Chapter 10

  I walked through the dirt path with my eyes on the ground and my mind lost in deep thoughts. I really couldn't figure out why I'd blown up at Young. It's not like he'd insulted me too bad, he'd just given me some piece of advice. A different way of looking at my life, if you will. Then I had to go and take it personally, and try to chew his head off. It left a bitter taste in my mouth.

  In the dark I was heedless of where I traveled, and I must have taken the wrong path on these unfamiliar trails because fifteen minutes later I found myself in a loop backwards. Ahead of me was the cabins, and at my back was the forest. There was a light on in my cabin. Susie was still awake. I thought about joining her and giving up on one last moonlit glimpse of the lake.

  I changed my mind when I heard a howl. It was the call of the wolf again like last night, but this time it sounded mournful, frustrated, angry. My mind was indecisive. The safety of the cabin or the unknown of the dark woods. Another howl came to my ears and the sound slipped into silence. Why not go after it? Susie kept telling me I needed to be less suspicious and more spontaneous.

  I spun on my heels and hurried into the woods. It was just my luck that the noise didn't return, but at least this time I paid attention to where I walked. I reached the intersection of hot springs and lake in a few minutes, and looked from left to right. Nothing stirred. All was quiet. I strained my ears. There! A sound from the lake!

  I hurried on my way. The sound was like something splashing in the water. It couldn't be a guest. They weren't allowed out at night. Well, unless they were as stupid as me and planned on getting an eviction notice tomorrow. In a minute the trees parted and I had my first glimpse of the lake by moonlight.

  The calm, serene water glowed beneath the bright, round night light in the sky. My eyes skimmed the area for signs of wolf. Something fifteen yards from the shore caught my eye. The unknown shadow broke the surface of the water and paddled to and fro in long, swift strokes. I couldn't make out who, or even what, it was, so I snuck over to the lifeguard chair for a closer look. From my new position I caught a glimpse of human arms break through the surface of the water and human feet propel the person forward. It wasn't a wolf I'd found but another human breaking the rules.

  I set my hand atop the seat of the lifeguard chair and yelped when I felt something soft move beneath my weight. The thing slid off the seat and dropped to the ground atop my feet. I let out another squeal of fright and reversed. The sand slipped from beneath my retreating heels and I fell back onto my rear.

  My frightened noises caught the attention of the swimmer. The person directed their strokes toward the shore, and I scrambled behind the high chair. I peeked my face around the rear corner of the chair in time to watch Scott Young emerge from the depths of the water. He stood and showed off his muscular chest and arms. His damp hair clung to him and his shorts showed off his thick legs.

  Young splashed to the shoreline, and his bright eyes swept over the area for only a moment before they fell on me. He raised an eyebrow. "Abby?" he called to me.

  I cringed, but emerged from my poor hiding place. "Um, nice night," I replied.

  A half-smile slid onto his lips. "It is, but I wonder what you're doing out here when you know it's against the rules."

  I shrugged. "Susie and I guessed we'd be kicked out tomorrow, anyway, so I thought I'd see the lake by moonlight. I guess I've definitely gotten us kicked out now because you caught me, huh?"

  "I'm not sure. I first like to do an investigation into the matter," he replied.

  I cringed. "Starting with our fight earlier? I'm really sorry about that, I don't know-"

  "What do you think of it?" he asked me.

  I blinked at him. "What do I think of what?"

  He swept an arm over the lake area. "The lake. You told me you wanted to see the lake at night. What do you think of it?"

  I looked out on the dark, unbroken surface with all the reflections of the shadowed trees. A small breeze wafted over the beach and sent ripples along the water and over my skin. It was deliciously cool to the touch, and I realized for the first time that the night air didn't cause me to shiver. My body felt-how to describe it? Alert, tense, warm? All of the above? I felt a pull inside me, like I wanted to run through the shallow waters kicking up sprays or exploring the depths of the woods in a search for-well, I don't know, for something.

  "Abby?" Young spoke up.

  I shook myself and blinked at him. "What?"

  "What do you think of the lake?" he repeated.

  "Oh, it's beautiful. I don't know why, but I really like it at night better than the day," I told him.

  He stepped up to me so only a foot separated us. "You know, I really should escort you back to your cabin."

  I raised an eyebrow. "So why don't you?"

  His stunning eyes swept over me and I shivered beneath his penetrating gaze. He dropped his voice and there was a sultry quality to it that excited and surprised me. "Because I like to look at you in the moonlight. You look as beautiful as the pure moon." I blushed, and he smiled. I don't know how he saw the faint red in the night light. "Blushing again?" he teased.

  I rubbed my cheeks with the back of one hand. "No, it's just a little cold. Anyway, I really should be going." My legs didn't obey me, and Young didn't give me a chance to force them.

