Page 36 of Sinners on Tour

  got me talking about you and your… tastes. Then we started coming up with some ideas to get you worked up and—” She crushed him up against the door again, mashing her mouth against his and rubbing her mound against his cock.

  So that’s what had her so worked up—talking about him with another domme. He could live with that. He might be interested in playing their games, but there would have to be some boundaries defined and enforced. He didn’t take orders from just anyone.

  Jace pulled his mouth from Aggie and stared into her glassy eyes. She looked completely out of her head. “You haven’t taken any ecstasy, have you?” he asked.

  “You know I don’t do drugs anymore.”

  “I’ve just never seen you like this, so I wanted to make sure you were thinking clearly.”

  She shook her head slightly. “I’m not thinking clearly at all, but it isn’t drugs. It’s you.”

  Jace grinned crookedly. “You know I’m happy to be involved in your little experiments, but I have to set some boundaries with Starr.”

  “Of course.”

  “No sexual contact with her,” he said. “At all.”

  Aggie nodded obediently. “She’ll be my assistant,” Aggie said. “Nothing more. I won’t let her touch you in a sexual capacity. But I get to touch you in a sexual capacity, right?”

  “If the mood strikes you,” he teased.

  “The mood already struck me,” she said and laughed. “What are your other boundaries?”

  “That’s the only one.”

  Aggie shuddered with delight. “God, I fucking love you,” she said. She grabbed him by the belt and tugged him toward the basement, where her private dungeon had been built. By the time they reached the door that led to the lower level, Jace’s dick was rock hard with excitement and his thoughts cloudy with lust. He had no idea what kind of damage two sadists could do to him, but he was more than eager to find out.

  “Happy birthday, baby,” Aggie said at the bottom of the steps and kissed him gently. “I hope you enjoy your gift.”

  The dungeon was empty, but Aggie’s dressing room door was open and he could hear Starr—or maybe he should think of her as Fire during this particular interaction—moving around inside.

  “I’m sure I’ll enjoy every moment of your thoughtful gift,” Jace said. “But my birthday isn’t for six weeks.”

  “Yeah, but we’ll be in Europe then, and I won’t have access to my dungeon to treat you properly.” She grinned. “Or improperly, depending on your perspective.”

  “They do have dungeons in Europe,” Jace said. “Real ones.”

  “We’ll have to visit a few and see if they’re up to snuff.” She kissed his cheek. “I’m going to go dress as Ice for our session now. You go stand in the main dungeon and wait.”

  “Do you want me to undress?”

  “Not until I can instruct you and watch you obey,” she said.

  His heart rate kicked up several notches. He had a feeling she was going to go all out because Fire would be observing her technique. Aggie went a bit easy on him now that they were together on a permanent basis; it had been a while since she’d driven him to his knees. Jace almost tripped over his feet in his rush to stand in the dungeon and wait for her—for them—to give him what Aggie promised with the heat of her gaze.

  Half the excitement of a session with Aggie was anticipation. He could hear the two women talking and laughing in the room next door. He kept thinking the voices were approaching and that the women would arrive any moment, but apparently he was imagining things. When he could stand waiting no longer, he crept to the open door of the dressing room and peered inside.

  Aggie was dressed in black patent leather from her thigh-high boots to her skintight corset. Fire’s outfit was similar, but in shiny red instead of black. She was standing behind Aggie, braiding Aggie’s long black hair. Jace preferred Aggie’s hair down. The braid made her look too severe. Too cold.

  “Did you tell your sub he could leave the dungeon?” Fire said without looking up from her task.

  “He’s not my sub,” Aggie said and lifted her gaze to look at Jace standing in the doorway. “Not exactly. But, no, I didn’t give him permission. He’s just eager. Aren’t you?” She winked at him.

  “You’ve gone soft on me, Ice,” Fire said. “Once upon a time, you were the brutal one and I showed them mercy.”

  “I am a touch soft with him,” Aggie admitted. Her gaze gentled as she continued to stare at Jace. “I love him.”

  Jace smiled and hoped she could read the reciprocating emotions on his face, because there was no way he’d say them aloud in front of another domme.

  “Well, I don’t. He better get back into that dungeon before I’m done with this braid.” Fire still hadn’t looked at him. He knew it was part of the domme act, but he’d grown used to the way Aggie punished him and he much preferred it to the way past dommes had treated him. He had never liked the subservient part of the game. He just enjoyed the pain.

  “I told you what he’s like in the dungeon,” Aggie said.

  “And it made you cream your panties. Yeah, I recall. But I’m not you, am I? He’ll listen to me or he’ll suffer.”

  “I got tired of waiting,” Jace said.

  Fire lifted her gaze to his at last, and he was sure most men would have dropped to their knees to grovel at her feet. But he was not most men.

  “He is a defiant one, isn’t he?” Fire said.

  Aggie chuckled. “You have no idea.”

