Page 28 of Enforce


  And so it begins…


  "Shopping…" I sighed and slammed the door shut. "Really Nixon?"

  "Deal with it." He rolled his eyes. "Oh, and mind riding with Phoenix?"

  I glared. "So it's going to be like that?"

  "What?" He shrugged.

  "You gonna hold her hand on skate night too? Maybe give her your sweater or something?"

  Nixon rolled his eyes. "Whatever, man. I'm protecting her, not trying to get in her pants."

  "That's a lie." Phoenix snorted, walking up to us, a cigarette in his mouth.

  Since when did he start smoking again?

  "You want in her pants so bad you aren't even paying attention to shit going on around us."

  Nixon's eyes narrowed. "You got something to say, Phoenix? Say it."

  "Fine." Phoenix threw the cigarette onto the ground and stepped on it. "It's time we left Elite. We don't belong here anymore…" His eyes were haunted. "We just need out — I need out."

  "Newsflash." I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. "We don't get a freaking out."

  Phoenix rubbed his face with his hands. Damn, the guy looked like hell. "My father isn't cooperating with me anymore… he thinks I've grown weak. He's—"

  Nixon held up his hand. "Has he…" He swallowed and looked away. "…hurt anyone?"

  Phoenix rubbed his hands together. "He always hurts people."

  "Look man…" Nixon sighed. "…stay on campus from now on, or go to my house. Don't put up with that shit."

  "Screw you!" Phoenix yelled. "A real man would put up with it. A real man would get the job done! I'm getting the freaking job done, Nixon! Alright? What else do you want from me? Or do you even know? Are you too focused in on all that brown hair?"

  "This has nothing to do with her!" Nixon roared. "Don't make it about her. She's a stranger, Phoenix, not part of our world."

  "Good to hear you finally say it." Phoenix shook his head. "She isn't a part of our world. In the end you choose us, not her. We are family. She's nothing, Nixon. Nothing." Shaking, he pulled out another cigarette. "Whatever. I'm out. Have fun catering to Cowgirl."

  He stomped off, leaving me in stunned disbelief.

  Nixon stared at the ground then barked, "Tex!"

  "What up?" Tex pressed End on his cell and glanced between the two of us. "Shit. Who died?"

  "Ride with us. Chase, I need you in the other car doing—"

  "Yeah, yeah." I waved him off. "Doing what I do best. Guarding the boss."


  "Leave it…" I held up my hand. "…and let me do my job, which is to protect your fine ass."

  "He called your ass fine." Tex nodded. "Just sayin', if he's staring at your ass, that means he's been looking at mine, and, by my calculations, that means Chase's favorite appendage has been getting zero play." Tex pointed his finger at me. "Get laid before I punch you in that handsome face."

  "The last chick that said that to me earned a black eye."

  "Did you just call me a chick?!" Tex roared.

  "Ladies…" Nixon clapped his hands. "…go to the cars and remember, you see an Alfero, we're out."

  I saluted Nixon and went over to the other Escalade just as Trace and Mo walked out of the dorm. She was still wearing the clothes Nixon had given her. Smile bright, she looked questioningly at one of our guys as he followed her to the car. Her jaw dropped when she appeared shocked that we had four Escalades waiting at the curb.

  Yeah, it was a bit excessive, but Nixon didn't want to take any chances.

  Sighing, I grabbed my semi-automatic and placed it across my lap just as Phoenix came back and jumped in the car.

  "Changed your mind?" I asked.

  "Whatever." He pulled out his pistol and was as silent as the grave while Vin followed the SUV in front of us.

  "If things are bad…" I cleared my throat. "…you can talk to me, Phoenix. You know that, right?"

  "Bullshit," Phoenix spat. "You'll run to Nixon. I'm fine. I've dealt with my father's shit before, alright? It will blow over. I just need… I need to get out of Elite. I need to start my life, you know? My life with Nixon, with the Family. Too much bad blood with my own. I just want out."

  "You'll get it, man," I said encouragingly. "Look at it this way. Tex's family is way worse than yours, and Nixon's letting him sleep with his sister."

  Phoenix's face cracked a smile. "You're right." He nodded and held out his fist. "Thanks."

  "Anytime. I'll always be your friend. You know that, right? Regardless of what goes down, Phoenix. You'll always be a part of us, a part of the Elect. We stick together, bond over blood, yeah?"

  He nodded, his face going pale. "Yeah, bond over blood."

  We sat in silence the rest of the way to the store.