Chapter 4

  The elegant frame of James the Messenger boy departed the barbarian camp. He was fairly tall standing just shy of 6 foot but he looked like a dwarf compared to the huge figures of the two barbarians that escorted him back to the road. James walked very upright and his motion was graceful. He was of slim build but he had strength in his limbs. The barbarians afforded James a respect that very few outside of the horde gained. The way he approached the horde, confident and calm, demonstrated to the barbarians that this boy had the heart of a warrior. James had short black hair and a chiselled face. His eyes were the most noticeable thing about his face. They were squat and hard looking. His glare could make anyone feel uneasy. However, this did not detract from the pleasant nature of the lad. He had spent the night in the barbarian camp enjoying the celebrations. James was of tender years. He had just turned 19 and this was his first major assignment. He wondered how his father would react to him drinking with the barbarians. His father was a member of the royal court. It was his influence that helped James to get a job in the palace. However, upon his father’s insistence, he had to work his way up from the bottom. James was an accomplished swordsman. He had never been in any major battles but his knowledge of the blade impressed his teachers at the academy. At the moment though, James felt that the job of messenger boy was difficult enough. He had confronted the barbarian horde, a thankless task at best; one that would leave stains in your underwear at worst. Now he was going on to find Anree, a Priestess in the Covenant of the Sacred Hills. The only thing James knew about the Priestess’ was that they were the only living beings left in the land that still had the ability to perform magical deeds. They were a dying breed because men with magical powers, Wizards, Sorcerers, and Mages, no longer existed. Because of this, each generation became less powerful than the last. Generations past had tried inbreeding. This only made matters worse. Some of the Priestesses became mad. This led to an uprising over a hundred years ago that further diminished their numbers. Anree, James’ target, was reputed to be the most powerful Priestess left in the order. She had healing powers like no other. Rumours in the eastern towns and villages of the Kingdom even suggested that she had the power to raise the dead. James didn’t believe in this but was curious as all youngsters are.

  He had made it to the road that led up to the temple. It would be a journey of only a day but the hills would make it more difficult. They were not massively high, only about 3000ft at the highest peak but they were steep. He would do four long climbs and descents before reaching the hill with the temple upon it. The message he was to deliver was of the utmost importance and urgency. He decided to do half of the journey now, which would take him until just after nightfall. He would tackle the rest tomorrow.

  The journey was unremarkable. He reached his campsite just after dark. The first thought that ran through James’ head was to make a shelter. It was a cold clear night and winter was fast approaching. In his bag, James had a small axe and a large piece of canvass. He removed the axe and proceeded a short way up a hill to a copse he had spotted. The trees here were fairly new with thin branches that could easily be felled. James found the first tree he wanted. Raising his axe, he struck the tree with an almighty blow. The tree came crashing down. It was rather a lot easier than he had expected. He moved to the next tree. He had just raised his axe again when something caught his attention. Something had moved. He spotted it out of the corner of his eye. Looking back to where he had felled the first tree there was nothing to be seen. Then the realisation dawned on him. The first tree he felled was missing. It was like it just vanished into thin air. He turned back to cut down his second tree. The image before him made him jump back.

  “Boo” the image said.

  The tree had become a ghost. It was still as thin at the tree but it was clearly a ghostly apparition.

  “Scared you didn’t I?” the ghost continued. “You chopped down one of my friends.”

  The voice was slow and ancient. James looked around. All of the trees in the copse now appeared as ghosts. They didn’t seem to be moving.

  “Wh….Wh….Who are you?” James stuttered felling startled and a little confused. For a moment, he thought that he must have sniffed a poisonous plant and was suffering hallucinations.

  “We are the spirits of men, long since passed, long since forgotten.” The ghost replied.

  Another ghost spoke, “Our lives were those cut short. Now we give life.”

  “We provide the air you breathe.” Another continued.

  James was getting a little bit flustered by the other ghosts talking to him. It was strange enough talking to one.

  “How did your spirits come to be in the trees?” James asked inquisitively. He was starting to become intrigued.

  “The Priestess’ put us here.” The First ghost said.

  “They believe in life eternal.” Another said.

  “It is their belief that even the dead can be put to good use; preserving life.” Another continued.

  “But is it not a boring life?” James enquired.

  The first ghost answered the question.

  “We do not live as the tree. We live inside the tree. Controlling the way the tree works and getting the most out of it is what we do.”

