Page 17 of Until July

  “Thank you.” I smile, and she pats my cheek.

  “Thank you too, for loving my baby the way she deserves to be loved,” she tells me, and those words echo in my ears as I make my way out to my car, and I watch Asher get in July’s Jeep as November gets into her own SUV so they can follow me to the house. The first time I got married, I did it because I thought I loved her. Now, I know different. Now, I know what love feels like, and the way it doesn’t change you, but makes you want to change yourself…to be worthy of the person you are with. I also know that no matter what I want to do in life, I will have a woman at my side to support me, and that says it all.



  I roll over and look at the clock when I hear the garage door open, seeing it’s a little after ten.

  I get out of bed and find one of his shirts, slipping it on, and then find a pair of panties and pull them on before heading out into the living room, where I’m greeted by Juice and Capone.

  “I thought you would still be sleeping,” Wes says, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind as I stop to pick up each of the boys for a cuddle.

  “I heard you come in,” I tell him, and then my stomach growls. “And I was hungry.”

  “I just put your plate in the microwave.” He kisses the side of my neck and I follow him into the kitchen, hopping up on the counter across from him.

  “Thank you for getting my Jeep,” I say, watching as he pulls the plate out of the microwave.

  “No problem.” He takes in my position on the counter and smiles, handing me the plate then opening the drawer to get me a fork. “Coffee or juice?”

  “Juice,” I reply through a mouthful of fluffy pancake, and he pulls out the jug of orange juice from the fridge, giving me a glass and kissing my forehead before leaning on the counter behind him, crossing his arms over his chest. The top collar of his grey thermal is unbuttoned, showing off the defined muscles of his chest and arms. Last night flashes through my mind. I love the way he is able to make me feel so small and feminine, the way it feels as he’s standing, holding me up with his strength while fucking me.

  “What are you thinking about right now?”

  My eyes focus on him and I feel my cheeks heat, so I shove a forkful of food in my mouth again and mumble, “Nothing,” causing him to smirk and my eyes to narrow, which only causes his smirk to turn into a grin. “What’s the plan for today?” I ask, swallowing another bite of pancake.

  “You wanna go on a ride with me?”

  “Sure,” I agree immediately; there is nothing better than being on the back of his bike.

  “You’re gonna need to dress warm.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Just for a ride,” he says, shrugging.

  “Okay,” I agree slowly, wondering what he’s up to.

  “Also, we need to stop pretending I’m not living here, and stop wasting money on my apartment.”

  “Um…you were the one pretending like you hadn’t moved in,” I remind him.


  “Yes. I asked you, ‘When did we move in together?’ and you acted like we hadn’t,” I tell him, hopping off the counter and rinsing off my plate before setting it in the drying rack.

  “No, I just didn’t want to have that conversation, with your mom and dad in the next room. Plus, you looked freaked when you asked that shit.” Okay, so he may be slightly right. I was a little freaked about it, just because I had no idea when it happened. It was like one minute we were dating, and the next, he moved in. “Judging by the silence, I think you get my point,” he says, and I roll my eyes. “So are you good with me closing my lease?”

  “Yes,” I agree, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking up into his handsome face.

  “What’s the mortgage on your house?”

  “I don’t have one.” I shrug.

  “You rent this place?” he asks as his eyebrows pull together.

  “Maybe you should sit down,” I suggest, walking him backwards until we reach the living room, where I push him onto the couch and straddle his lap.

  “I like this idea.” He smiles, palming my ass and lifting up, causing my core to rub across the denim of his jeans.

  “Hold on.” I place my hands on his chest and lift my hips. “Let me tell you about this, and then we can get back to this,” I say, dropping my ass onto his lap.

  “Get to it, baby,” he commands as his eyes drop to my mouth, making me smile.

  “My mom was left an inheritance. My dad wouldn’t let her use it, so she put it into an account and it grew, and when each of us girls turned twenty-one, we were given an even share of it. I paid for my clinic and my house, and the rest is in an account that just collects interest.

