~Chapter 27~

  Back to Mr. Beamer's Barn

  "Louis wake up, you've been sleeping off and on for days now" said his worried mother "Louis we are all just so troubled about you...wake up Louie...please..."

  "That was quite a hit on the head he took Hattie May," said Thomas Beamer as he placed another cold compress on Louis's forehead.

  Well, we're not going to let him play baseball anymore, if this is going to keep happening," said a flustered Mrs. Beamer as she took Louie's little hand in hers.

  Louis had been lying in bed, drifting in and out of sleep and dead to the world, for the better part of the week, ever since that line drive had hit him on the top of the head during the championship game against those hated Logansport Tigers.

  The bump was smaller now than before, after his first examination. Doc Wellman told Hattie May to keep an eye on him, keep him warm and comfortable, and make sure he gets plenty of rest.

  It was all so awful.

  "Why does Louis keep mumbling on about flying horses, wolves chasing him, Indian Chiefs, and pirate captains? I just don't understand honey, I always knew our little Louis had a grand imagination, but this has been going on for days now" said Hattie May.

  "You know honey you are so right. Louis has always had the greatest imagination of any child I have ever known, but this talk about him being a real town hero, and saving the world and all. Then did you hear who was chasing him? It is all a little bit much don't you think Hattie May? Are you sure Doc Wellman said he's OK?"

  "Jeremy, my pumpkin, my husband...try shaking him one more time to see if he wakes again?" asked Hattie May as she bent down, giving Louie a soft kiss on the cheek.

  Louis's father lightly pulled down the comforter from over Louis's body, gentling grasping him by his slim shoulders, then he softly shook him, "Louis...son...wake up now honey..."

  Louis slowly stirred.

  He methodically opened one blue eye then the other, as the warm and inviting morning sun broke in through Mr. Beamer's upper barn window. It was a pale yellow sunlight only found during the early autumn, in the sleepy little town of Centerville, Indiana. A few songbirds began singing a wonderful, lively tune, while sitting in the nearby pine and birch trees that encircled the hills and dales, of the low-lying grassy valley.

  Louis scanned about Mr. Beamer's barn as his eyes gained their full focus. His small lungs took in the sweet smells of the late summer hay and dried grasses, about where he lay. He sluggishly sat up in his bed of hay and cotton comforters, only to see himself surrounded by all of his friends and family.

  As Louis leisurely looked about the barn he could see Harriot the Milking cow standing in her stall munching hay, Mr. Turkey was sitting, as always upon his favorite pillow by the front barn doors (with his red sneakers on), Rodchester the Roster, the Henderson family of chickens with Mitch the Bulldog, were all over by the horse stalls.

  Then looking downwards to the foot of his bed, there was laying Muncy, (his golden retriever and best friend), his tail waged freely, as drool was rolling down from his smiling face.

  "Why Muncy, so nice to see you again" said Louis as he smiled just as wide as Muncy "how long have I been asleep, and mom why am I down here in Mr. Beamer's barn on this bed?"

  Muncy crawled up to Louis's chess, nudging in closer to him.

  "Louis don't you remember what happened?" asked Hattie May "you got hit by that errant ball last week during the Big Game, which gave you a rather large lump on your head. You came into the front yard then you passed out on the couch. We called Doc Wellman and he came right over. You had the biggest bump I had ever seen before. We were all just so concerned about you Louis."

  "No I don't remember at all. Mom, Dad, Mr. Beamer, Mrs. Beamer, you are all here. I am sorry if I worried you, but I'm OK...it would take more than some misbehaving baseball hitting me on the head to cause any real trouble. Heck I get in more trouble than that every day, just by not doing my daily chores or my homework..."

  Everyone laughed aloud.

  "Well you are certainly right there Louis. Glad to have you back with us" said Mr. Beamer as Molly Jenkins, Tessie Whitman, Chug Martin, and Short-Stack entered the barn. Molly seeing Louis awake ran up to her Louis, throwing her loving arms around him, and she did not even care who saw her.

  "Why hi Hot Tamale Tom..." said a wide-eyed Louis.

  "Louis you're going to get it someday, don't forget, "The Look"."

  "Oh I won't. Nice to see you to Molly...Always loved you...always will..."

  Molly blushed.

  "Back at ya...Louis" said Molly.

