Chapter Thirty

  My black rose heart shattered into a thousand pieces.

  It felt like I was crawling around on my hands and knees in the dark, blinded, trying to find the petals of my black rose heart to put back together, but the tears flooded from my eyes, washing away the petals of my heart so they were never to be found again.

  My heart was beyond repair.

  It was too bruised.

  Too damaged.

  Too broken.

  True love, true happiness and true peace would never reside inside of me, ever.

  My life was meaningless.



  There was no sunshine to give me energy, to make me bloom and show my true beauty from the inside out.

  There was no joy radiating from within me. It was just darkness and despair.

  I stumbled around at the bottom of the abyss unable to find my way out.

  I wanted to lie down, close my eyes and give up.

  In death, I would not feel the pain of losing Ben—the love of my life. The man of my dreams. My knight in shining armor. My prince.

  Life was far too unbearable to continue living…
Amelia Grace's Novels