  Fire tied a leather string around the bottom of Aggie’s braid and then slid her hands over Aggie’s shoulders as she stared Jace down. “I’m ready to make him beg, Ice. How about you?”

  “We can try,” Aggie said.

  Knowing his wait was finally over, Jace retreated to the main dungeon. He wondered if they’d torture him as a unit or take turns. He also wondered if one of the women was more dominant than the other. He loved when Aggie dominated others—seeing the rush she got from her power was a total turn-on. He could scarcely imagine how hot she’d be dominating another dominant female. He wished he could sneak a moment alone with Aggie to bring it up, but she wouldn’t want him to mention it in front of another domme. That would make her look submissive to him. And while she was open to suggestions from him when they were alone, the illusion of their power play would be shifted if he started making demands to her when she was already in her role as Mistress V or Ice. But maybe he could hint enough that she’d catch on and turn it into her idea. He was sure she’d be okay with that scenario.

  The familiar click of Aggie’s heels on the cement floor of the dungeon grabbed Jace by the balls. His body knew what was coming, and his dick was instantly hard with anticipation. The not so familiar cadence of a second set of heels made his belly quiver. He had no idea what to expect out of Fire. He’d had some vicious dommes in his past, dommes who’d had no problem taking his desire for pain much too far. But Aggie knew how to send him into his happy place quickly with minimal damage to his body. Still there was something exciting about not knowing what was to come.

  He kept his eyes downcast as they approached, working hard to curtail his excitement. He shouldn’t already be this turned on. They hadn’t even touched him yet. Of course, he was used to twice-daily sex with Aggie, and he hadn’t seen her for almost a week. He just didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of Fire. A part of him wanted Aggie to be proud of how he handled himself with her friend. And watching him spontaneously come—spilling his seed all over the dungeon floor—while under the lash was probably not what she had in mind.

  A pair of black patent leather boots came into his field of view, followed by a matching set in red patent leather. His cock pulsed in appreciation of footwear sexiness. He was already imagining what those pointed heels would feel like pressed into his chest. His back. His crotch. The women stood close together, so he couldn’t help but lift his eyes to see more. Aggie had a flail in one hand and a riding crop in the other. Her expression wa
s hard, cold. Jace’s balls tightened. He knew that look well; he was in for a treat. He pulled his gaze from the familiar and perfect to Fire, who held a bullwhip in one hand and wore a look of mild amusement. Her arm was around Aggie’s lower back, her hand resting with familiarity on Aggie’s hip. The spike of jealousy that stabbed him in the throat caught him by surprise. What did he have to feel jealous about? They were just two friends barely touching. Yet he couldn’t shake his concern over the possessiveness Fire showed toward his fiancée.

  “Take your shirt off, babydoll,” Fire said. “I want to see if the rest of your body is as cut as your biceps. I can tell you work out.”

  Was she fucking serious? He looked at Aggie for guidance.

  “Is there something wrong with your hearing?” Aggie asked, her voice low. Cruel. Delicious.

  “You know I don’t take orders, Mistress,” he said, which wasn’t exactly true. He would eventually do what was asked of him, but he needed a bit of convincing first.

  Fire’s jaw dropped. Aggie just lifted an eyebrow at him.

  “I think he doesn’t want to take his shirt off because he’s afraid to take your lashes against his bare back, Fire,” Aggie said. “That’s what I think.”

  Jace immediately tugged his shirt off over his head and tossed it to the side.

  Fire chuckled. “You do know how to gain his cooperation, don’t you, Ice?”

  “Sometimes,” Aggie said. “It took me a while to figure out what makes him tick.”

  Jace’s jaw set in a harsh line. He didn’t like to be talked about as if he wasn’t there, and he had half a mind to collect his shirt and put it back on. The other half of his mind was already anticipating the zone, so he stayed where he was and didn’t respond.

  “What makes him tick?” Fire asked, snapping her arm out to the side unexpectedly and making the end of her whip crack.

  At the sound, Jace’s belly tightened and his nipples went hard. The small silver hoop in his piercing gave him a distracting jolt of pleasure in the tiny bit of erect flesh. Fuck. His nipples weren’t the only things that were erect. He already ached for release.

  “I’m not telling,” Aggie said. “Figure it out for yourself.”

  “Afraid I’ll take him from you?” Fire asked with a smirk.

  “Not at all,” Aggie said. “I want to see if you can handle someone like him without losing your head.”

  The way she had their very first session. She still apologized to Jace about it. Not that he needed or wanted her apology. He’d loved every minute of her harsh treatment. Sometimes he wished he was still capable of sending her into a rage. Sometimes he wanted her to beat the shit out of him. But most of the time, he liked how well she knew his body.

  Aggie flicked his nipple ring with the end of her riding crop. “Maybe I should take the edge off before we get to work,” she said. “You look like you’re about to explode already. Do you need to come before we begin?”

  She really was getting soft on him. Half of his torture today would be holding back his sexual release.

  “No, Mistress,” he said. “I can wait.”