  He moved closer, so close that we nearly touched shirt to bare chest. I smelled the faint scent of sweat and water on his body. Droplets slid down his muscles and glistened in the moonlight. His eyes looked down at me with unmistakable desire. My body reacted to his presence in a most awkward and pleasant way when heat pooled between my legs. I parted my lips for air. This wasn't right. I'd leave tomorrow and that would be the end to this short courtship.

  I willed myself to look away. This couldn't be. We needed to get away from each other before something happened that we would regret. I pressed my hands against his chest to push him away, but my nerve failed me when I felt the heat and smoothness of his skin. There was a silky quality to his flesh that excited my passions. I panted for breath. His arms wrapped around me. They were warm and strong. I'd never felt such comfort and such desire.

  He leaned down and his whispering breath brushed across my neck. "Don't fight the urge. Live it."

  I sighed as he planted soft, delicate kisses on my trembling flesh. My heart pounded in my chest and my hands slid against his soft, strong chest muscles. I pressed against him and gasped when I felt the size of his need hidden inside his shorts.

  He lowered me to his towel and covered me with his hot, wet body. His leg opened mine and he settled himself between them. His hands worked magic over my skin as they explored my clothed body. I frowned and fidgeted. The material got in the way. I wanted to feel his warm fingers against my flesh.

  I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. It broke our contact for a moment and he leaned back to inspect my full, swollen breasts. They stretched my tight bra and ached for his touch. His breath came out in sharp, deep growls that excited my passion further. I squirmed and arched my back, giving him permission to taste what he could of me.

  One of his hands reached behind me and unclasped my bra. In a moment the clothing was thrown aside and he had a clear view of my pert pink buds atop those quivering mounds of soft, pliable flesh. He cradled one in his hand and massaged me. I groaned and pushed myself deeper into his grasp.

  "Beautiful," he whispered. His voice was hoarse, strained. I excited him, and that power over him increased my desire for him.

  He lay over me and his hot, wet lips swallowed one of my tight buds. He suckled me and the motion of his lips on my body made me moan. I clasped his head in my hands, willing him never to leave me, never to stop doing what he was doing.

  His hands roamed over my body. They snagged on the waistband of my pants, but that was quickly remedied when I felt him unbutton my pants and pull do
wn the zipper. His fingers dove into my underwear. My coarse hair was soaked with my need. His fingers brushed over my folds before they spread them and touched my sensitive nub. He pressed hard against me and rubbed a finger across the quivering, aching nerves. A bolt of pleasure shot through me. I gasped and thrust into his fingers.

  Then he took all of himself away from me. He leaned back on his hands and stared down at me with glistening eyes. "Do you want me?" he growled.

  I squirmed on the towel. My hot, tight body needed him to fulfill his sensual promises. "Please," I whimpered.

  "Say it," he insisted.

  My hands grasped the sand. I arched my back, tempting him with my bare breasts. He didn't budge. "Please. I can't take this," I pleaded. The heat inside me was maddening. It craved his touch, and nothing else would satisfy it.

  His voice was hoarse as he denied both of us what we so desired. "Say that you need me," he demanded.

  I couldn't take it any longer. All my pride was swept aside for this godly creature who had such control over me. "I need you! Oh god, please take me! Take me and make me yours!" I cried out.

  He grinned, and the look was feral. "Only mine forever."

  In a moment the rest of my clothes were gone and so were his. He thrust deeply and powerfully into my hot, waiting core. I eagerly accepted his large, swollen manhood. This was where he belonged, inside me, a part of me. His rhythm matched perfectly with mine as we began the dance of lustful lovers. Our sweat-soaked bodies slid against each other in harmony to music that came only to our ears. I grasped his back and pressed myself against him. My mind and body reveled in the feel as he penetrated me again and again. Each stroke slipped against my bundle of sensitive, quivering nerves and sent tingles of pleasure through my body.

  My groans filled the air followed by my whispered pleas to this beautiful god who had chosen me as his companion on this wondrous night. "Please don't stop. Don't ever stop."

  He grunted like a wild animal and thrust harder into me. My flesh tingled and tensed. His strokes demanded satisfaction, and to be satisfied they needed me to achieve that height of pleasure meant only for lovers. I wrapped my legs around his waist and allowed him deeper penetration, deeper love-making. He clutched onto me as though I was the last woman on earth and would be no one else's, the world population be damned.

  "Faster! Oh god, faster!" I demanded.

  His grunts and groans filled my ears. His pleasure was mine, and mine his. Slick body melded with slick body in a passionate rut on that beach towel under the night sky. As I lay there beneath my lover I felt my body shift and begin anew. My tense muscles seemed to thicken and expand. My breasts grew larger and pushed him away from me. Their sensitive flesh was massaged by his tight chest muscles, and that sent me into a sensual pleasure that only orgasm could appease.

  I came in a brilliant burst of light. My whole body convulsed with pleasure I never imagined. My lover thrust into me again and again, expanding the bliss into infinite heights. He thrust once, twice, and then I felt him finish inside me. We were finished, and so very complete.