Strange Lives of Black Folks
By CP Hunter
Most of us have questioned our own existence at some point. We spend a great deal of time searching for those answers. I am one of them. Throughout my life I have listened to the philosophies of both scholars and non-scholars. Nothing was above or beneath me. I felt that knowledge is knowledge no matter where or whom it is coming from. But somehow the words of others only gave me momentary satisfaction and understanding. Nothing stuck which left me in a state of wander. This is where many of us are, spiritually and mentally, and this is why many will relate to the stories and the ideas expressed in this book.
The short stories that shape this book are enriched with colorful characters, original poems and quotes (from great writers). The philosophies that I share throughout this book are a combination of innovative ideas and forgotten theories. The personalities are named from family members that have passed away but had an impact on how I view life, in that, their death caused me to think about existence a little deeper.
The dialog between the characters are a realistic depiction of typical conversations, in that, as we discuss any relevant topic with no concrete answers we tend to contradict ourselves- the purpose of the conversation is to grow and learn and not to prove that we are right. In this regards all of the characters will contradict themselves.
There is some tongue and cheek involved in the different theories. While it can be insightful food for thought, it is also meant to poke fun at the sometimes ridiculous philosophical approaches to life that confuses people more than give understanding to the many questions we have. A stream of consciousness is displayed in all of the characters as they try to explain their ideas. I would hope that after reading, “Strange Lives of Black Folks,” my readers would realize that throughout our lives we will always question our existence. We will never find one true answer yet we will spend most of our lives searching for it. One of our many vices is that we will never be satisfied and because of that we can either destroy ourselves or improve the quality of life for future generations.
God is everything that anybody has ever said it was. He is the omnipresent because he is Energy -all energy in all forms at all times. Energy is responsible for our existence. It is Energy that allows All to exist and All to be created. It is this energy that we drink from as it continuously flows out the faucet of eternity. All we have to do is turn it on. This is not meant to oversimplify the power of God because the power of Energy is everything. God has to be comprehendible. If we know how energy works then we know how God works.
We are the little gods that form The Ultimate God. Thus we are the gods we are searching for.
We attach ourselves to things and people mostly out of fear of death. People and things make us feel alive. When we don’t have anything around us, we feel worthless or dead. Look at people and all forms of life as a part of nature and therefore a part of you because we are all bonded by the natural laws of the universe.
We have to get comfortable with not knowing. You can only prepare yourself for that final bow but so much. Once the curtains open and death reveals itself to you, you don’t know how you are going to respond. Everyone wants a beautiful ending, but there are no guarantees.
Take a chance in life and live out your dreams. The further away you get from your dreams the closer you get to death.
The answer will never come to you through obsessive thinking. It is when you are in the center of experiencing life that you will find all you need.
To show people that you love them should not be that exhausting of a task if you are committed to love. Find the method that works best for each individual in need and implement it.
Sometimes we may not realize how much we were loved, even if it is just by one person, until we reach our end.
Persistent love that tests its own boundaries is the solution
We are only a thought away from dreaming the “Big Dream” that will save this world.
The age of the soul depends on the depth of experiences it encounters not how many lives it has lived.
We are a continuation of our former selves. Where we are spiritually in this present life tells us where we left off.
Your childhood is an untamed spirit that responds just the way it supposed to. It is not until we are programmed to imitate others do we lose our niche.
We have to know the source in order to understand the purpose
You are still part of the universe but spiritually you are not holding up your end of the bargain (to do your part).There are many of us that because of lack of desire to work with the universe becomes a burden to it.
We have to get comfortable knowing that most of us will never have what we want.
The mind has an insatiable desire to want what it is not supposed to have. Love is a deadly weapon in the wrong hands. Money comes easy for people who just simply want love.
We are manifestations of the mind. The mind is the origin of the human body. The human body did not create the mind, the mind created the human body. Before you create anything the thought must be there then it manifests physically.