Page 18 of One With You

  Realizing he was offering advice, I started counting to ten. I made it to seven. “I can’t believe this.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. Arash assures me she is the best thing to ever happen to you. He says he has never seen you happier and that she adores you.”

  “I’ve said the same.”

  Arnoldo exhaled audibly. “Men in love do not make the best witnesses.”

  Amusement replaced irritation. “Why are you and Arash discussing my personal life?”

  “It is what friends do.”

  “Girl friends. You’re grown men. You should have something better to do with your time.” I rapped my knuckles on the desktop. “And you want me to spend a weekend in Brazil with a bunch of guy gossips?”

  “Listen.” His tone was annoyingly calm. “Manhattan is out. I love the city, too, but I think we’ve exhausted its charms. Especially for such an occasion.”

  Chagrined, I looked out the windows at the city I loved. Only Eva knew about the hotel room I’d kept perpetually reserved—my “fuck pad,” as she’d called it. Until her, it was the only place where I took women for sex. It was safe. Impersonal. There was nothing to learn about me there but how I looked nude and how I liked to fuck.

  Leaving New York meant I wouldn’t get laid, so of course I’d always insisted the guys keep our prowling close to home.

  “All right. I won’t argue.” I was going to discuss it with Eva—and Cary—but that wasn’t Arnoldo’s concern.

  “Excellent. I will let you get back to work. We can catch up this weekend.”

  We ended the call. I looked over at Scott through the glass wall and lifted one finger, telling him I needed an additional minute of time. Picking up my smartphone, I called Eva.

  “Hey, ace,” she answered, sounding flirty and happy.

  I absorbed that, along with the punch of pleasure and heat that moved through me. Her voice, always throaty, was huskier than it had been lately. I was reminded of the long night, the sounds she made when aroused, her cries for me when she came.

  It was a new goal of mine to keep her sounding like that eternally, to keep her skin flushed and her lips swollen, her stride slow and sultry because she could still feel me inside her. Wherever she went, it should be obvious that I fucked her often and thoroughly. It felt obvious on me. I was loose-limbed and relaxed, a bit weak in the knees—although I’d never admit it.

  “Have our plans for the weekend changed?” I asked.

  “I might increase my vitamins,” she teased, “but otherwise, no. I’m really looking forward to it.”

  The purr in her voice aroused me. “I’ve been told our friends plan to keep us apart this weekend for our respective bachelor and bachelorette parties.”

  “Oh.” There was a pause. “I was kinda hoping everyone forgot about that.”

  My mouth curved in a smile I wished she could see. “We could run away where they can’t find us.”

  “I wish.” She sighed. “I think these things are more for them than us. It’s their last chance to have us all to themselves in the way they’re used to.”

  “Those days were over when I met you.” But I knew they weren’t yet over for Eva. She’d hung on to her independence, maintaining her friendships as she always had.

  “It’s an odd sort of ritual, isn’t it?” she mused. “Two people commit to each other for life and their friends take them out, get them drunk, and encourage them to be bad one last time.”

  All the sexy playfulness she’d had when the conversation started was gone. My wife was an intensely jealous woman. I knew that, accepted it, just as she accepted my possessiveness. “We’ll discuss this more tonight.”

  “Yay,” she said, sounding anything but happy about it.

  There was some consolation in that. I preferred to picture her suffering through a weekend without me rather than having the time of her life.

  “I love you, Eva.”

  Her breath caught. “I love you, too.”

  Ending the call, I turned to retrieve my jacket from the coatrack, then changed my mind. I retraced my steps to my desk and called Cary.

  “What’s up?” he answered.

  “Where are you planning on taking my wife this weekend?”

  He answered so quickly, I knew he’d been braced to hear from me. “You don’t need to know.”

  “The hell I don’t.”

  “I’m not going to have you controlling her,” Cary said tightly, “with guards cockblocking any dude that comes near her, like you did in Vegas. She’s a big girl. She can handle herself and she deserves to have fun.”

