Page 34 of The Struggle

  Seth crossed his arms. “Is that so?”

  “Yep. I looked at him like he was crazy, because I’m not quite sure how he expects me to put the bands on without you noticing.” Caleb shrugged like it was no big deal. “And I’m pretty sure if Apollo had normal eyes when this was going on, he would’ve been rolling them.”

  “Wait a second,” I jumped in before Seth could do something stupid. “You’re expected to free me but turn around and bind Seth’s abilities?”

  “Expected to? Yes. Am I going to do so? Nope.”

  Alex reached Caleb’s side, tipping her head back so she could meet his gaze. “What will happen if you free Josie and don’t do what they ask?”

  “Come on, Hades has to know that Seth isn’t going to stand there and let me slap those babies on him. So, what I was thinking, you could just hit me with a god bolt and send me back that way,” Caleb suggested. “Then, at least I’m not lying when I say Seth stopped me.”

  My mouth dropped open.

  “What?” Alex demanded. “He is not hitting you with a god bolt!”

  “This has gotten really weird,” Deacon murmured.

  Seth tilted his head to the side. “Not like it’s going to kill him or anything.”

  Caleb nodded.

  “It’s still going to hurt!” argued Alex.

  “Actually, when you’re dead, it just feels like a quick zap.”

  My jaw was now on the ground. “Have you . . . been hit with a god bolt before?”

  Caleb snorted. “Persephone and Hades are sore losers when they play Mario Kart or when they lose at anything. I’ve been zapped more times than I can count.”

  “Alrighty then,” I murmured.

  “But I am here to help you. I can remove those bands.” Caleb twisted toward Seth as he spoke. “Just let me spend a couple of minutes with everyone before you send me back, okay?”

  Seth appeared to consider this. “You can have as much time as you want.”

  “Thank you.” Sliding Alex a coy look, Caleb grinned. “Told you there was always hope.”

  Alex’s lips pursed while Seth’s eyes narrowed. I had no idea what that was about, but Caleb took my hands in his. It was only then that I realized that a dead person was holding my hands.

  A legit dead person.

  I tried to keep my expression blank as he turned my palms up. My gaze flickered over his shoulder, to the gateway. There was nothing but a dark abyss beyond the doors, but I couldn’t help but wonder—if I walked through them, would I be able to find my mother?

  It was too much of a risk—for me and for the child I carried.

  Caleb smoothed his thumbs over the thin bands. I held my breath. Nothing happened at first. I glanced up at him, and he gave a little shrug. One side of his lips curled down. “It should—”

  A soft click interrupted him, and a second later the bands slipped off my wrists. Caleb let go of my hands, quickly catching them as a jolt of what felt like electricity shot through my veins.

  Gasping, I took a step back as I lifted my hands. A white tint filled the veins of my hands and flowed up my arms. I could feel the warmth under my skin, washing over me. My attention shot to Seth.

  His eyes were luminous as he stared at me. He could see this—the aether following the network of vessels, pumping my body full of light and power. And I could feel it.

  It was like stepping under cold water first thing in the morning. My body was thrust into shock, kicking my pulse and heart rate up. A rush of pins and needles started at my feet and hit every inch of my body. A final pulse of heat invaded my insides, centering around the scar Apollo had left behind on the center of my chest.

  And then it was all gone, except . . .

  Except I could feel the aether in me. Sucking in a sharp breath, I turned to Seth. “Do I . . . Can you see it now?”

  “Yeah.” Amber eyes glowed as he stared at me—at my stomach. He looked like he might tip over and fall on his ass again. “Yeah, I can see it. Can you use it?”

  There was only one more way to make sure that I was back to, well, what the new normal was. Focusing on the can of soda on my tray, I lifted my hand.

  Luke backed up. “Oh jeez.”

  Ignoring him, I tapped into the air element. The can shook and then lifted straight up. I snatched it out of the air, sloshing brown liquid over my hand. My gaze flew to Seth’s. “I’m back.”

  Seth reached over, taking my free hand. He tugged me toward him. I was careful to not spill my drink on him. Wrapping an arm around my waist, he tilted his head toward Caleb. “Thank you, man.”

  “Yes. Thank you,” I said to him.

  “No problem.” Holding the bands in his hands, he grinned. “Not often I get to actually be helpful. Kind of like old times.”

  My heart tugged as I saw Alex’s face crumple a little. She made a sound that sounded like a squeal and then grabbed the blond boy, pulling him in for a hug. Within seconds, Caleb was surrounded by her, Deacon and Luke. Aiden joined them, too.

