Page 2 of Five-Word Fiction



  Swallowed a dictionary; vomited adjectives.



  ‘Have to.’




  The Endeavour sailed. Never returned.


  Flowers with a petrol whiff.


  His equations made no sense.


  You’re not going anywhere dressed.


  ‘Peanuts could kill me.’



  Tea was served in skulls.


  The child’s body lay unclaimed.


  Dogs howled when he passed.


  ‘I’m fat.’

  ‘You’re beautiful.’



  He flinched. She smiled. Victory.


  Promotions were handed out arbitrarily.  


  Trains clanged all insomnia night.


  ‘Once upon a time.’



  Never say never. Say maybe.


  He has a motorbike. Fortyish?


  They didn’t lock the door.


  Scars. Boredom will do that.


  We love our flea pit.


  Missing you more and more.


  Toilet humour flushes away friends.


  Sarcasm brought us closer. Ha.


  The will read; complaints said.


  ‘Where’s your homework?’




  I’ll never forget you, err….


  Your jokes won’t work here.


  Know how to use explosives?


  The men fought hard, died.


  He reminisced about old friends.


  ‘I miss you.’




  Lemon. Salt. Something definitely missing.


  Buried alive, she whispered, ‘Help.’


  The Spitfire waggled its wings.


  Ignore my advice? Fine. Honestly.


  The mall was her church.


  He was always so polite.


  They bonded in the sauna.


  ‘It’s been ages.’

  ‘Has it?’


  ‘Smile,’ said the dentist.



  Once upon a—

  The end.


  In the dark you’re invisible.


  They lived unhappily every after.


  Morning. Bed. Alone. Regret. Phone.


  Take my newspaper, will you?


  I’ve never been to Neptune.


  My crutches became extra limbs.


  Bus was late. Perfect excuse.


  His laughter was a shield.


  Her eyes opened. She screamed. 


  Lottery winners had better taste.


  Late. Red eyes. Flickering screen. 


  You'll never beat your last. 


  'Nice car.'

  'Thanks, it's stolen.'


  Creaking hinges, damp walls: home.


  Lovelorn, the young lady wept.


  Worry about your own life. 


  His life happened in reverse.


  Dived. Forgot how to swim. 


  Keying her own car? Typical.


  Doctor Hugglesworth hated his patients.


  'You from around here?'



  'Coming, ready or not.'



  Itching to escape, he worked.


  Nuclear deterrents inside your mouth.


  'I'm pregnant.'

  'So what?'



  Aliens from Earth invaded Mars.


  Their suicide pact? Getting married.


  Grandfather’s stories were getting inventive.


  What’s you name? Mine’s Andrew.


  Dust blanketed the piano keys. 



  'Have we met before?'


  Krtxatc'ang found human DNA delectable.


  She danced. He pretended to.  


  Where were you on Friday?


  He proposed.

  She said, 'Maybe.'


  Staggering home drunk became unfunny.


  She claimed Earth as hers.


  Unicycling: his cry for help.


  He joined up. Saw inaction.


  His black belt was ornamental.


  'No. Now what's the question?'


  I will love her forever.


  Sales were slow during Armageddon.



  ‘Thanks for the advice.’


  To Ami, skies were red.


  He slept late, missed everything.


  'Don't look.'


  'Told you.'


  Can’t talk about it. Ever.


  ‘…our little secret.’

  ‘What, rollerblading?’


  Trembling, he opened the box.


  'Accidents happen.' 

  'You cause them.'


  ‘Care to dance?’

  ‘Grow up.’


  Personal bests are for beating.


  School was unkind to her.


  Giles tried to fit in.


  Sudden noise made him twitch.


  'Where am I?'

  'You're home.'


  He never won at cards.


  Bill? He frightens the cattle. 


  Gunfire woke him. A dream?


  Her books unread, piano silent.


  Flashing light. She stopped. Stared.


  Son, every cough is ominous.


  He sinks and doesn't surface.


  Ingredients: skin, bones, a smile.


  Shorter and prouder he grew.


  ‘Seen the news?’




  Broken fingernail kept in locket.


  Her dreams continued without her.


  "What's your sign?" 

  "No entry."


  Smashed phone. Empty bottle. Blood.


  Gold. Silver. Money. No love.


  Lie back and tense up.


  Feed kids. Mow lawn. Repeat.



  "I just ate."



  Accident. Broken arm. Bitter forever.


  The rattlesnakes entertained the children.


  Clown school? That's life, darling.


  He slept beside the engine. 


  Pills before her. Nothing behind.


  Give me five minutes, please.  


  The neighbour’s dog was bleeding.


  Where were you last night?


  His number was engaged yesterday.


  The firing squad used silencers.




  ‘OK, carry on.’


  The writer thrived on routine.  


  Care for a cigar, Gran?  


  New Year’s Eve, ever anticlimactic.


  Clouds loomed. Birds swarmed. Stormed.


  Obsessed, digging in his bin.


  The hotel suffered from lice.


  Me, you, home, bed, now.


  Burning tyres spoiled the view.


  Parents rebelled against their children.


  His application was stamped ‘UNEMPLOYABLE’.


  jeremy insisted on using lowercase.


  ‘I need change.’

  ‘No change.’


  The national anthem was subdued.


  That horse isn’t for riding.


  They found the body underground.


  Our team leader was crying.


  Dead children lined the street.


  Come out of the shadows.


  Feeling down, her writing suffered.


  Nobody knows how Zackary feels.


  He wanted both to lose.


  Applicants, click here to fail.


  Cowboy builders built my ranch.


  What’s going through your head?


  Please pay attention please class.


  She’s here to hurt you.


  The president pressed the red.


  The prime minister loved outings.


  Orange juice stained her teeth.


  Vicky beat Angela at wrestling.


  How many times a day?


  Actually, we all hate you.


  The card cheat cheated again.


  Driving home, he fell asleep.


  Where do you go, lovely?


  My middle name is safety.


  Filmmakers flocked to her town.


  Back in touch after ages.


  Weasels hired a PR agent.


  Drink up, kids. It’s vodka.


  My wife has a quick temper.


  Bam! Biff! Pow! Thump! Ouch.


  Trust me, I’m a magician.


  So, this is it, hey?


  Grace found her rich husband.


  Clive hated every nationality equally.


  Zaratanazloaogota liked waffles with honey.


  We started this without you.


  Came. Saw. Conquered. Bough souvenirs.


  Their football team tries hard.


  You’ll never catch Drake swearing.


  ‘Woo,’ said the relationship owl.


  ‘Knock, knock.’

  ‘Who’s there?’



  His colleagues were his family.




  Mike? You were miles away.


  Their single flopped. Only gold.


  What’s the time in Jamaica?


  It was Earth, only different.


  Land ho! Sorry, false alarm.


  The fog took him gently.


  "We're lost?"

  "The map lied."


  Last night I dreamed crimson.


  Old songs made mother weep.


  Lights in the sky? UFO!


  Aliens probed the vacuum cleaner.


  Rock is my religion, man.


  They came early; took him.


  Every night, gunfire. Survival difficult.


  Searchlights found him. Gunned down.


  The sword wasn’t lost. Stolen.


  Dear family, I’ve run away.


  P.S. I stole your boots.


  The hotel didn’t look haunted.


  Starving, dehydrated, but
AK Dawson's Novels