  So that was what this was about. “There were extenuating circumstances then, Cary.”

  “Really?” Sarcasm was heavy in his tone. “Like what?”

  “Nathan Barker was still breathing and you’d just had a goddamned orgy in your living room. I couldn’t trust her safety to you.”

  There was a pause. When he spoke again, his voice was markedly less heated. “Clancy’s covering security. She’ll be fine.”

  I took a deep breath. Clancy and I were wary of each other, since he knew what I’d done to remove Nathan as a threat to Eva’s life. Regardless, we both wanted the same thing—for Eva to be happy and safe. I trusted him with her, knew him to be very good at his job running Stanton and Monica’s security.

  I would talk to Clancy personally, put him in contact with Angus. Contingencies had to be planned for and communication aligned. If she needed me, I had to be able to get to her as swiftly as possible.

  My gut tightened at the thought. “Eva needs her friends and I want her to enjoy herself.”

  “Great,” he said airily. “We agree.”

  “I won’t interfere, Cary, but keep in mind that no one’s as invested in keeping her safe as I am. She’s only part of your life. She is my life. Don’t be too stubborn to reach out to me if you need me. Is that clear?”

  “Yeah. I get it.”

  “If it helps you feel better, I’ll be in Brazil.”

  He was quiet a minute. “I haven’t nailed down where we’re going yet, but I’m leaning toward Ibiza.”

  I cursed silently. It would take half a day to get to her from Rio.

  I wanted to argue—I would certainly be making some alternate suggestions for locales in South America—but I held my tongue for the moment, too aware of Dr. Petersen’s comments about Eva’s need for a wide social circle. Instead, I said, “Let me know what you decide.”


  Ending the call, I grabbed my jacket and slipped it on.

  I was sure Eva and Dr. Petersen would disagree, but friends and family could be more of a pain in the ass than anything.

  The rest of the afternoon passed as scheduled and planned. It was nearing five o’clock when Arash strolled in and settled comfortably on the nearest sofa, spreading his arms wide across the back.

  I wrapped up my call with one of our distribution centers in Montreal and stood, stretching my legs. I was due for a session with my trainer, but he was going to kick my ass. I was sure Eva would be delighted to know she’d sapped my stamina.

  Not that it would prevent me from having her again when the day was done.

  “There’d better be a good reason why you’re making yourself at home,” I told Arash dryly, rounding my desk.

  He flashed a cocky grin. “Deanna Johnson.”

  My stride slowed, the name taking me by surprise. “What about her?”

  Arash whistled. “You do know her.”

  “She’s a freelance journalist.” I walked to the bar and pulled two chilled bottles of water out of the refrigerator. Deanna was also a woman I’d fucked, which turned out to be a colossal mistake in more ways than one.

  “Okay. The hot blonde I bailed on last night?”

  I shot him an impatient look. “Get on with it.”

  “She works in the legal department of the publishing house that acquired the rights to Corinne’s book. She told me the ghostwriter is Deanna Johnson.”
  I exhaled roughly, my hands squeezing the bottles so hard they leaked under the strain. “Damn it.”

  My wife had warned me about Deanna and I hadn’t listened.

  “Let me take a wild guess,” Arash drawled. “You know Ms. Johnson in the biblical sense.”

  I turned and faced him, moving back to where he sat. I tossed a bottle at him, sending sprinkles of water arcing between us. Opening my own, I drank deeply.

  Eva was right: We needed to be a better, more cohesive team. She and I were going to have to learn to trust—and take—each other’s advice implicitly.

  My friend set his elbows on his knees, holding his water in both hands. “Now I see why you were in such a rush to get a ring on Eva. Seal the deal before she runs away screaming.”

  Arash was joking, but I could see the concern on his face. It echoed my own. Really, how much could my wife take?

  I pulled the bottle away from my lips. “Well, that’s a nice bit of news to wrap up the day,” I muttered.

  “What is?”