  "Hi Louis...glad to see you doing better!" said Chug.

  "Good morning Chug...my best friend..."

  "Yeah...good morning Louis" chimed in Tessie and Short-Stack.

  "Oh Louis you little rat, I have been so worried about you. Are you Ok now and how's the head?" Molly gave Louis a quick kiss on the cheek.

  "I guess I'm Ok Molly, what's all the fuss about?"

  "Louis you keep drifting in and out of sleep," said a worried Hattie May "and as you were half-asleep, you've been daydreaming, and much more than you usually do. You were mumbling on and on about orange abominable snowmen, little elves, a talking great white snow panther named Panthera, and about a trip to the North Pole, and a trip to Egypt and on and on honey. Then you kept asking, "How's Charlie...where's Charlie", you were just so worried about him that we brought a bed down from the attic and set you up here, in the middle of Mr. Beamer's barn so you could be closer to him."

  "Well, speaking of Charlie...where is he?"

  "Now that you are awake I will go get him Louis, he's out in the north fields with The Baron, and Mr. Belvedere working" said Mr. Beamer "I will go get them and be right back."

  Mr. Beamer exited the barn doors as everyone gathered closer around Louis.

  "Honey where did you get this imagination of yours, you've been talking on and on about trying to save the world, and that some guy named Petar was chasing you all over the god's creation, while flying on a fire breathing dragon called Dragon. There was talking horses, and the animals of Mr. Beamer's barn talked, there was a horse napping of Jupiter the Show Horse, there was a flying Indian named Black Elk, pirates fighting on The Great Lake, oh honey it just went on and on for days."

  "But mom, it's all true! There was a famous ship's captain who sailed the Great Lake below Canada. He was Captain Legrande Legrange, and his wife was a real Lady, her name was Angeline Angelique. Then there was Red Beard the Pirate and the Red Ghost, it was his pirate ship...and there was..."

  "Honey, that can't all be true, you've been sleeping here for days, how could you have met a famous captain and his wife, or seen that pirate ship and pirates?" asked Hattie May.

  "Not only that but there was these two giants, an ogre named Olle and a huge cave troll name George, who carried a really large club...man you should have seen it...boy was I frightened. Just ask Chug he was there."

  "Louis, I've been over at the ballpark all week, and then over here checking on you every night. I'm pretty sure that I would have remembered seeing two large giants, here in Centerville."

  "No Chug we were in Egypt in the Valley of the Kings, don't you remember...? Molly we went to the North Pole, and you went to a grand ball with me on the Cimmaron Cutter, remember that big sailing ship?"

  "No...I...er...don't remember that Louis. Wow, that hit on the head you took has really affected your memory Louis. Maybe we should call Doc Wellman back over and have him take a look at you again," said Molly as she gave Louis another little kiss.

  "Oh...don't you guys remember, or are you all just fooling me? Ask Miss Harriot, she will tell you all about that horrible Squint-Eyed Pete and Charlie's magical transformation on Christmas Eve, he became a flying horse, just ask her."

  Harriot the Milking Cow, looked over
at Louis with a blank look on her face, just munching her hay.

  "Louis...come on man...everyone knows that cows can't talk or any other animals" said Chug as he smiled and looked over at Molly.

  "But mom, Chug...Molly...but...but..."

  The barn doors swung wider open as The Baron, Mr. Belvedere, and Charlie the Horse strolled into Mr. Beamer's barn. Digger the rabbit was sitting on Charlie's back, nibbling on a carrot, recently provided by Mr. Beamer.

  "Charlie you're here...and Digger you're really here as well!" called out Louis.

  Digger hopped down off Charlie's back as Charlie approached the center of the barn where Louis's bed was.

  "Digger, that sure was quite the adventure in Egypt, wasn't it?"

  The little rabbit hopped up to Louis's chest burying himself into his open shirt, a blank look crossed his face as well.

  "What's the matter Digger, cat got you tongue?"

  "Louis is you sure you're Ok? Rabbits can't talk either," said Molly "again we better call Doc Wellman down here...Hattie May".

  "Oh Louis, I'm so worried about you..." said Hattie May.


  "Louis here's Charlie," said Mr. Beamer "I know you truly miss him".

  Charlie stepped forward, lowering his head next to where Louis was lying. Louis rubbed Charlie's forelock between his ears as Charlie gave a low whinny, appreciating the affection.