  “So, you’re telling me you’re loaded,” he says, but I can’t read his face. I don’t know how to answer that question; I’m not loaded, but I’m comfortable, and will be until the day I die as long as I continue to work.


  “I’m good with you having money, baby. All that means to me is if something happens and I leave this earth before you, you’re good. That shit will help me rest easy,” he tells me, and with that, he pulls my mouth down to his and kisses me until I’m riding him hard and fast on the couch, only stopping when I scream my orgasm into his mouth while he groans his into mine.


  I watch the open road and smile while wrapping my arms tighter around Wes’ stomach, feeling his muscles flex under my fingers I slid under his leather jacket and t-shirt.

  This morning, after our couch session, I got up and took a shower, and then got dressed while Wes did whatever guys do while they are waiting for women to get ready. I chose a pair of dark jeans that I tucked into my brown boots, a tank top with a sweater and my brown leather jacket, and a scarf that has the story of The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett printed on it.

  I tied my hair into a long braid that I laid over one shoulder and did light makeup of bronzer, a little blush, and mascara. I know nothing about our destination today, and that is okay by me. I just like being with Wes, and if I happen to be on the back of his bike, that is even better.

  We turn down one road and then another until we’re riding on the road I first came across Wes and his boys. I can’t believe that was only a few months ago; it feels like I have known Wes much longer. I honestly don’t know what things would be like anymore without him in my life.

  I would probably still be eating cereal alone in bed every night while watching TV, and only going out when my sisters were home. Thinking about it now, I realize how boring my life was. I was actually a perfect match for my ex; I was absolutely as boring as him, but just wasn’t seeing it, and on that thought, I wrap my arms tighter around Wes.

  We drive for about twenty more minutes then pull over to the side of the road, where I instantly recognize as the place I tasered him. It’s actually a beautiful spot. The road curves around a large bend, there’s a forest along the side of the road, and on the other side, there is a drop-off that looks out at the lake.

  “What are we doing here?” I laugh, sliding off the bike behind him.

  He does the same then stands in front of me, not speaking as he unhooks my helmet along with his, setting both on the seat.

  “You’re kind of freaking me out,” I tell him, not able to read his face.

  “This is the place you knocked me on my ass,” he says, and I smile. “The place I realized why I moved to Tennessee, and the place I found my future.” I stop breathing as he puts his hand in his pocket, coming out with a diamond ring. “I want to share everyday with you, to grow old with you. Will you be my wife?” he asks, and I look down at the ring. The center stone is imbedded into the design of filigree work that runs around and down each side of the ring. My eyes go from the ring in his hand to his eyes, and my mouth opens and closes. I can’t believe this moment is really happening.

  “Are you sure about this?” I ask after a long moment.

; “Baby, I wouldn’t be asking you if I didn’t know I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “This is forever, as in for-ev-er,” I sound out.

  “Jesus, you’re a pain in the ass,” he says, grabbing my hand and sliding the ring onto my finger. “We’re getting married,” he states, and a bubble of laughter climbs up my throat, which he silences with a kiss.

  “I love you,” I mumble against his lips when his mouth leaves mine.

  “Love you too, baby.”

  “We’re getting married,” I whisper, and his face goes soft and he kisses me again, murmuring, “We are.”

  “Holy cow! I’m getting married!” I scream and start jumping around while holding my hand up in the air, looking at the way the light bounces off the stones.

  “I can’t wait to tell everyone,” I say, breathing heavily and pausing to look at him. “I’m so happy.” I run at him and he catches me in his arms as I wrap my legs around his waist. He hoists me up with his hands under my ass. “I’m so, so happy.” I rest my forehead against his.

  “July Abigail Silver.” He smiles, and my heart does a little flutter in my chest at the sound of his name with mine.

  “I like the sound of that.” I close my eyes and tighten my arms and legs around him.

  “Me too, babe,” he replies, kissing me again. This time, his mouth stays against mine for an extra long moment.