  Arash and I both turned our heads to discover Eva bouncing through the open door of my office with only her smartphone in her hands. She was dressed in the same workout gear she’d been wearing the day I first saw her. Her ponytail was lighter nowadays and shorter, her body leaner and more defined. But she would always be that girl who took my breath away.

  “Eva.” Arash stood quickly.

  “Hey.” She flashed him a smile as she came toward me, rising onto her tiptoes to press a kiss to my mouth. “Hi, ace.”

  As she lowered back down, she frowned. “What’s wrong? Is it a bad time?”

  I slid an arm around her waist, pulling her close. I loved the feel of her body against mine; it soothed the anxiousness I felt whenever we were apart. “Never, angel. You come to me whenever you want.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “Megumi and I are going to hit the gym together, but I’m early, so figured I’d drop in on you. Grab a glimpse of your hotness to motivate me.”

  I dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Don’t wear yourself out,” I murmured. “That’s my job.”

  There was a frown between her brows as I straightened. “Seriously. What’s the matter?”

  Arash cleared his throat and gestured toward the door. “I’ll head back to my office.”

  I answered her question before he left. “Deanna is ghostwriting Corinne’s book.”

  Eva stiffened. “Is that so?”

  “She knows about Deanna?” Arash looked at us both with wide eyes.

  My wife pinned him with her gaze. “Do you know Deanna?”

  He held up both hands. “Never met her. Never even heard of her before today.”

  Stepping out of my embrace, Eva shot me a look. “I told you.”

  “I know.”

  “Told him what?” Arash asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  She took my water bottle and dropped into a club chair. “That she couldn’t be trusted. She’s butthurt because he got her naked, then blew her off. Not that I blame her. I’d be totally humiliated if I showed the goods but couldn’t make the sale.”

  Arash sat back down on the sofa. “You have performance problems, Cross?”

  “You have your eye on unemployment, Madani?” I took the other chair.

  “She’d already played hide-the-salami with Gideon once,” Eva went on. “And she really liked the salami. Can’t blame her there, either. I told you what a great lay he is.”

  Arash glanced at me, highly amused. “You did, yes.”

  “Blows the top of your head right off. Your toes curl and—”

  “For fuck’s sake, Eva,” I muttered.

  She looked at me innocently. “Just trying to give some context, baby. And give credit where it’s due. Anyway, poor Deanna is torn between hating his guts and wanting to bang him like a drum. Since she can’t do the latter, she’s stuck with the former.”

  I looked at her. “Are you done?”

  My wife blew me a kiss, then took a big swallow of water.

  Arash sat back. “Props for laying that all out for her,” he said to me. “You’re a saint, Eva, for putting up with him and the trail of scorned women in his wake.”

  “What can I say?” Her lips pursed. “How’d you guys find out?”

  “I’ve got an inside connection at the publishing house.”

  “Oh. I thought maybe Deanna said something.”

  “She won’t. They don’t want it known that Corinne isn’t writing the book, so they’ve got a confidentiality clause. They’re negotiating the contract now.”

  Eva sat forward, her fingers picking at the label on the bottle. Her phone buzzed on the chair by her thigh and she picked it up to read the text. “Off I go. Megumi’s ready.”

  She stood. Arash and I stood with her. She was in my arms a moment later, tilting her head back for a kiss. I gave it to her, nuzzling my nose against hers before she retreated.

  “You’re so lucky I came along.” She handed me back the water. “Think of how much more trouble you would’ve gotten into if you’d stayed single any longer.”

  “You’re trouble enough for a lifetime.”

  She said good-bye to Arash, then headed out. I watched her leave, hating to see her go. She waved to Scott as she passed him, then disappeared.

  “She got any sisters?” Arash asked, as we both sat down again.

  “No, she’s one of a kind.”

  “Hey, wait,” Eva called out as she ran back in.

  Arash and I both jumped to our feet.

  She rejoined us. “If they’re negotiating, nothing’s been signed, right?”

  “Right,” Arash answered.

  She looked at me. “You can get her not to sign.”

