Page 3 of The Magic Pencil

pirates are very cool, he didn’t want to be one. At least not yet. But Noah had no clue how to go about getting home. He realized that he was so worried about Burt he had made no exit strategy whatsoever.

  The dragons seemed wise and very kind, so Noah asked one of them what he should do. And the dragon said, “How do you normally get into your room?”

  “I just go through the door,” Noah said. “But there’s no bedroom door here.”

  “Not yet,” the dragon said with a smile, one long claw pointing to Noah’s pocket.

  And Noah understood him. He took his pencil from his pocket and thought long and hard about what exactly his bedroom door looked like. And then he drew as carefully and with as much detail as he had ever drawn anything before. And when he was done, he signed his name and the door appeared.

  Noah smiled and thanked everyone for a great day. He then picked up Burt, opened the door and went through.

  When he was on the other side he was back in his room, just as he had left it. This had been a wonderful adventure, but Noah was very tired now. He gently laid his magic pencil on his nightstand, curled up on his bed with Burt and drifted off to sleep, wondering what he would draw tomorrow.

  If you enjoyed this story I kindly ask that you leave a review. Your reviews are the life of my work. They inspire me to create more stories like this for you to enjoy! Have an awesome day.

  About the Author

  Arnie Lightning is a dreamer. He believes that everyone should dream big and not be afraid to take chances to make their dreams come true. Arnie enjoys writing, reading, doodling, and traveling. In his free time, he likes to play video games and run. Arnie lives in Mississippi where he graduated from The University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, MS.

  Click Here for More Books by Arnie Lightning

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