Page 24 of Batch of 1999

Windows and doors and everything and all

  You and me and others that fall

  Home is far away so keep running fast

  One who is walking might come last

  Hearts and hurts and nothing has left

  Money, watches, clothes. Nothing has been kept

  Talk to me when I am looking at you

  Look at me when i am talking to you

  There is life and there are signs

  There are grapes and there are wines

  There are cries and there are shouts

  There is police and there are scouts

  Police was silent and scouts were making noise

  Police shot scouts and then there was no voice

  Everything that I saw and everything that had name

  All was ruined and went to the same

  All I cared about were rhythms and letters

  Words only please me, words only flatter

  I don’t know what is outside, day or night

  I don’t know what is inside darkness or light

  All has spread on my foot and got mixed up

  All has jammed me on my ground,

  While my world is moving and go-round

  Come and hit me and make a wish

  I am your joker and I am your star-fish

  Make it fast

  Please don’t make it hard

  Make it quicker

  Make it thick and thinner

Anurakt Srivastava's Novels