  "Charlie please say something, It's your Louis" said the perplexed little boy.

  Charlie shook his head back and forth, letting out another soft whiney.

  "Look son I think that bump on your head, and your endless daydreaming has finally caught up to you. We always wanted you to use your imagination, and we always want you to envision yourself, the hero of your dreams, but this should show you the truth. That truth is that horses cannot talk, nor rabbits, and there were no pirate ships or pirates, and there were no orange abominable snowmen, what did you once call him, Nebuka, or even any or big tall giants. You just bumped your head and your imagining things."

  Louis looked deeply into Charlie's soft brown eyes, with love in his heart.

  "But Charlie...my Charlie...why don't you say something, it's your Louis."

  Looking down at Digger nestled in his shirt Louis spoke out again.

  Man...oh...man...Digger...are you and Charlie just fooling with me? Why...why...I don't understand..."

  "Louis I am still, your father and I think I know what is best for you. You just lay there in your comfortable bed, and get a little more rest, and then all of these wild, day dreams and visions will end, then you will be good as new in no time at all."

  "Man you guys. Molly don't you remember we flew on The Baron's back from Egypt. We gave those two special eyes back to Horus the Elder, then we flew up to the Boreal Forest in Canada, then I took you to the top of the Tree of Knowledge to see the special lights of the Aurora Borealis, way above the North Pole, like I once promised you I would.

  "No I would have remembered a date like that Louis, it was what...The Tree of Knowledge in where...?' asked Molly.

  "Geez, you guys...look I saved the world on the top of the Pyramid of Khufu in ancient Egypt, and I can prove it. Let me see, Charlie was there and he turned into a Unicorn with a golden horn on his head. I cut it off and offered it to Hathor the Moon Goddess, and then the two giants and this large serpent named Apophasis the Destroyer ran for the Neither World because daylight returned.

  Then Dragon the Fire Breathing Dragon crashed with Petar on his back on top of this other pyramid. Then there was a, light that shot out from the top of the stone-mountain, it moved the blue moon back in place and there was no more Blue Hour after that.

  I used the Eye of Providence to do it. Then the wildest story of all was last year when I fought off Growlar the Ancient Cave bear. I slew him in his own lair. I outwitted him at a riddle game. Hey I've got an idea..."

  "Like I said Louis you just get some more sleep," said Hattie May.

  Everyone began patting Louis on his back, giving him words of encouragement all the while. Digger rubbed his soft whiskers on Louis's chest as Charlie turned away, heading for his stall, still voiceless.

  "Ok you guys don't believe me then, but I've got a riddle for you now, which will prove that I saved the world, and that I did what I said I did! Just like I outwitted Growlar with a riddle, I will outwit all of you now," proclaimed Louis, as he sat up even higher in his bed.

  "OK Louis, what's your riddle that will prove you saved the world" asked a skeptical Mr. Beamer.

  "Yeah, what's the riddle," asked Chug and the others.

  "Riddle me this:

  What does almost everyone own

  and is usually folded in half

  Is made of wood pulp and is a denomination

  It has value to their owners and is found around the world

  Look to the backside to find my proof


  "Louis that is the silliest thing I've ever heard, who knows what that means" asked Molly "how are we supposed figure that riddle out?"

  "That's right Molly, how are we going to figure that out" asked Chug.

  "Yeah...what's up with that," asked Tessie as she took Chug's hand in hers.

  "Well you kids have your riddles, Jeremy and I are going to go out in the sunshine of the new day and take a nice walk" said Hattie May "let's go Jeremy, we can check on Louis later in the day after he's had another nap. Plus Charlie and Digger will be here to take care of our Louis."

  All the kids, Jeremy, Mr. Beamer, and Mrs. Beamer all started to head towards the two barn doors, lively talking between themselves.

  "Louis you know those are the most fantastical stories that I have ever heard of, outwitting an ancient cave bear. Get some sleep now little one" said Mr. Beamer as he turned to go, and as he did Louis could swear he saw a string of ancient cave bear teeth strung around his neck, at the top of his open shirt.

  "Mr. Beamer is those...those bear's teeth?" asked an excited Louis.

  It was too late Mr. Beamer had already passed out of the barn, and out of earshot. Louis reclined back down in his bed, pulled the comforter back over his chest, then started to rub the large bump found on the top of his head.

