Page 1 of A Friend in Need

Vijay K Kerji

  Copyright 2013 by Vijay K Kerji

  A Friend in Need

  Chapter 01 – Madan and Sachet

  “Please try to make it fast, it’s already getting late.” Madan Chopra instructed his subordinates. He managed the operations inside the Hi-Tech cement factory. Smoke and dust flew into the air. The asbestos particles were stuck to his uniform. Madan coughed because of the exposure to the dust since morning.

  I’m fed-up with this sooty job!

  Workers completed the day’s work assigned to them, and Madan sighed deeply in relief. He walked inside his tiny office chamber built with bricks at the corner of the site. Afternoon tea was still available in his flask. A cup of warm tea comforted his fatigue.

  Madan decided to call his childhood friend Sachet who worked in the city for a financial company. Madan hung out with Sachet after office hours and on weekends to avoid loneliness. He enjoyed going out in the town and trying new places to eat.

  “Hi, Madan. Are you working late today?” Sachet asked.

  “No! The job’s complete and would like to start early.” Madan rested his back on his chair. Four days of hard work and Madan waited for a weekend outing with Sachet.

  “All right, let’s meet at Galaxy Bar at seven sharp,” Sachet said with a jovial tone.

  Madan suddenly stood up from his chair. “Well, I was about to say that, and the Galaxy bar it is. Let’s spend some good time there. I’m feeling too tired.”

  Madan glanced outside through the glass window. Trucks loaded with limestone entered into the site. Dust emanated from the ground making hazy.

  “Sure, I’m almost done with my work, and I’ll try to be there in time,” Sachet said.

  Madan coughed as more trucks polluted the air around. He tried to close the door.

  “Are you okay, Madan?” Sachet asked anxiously.

  Madan tried to control the cough. “Yes… I’m all right.” He reached for a glass of water.


  Madan waited outside the ‘Galaxy Bar and Restaurant’, and customers entered the premises in two wheelers and cars. A security guard hooted, making a parking space for the incoming vehicles. The customers found difficulty in parking their vehicle. It created a little traffic jam, spawning a sound and air pollution around.

  Moments later, Madan saw Sachet on his scooter. Madan waved and came near the parking space.

  Sachet drove straight to Madan with helmet secured to his head.

  “When did you come? Hope I’m not very late,” Sachet said in a raised voice amidst his rattling scooter sound.

  “Few minutes ago. You can park the scooter, we’ll get inside the bar,” Madan said. He pointed Sachet towards the parking space. A pungent smoky smell surrounded the vicinity as the old scooter emanated grey smoke from behind.

  “Okay, I’ll be back in few seconds.” Sachet drove towards the parking space. The security guard had to straighten the haphazardly parked two wheelers to make a room for Sachet’s scooter.

  “Hope I didn’t make you wait for long. Let’s go inside,” Sachet said as he approached Madan. He took out his helmet.

  Madan walked inside the bar along with Sachet. He pushed open the glass door. The bar was quite noisy with people chatting aloud. The hall was dimly lit with small bulbs. Madan had to wait for a few seconds to see better. He could not see a vacant table.

  Moments later, a waiter in a uniform and red turban approached them. “May I help you, sir.” He held a large tray loaded with drinks. Raising it high he leaned in to listen over the crowd.

  Madan could barely hear his voice amidst the loud chitchatting of customers.

  “Well, is there any vacant table available for us?” Sachet asked in a raised voice.

  “Sir, I suggest you to go to the terrace, you can enjoy the open air with better service,” the waiter said loudly.

  Sachet looked at Madan. Madan nodded and they walked towards the elevator to reach the top of the building.

  The elevator doors opened on the eighth floor terrace. Madan glanced around when they stepped out. Stars were blinking and moonlight illuminated the rooftop. Customers were scarce and many tables, covered with white clothes, were empty.

  Madan took a deep breath of fresh air. “Wow, it’s so silent here.”

  “It was like a fish market in the main hall downstairs.” They both guffawed.

  Madan settled on a chair towards the lake view while Sachet sat in front of him.

