.

Kellan was twisting his lips unhappily as he stared down at it, then he suddenly looked back up at Griffin who was still staring at the bottle, maybe thinking it was going to move again. Griffin looked up at Kellan when Kellan shook his head and said, "Nuh-uh. " The table laughed even harder and so did I, my eyes starting to water as I clutched my stomach.

Matt and Evan sauntered up to see what all the fuss was about while Griffin scowled, then shrugged. "Sorry, man. House rules, you play the bottle where it lies. "

Kellan shook his head again while Evan and Matt joined in the laughter bouncing off the walls in the room. "Griff, we're not playing-"

Kellan couldn't finish his sentence. Griffin reached out and grabbed his head, pulling him in for a kiss. . . and not a peck. Kellan struggled for a second, then managed to break free. He took a step back with his hand raised at Griffin in warning. Several people around the table had to wipe tears of laughter out of their eyes, me included. I guess I was wrong about no one else kissing Kellan tonight.

"Dude! What the fuck!"

As Kellan glared at Griffin, Griffin took a step back and regarded Kellan with a puzzled expression. "Huh. " Cocking his head as he looked Kellan over, he shrugged. "Yeah, I don't get what all the fuss is about. . . I've had better. " He gestured with his hand while Kellan scowled, re-crossing his arms over his chest. "Maybe if you did this thing with your tongue. . . "

Evan and Matt bent over they were laughing so hard. Jenny and Kate joined them as they peeked their heads into the room. My sister was in hysterics against the wall, and even shy Rachel was quietly laughing. The few people who had dared to take a sip of their drink, were desperately trying not to spew their drink everywhere. I really didn't want to laugh at a man kissing my boyfriend. . . and then calling him bad at it, but it was too funny and I was too drunk. I laughed as hard as the rest of them, maybe harder, since I couldn't imagine anything worse than being Frenched by Griffin.

Kellan backhanded Griffin across the chest for his comment, then let out a small chuckle and shoved his shoulder away from him. "Get the fuck out of here, Griffin. "

With an offended look, Griffin backed away from the table. "Whatever, man, it's just a suggestion. Take it or leave it. " Clutching my sister's waist, he drew her in for a deep kiss. I cringed until they pulled away. Smiling at her breathless face, Griffin smirked. "I'll just save my skills for people that appreciate them. " Anna laughed and brought his lips back to hers while Kellan rolled his eyes.

Matt clapped Griffin on the back and they left the room with Anna and Rachel. Matt was holding his stomach he was laughing so hard. Kellan closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. Opening them, he turned to look at where I was still giggling. He smiled at my enjoyment of his situation and then shook his head at me.

Kellan glanced around the room of people all still laughing at his misfortune. Chuckling himself, he picked up his beer from the table and motioned with it to the now-forgotten game. "Well, needless to say. . . I'm done. "