  “So it is a bit like working in a factory?” James asked.

  “Exactly.” The first ghost replied. “Though it is a far more pleasant experience.”

  The conversation turned back to the here and now.

  “Why did you try to chop down a life giver?” The first ghost asked in a saddened tone of voice.

  “I required wood to build a shelter so that I do not freeze to death. I am trying to reach the Temple to deliver a message to the Priestess Anree.”

  The ghosts began muttering amongst themselves.

  We will provide you with the shelter you need. With that the ghosts disappeared in a blinding flash of light. When James’ eyes adjusted to the darkness once again the trees had returned. He waited for a moment but nothing happened.

  “Does this mean I should cut some of you down?” He shouted into the copse.

  There was no reply. Still he waited. Wary that the trees may come back to life he proceeded to raise his axe once more. A creak echoed though the copse. James paused to see what was happening. Another creaking noise echoed out and then another. James rubbed his eyes as he was sure that the trees were moving. He looked closer, the darkness of the night made it difficult for James to see exactly what was happening. The trees were moving. They were bending at the trunk and positioning their branches on the ground. When they had finished, a hut in the centre of the copse had formed. James could barely believe his eyes.

  “They are never going to believe this when I get home.” He said aloud. “Folks will say I had been drinking or had been taking hallucinogenic compounds. Maybe they will just think I am mad. I will be committed to a mental asylum.” James continued to mutter to himself for many minutes. The ghostly voice of the first tree spoke.

  “Do you plan on talking to yourself all night? Even we need to get some sleep and you are disturbing us.”

  Snapped from his deluded ramblings, James replied, “Oh, Sorry. I didn’t realise.”

  With that, James gathered his belongings and bedded down for the night in the tree hut.

  The morning brought glorious sunshine. Emerging from the tree hut, James was hit by a glorious sight. The hills were crawling with wildlife. Rabbits hopped merrily along. Squirrels darted up and down the trees. The birds were singing songs of such harmony that it spoke to your very soul. James felt invigorated. He had enjoyed what must have been the most restful sleep he had ever had. It was as if his very soul had been recharged. Feeling full of life, James thanked the trees and set about the remainder of his journey. He would be at the temple in four hours or so providing he made steady progress and did not encounter any more strange apparitions. After a couple of hours, approximately half of the way to his destination, James reached the su
mmit of the third hill. In front of him, rising like a phoenix from the flame, stood the Temple. It was an awe inspiring sight. The temple was made up of four interconnecting pyramids. They looked like they represented the four hills that had to be climbed to reach the temple. The pyramid on the left was the smallest. The next was a little taller; the third was the tallest. Then the last one dropped down again. The pyramids were made from glass. They reflected the midday sun creating a glare that James had to squint against in order to get a good glimpse of the temple and surrounding area. The temple was surrounded by what looked like an impenetrable ring of fire. It appeared to be a mote of sorts, only without the water. James wondered if there would be any way in, worried that the journey he had undertaken may have been for nothing. James did not like failure. The last thing he wanted was to return to the King with the news that he had not completed his task. James had aspirations; he wanted nothing more than to be a high ranking officer in the army. Standing on the tallest summit in the land had inspired his thoughts. As he looked around at the panoramic view he could see everything. Far to the east, the imposing structures of the capitol city, Thorvale, could be seen. Further north the smoke and filth poured over Beskholme. Anything further east could not be seen. Smaller towns and villages could be seen scattered around the landscape. Horton Peak looked peaceful and tranquil from up here.

  To the south, the shoreline could be seen stretching from the Sacred Hills beyond Thorvale. Across the sea, black clouds above the Cursed Isle could be seen. The thought of that place sent a shiver down his spine. He had a strange feeling that the evil on that island may someday be released. He could not explain the feeling, it was just there. For a couple of years now, this same feeling had come on when he thought of that place. James just dismissed it as being his fear. James’ thoughts returned to the present and the task at hand. He continued on. It was another hour and a half before James finally reached the foot of the temple. As he had seen from the last peak, the flames surrounding the temple acted as an impenetrable barrier, affording protection for the temple and its residents without the need for guards. He could feel the heat from where he stood fifty feet away. He approached as near as he could bear before the heat became too intense. A few minutes passed as he paced along the perimeter of the fire to see if an entrance could be located. Not a single gap could be found in the flames.

  “Hello” James shouted at last trying to attract attention.