  Madan put his hands clasped on the table. “Well, are you busy this weekend with girl hunting?”

  Both Madan and Sachet were looking for a suitable girl to get married for the last few months. So far they weren’t successful.

  Sachet straightened his back. “Yes, my aunt is taking me to see a girl on Sunday.”

  Madan leaned forward. “Oh, that’s nice.”

  Meanwhile a waiter approached them. “Sir, what would you like to have today?”

  Madan looked at the waiter. “Get us a quarter bottle of bagpiper scotch whiskey and salted chips.”

  The waiter scribbled the order. “Anything else, sir?”

  Sachet raised his hand. “A pack of gold flake cigarettes.”

  “Thank you, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” The waiter walked away.

  Silence prevailed for few minutes. Sachet leaned forward with his hands on the table. “How about you? Are you too preoccupied with seeing a girl this weekend?”

  Madan smiled at him. “Yes, there is a girl in Vasant Nagar area. My cousin, Vani, is taking me tomorrow and I would like you to accompany me.”

  Sachet leaned backwards and rested his back in the chair. “Okay, that sounds good. But what happened to the one which you saw last Sunday? She was beautiful though.”

  “Well, her father didn’t agree for the dowry I demanded. He doesn’t want to part with any money in the marriage,” Madan said.

  The waiter came with empty glasses and a bottle of bagpiper whiskey. Smoky smell of scotch whiskey surrounded the vicinity when waiter opened the bottle and poured into the glasses. He made drinks for both, opened the chips bag and said “Enjoy your drink, sir.”

  Madan lifted his glass and cheered Sachet before taking a sip. “Well, I think we have seen several girls so far but we’re not successful in making a final choice. Hope we hit a good luck soon.”

  He took out a cigarette and lit it with a match box. “Yes and the one I saw last week was unsuccessful as the girl belonged to different sub caste.”

  Madan took the cigarette from Sachet, puffed on it. “Let’s hope for the best this time.” He handed the cigarette back to Sachet.

  Madan enjoyed the company of Sachet. He dined with him before leaving the Galaxy Bar and Restaurant. He invited Sachet to accompany him to see the girl before driving back to his home.

  Chapter 02 – Madan and Sachet Visits the Girl’s House

  Sachet hurried to reach Madan’s house on his scooter amidst traffic. He raced his scooter, standing in front of Madan’s house. The scooter made usual rattling sound with loud noise. Madan came out from the house towards the Iron Gate fixed to the brick compound wall.

  “Hi, are you guys ready to go?” Sachet parked his scooter near the compound wall outside.

  “Yes, we are almost ready. Vani is already in with her husband.” Madan opened the gate for him.

  Vani lived in the same colony of houses but in a different home. She was married and had a daughter. Vani always helped Madan and took much interest in finding a beautiful girl for Madan to marry.

  Sachet entered into the front sitting room. Vani and her husband were seated on a couch. Sachet had an informal talk with everyone at home before they headed to Vasant Nagar colony of houses to see the girl.

r />   Madan hired a taxi to go to the girl’s house and was seated in front seat. The remaining people settled in rear seats of the taxi car. He enquired the nearby retail shops to get the direction to reach the girl’s house. He held the address written on a piece of paper in his hand.

  When they reached the front of the girl’s house, a middle aged person wearing suit welcomed Madan and his accompanies. He introduced himself as the girl’s father before leading them inside.

  The house had a small sitting room adjoining the porch. The room had medium sized couch on the left side. A flower pots with rose plants in it were placed on either side of it.

  Madan walked past the sitting room towards the main hall which was large enough to accommodate many people. A television was placed on the right side of it. Pine wood furniture’s were located in front. The walls were coated with an ivory paint. It gave a soothing effect to the vision.

  “Please be seated.” The girl’s father waved Madan and others to a cushioned wooden couch.

  Madan settled on the couch with Sachet and his brother-in-law. “Thank you. Your house is beautiful.”

  Two kids ran through the hall, making loud noise playfully. The girl’s father instructed them to play outside.

