Page 25 of Perfectly Imperfect

  "My baby boy," she yells before pulling the door open. "Get out here and give me some love! It's been too long, and you've neglected your mother long enough."

  He laughs against my body and slides out of the backseat, pulling me with him when he grabs my hand. I look up and see Cam laughing at Kane's mother as she bounces up and down on her feet waiting for her son to give her a hug, her arms wide and her expression full of excitement.

  "Hey, Mom," he mumbles, letting go of my hand and bending down to wrap his arms around her.

  "Oh, my big baby boy. Stop denying me the happiness of these hugs and come home more often."

  Kane laughs and tries to pull back but fails when she refuses to let him go.

  My own laughter joins Cam when I watch Kane pick his mother up off her feet. Her smile brightens, and he laughs even harder. Her feet dangling in the air as her 'baby boy' gives his mother the love she's been missing.

  "Jesus, Becca! Let the man breathe," a deep voice laughs from the doorway.

  I look over at the man I assume is Kane's father. He's just as tall, if not a little taller than Kane. And this would be where Kane got every other one of his striking features. Strong jaw, chiseled cheeks, thick brows, and that one dimple. They have the same powerful build. Impossibly thick muscles--the kind that shows they work hard to stay fit without turning into hulks--trim hips, and long legs.

  "Isn't he handsome." Kane's mother laughs, and I look over from his father to see that he was no longer embracing her. She was now standing right in front of me with her beaming smile in place and this time directed at me.

  I look from her to her son, now walking toward his father, and then back, nodding my head as my own beaming smile forms.

  She throws her head back and laughs loud and long, pulling me to her in a hug that almost hurts. "Oh, I've been looking forward to meeting you, honey. I can't tell you how much I have been. I just knew you would be perfect."

  Her words hit me, harder than her hug, and I feel myself getting slightly emotional. "It's great to finally meet you, Mrs. Masters."

  "None of that, dear. Call me Becca ... or Mom. Whatever works for you. No place for formalities with family."


  God, she has no idea how much that means to me. I look up and meet Kane's eyes. He gives me a look full of love, and I give him a big toothy smile, relieved to see his mood has lifted when he returns it.

  "Let's get inside and get you settled in. Kane told me you would be staying in the guesthouse, so I made sure the fridge was well stocked. Kole made sure that the sheets were changed, fresh, and dust-mite free since no one ever stays there."

  Kane laughs at his mother's words as we walk through the doorway and into his home. "You made Kole do housework?"

  "Well, who else was going to do it, young man? He knows better than to question his mother."

  "More like I'm afraid of her when she's got a wooden spoon in her hand. That shit hurts."

  "Kole Henry Masters! You watch that mouth of yours." Turning to me, she continues, "These boys seem to think that cussing makes them some big bad man, but I tried to teach them that it only makes them look too stupid to find a word worth expressing their feelings."

  "Being that Willow doesn't curse, I believe you'll have an ally in that fight to clean us up, Mom." Kane laughs and I reach out playfully to slap his shoulder.

  His brother walks toward the group, and he and Kane do that manly hand slap, body bump thing, and then he turns all of his attention to me.

  "Well, well, if it isn't the woman who stole my baby brother's heart. Kole." He smiles while addressing me and holds his hand out. My eyes go wide, and I look from his offered hand to his face a few times, feeling my mouth drop with each repeated journey of my eyes.

  "Willow?" Kane chuckles, and I feel my face heat.

  "Sorry." I take his hand and give him a shake. "Willow, nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan."

  "Seriously?" He looks over at Kane, and he winks. "Did she tell you she was a huge fan of yours too?"

  I don't need to look at Kane to know he's shaking his head and probably struggling not to burst out laughing.

  "Can't say she did. Guess you must be better at acting than I am," he surmises, hilarity mixing with the sultry roughness of his voice.

  "I did too," I defend and look over at Kane. "I think?"

  "No, baby, you didn't. That's okay. You just want me for my good looks." He winks.