  He waited a few seconds but there was no reply.

  “Is anybody there” He shouted again this time a little louder.

  Still nothing happened. At a loss, James began looking around the grounds to see if there was a clue on how to get through the barrier. Again, his efforts proved fruitless. Frustrated, James returned to the fire. He was just about to call out again when the flames in front of him began to change. A two meter section of flame turned into a green/blue colour. A figure appeared from inside the fire. It looked like a fire Gollum but it had the features of a human woman. The figure’s body was shaped with red flame. In the blue-green flames, the red figure could be seen clearly. The face of this figure was human. James blinked a few times to make sure this image before him was not a trick of the fire. When it spoke, James realised that it was no illusion.

  “What is your business here?” the Fire Gollum said in the softest most relaxing tone.

  The voice of this woman sounded like heaven itself. James found that all tension drifted from his body.

  “I am here to seek an audience with the Priestess Anree.” James spoke to the Gollum.

  The flame, where the Gollum stood, changed colour. It now burned blue-yellow and not the blue-green colour it had been.

  “What business do you have with her?”

  “I have to deliver a message from the King. It is of the utmost importance and urgency.”

  The image disappeared from view for a few moments. James waited patiently not knowing what would happen next. The image returned a few moments later.

  “If you prove yourself worthy in an act of faith, you will be granted an audience with the Priestess Anree” the Gollum stated.

  The idea of performing an act of faith was one that filled James with dread. He believed in the gods but had never worshiped one.

  “What would you have me do?” James asked tentatively.

  “The task is simple,” the Gollum began, “all you have to do is walk through the fire.”

  “Are you crazy?” James shouted. “I would burn like toast in there.”

  “That is the task set for you by the Priestess. What you do is up to you.” With that the Gollum disappeared.

  James paced backwards and forwards. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins. Thoughts were spinning around in his head. He looked at the flames and had to look away again. Then something changed. The flames grew higher. They changed colour to red and white. The heat intensified. James had to move further away from the flame as it burned his skin. There was only one thing he could think to do. He would take his camping canvass from his bag, soak it in a small stream he had come across a little way down the hill and then rap himself in it. He would then charge through as fast as he could. Was there any other way? James didn’t think so.

  He took his canvass to the river and soaked it for quite a while to make sure the fibres were as wet as possible. He ran back to the fire as quickly as he could to make sure the canvass did not dry out. He made sure all his skin was covered by the blanket. With a deep breath he charged. The flames were still ten feet away when the heat started to penetrate his blanket. By the time he stepped into the flame, the canvass was on fire; all the water had evaporated. He threw the blanket off and continued. His flesh was melting and the pain was making it hard to put one foot in front of the other. His clothes had been incinerated. There was no way he could make it to the other side. The darkness of unconsciousness was taking over him. Then he staggered free of the flames. Collapsing on the ground he looked around. He could see the priestesses of the Covenant watching him. For James to look at his body took some courage. It was not burned though. Not a single blemish could be seen. It was all an illusion. It suddenly dawned upon him that he was naked. He stood up and covered his groin with his hands. One of the Priestesses approached. The priestess was little over 5 feet tall but she seemed taller. She wore a silver robe that draped from her shoulders to her ankles. A large pointed hood covered her face. As she approached she pulled back the hood revealing a beautiful face. She had understated features but two things stood out; her smile and her eyes. The priestess had shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair. James looked at her and immediately felt a little calmer.

  “Do not feel shy or ashamed” the woman said in the same calming tones the Gollum had used. “The human body is at its purest when it is naked.” She handed him a gown. James took it and hastily put it on.

  “I am Anree” The woman began. “I welcome you. Please come with me and partake in some food and rest.”

  James followed without speaking a word. The fear and shock of what he had just done had almost destroyed his ability to think. Anree escorted him to a bed chamber. It was simple but elegant in design. A comfortable looking bed occupied the centre of the room. Anree took James by the hand and guided him onto the mattress. James rolled onto his side, adopting the foetal position. This provided him some comfort for even though his body was unharmed, James had been traumatised psychologically. Anree lay down next to him and cuddled him from behind. “Sleep now brave messenger.” She whispered in soft tones. “Rest in my arms and when you awake, you will feel much better.” James was comforted by this. Anree’s touch brought tranquillity to his soul. He fell asleep almost immediately. As he slept, Anree began to chant. A strange glow surrounded their bodies. James’ healing had begun.

