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A scarred hand wrapped about a brass ring pinned to the heavy oak door. “Her magick is powerful,” Kalinies began as he tugged the door open. “More powerful than mine perhaps. But in here, we may find a way to defeat her.”
The King and the Wizard had made their way down the massive tower and through the long hallways towards the western end of Kaldus. They came to a large, plain stone facility detached from the actual castle—a place where few aside from the ex-Captain of the Guard, dared to tread: The Library of Kaldus.
Within the room lay books written during every age, scrolls with laws from fallen kingdoms and various artwork and sculptures from far off lands. If they were going to find an answer, it would be here. Most, including Grahamas, believed that Idimus had destroyed the world’s knowledge, burned and buried history in order to re-write his own. He had simply stolen it. Few knew how vast Idimus’ collection truly was and it existed solely for a purpose like this one.
“After you my Lord,” Kalinies bowed as soon as the door was opened and Idimus strolled through.
The room was dark and dusty. Tall, wooden bookshelves lined each wall, some with wider shelves than others. Many of them were crammed full of books, others held paintings and scrolls, vases and boxes. They both knew they were going to be here for a very long time.
“Any idea on where to look?” the King questioned.
Kalinies winced, afraid to tell Idimus that he had no idea, “I fear…at the beginning.”
The King stopped perusing and turned a weary gaze towards him, “You don’t know do you?” The Wizard shook his head, waiting for Idimus to strike him. But the King simply replied, “Then think.”
Idimus felt no need to punish him. For one, he needed him to help with Valaira. Though more importantly, Kalinies was more loyal and trusted than anyone else within the kingdom. Of all the advisors Idimus had, Kalinies was the only one that had been with him since the start. He had been outcast to Kaldus during the times of Highlace just as Idimus had. He was the one who first convinced him to lure Grahamas away before he attacked. Kalinies had devised almost the entire plan himself. Since he had time and again proven his mental superiority, Idimus had faith—however small—that he could do it again.
Kalinies tugged down his hood, head leaning up as he searched, “Valaira…” He began, more to himself than to Idimus. “I vaguely recall that being the name of a plague that once ravished the land.” But neither Kalinies nor Idimus was aware of the legend, and knew not that the plague was actually the woman that tormented the King. “That would most likely be the best place to start. Find out what involvement she has with it.”