Page 1 of Batch of 1999



  Batch of 1999


  Anurakt Srivastava


  [email protected] Srivastava



  2.Some days are special

  3.The introvert

  4.introvert’s diary

  5.The callgirl

  6.Restaurant meeting

  7.Risky business

  8.Wall of fortune

  9.Game continued

  10.Another page of the diary




  14.Spoiled child


  16.Another page from the diary


  18.A girl who couldn’t move

  19. Piano player

  20.A little reunion

  21.Wall of fortune 2

  22.Final page of the diary


  24.Reunion 2

  25.Reunion 3


  27.After one year

  28.The comic book



  Name – Tanak Saxena

  Age – 23

  Education – schooling

  Marital status – complicated

  Occupation – unemployed

  Hobbies - walking


  Something was unusual about him. No one knew what. Everyone was jealous of him only. Jealous and idolizing him for his art. They weren’t sure if it was an art or pure-sure luck. People of his locality were half amazed half scared of him. He just needed five minutes to charm anyone to perform his magic and then no one could resist.

  Even right now, one girl was standing on Tanak’s door to catch him when he would come out and another one was sitting on her knees below the electric pole on the corner of the streets. Her parents were there too and requesting her to get home with them. But she was only a thing with no capacity to respond. Mighty love had vanished all her shame and self-respect. Her ears only wanted to hear his voice and her eyes only wanted to see him again when he would come out to buy eggs for evening breakfast. Yes, that was his habit. She was praying that he would felt hunger soon and came out faster. Tanak looked from inside the window and told the girl’s parents to take her home and the girl started crying hoarsely. It wasn’t the thing she wanted to listen. He was so nice and so cute, how could he talk so roughly? He gave her dreams and now he was breaking those.

  Tanak was inside his room with two girls. One was from the nearby PCO and another was a primary teacher. They were inside because they were new and ready to adjust and change for him, according to his habits and comforts. Because they were ready to do anything and considering themselves lucky for being inside right now and they knew that many of the local girls were jealous of them right now. Tara was a PCO reseptionist and Tanak was the only color of her mechanical life. She was his girlfriend from two weeks now and they were doing well. He might marry her someday. How nice it would be? Aah. She still remembered how Tanak came to her two weeks ago and held her hand. She became speechless right there. Tanak didn’t’ say anything and took her with hand outside the institute. She couldn’t understand why she was so unable to resist. He wasn’t saying anything and she wasn’t asking. There was no need of words, when actions and gestures were enough. He didn’t give her any chance to think. She had never seen him before. And she knew that at this very second her life was transforming and she couldn’t do anything except being a spectator. And it was feeling great. She wished that the destination would never come and he would never left her hand. His hand was warm and rough. Perfect. Like it should have been. He was a real man. He knew how to behave. She was walking on the cloud 9.

  He took her to a restaurant because he wanted to eat something and he didn’t want to eat alone. Sure, why not? He told her that her nose was too long. Now that was too much and she should have left this man right there. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t ask any questions. He didn’t give her any chance. What else? She was paying for the food and coffee they had at the restaurant. Next day, He screwed her in the abandoned area behind her house at eight o clock evening. Her life was in his hands completely and she was behaving like a slave. She asked him when he would do this again. He smiled. Tanak told her that he got a girlfriend. She dismissed this fact like a bubble.

  Something was appealing in him. But she couldn’t figure it out. It wasn’t his face. Tanak's face and built was average. He wasn’t romantic. He was too straight forward. Whenever Tanak entered any house, he entered with the confidence of owner of the house. He got four sexual partners around the locality alone. Two of those were pregnant and Tanak was changing girlfriends with staggering speed.

  His first one was his own history teacher in school. She was the hottest woman of the school and many teachers were after her. She was married though. But it wasn’t going to bother anyone. Samar didn’t take more than 5 minutes. He told her that he got a query in her subject and wanted to spend some quality time to solve it. He told this thing in such a way as if someone was talking to his wife on first night. He went with her in an empty room of the school which was meant for all the fun purposes of students and teachers. They came out exhausted after 17 minutes. He was scoring well in history for the rest of the months in school. Tanak left the school after passing with good marks and taking virginity of three girls of school. Two months later History teacher died due to the complications of low blood pressure. It was just the start.

  He got the effect of movie star on all the people. They wondered how he managed to do that with simple looks and body. It was when he started talking. It was something to do with that only. Nobody was sure though. But they could feel something in the voice and touch. It wasn’t usual. Tanak's tone was so heavy and vibrating like voice over artists. And his touch was like snake. Oily. It could have covered you up with feelings unknown. Perhaps he was gifted or whatever. But it was the fact that he knew how to play his game.