  “Holy cow,” I repeat, opening my eyes and looking at the ring on my hand that is resting against his cheek.

  “So I take it you say yes?” he asks, and I look into his eyes and nod then press my mouth to his again.

  “Yes, a million times,” I say and he smiles. “Can we go tell my mom and dad?”

  Chuckling, he mutters, “Thought I’d at least get lucky before then, but yeah, babe.”

  “Oh, you’re gonna get lucky…very lucky, but the things I plan to do to you are going to take all night.”


  “Yes,” I reply, and he slides me down his body, letting me feel his arousal, which causes me to whimper. “Maybe we can tell my parents tomorrow,” I suggest, and he throws his head back laughing, which causes me to giggle.

  “Your sisters will be excited. I wasn’t sure when I was going to ask, and I know they are leaving tomorrow, so we can go visit with them then have the night to ourselves,” he says then picks up the helmet off the seat, placing it gently over my head and buckling me in. My heart, which is already full of love for him, gets that much bigger.

  I wait until he has his helmet on and lifts his leg over the bike before I do the same. Once I have my legs tight to his thighs and my hands on his abs, he starts up the bike, squeezes my knee, and then pulls off onto the road, going back the way we just came, and even though I just saw the same scenery moments before, everything looks more vibrant. The colors of the trees in yellows, golds and oranges that let you know fall is in full swing, and the air feels cleaner and I just feel happier.

  It doesn’t take long to reach my parents’ house, and when we do, my dad is the first to step outside. His eyes go to Wes, and even though I was afraid of his reaction to Wes to begin with, I can’t wait to tell him I’m getting married, that I found someone who loves me the way he does, completely without question, and honestly, I should have known better. That was all my dad ever wanted for any of his girls.

  As soon as Wes shuts off the bike, I lift my hand in the air, and yell, “I’m getting married!” at the top of my lungs, which causes my dad to smile and Wes, who I was still pressed up against to laugh.

  “Babe, hop off,” Wes orders, squeezing my knee, and I get off the bike and start fiddling with the straps of my helmet, trying to get it off while my hands shake with excitement. Lucky for me, Wes pushes my fingers away and quickly removes the helmet from my head. As soon as I’m free, I take off at a run towards my dad, who is still smiling, only bigger now. I pause halfway, run back to Wes, kiss the underside of his jaw, and then take off back towards my dad, who is now laughing at me, but I don’t care. I make it up the stairs to him and wrap my arms around his waist, feeling his go tight around me before I tip my head back and breathe, “I’m getting married,” again, this time with tears in my eyes.

  “I know, my beautiful girl,” he says gently, bringing one hand up to cup my cheek, and I can see a deep happiness in his eyes. That one look tells me he’s happy I found what he and my mom have…what my grandparents have.

  “Where’s mom?” I ask, swiping my eyes free of the tears that had filled them.

  “She and your sisters were out back near the fire pit,” he tells me. I give him one more squeeze then take off into the house, running through, and then out the back door, yelling once again, “Wes asked me to marry him!” only this time, my news is met with squeals of happiness from my sisters, who all come and hug me, each saying how happy they are. Then I look at my mom, who has her hand covering her mouth and tears in her eyes. I go to her, wrapping my arms around her waist then resting my head on her chest, like I did when I was young.

  “I love you, honey,” she whispers, running a hand down my hair and back, “more than you could ever know.” But she’s wrong. I do know how much she loves me. I know, because since the first moment I can remember, she has reinforced that love, always showing just how much each of us means to her. I’m lucky to have that, blessed beyond reason to know what it feels like to have that kind of love from my family. “Wes is a good man. Me and your father are both so happy for you guys.”

  “Thank you, Mom,” I tell her as a lump forms in my throat and a sob escapes.

  “No crying.” Mom hushes me, and then I’m transferred to another set of arms, and this time, the smell of Wes sweeps through my system as I take in a shaky breath, muttering against his shirt, “I’m okay.”