  "Oh, you're impossible." I giggle and Kane reaches out to pull me to his body and away from his charming brother. "It's nice to meet you, Kole. Sorry about that. Well, maybe just a little sorry."

  "Would you two stop picking on her," his mother interrupts with a laugh of her own. "My boys, talented and too good looking for their own good. They would probably make a nun lose her mind too. Too much hot male vibes and all."

  "Mom, I'm not sure you should admit that about your own kids." Kole laughs.

  Her eyes narrow playfully, and Kole holds his hands up in surrender. "Just because I'm your mother doesn't mean I can't appreciate how good looking my guys are."

  We're all laughing as Kane's arm goes around my shoulders, and we follow his family as they lead the way deeper into his house. The front entryway didn't allow the view that I have now. Windows cover the whole back of his home. I'm sure when the sun is blazing, it gives you the most spectacular view of the Pacific.

  A staircase to the right of the living room leads to a second floor. To the left of the open-floor plan is a large kitchen and dining area. The whole house is white walls, lots of glass, and deep gray and black accents. Instead of looking like a sterile bachelor pad, Kane's home holds warms despite its design to do the opposite. Family photos, old worn leather couch and loveseat, and quilts. I shouldn't have expected it to be different. Just like the man himself, his home makes you feel like you're welcome and invites you in a way that wraps around you like a physical touch.

  I look up at Kane with a smile, but he's not looking at me. His focus is over my head and toward the kitchen.

  Looking back in that direction, I see what I missed before.

  The narrow, judgmental, and very angry eyes of Kyle Masters.

  INTRODUCTIONS TO KYLE WERE AS far opposite as it could get from the open friendliness I had gotten from Kole. The three Masters brothers look so alike that they might as well have been triplets. All had the same wavy, thick hair, dark in certain lights to give it a black appearance. With Kane and Kole, it was left to its own devices, usually a mess from many passes of their hands. It gave them a carefree look to their overall strong appearance of sharp angles and rough handsomeness. But Kyle's was styled with so much product that he not only tamed those waves, he also made his own appearance lose any trace of the relaxed and happy-go-lucky ease his younger brothers had.

  All three had the bluest of blue eyes, something I now know they get from their father. But unlike the two younger Masters boys, Kyle's were hard, calculating, and so full of hate that you almost felt burned when his attention was on you.

  There was no doubt in my mind that Kyle Masters was a troubled man.

  He had spoken once in the two hours since we had arrived. And all it did was make the mood even darker. I had thought it was a simple question when Kane asked him why he was there, but when he ominously replied with a confusing 'you know why,' things just started to speed downhill quickly. Becca had gone overboard to try to defuse the intensity between her sons, but it only made things more awkward when Kyle refused to take the high road and respond to his mother if it had to do with Kane.

  But, to my shock, the heated madness Kyle was showing his brother was nothing compared to the disgust he openly had with my presence. Something I couldn't for the life of me understand. I had never met this man. As far as I knew, he really shouldn't know anything about me since he and his brother weren't exactly on friendly terms. But regardless, he wasn't trying to hide his feelings, and it only made things more awkward.

  Kane seemed to be second
s from snapping. His parents were attempting to keep things from turning into a war between the boys. Kole seemed just as uneasy as I did, but he did a better job of hiding it. Instead of silence, he attempted to placate the heavy mood with jokes, but they all fell flat.

  "Kyle, dear, where is Jessica tonight?" his mother asks in an effort to pull her oldest son's sneer away from me.

  My attention, however, is pulled from Kyle when I hear Kane bark back a laugh that holds absolutely no humor. His hand, which had been holding mine firmly but softly, tightens when Kyle looks over and they both lock heated, angry, matching blue eyes together.

  Oh, boy.

  If things had been awkward before, then they're painfully so now.

  Kyle never answers, but he does take another healthy swallow of whatever dark brown liquor he had been keeping his glass full with for the last two hours. Actually, probably for a lot longer than that given the way his body keeps swaying to the side before he catches himself.