  I guessed Alex and Aiden got to see Caleb when they were in the Underworld, but I supposed it was different to see each other here, where everyone was actually . . . sort of alive.

  As the happy reunion took place, Seth pressed his cheek to mine. When he spoke, he did so in a low enough voice that only I could hear him. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good.” I knew what he was asking. “I feel the same, but just not as . . . as tired, if that makes sense.”

  “It does.” He kissed the space below my ear. “I now understand what I saw flickering when I looked at you.”

  I turned my cheek to his. “What do you mean?”

  The breath Seth took, I felt. “Remember when I said the aether looked like it was flickering in you? It wasn’t your aether I’d been seeing. You must’ve been nearly depleted, because I can still see the part that’s flickering. I think . . . no, I know it’s the baby.”

  “What?” I drew back, gaping.

  His eyes were soft as he kept his voice low. “I can still see it. I see your aether and I see the . . . I see the baby’s.”

  My lips parted, but I didn’t have the words. Emotion crawled up my throat. He could see the aether in our child? That was . . . Wow. I really didn’t know how to process that. “Does it . . . does it look good? Like, okay?”

  “I think so.” He placed his forehead against mine. “I mean, it has to be.”

  And I suddenly wanted to cry—cry happy tears.

  So I face-planted his shoulder.

  Somehow Seth got the can of Coke out of my hand and it went somewhere, who knew where, and then both of his arms were around me. “I’m not usually this emotional,” I said into his chest, repeating the same thing Alex had said mere minutes before.

  “What?” he asked.

  My voice was still muffled but I continued anyway. “It’s just that . . . you can see it and that just makes it all the more real.”

  His hand pressed into my back as he whispered my name into my ear. “Sometimes I have no idea how your brain words, but I love you,” he said, his grip tightening. “I love you with every ounce of my being.”

  There was no stopping my smile. No matter what, this was a beginning.

  Chapter 34


  Before I zapped Caleb back to the Underworld with a god bolt, I pulled Deacon aside while Josie sat with Luke and listened to Deacon regale them with tales of the Underworld, Nintendo edition.

  He had the info that I needed.

  The name of the warehouse was in fact an abandoned warehouse just outside Piney Woods. That was where Josie had been held, along with the other two, and it was most likely where I would find Hyperion.

  Something told me that if he sensed me, he would come. He was a dumb motherfucker like that.

  “What are you going to do?” Deacon asked as he glanced over at the group. “Do some scouting? Free the demigod?” He paused. “Call out Hyperion and kill him?”

  I shrugged a shoulder.

  Deacon tipped his head back. “You don’t have to tell me, because I’m sure I already know.”

  “Is that so?”

  He nodded. “I don’t blame you for it.”

  I started to ask him what he wasn’t blaming me for, but I stopped as my gaze landed on him. Those silver eyes were far too observant. Sometimes I forgot just how tuned into things Deacon was. We all did.

  “Just make sure you come back,” he said, looking away—looking at Josie. “She doesn’t deserve to be left again.”

  “I know,” I said, following his gaze. “And I will come back.”


  Kissing Josie on the cheek, I closed my eyes and forced myself out of the bed. It was a hard thing to do. The warmth of her bare skin against mine and the taste of her on my tongue was a lure that was hard to resist.

  But I had to, because there was something I needed to take care of before she woke.

  I changed quickly, leaving the daggers on the dresser. I would not need them. Not for this. Before I left, I allowed myself one more long look at her.

  She was so beautiful to me.

  Curled on her side with her hands snug under her cheek and her long hair sprayed out across the pillow, she looked like an angel to me. And she really was my own personal angel. I knew if she was awake and knew of my plan, she would advise me against it. Josie might even manage to sway me. After all, she was a calming presence when I wanted to Hulk-smash the world, but I didn’t need to be calm.

  I was going to end Hyperion.

  The world could call me selfish and reckless. I simply did not care. Whatever the consequences for taking out Hyperion would be worth it.

  I wasn’t like Apollo. I wouldn’t sacrifice the only people I cared about to protect the many.

  I was doing this for Josie.

  I was doing this for our child.

  Because I would not allow her to live one more day in fear of Hyperion and I sure as hell would not allow my child to grow inside her and to be born, forced to live with that kind of terror.

  Exhaling slowly, I willed myself out in the hallway and immediately swallowed a groan.