  “He is filling out those jeans very nicely,” Fire said, cracking her whip again.

  Jace groaned in torment. He wished they’d quit talking and get down to business.

  Aggie slid the tip of her riding crop down his belly in a Z-pattern, slowly bumping over each section of his six-pack, until the small square of leather rested against his low waistband just inside his hipbone. It was one of his most sensitive spots, and she damned well knew it.

  “Unfasten your jeans,” Aggie said.

  Jace was more than ready to show her just how hard she made him, but two things made him hesitate. He wasn’t sure he was delirious enough to allow Fire to see him in such an aroused state. And Aggie’s retaliation was so much sweeter when he refused her demands.

  “Unfasten them for me,” he said, holding her gaze. “Mistress,” he added as an afterthought.

  She lashed her crop against his hip—once, twice—and then slid its tip down the solid bulge in his pants. He drank in the delicious sting in his flesh, craving more, much more.

  “I’m going to whip him just for disobeying you,” Fire said, and she lifted her arm to draw the length of her whip back.

  Aggie caught her wrist. “No. You don’t give him what he wants when he disobeys. You give it to him when he obeys.”

  Fire drew her eyebrows together. “And what does he want?”

  “You can’t tell by looking at him?” Aggie lashed his lower belly several times, and Jace’s head tilted back as goose bumps rose to the surface of his awakening flesh.

  Oh yeah, hurt me, Aggie. Please hurt me.

  “You got yourself a pain pig here, Aggie,” Fire said.

  She wasn’t the first domme to label him with that title, but it wasn’t completely true. At least not since Aggie had discovered what really got him off.

  “Do you want her to try out her whip on you, Jace?” Aggie asked.


  He jerked when she brought the end of the riding crop down on his chest, next to his pierced nipple.

  “Yesssss?” she prompted.

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said.

  “Then unfasten your jeans. I want them at your ankles.”

  He struggled with the conflict between his desire for pain and his embarrassment at the thought of exposing himself to Fire. No woman but Aggie had seen his cock since he’d met her. He was surprised she was willing to allow another woman to look at it. Didn’t she want it all to herself? Aggie waited patiently, and Fire tapped her toe on the cement while he contemplated his next move.

  “I say we hit him until he does what you say,” Fire said.

  “Yes,” Jace said immediately. “Do that.”

  Aggie chuckled. “Not a chance.” To Fire she said, “That doesn’t work on him. He’d let you hit him until your arm gave out or he was unconscious.”

  “Can’t I at least hit him once? I obviously don’t have your patience.”

  “You may hit him once,” Aggie said.


  He could just see her red patent leather boot in his peripheral vision as she drew the whip back and let it snap against his upper back. It stung, but was so far below his threshold that it would take him ten years to slip into his headspace if that was as hard as she could hit.

  “Harder, Mistress Fire,” he requested obediently. Because he could be obedient if it got him what he wanted. He knew this game well.

  The whip scraped against the floor behind him as she drew it back and lifted her arm over her head. She didn’t let it fly, though, because Aggie had raised her hand to halt Fire’s action.

  “She will not hit you harder until you unfasten your pants and drop them to your knees,” she said.

  “Are you sure you want her to see me naked?” he said.

  “She didn’t believe me when I was bragging about your size, so yeah, I want her to see it, and I want her to seethe with envy that it’s mine and she can’t have it.”

  Jace grinned. Well, when she put it that way, he kind of wanted to show off.

  He jerked his fly open, watching Aggie’s reaction as he pushed the fabric from his hips and let his jeans drop to his ankles.

  “Jesus,” Fire gasped.

  Jace flushed with heat as both women drank in the sight of him.

  “Now I see why you let him fuck you while you hit him, Ice. Just looking at him makes me wet. You could make some serious cash with a tool that big, babydoll,” she said to Jace. “Let me know if you ever want to get in the business. You have a dick that belongs in porn.”

  “No,” he said without hesitation.

  “It’s mine,” Aggie said, running her riding crop down the length of him. “All mine.”

  The crack of the whip against Jace’s back caught him by surprise. His belly tightened involuntarily, but he made no sound. He watched Aggie’s face as Fire struck him several times in rapid succession
. His eyelids fluttered as a particularly vicious lash struck his shoulder. It had been a while since he’d been under anyone’s punishment but Aggie’s, and all at once he realized how lucky he was to have someone who knew his body in command of the whip, because Fire’s misplaced strike had fucking hurt. Sometimes Aggie let Jace serve as practice for women learning how to hit properly, but they always hesitated to unleash their full power. Fire wasn’t so kind.

  “Fire, that’s enough,” Aggie said, picking up on Jace’s subtle cue of displeasure.

  The end of Fire’s whip scraped the floor behind him, and he released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

  “How would you know?” Fire asked. “He doesn’t make a sound.”

  Aggie ignored the question and touched her fingers to Jace’s jaw. “Are you done?”

  He shook his head. “Show her.” Aggie would know what he