  "Well, look at the time," Kane's father exclaims and makes the effort to yawn loudly. "Bec, honey, I think it's time that we head out."

  "Great idea, honey," she whispers, and I notice just how much of a toll her son's behavior has had on her. The exuberant happiness that she had just hours before is now completely gone. Worry lines hold her expression captive as she takes the plates from in front of her and her husband. Christian takes the rest and follows his wife to the kitchen.

  "Let's go, Kyle," Kole snaps and grabs his brother's arm.

  "Don't fucking touch me," he seethes, jerking his arm free and almost falling to the ground in his inebriated state.

  "Jesus Christ, Kyle. This is a new fucking low, even for you." Kane exhales and stands from the table.

  Kyle opens his mouth; I'm sure to spew more nastiness, but stops when his parents return. His mother gives Kane another long hug before his father does the same. I let out a sigh of relief when Kyle moves to follow them out. I know there were three other cars in the drive when we arrived, but I'm assuming that with how drunk Kyle has become, he's going to be leaving with their parents or Kole.

  "I'll call you tomorrow," Kane tells Kole as they say good-bye.

  I get hugs from both his parents as well before we follow them out, smiling despite my unease as they make their exit and drive off. Just when Kole is about to tell me good-bye, Kyle finally speaks, obviously having waited for his parents to leave before he makes his move.

  "How does is your new plaything feel about Mia and the baby, Kane," he slurs and steps closer to me. The blood drains from my face with his words, and my heart falls to my feet when Kane lets out a curse. "Oh, let me guess. You haven't told her about the baby yet," Kyle continues with an evil laugh, the sound so sinister to my ears that I shiver. "Guess you missed all the tabloid reports about how his affair is the reason Mia's pregnancy has been so touch and go with the stress. Tell me, how will you feel if she loses the much anticipated Post/Masters baby?"

  "You son of a bitch," Kane bellows, and I jump at the furious sound I had never heard from him.

  "Shit," Kole spits out and grabs me just as Kane lunges for his brother.

  "You shut your fucking mouth, Kyle," Kane yells at his brother, slamming him against the side of his house with his hand clenched tight against his throat. "You, of all people, know just how fucked-up your behavior is!"

  Kyle's eyes narrow and he shoves back at his brother, dislodging his hold. "Do I, Kane? Who was the fucked-up one who hasn't seen Mia in almost two months, huh? Have you been there for her once since the first doctor's appointment?"

  "You have no right, Kyle. No fucking right to question where I've been."

  Kyle turns his head, letting his heated ire focus on me as I tremble in Kole's arms. "Yeah, guess you're right since I can see just where you've been while Mia's been all alone."

  "Motherfucker," Kane grunts, and his fist flies out to connect with his brother's face. The impact snaps Kyle's head back and added to how drunk he is, he falls in an unconscious heap in the middle of Kane's driveway.

  I can't bring myself to look at Kane. Even though I can feel the heat of his stare on me, my eyes stay on Kyle's prone form. Kole doesn't loosen his hold on me. His arms stay looped around my upper body, holding me captive with my back to his front.

  We stand there, silence thickening, until Kyle's words finally register completely, the force like a tidal wave. A sob pushes from my shocked body so violently that I almost fall from Kole's arms. My eyes finally move to where Kane is standing, his face the mask of pure agony as his rapid breathing heaves his chest.

  He moves to walk toward me, but I hold my hand up to halt him. "No."

  "Willow, please." He attempts to reach me again, but I push against Kole and force him to move with me as I step away.

  "Do not come any closer."

  Kane's whole body slumps as his desperation becomes paramount to the madness that had just been brewing.

  "Do you deny his words?" I ask, pointing at where Kyle is still out cold.

  "It's not that simple, baby," he responds, despondently.

  "Then explain it to me," I demand, proud that my voice sounds a lot stronger than I feel right now. "Explain your relationship with Mia Post and your role in her child's life. Do it now, Kane. No more hiding."