  My brows rose. “How am I supposed to do that?”

  “Offer her a job.”

  I stared at her, then said, “No.”

  “Don’t say no.”

  “No,” I repeated.

  My wife looked at Arash. “Your employee agreements include things like nondisclosure, nondisparagement, noncompetes, et cetera, right?”

  Arash considered that a minute. “I see where you’re going, and yes, they do. But there are limitations as to what those clauses cover and how they can be enforced.”

  “Better than nothing, though, maybe? Keep your enemies close and all that.” Her gaze turned to me expectantly.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Eva.”

  “Okay. It’s just an idea. I have to go.” She waved and hurried back out.

  The lack of a kiss or good-bye rubbed me the wrong way. Seeing her leave again … I hated it more the second time.

  She’d made me wait to have sex with her. She’d just casually suggested I seduce another woman.

  The Eva I knew and loved would never have done either of those things.

  “You don’t want that book published,” I called after her.

  Eva stopped at the door and turned. She looked at me, her head tilting slightly. “No, I don’t.”

  That examining look of hers got my back up. She saw right through me, saw the roiling inside me. “You know she’d expect me to offer her more than just a job.”

  “You’d have to entice her,” she agreed, retracing her steps. “You’re a juicy carrot, Cross. And you know how to dangle out of reach without even trying. She just needs to sign on the dotted line. Afterward, you can transfer her to Siberia as long as you give her work that fits the job description.”

  Something in her voice set me on edge—that and the way she looked at me like a lion tamer circling the lion, cautious and watchful but very much in control.

  Provoked, I baited her. “You’re whoring me out to get what you want.”

  “Jesus, Cross,” Arash muttered. “Don’t be an ass.”

  Eva’s gaze narrowed, the clear gray of her eyes turning stormy. “Bullshit. You’d have to lead her on, not fuck her. I want that book published as much as you want to hear ‘Golden Girl’ on repeat, but you’re living w
ith the damn song and I can live with the damn book.”

  “Then why bring up hiring her?” I countered, taking a step toward her. “I don’t want that fucking woman within a mile of me, let alone working for me.”

  “Fine. It was just a suggestion. I could tell you were upset about it when I got here and I don’t like you upset—”

  “For Christ’s sake, I don’t get upset!”

  “Right,” she drawled. “Of course not. You like bad-tempered better? Sullen? Moody? Are those more masculine for you, ace?”

  “I should take you over my knee.”

  “Try it and I’ll split your sexy lip,” she snapped back, her quick temper ignited. “You think I like the idea of you getting that bitch hot and bothered? Just imagining you flirting with her, giving her the idea you’d like to screw her, makes me want to break stuff—including her face.”

  “Good.” I’d gotten what I needed. Eva couldn’t hide her jealousy when she was angry. She was seething with it, vibrating with fury. I, however, was appeased.

  “And maybe Deanna dropping out won’t change anything,” she continued, still spitting mad. “The publisher could hire someone else to ghostwrite the fucking book. Hopefully someone unbiased, but hey, you’ve got ex-lovers crawling out of the woodwork, so they might get lucky again.”

  “That’s enough, Eva.”

  “I wouldn’t whore you out just to stop that book from being published. You’re the fuck of the century. I could get a few grand an hour for you, at least.”

  “Goddamn it!” I lunged for her and she hopped out of the way.

  “Whoa!” Arash interjected, jumping between us. “As your attorney, I have to point out that pissing off your wife could cost you millions.”

  “He likes pissing women off,” she goaded, darting back and forth behind Arash to elude me. “It turns him on.”

  “Get out of the way, Madani,” I growled.

  “He’s all yours, Arash,” she tossed out, then made a break for it.

  I gave chase. I caught her as she passed through the doors, grabbing her around the waist and hauling her off her feet. She struggled, growling.

  I sank my teeth into her shoulder and she squealed, drawing a dozen pairs of eyes our way. Including Megumi’s as she rounded the corner at just the right moment.