  When he awoke, James had no recollection of the events that led him to this bed. Where was he? What was he doing here? Questions swirled through his mind. He looked around. Standing at the door, a beautiful woman
waited. She noticed that he was sitting up.

  “Are you feeling alright, sir?” the woman asked politely.

  “Where am I?” James replied.

  “You are in the temple. You had to take a test to enter. You passed.” The woman smiled at him.

  James had never seen such a perfect smile. It was like the most beautiful sunrise or sunset. One would never tire of seeing it.

  “Are you a priestess?” He asked, praying the answer would be no.

  “I am a priestess in training.” She replied.

  “Then I do not know if I am speaking out of turn when I ask you to join me for a meal and a dance one evening.” James was usually quite shy but he seemed drawn to this lady. She was like a goddess, or so James thought. Standing at least 5’6” tall, the woman was clad in a simple but elegant dress of black and gold. It was the training gown of the priestesses but it resembled an evening dress that one might wear to a ball. She had long, mousey-brown hair that had been platted all the way down. Her eyes were the brightest blue and showed the same sincerity that James had seen in the eyes of Anree.

  James spoke again before the woman could reply.

  “Truly, you must be the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

  The woman smiled and blushed.

  “At this time sir, you are speaking out of turn. However, I finish my training in but a few short months. At that time, a priestess is encouraged to scour the land to find a suitor. I would be honoured to accept your invite at that time.”

  It was James’ turn to smile.

  “Could I please then have the honour of knowing your name?” James asked, bowing at his lady.

  “It is Anna,” she replied, “and what is yours good sir.”

  “James” he said.

  “Well James,” Anna began, “My lady wishes to speak with you, if you are able?”

  James suddenly remembered his mission. With renewed haste and vigour he said,

  “Take me too her.”

  The temple was intricately designed. The divide between private quarters and open plan communal halls was seamless. There were no doors. Strategically placed walls and screens guarded the privacy of the residents here. The glass roof allowed the sun to fill each chamber with brilliant sunlight. James was in awe at the spectacle, his mouth involuntarily hanging open as Anna escorted him to the meeting hall. Sitting at the far end of a huge circular meeting table, Anree waited.

  “It is good to see you awake, sir.” Anree began. “Thank you Anna, you may leave now.” Anna turned and walked away. She smiled at James one last time. The smile was returned. Anree looked on, a knowing expression on her face.

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?”

  James looked at Anree, surprised that she had noticed so quickly.

  “She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen” James responded.

  “You will have to be patient if you want her. The life of a priestess is difficult at the best of times. It is often the ones we love who get hurt.” Anree’s face had turned quite stern and serious.

  “I can appreciate that” James said more from reflex than having a full understanding of the situation.

  “I am sure that you cannot appreciate it yet, but you will.” The room went quiet for a moment. It was a moment that felt like an eternity. Anree’s gaze never lifted. James felt quite uncomfortable. Finally Anree broke the silence.

  “You have a message for me, I believe.”

  “Y…Y…Yes” James stuttered trying to get rid of his unease. “The King requests that you attend the royal court as soon as you are able. He has an important quest for you. He will allow you to name the price for your services.”

  “Not the most elegantly worded message I have ever heard.” Anree proclaimed. “Do you know what the mission is?”

  “I know very little. I only heard rumours that some demons from the Cursed Isle have kidnapped a child; a special child.”

  Anree’s face looked troubled, her eyes narrowed. She spent a moment deep in thought. Finally, her attention turned back to James.

  “I will prepare immediately.”

  Seeing the troubled look on the face of a priestess left James with a cold unease within his heart. If something could trouble a priestess, then it must be bad. Anna returned to escort James from the temple.

  “I hope to see you again, Anna” James said as they walked.

  “In three months I will come.” She replied. They walked in silence to the ring of fire. James took Anna’s hand and placed a soft, gentle kiss on her knuckles. As he stood upright, Anna took the opportunity to peck his cheek. They both smiled. James turned to walk away and stopped. The fire was still burning strong. He looked back at Anna. She nodded. Her reassurance filled James with confidence. He marched through the flames without even feeling the heat. “Thank the gods that I still have my clothes on.” James said to himself with a smile.

  As he began his journey home, James recollected the events of the past few days.

  “They are never going to believe this at home.” James said with a smile.