  Moments later, Vani stood up. “Excuse me, I’ll go inside.” She walked inside to join the remaining ladies.

  Silence prevailed for few minutes. Madan took a magazine and flipped over few pages. Sachet browsed the internet using his phone.

  A fair young girl wearing light orange salwar kameez with beautiful face walked inside briskly. She whispered with the girl’s father.

  The girl’s father looked at Madan and Sachet. “She is Bela, my second daughter.” Sachet and Madan smiled at Bela. Bela smiled shyly. She walked back inside. Sachet looked at her till she disappeared away from the hall.

  The girl’s father looked at Madan. “Shall we start the program?”

  Madan straightened his back. “Sure, why not?”

  Moments later, Bela, the girl’s younger sister entered the hall with a beautiful and medium built, sturdy young girl. She wore a shiny blue silk sari. A garland of jasmine flower was tucked to her raven-black long hair. A gold necklace and bangles enhanced her beauty. Her earrings tilted when she looked at Madan. She sat opposite to Madan and smiled at him.

  Madan was impressed to see such a sexy girl with a fair complexion. He straightened his back. He blushed and his heart beat raced.

  Bela and girl’s parents sat on a nearby couch. Silence prevailed for few minutes.

  As a ritual practice, Vani placed different types of fruits on a plate and came near the girl. She applied a kumkum, a red sacred powder, on girl’s forehead and placed the plate filled with fruits and flowers on her lap. She walked back to her seat.

  “He is Madan, my cousin. Can you introduce yourself?” Vani said.

  The girl smiled her back. “I’m Parni, and have completed bachelor’s degree in botany.”

  Madan leaned forward. “Hi, Parni. He is my friend Sachet, and this is my brother-in-law.” Madan pointed to Sachet and Vani’s husband.

  Parni quickly glanced at them with a smile and stared back to Madan.

  “When did you complete your degree course?” Madan asked.

  Parni looked at Madan. “Five months ago, and currently doing a computer course.”

  “Are you interested in working outside? Or prefer to be a housewife?” Madan asked in a soft voice.

  Parni gazed at Madan seductively. “I prefer to be a housewife.”

  The interview continued for the next few minutes before Parni was given permission to go inside. Soon after, Bela, Parni’s younger sister served everyone with snacks and coffee. Madan spoke with Parni’s father enthusiastically while he had snacks. Sachet spoke few words with Bela, the younger daughter while she served coffee to all.


  Madan and his accompanies were heading back to his home. He sat in front of the taxi car.“I like Parni, she is beautiful and well mannered.”

  Vani leaned forward. “Yes, and I like the entire family. They are sober in nature.”

  Sachet looked at Vani. “Both the sisters look alike. They are well educated. I like Bela, the younger sister of Parni.”

  Vani looked at him and chuckled. “Well, are you attracted to Bela?”

  Sachet put his hand on the back of the seat. “Yes, I really like Bela. Do you mind to speak with her father on my behalf for a possible alliance?”

  “Okay, let me speak to the family. You both are well settled with your jobs and earning a decent salary. I don’t think they deny our proposal for the marriage of their daughters together with you guys,” she said.

  “Yes, it will be a fantastic match; Madan with Parni, and Sachet with Bela,” Madan’s brother-in-law said.

  Madan and accompanies stepped out of the car when they reached Madan’s home. They had an informal chat about their visit inside the home.

  Vani assured him and Sachet of pursuing the matter with the girls’ parents for possible alliance. She agreed visit with their parents to the girl’s house.

  Sachet and Madan were happy that they both finally had a good luck in getting a beautiful and educated girl as their life partner.

  Vani took Madan’s and Sachet’s parents to the girl’s house few days later. The girl’s parents were invited to Madan’s house to talk about the dowry and marriage related matters.


  Sunday during noon, Parni and Bela’s parents arrived at Madan’s house with two of their close relatives for pre-marriage discussion. Sachet was already in with his parents. Vani welcomed the guests.

  After the greetings and informal chat, Madan’s Dad said, “Well, my son works as a manager in prestigious cement manufacturing company. We expect the marriage formalities to match his standard.”