  "I can't," he weakly answers.

  I nod and turn to Kole. "Can you please take me to a hotel," I ask, resolved in the knowledge that I can't stay if Kane isn't willing to tell me what I need to know. Not now. Not after his brother's admission. This isn't like him asking me to blindly trust in him with media lies. This came straight from his own family.

  Kole looks past me and toward Kane. He doesn't speak, but when he looks back at me, he gives me a nod. Instantly, I feel relief that I'll be able to leave when I know I have nowhere to go.

  "Willow. Fuck, don't leave." Kane reaches out and grabs my hand, but his arm falls to his side when I rip myself from his hold.

  "Then tell me what I need to know."

  His silence is all I need. I allow the tears that had been threatening to fall and look into the cerulean orbs that have never given me anything but love until today.

  "Kole, can you grab my stuff?" I wait for him to walk back into the house. The connection I'm holding with Kane's gaze never wavers. When Kole is out of earshot, I continue speaking. "I deserve more than that, Kane. I'm not running. This isn't me running. This is me being strong enough to walk away even though I know it will hurt. This is me knowing that I'm worth everything and not just whatever you feel I'm allowed to know. And until you can give that to me, we have nothing left to say to each other."

  "Willow," he begs, desperation making my name come out like a deep sob.

  "No. You asked me to trust you, but you can't put that same trust in me. I get that your word means everything to you, but guess what, Kane? If you loved me, truly loved me, you would have found a way to be completely open and honest with me before the painful truth was allowed to scar me."

  Kole walks back out of the house with two of my suitcases and my purse over his shoulder. He doesn't look at Kane, nor does he look at Kyle. He heads right over to me, and after asking me if I was sure, he takes me to his car and helps me fold into the passenger seat. He stuffs the suitcases in the trunk and makes his way to his side. The whole time, my eyes never leave Kane. I can see the pain in his whole demeanor. The connection that had always felt so strong between us pulls tightly against my own chest as the gravity of the situation hits me. My tears pick up speed as I let out a heaving cry.

  It isn't until Kole has pulled his sleek sports car through Kane's gate that I allow my sobs to join the tears as I leave the only man who will ever hold my heart behind.

  SO THIS IS WHAT IT feels like to have your heart ripped out of your chest and stomped on. A pain greater than I have ever experienced tears through my body with enough force that my chest feels like my heart has been pulled straight from it. Looking down at Kyle, I make myself pull him from the grou
nd and drag his heavy as shit body inside the house.

  I shouldn't care. I should be able to just leave him out in the elements and hope some wild animal tears him limb by limb. But despite his actions tonight, he's still my brother.

  And part of the reason that I'm now standing here with a black fucking hole where my heart once was beating.

  I stomp through the house, leaving Kyle passed out on the floor just inside the front door. I might not have left him outside, but I'll be goddamned if I'm going to go out of my way to make sure he's comfortable.

  I should call his fucking wife and make her come get him, but I know from Kole that Jessica is in Europe for some photo shoot.

  "Fuck!" My hand flies out with my outburst, and I slam it into the wall just inside my living room. The sheetrock gives way and my fist leaves a hole in my dark gray wall.

  She said she wasn't running, but she left. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? Not that I should expect any differently. She gave me the chance to explain and because of my pride, I didn't. All because of a promise I made to Mia three months before I even started this with Willow. A promise made with good intentions because of how much was at stake not just for Mia, but for my family as well.

  I kept my mouth shut and let the best thing I've ever held in my hands walk away.


  My footsteps thunder through the house as I retrace my steps since arriving home, and search for my cell. I had dropped it shortly after walking through the door, forgetting about the device instantly. Until right now. I note the time, just past eleven, before I press what I need and bring the phone to my ear.

  "I hope you know what time it is," the tired voice says in greeting.

  "I do. I also know that I just watched my fucking girlfriend leave with Kole while I stood there like a mute bastard and let my promise of silence, to you, rip our hearts to fucking shreds, Mia."