  His cowl-lick was gone which shocked little Louis.

  Louis spoke to Digger.

  "I must have found some courage along the way Digger, during my journeys around the world, now how about that, no more cowl-lick?"

  Digger thumped his two feet on Louis's chest, but did not speak. Louis was now alone in the barn again, with only the farm animals, Digger and Charlie left to keep him company. Charlie seeing that all was quiet left the comfort of his stall and sauntered back up to Louis, and his bed. He was wearing his old, familiar green straw hat and had a large eagle feather neatly tucked behind one ear.

  "Well Ole' Charlie the Barnyard Horse, you have your favorite hat on and can that be your father's eagle feather?"

  Charlie lovingly blinked twice.

  "Or is your name Charlie the Jingle Bell Horse, or Charlie the Great White Horse or Aswan the White, or is it Chrysaor the Unicorn, The King of the Arions."

  Charlie said nothing he just stood there with a mouth full of hay, and was just as happy as can be.

  "Charlie, speak already. Now what about the one horse race you won once, The Porter House Steaks...?"

  Ole' Charlie gave Louis another loving nudge with his long wet nose, right in the center of Louis's chest, Charlie again did not speak he only whinnied. Charlie started to look around the barn with a quizzical look on his face that Louis could not understand. Louis seeing this began to look around the barn as well.

  There was Charlie's bridal and leather reins right where they should be hanging on a nearby nail. There was his favorite blanket on a shelf, nothing out of the ordinary there. Then there was Mr. Turkey on
his pillow shaking in his red tennis shoes (which Louis thought was odd, but did not say anything), and then there on the very back wall of the barn, Louis noticed something very, very, very strange.

  There were about one hundred horseshoes hanging neatly, in perfect rows. Now, as Louis stared in amazement, out walked from Charlie's horse stall, the most beautiful horse the world has ever seen: Queen Anastasiya Stasja, Charlie's wife, and Junior his loving son appeared right behind her.

  Louis began to cry at the sight of Charlie's beautiful family.

  "You have a fine-looking family Charlie, and about Real Ladies and their horseshoes, I know what you mean", said Louis as he mustered a grand smile, then wiped more tears, from his eyes.

  Louis then reached into his back pocket, only to find a large white feather. He looked over at Charlie then back at Digger. Digger hearing and seeing all the commotion fully popped out of Louis's shirt, and out from under the cover of the cotton comforter, and as he did a large, perfectly formed large pink diamond popped out of his furry pouch, landing right on the center of Louis's chest. Looking at the diamond with eyes wider than Big Sal rear end, Louis tried to speak but could not, "Ah...ah...ah...er...Digger... Charlie...wha-t the heck..."

  Digger and Charlie smiled as broadly, and as widely as they ever had before as Louis spoke out one last time.

  "I told you all I was going to be a real town hero someday, now just wait until they solve that riddle!"

  The End


  "I have bright red hair and freckles splattered everywhere on my face.

  I know I am a little small for my age?but I cannot help that.

  I know I have a tendency to daydream and not finish my chores as I

  should, but I am sure gonna be somebody?someday?you just wait and


  Man?I'm gonna be famous!

  I'll be a real town hero...I tell ya!"

  "Louis is you off daydreaming again," yelled out Chug "get your head in the


  "Hey, I'm watching the pitcher...lay off."

  "Man?oh?man?if you flub up again were gonna lose the game Louis."

  "Alright...already?Chug?don't be a blabbermouth?I'm paying


  "I know, my mom picks on me too much but it's just out of her love for me that she does?I just know it. I have a bad habit of not doing my chores on time but it's not my fault; I've got a lot of things to do. Being ten years old is hard these days and adults just don't seem to understand that. And you know what else?...I've been standing on first base here for what seems like hours now waiting for that batter to hit that darned ball.

  I would much rather be climbing the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt right now?or be fighting off a gigantic ancient cave bear in his reeking, old den or crossing the Great Lake on the world's fastest Cutter Ship; like I have seen in my dreams?so many times before.

  That's what I would rather be doing right now; instead, I'm standing here on first base all day in this pesky heat.

  Yeah, that sure would be fun?being famous. No one would be picking on me then.

  I tell ya, it's, tough being Robert Louis Parks...you should just try it for... a day."



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