  Silence prevailed for a moment. “My daughters are well educated and grown up in a traditional environment. They know cooking and housekeeping work very well. You must feel lucky to have them as your daughter-in-laws,” Parni’s father said.

  Madan’s and Sachet’s parents looked at each other. Sachet’s Dad said, “Since both boys earn well and have good social status, you need to arrange for the marriage and treat them with respectable dowry.”

  Girls’ parents became silent.

  “We are not expecting huge dowry amount and we both are already earning well,” Sachet said.

  Madan and his parents shrugged to Sachet’s statement.

  Vani looked at them. “We are interested more in the alliance rather than give and take business.”

  Girl’s parents and their relatives guffawed. Madan’s Dad leaned forward with his hands on his knees.

  After much persuasion and negotiation, girls’ parents agreed for the marriage arrangements and dowry. Madan’s Dad was finally successful in getting a car for both the grooms as part of the dowry. All appreciated Vani for her mediation in finalizing the deal.

  Two years later

  Chapter 03 – Madan’s illness

  Madan hurriedly finished his breakfast and pulled out his shoes from the closet to go to the office. His one year old son interrupted him while he wore the shoes.

  “Please don’t forget to take your lunch box,” Parni shouted from the kitchen.

  “Yes, I’ll. You take him inside, I’m in hurry,” Madan said in a raised voice as he coughed. He held his son and directed him to go inside.

  Parni came outside from the kitchen and glanced at Madan. Madan coughed chronically while he put his jacket on.

  “You’re unwell. Please try to be back from the office early today. We’ll consult doctor in the evening,” Parni said. She took her son from Madan’s hands.

  Madan coughed again. “All right. I’ll try to come back early.” Madan pulled open the door and walked outside to go to his office.


  Madan reached his office chamber built at the corner of an open site amidst heavy dust. His cough became intense and he spa
t sputum outside, making a loud noise from his throat. He closed the door immediately and glanced outside the window.

  Oh! My God! I shouldn’t be working here.

  One of his subordinate came to him. “Good morning sir, hope you are doing well today.” He wore a khaki uniform and chewed pan masala. His brown coloured teeth with swollen gum protruded when he smiled at Madan. His cloths were soiled with dust and asbestos particles.

  Madan covered his nasal portion when he smelled a pungent chewed tobacco emanated from his subordinate. Madan started coughing again and walked outside to spit the sputum.

  “Sir, you’re still unwell. You better go to the doctor and get yourself checked,” subordinate said with anxious tone.

  “I’m fed up with the dusty environment here; I’ll go home early today.” Madan wiped his mouth using a handkerchief.

  “Yes, it’s better, sir. Many people are allergic to the dust here. My colleague is admitted in a hospital last week and his condition is serious, sir,” he said.

  Madan stared at him. “What was his problem?”

  “He had a difficulty in breathing and ……” subordinate hesitated to speak further.

  “And what?” Madan asked with anxious tone.

  “Sir, he used to cough a lot and spit yellow sputum with blood,” subordinate said in a soft voice. He sat on the floor on his feet with knees bent.

  Madan felt a knot in his stomach. His face became pale and filled with fear.

  I must visit the doctor today. I’ll skip after-lunch session.

  He informed his boss about his time-off during the lunch break and snatched his bag to go to his home. The scorching summer heat waves created mirages on the tar road when he drove back.


  Parni opened the door for Madan. “Your face is so pale. Are you feeling all right?”

  Madan coughed intensely when he tried to say something. Parni immediately walked inside and came back with a glass of water.

  Madan gulped the water. “I need to visit the doctor today.”

  “That’s better. Are you feverish?” Parni checked his body temperature by touching his neck from the back of her palm. “You have a mild temperature.”

  Madan removed his shoes and relaxed on the couch for a while before calling a doctor for an appointment.

  Chapter 04 – Sachet and Bela

  “Don’t tear-off the newspaper, your dad is yet to read,” Bela said to her one year old daughter. She watched a television serial in the main hall.