  “If you weren’t riding that damn bike with my baby girl on the back, I’d offer you a beer,” my dad says, making me laugh and look up at Wes.

  I turn my head to smile at my dad. “I love that damn bike,” I tell him, something he already knows, and he just shakes his head, putting his beer to his lips and taking a pull before muttering, “One down, four to go.”

  Chapter 15

  I look down at my phone and bite my lip when I see Wes is calling.

  “Are you going to answer that?” Kayan asks, and I want to say no, but I know deep down that I can’t avoid Wes forever. Especially since we live together. It’s been a week since he asked me to marry him, a week of us living happily, and a week of getting all of his crap out of his old apartment and moving it to my house.

  I’m happy, and I know he is too, but I have a feeling I may have stepped over my bounds as new fiancé today, when I walked the three blocks down from my clinic and went to the furniture store in town. We didn’t need anything new; we’re keeping my bed, but we changed out my couch for his, since his is newer, the leather soft and the cushions comfortable. Plus, it has the cool cup holders built into the armrests, and the seats lean back, so you can lay and watch a movies without taking up the whole couch. I love his couch, and my old couch is going into storage, along with anything else in good enough condition that one of my sisters or cousins could use it when they come home to live.

  But that isn’t why Wes is calling, and I know this, because when we discussed getting a new bed or keeping mine, it reminded me of his bed at the compound. I know he hasn’t slept with anyone in it since meeting me, but I’m also not naïve enough to believe the mattress hadn’t seen a lot of action prior to us. That thought made me sick. It also made me pissed, so I stomped three blocks over to Jem’s Furniture Warehouse and ordered a new bed for Wes, which would be being delivered right now.

  The phone went silent, and then started ringing again, and Kayan, who was looking at me, dropped her eyes to the phone and frowned.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing,” I tell her then bite the inside of my cheek, debating what I should do, but then my cell phone stops and the office phone starts up.
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  “Beast’s Veterinarian Clinic, how can I help you?” Kayan asks, answering the phone before I can tell her not to or slide across the counter and pull the phone from her ear.

  “Sorry, Wes, but she’s with someone right now. Do you want me to have her call you back?” she asks as I jump around with my hands in the air, pointing at myself and shaking my head franticly. “I’m not sure I can tell my best friend that,” Kayan says, looking at me with her eyes getting big then hangs up the phone then raises a brow at me.


  “So I guess your lunch break consisted of a shopping trip?” she prompts.

  I press my lips together then ask, “What did he say?”

  “You can ask him yourself. He’s on his way down here.” She smiles, and my heart starts to pound in my chest.

  “Why are you smiling?” I hiss.

  “’Cause what he told me to tell you didn’t exactly sound like punishment.”

  “Oh, my God. Z has caused you to become delusional.”

  “If you want a head-start on getting away, I suggest you go now.” She returns to looking at her computer, and I glare at her then jump when I hear the sound of a door slamming in the parking lot.

  “I hate you,” I tell her, watching Wes walk up to the front of the clinic.

  “Run.” She laughs, and I do just that. I take off towards my office, where I know I have a lock on the door, enter, and shut it behind me, pressing the button.

  “Babe, open the door.” Wes pounds, and I’m sure my ex-best friend told him where I am, because she would find it funny. “If you don’t open it, I’m taking it off the hinges,” he shouts, and I have no doubt he will do just that, so I take the two steps to the door, twist the knob, releasing the lock, and then jump back behind my desk, putting it between us.

  I expect the door to crash open, but instead, it opens slowly and Wes fills the space, his hands resting on his hips. I didn’t see him before he left this morning, because like most days, he went to work a couple hours before me. My eyes take him in, not for the first time thinking how lucky I am. He is hot, today and like always, and in anger, his features stand out and he looks even more handsome. His top-half is covered in a burgundy thermal, and a black jacket with a straight collar that looks good against his neck and jaw. Today’s jeans are darker, and of course his black boots. My eyes travel from his boot-covered feet to his face.