In the lobby, Nina sat on a sofa with George, waiting for Xavier and Sec. Ldr. Clyden to return. George noted, "You are exceptionally quiet."

  "I'm worried, George. Really worried." She answered him in a low voice, to keep the conversation private from the receptionist. "You made Xavier plenty mad."

  "So? Ask me if I care. That weasel had it coming. Before, I got mad, but I never took him seriously. Since we saw that rose garden park at the college, I now begin to think that scoundrel means what he says when he hits on you. He actually wishes to woo you back- and take you from me. Ha, to think after all these years he expects you even have any romantic feelings left for him! I'll be glad when I do what I'm supposed to get done for Earth and we say bye to this tiny world and its egomaniac leader."

  "Hon, you know the rumors. Sometimes his enemies disappear to who-knows-where-"

  "I'll bet his stoogie Clyden knows where," George interrupted. "The grapevine says people are taken to become miners to dig out that fuel ore Earth so much depends on. Since the Leaders on Earth count on it so much, they mostly turn a blind eye to that rumor about the governor's kidnappings. But lately, in spite of how badly we need the ore on Earth, if the rumor were true, and because of some other matter has been suggested regarding Xavier, these things will make them question how wise it is to keep Xavier in his position, to say the least."

  "Hmm. Tomorrow you are going to see the mines, how they function, their ore output... I think I am going to go with- No, I know I will- I insist I will accompany you there, hon. Xavier won't dare try anything funny on you with me there as a witness, George- I mean, to me he still seems the same, but yet, there is something different about him, something that worries me. Maybe those rumors are just rumors and misunderstandings about Xavier, maybe even they are completely untrue... But I have this terrible feeling of unease."

  George shook his head. "No, hon, don't get all frantic. Xavier won't do anything like that. You and I know he's a jerk, and I suspect the rumors about his enemies disappearing might be true, too, but he wouldn't mess with me like that, even if he wanted to, because Earth takes a dim view to its authority being so slighted, or to its representatives being harmed. He's trying to keep on their good side. I am sure he does things behind Earth's back, but nothing so overt, and especially to his old room-mate. And especially not now, if some of the things we hear are correct. He will not want to anger the Leaders at the moment. Right now he is trying to keep on the good side of the Leaders, to get more help and supplies for this world. The official response of the Leaders is that he already gets more than adequate supplies, but that he is not taking care of how he uses them. Still, he keeps trying to win more favor from them. Or so it appears, anyway. Look how he even has Gunther Martin's son come for a vacation at Sparkle City. Bottom line, hon- you aren't coming. Whatever the truth is about political prisoners, I know for a fact some of the miners are definitely hardened criminals. Remember Earth had exported a few really bad eggs to the mines? Well, I won't have you exposed to that danger. And not only that, there are Eaters patrolling that area. You, my dear, are staying back at the suite."

  "Okay, then if you won't take me along, don't go alone! Just don't go, George-"

  "I won't be alone; I will have Xavier and Clyden for company- Oh, come on, hon, don't look like that. Sorry, it was a joke, hon, don't get mad-"

  "Hon, I don't want you to go!" Nina laid down the law.

  "What? And look afraid? That's a good career move, Nina. Even more ludicrous than it being a bad career move is the idea of me being afraid of Xavier. No way. I need to see and report the conditions at the mines, and if things are being done efficiently, and the health of the miners... and other things, too, if I see anything out of the ordinary. It has to be done, and it is my job to do it, hon. In fact, examining the mines is my primary goal for this trip."


  Without warning, he swooped her in his arms and gave her a big kiss, just as he had done aboard the Space Dart when he saw that reasoning got nowhere. His kiss seemed to work its magic again, for she calmed down a bit, making no more protestations.

  While the McCleers were discussing the situation, Clyden had hunted down Gazelle's room and came to see how she fared. Bandages covered the back and side of her head, and tubes and wires snaked out of her body. Monitors beeped and blinked. She slept through all of this, her face looking so peaceful. Clyden at first could only stare, refusing to accept what his eyes saw.

  "Well, sweetie, I told you so. I told you to wait inside the club, but you had to come see what was going on. You couldn't listen, but you should've. Look what it got ya. And then you told me you no longer wanted to see me anymore. Well, you got what you want. You don't see me now, do you, Gazelle? You don't see much of anything, do you, huh? You don't know anything. The docs know about as much as you do- nothing. They don't know if you'll ever wake up, or when it might be if you ever will. Well, I stopped over to see you for one final visit, to say good-bye to you, and thanks for all the memories."

  He turned from her bedside and saw a young woman- barely more than a girl- standing in the doorway. He recognized her as sometimes sitting with that Martin punk at the Tourist Trap. Her ID tag read “Mita M.” She reddened. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sec. Lr. Clyden. I didn't mean to intrude. I- I can't find where I am supposed to be. You see, I am very new at this volunteering thing at the hospital."

  "And not very good at it, if you got lost."

  "Not at all. I keep getting lost in the hallways. I don't usually lose my way like that. I think because I am not really very much enthused about this whole thing, I am not concentrating like I should. I suppose I have other things on my mind."

  "Then why bother doing this volunteering if you don't even enjoy it?" Clyden asked out of curiosity, trying to wrap his mind around such altruism. "Why waste a good vacation on working in a hospital, when you could be having fun at the beach or in a club?"

  She shook her head, unsure of the answer. "Maybe to distract myself, although it's not working. From my frustrations. It was my acquaintance Albert's advice. He says it is nice to help other people and do what Jesus wants. He's been that way, lately. But as for me, I don't get much out of it. I guess it's because I don't care about doing things for other people, or even for Jesus. I want to do things just for me. I don't want to spend my life anymore expecting my happiness to come from somebody else. I want to get it my way. I want to find people who will make me happy, and if they don't, then I want to just push them aside."

  Clyden liked her attitude. "Then what stops you? Why don't you? What keeps you from doing that?"

  She rubbed her hands awkwardly together, trying to find words. "My dreams. Childhood dreams. Childish dreams. But I can see they won't come true. I am an adult now. Time to put away childish things. That's life."

  He nodded in understanding. "Yes, but when you get rid of your old dreams, sometimes new, better, or least more mature and practical dreams develop to take their place. And the best part is that now that you are an adult, you yourself can make your own dreams come true."

  "Sounds good." She took off the volunteer ID badge and tossed it in the trashcan by the door. Mita looked thoughtful. "I guess I will say good-bye to those foolish dreams of my childhood. For a start, I'd like to find the exit out of here, and get out of this depressing place."

  "I believe I can be of some help there," he offered. "I am meeting some folks down in the lobby. Come with me, you can find the door and you'll be able to escape in only a few short minutes."

  Mita smiled at him. "Thanks. That's a relief."

  Be Careful!