  There were complaints about him in the police station too. Complaints filed by the parents of pregnant girls and fooled girls themselves. As if it mattered. Police got more important things to do rather than being involved in personal love-life of a playboy. There were many other issues of importance anyway which deserved more attention. And there weren’t the marriage involved. Affairs and break-ups were as common as mobile phones and cars.

  Once a policeman dropped by Tanak's house when he got a lot of free time to talk to a horny kid. Tanak talked to him for 2 minutes and police-man went home with the few phone numbers on nude photographs. These girls, as Tanak told him, would do anything if policeman called them with Tanak 's reference. He closed all the peanut cases that had been filed against Tanak next morning.

  Right now, Tanak was fingering a dark skinned girl and thinking about past. Girl was sad because of this and she asked him to concentrate. Tanak called her with someone else name and a tear fell from one of her eyes. He ordered her to bring tea with one and half spoon sugar and along with a stirrer.

  So That’s why people say not to fall in love, she was thinking.

  She knew that she got no future now. She knew she would never be happy again with anyone else. And it was horrible thought. The cup fell from her hands. He didn’t mind as t
here were many cups like many girls. It made her angrier. He should have responded to her in some other way. He should have been talking or touching. He should have been angry or nice to her according to her behavior. He should have been punishing her sometimes or atleast look at her with affection. She didn’t exist for him anymore. It was the worst thing in the whole universe. Nothing could be this bad. She was the whole world for Tanak a week ago and like he had sucked all the feelings and freshness from her so she was only a nobody and stranger for him now. She believed that she had an understanding of all these heart matters and relationships. Then why it was hurting her so much? Like something had remained inside her and it was crushing and biting her. It was making her cry, breaking her heart. There was no door outside and she was in. she needed a lots of alcohol with ice. Who was he? She wondered if she knew his name. Tanak or whatever. The only reality was that they were made for each other and she wanted him so bad. She couldn’t remember when he had become so special. She was wishing that he would touch her once again like a week ago. He sipped the tea with the gesture of a husband. Why he was doing what he was doing? It was just what she wanted him to do. He shouldn’t have been leaving her. He should have killed her instead. He should have been pitying her pain and mercy-kill her. She didn’t deserve to live and she didn’t want to live. Her soul would go with him and her body was too heavy to lift without a soul. But the tea was tasty. His face was smiling and she wiped tea drops from his lower lips. It was so nice, she thought.

  Tanak went to a computer institute in the evening. Today was a great day because he wanted to take admission in this school. He submitted the fee and signed few important papers. Then he went inside with a teacher. And there were classes going on. For students there, a new-comer was not a new thing but for girls it was. All the feminine faces moved with him, many hearts skipped beats without any particular reason. It was a matter of feelings now. No one wanted to study among them now. They had seen something which was special in someway (like the hell it was). He moved faster because it was even beyond his control. Even he had no idea about why and how it was happening. But he had seen its effect and it was growing day by day. All the females of the class were behaving anxiously and ecstatic. They were moving rapidly on seats and closing their books. Some were biting nails and fingers. Some hitting the table with the pen. Some wanted to close their eyes to absorb the atmosphere from feel buds so they laid with heads down over the benches. There was his smell in the whole room. Like sweet tobacco with lemon. Like milk and moon. Like water and honey. Room was smelling like a chemistry lab right then. Nostalgic intoxicating aroma coming from back seat was making everyone drowsy. Tanak was becoming angry with all this. It was him who was causing this mess and he hated every second of it. He had to get out of there right now. They all just looked hypnotized or something. Before they would cross any limits, he had to move out of here. It was getting out of control. He stood up from his seat and told the teacher that he wanted to go out for sometime to drink water.

  ‘Please, don’t go. A girl in the front row requested.’

  ‘Yes, don’t please, it is an important class and we are learning about the usage of Microsoft office. You will miss it if you leave,’ Another girl told him.


  She is good-looking, he looked in her eyes, poor rabbit.

  ‘I am only going to drink water,’ He told her and thanked her for caring about him. She wanted to talk more but he left.

  He really did drink the water from the water tank outside. And threw a glance inside the room again through the transparent walls of Italian glass. More than 15 eyes were looking toward him. Few of those had all the promises of love and faithfulness and few had the expressions of surrender. He smiled at everyone and many jaws dropped. Tanak threw the disposable glass in the waste basket and ran out of there.

Anurakt Srivastava's Novels