  Aiden stood outside the room he shared with Alex, arms crossed against his chest as he leaned against the wall. He was dressed as a Sentinel, daggers and all, and I knew he was ready.

  Walking toward him, I glanced over my shoulder, and then my gaze settled on him. He opened his mouth. “No,” I said.

  His eyes narrowed.

  “You’re not going with me.”

  Unfolding his arms, he pushed off the wall. “You’re going to that warehouse and I’m going—”

  “To make sure I play well with others?” I cut him off. “I’m going to find the guy named Mitchell.”

  “Yeah. Like you really give two shits about that guy,” he said, and well, I really couldn’t argue that. Aiden squared off with me. “You’re going because you hope it’ll draw out Hyperion.”

  I raised my brows.

  Aiden seemed to take a deep breath. “Either we got lucky with Perses, or we just don’t know what that fallout is, but Hyperion is one of the first twelve Titans. There is no way that taking him out isn’t going to do something really bad.”

  “I feel like we’ve already had this conversation,” I mused.

  His eyes turned quicksilver. “Hyperion is the god of wisdom—”

  I snorted.

  Aiden was undaunted. “He is the god of wisdom, watchfulness and light. Now the first two things probably aren’t going to be a big deal, but the light part? I’m guessing his death will have some impact on that.”

  Staring at him, I worked a kink out of my neck. “So, I’m guessing you want to hear me say I care, but I’m also guessing you already know that I don’t. So, can we please end this conversation? I’ve got shit to do.”

  “I know you don’t care,” he replied, voice flat.

  “Look, I get that you’re about saving the world and shit, but we already had this conversation. You and I both know that if Hyperion did that shit to Alex, you’d be gunning for his ass. Just because those shoes aren’t on your feet right now, don’t think for a second I don’t know what you’d be doing.”

  Aiden looked away, because he couldn’t deny that.

  “I cannot allow you to come with me. If Hyperion got a hold of you and you ended up dead, I so would not want to deal with Alex.”

  His turned back to me and he raised his brows.

  “You will be a liability, because Hyperion can take you out.”

  “And he can’t take you out?”

  I smiled as I shook my head. “No.”

  A flicker of emotion shot across his face. Looked a lot like unease. For what? I wasn’t sure.

  “If you really want to be a help, then watch over Josie for me,” I told him. “If she wakes up and I’m not back yet, tell her I will be. I don’t want her to worry. That’s what you can do.”

  Aiden looked like he was going to argue, but after a moment, he nodded. Knowing that he would do exactly that, I took myself away from the Covenant. I didn’t go to Piney Woods first. I went to the island—to just outside the temple.

  It was daylight as I climbed the steps and entered the temple, finding who I was looking for.

  Karina stood by the alter, her hands clasped together as if she was waiting. Just like with Basil, I really felt like I needed to get them each an iPad and introduce them to Snapchat or something. “Kýrios?”

  I strode toward her, arms loose at my sides but my knuckles bleached white from how tight I was clenching my hands. “I need to feed.”


  Powering up seemed like the smart thing to do. I was going to need everything in me as I focused in on the location Deacon had told me earlier. It took seconds to travel back around the globe to the run-down piece of crap of a warehouse.

  The moment the building came into view I knew it was the right place.

  I don’t know, but the place just gave off some creep vibes. The busted out windows and dirtied exterior walls screamed “serial killer hide-out.”

  Crickets chirped off in the distance as I approached the front doors. Moonlight shone down, lighting my path. Wrapping my hands around the handle on the industrial door, I tapped into the fire element. The metal heated up under my grasp and the internal gears melted. The door slid open.

  Dust stirred as I walked inside, my booted feet echoing off the warped floors. It was dark inside, but my vision adjusted quickly. Forgotten work benches and pallets were scattered across the floor. Mice scurried for their hidey holes, their claws clicking as they chittered.

  Based on what Josie had said, she had been kept below ground. I searched the main floor, keeping my senses on high alert. I neared the back of the building, spying a closed door that didn’t look like it led to any offices.

  This door was unlocked.

  Opening it, I was immediately surrounded by the damp musky scent and a sickly-sweet stench that did not bode well. Shit. I headed down, already knowing what I was going to find.

  Moonlight crept through a small window, casting faint light over the small, dirt-packed room. Water dripped from the ceiling, an old busted pipe. In the corner, there was a mass of clothes . . . and something else.

  “Fuck,” I muttered.

  Walking over, I knelt down. The first thing I saw were two