Page 22 of Exiled

  “Of course.” He nodded.

  And then the slave in gold trousers was saying, “Lady Lissa R’awr of Zetta Prime, guest of Ambassador Sha’rak.”

  “That’s us—let’s go,” Saber whispered, nudging her gently toward the platform.

  On wobbly legs, Lissa climbed the steps leading up to the small stage and made her way to the post. There was a slight ledge where she could rest her bottom, which was a good thing—without the added support she might have collapsed. Her nipples had hardened into tight little points of fear and her legs felt shaky.

  Lissa had never liked being the center of attention and when she looked down and saw a crowd of strange faces staring at her, waiting, she honestly wanted to die. She already felt horribly exposed in the revealing lace dress. How could she spread her legs and let these people stare at her while Saber kissed her naked sex? How could she put on an obscene show like some kind of stripper or sex worker? She was a priestess, not a prostitute! Stage fright gripped her throat with an icy hand and she began to panic.

  Oh Goddess, she thought, her hands cold and her knees shaking with fright. Oh Goddess, please, I can’t do this. I can’t! I can’t.

  “Mistress.” Suddenly Saber was on his knees before her. He caught her trembling hands in his and looked earnestly up into her eyes. “Mistress,” he said again in a low, firm voice. “You can do this. We’ll do it together. It’s going to be all right.”

  “Yes…yes, all right.” Lissa did her best to calm her racing heart. She squeezed his hands tightly and took a deep breath. “Yes,” she whispered again.

  “Good.” Saber turned her hands over and kissed her palms gently. “Don’t look at any of them—just look at me. Can you do that for me, Lissa?”

  “Yes,” she whispered again.

  “Good. Now open for me, amalla. Open and let me in.”

  “Moch Daer,” she whispered, feeling herself melt inside. Saber was right—they would get through this together. She would ignore the curious crowd and concentrate only on him. Keeping her eyes on his face, she leaned back against the post, feeling the cool marble chill her skin through the thin lace of her dress.

  “That’s right, Mistress,” he murmured, stroking her legs. “Now open for me.”

  Spreading her thighs, which she had been keeping tightly closed up until now, was the hardest thing Lissa had ever done. Only seeing Saber kneeling patiently before her, waiting, made her able to do it.

  With her pussy shaved bare, she felt more exposed, more vulnerable than she ever had in her life. And it didn’t help that the position she was in was causing her outer lips to open, revealing the deep pink of her inner folds. Even the pink pearl of her clit was exposed. Lissa felt like it was throbbing with embarrassment in time to her heart.

  “Oh, amalla…” Saber took in a deep breath and let out a soft, deep growl of approval and lust. “So beautiful,” he murmured, leaning closer, his warm breath blowing across her thighs. “So Goddess damned beautiful…”

  “Saber?” she whispered uncertainly but he was already leaning forward to kiss her.

  Lissa watched, mesmerized, as he placed a soft, open-mouthed kiss at the top of her slit. His breath on her skin had gone from warm to hot and she felt a sudden shiver run down her spine. Surely she couldn’t be turned on by this—not when they were putting on a show for so many people. But when she looked down, all she saw was Saber—the male she had loved for time out of mind—kissing her softly and reverently. Treating her as though she was a rare vase that might shatter if he was too rough.

  “Saber,” she murmured again as he moved lower and pressed his lips to her flesh again. This time his kiss landed directly between her spread pussy lips.

  Lissa gasped and gave a little moan when she felt him kiss her there, his lips moving as slowly and gently as though he were kissing her mouth. Involuntarily, her finger slipped into his hair and tightened, urging him on.

  Saber acted on her wordless encouragement eagerly. Pressing forward, he spread her pussy wider with his thumbs and deepened the kiss. Lissa moaned again as she felt gentle suction around her swollen clit. Oh Goddess, he was sucking her there, taking the most sensitive part of her between his lips, kissing her in the most intimate way possible…

  But he’s still just kissing me, she insisted to herself. It’s still just a kiss…right?

  Her fingers tightened in his hair again and then she felt the hot slide of his tongue against her heated flesh. A low growl of lust came from him, sending a tingle through her entire body as he licked her again, first tracing the sensitive bundle of nerves at her core with the tip of his tongue, then lapping deeper, tasting her with abandon.

  Goddess, he’s not just kissing—he’s tasting me. And everyone is watching and I’m going to…going to… Oh Goddess, if he doesn’t stop I’m going to come. Right here in front of everyone!

  This last, mortifying thought and the sound of the crowd clapping for them, finally gave her the strength to push him away.

  “Enough, Saber,” she panted, though she had never felt so unsatisfied in her life. “Enough now—stop!”

  “Forgive me, my lady.” He sat back at last, his lips shiny with her juices, his hazel eyes drowning deep with lust. “I…lost myself in the pleasure of kissing you,” he murmured.

  “It’s all right,” Lissa said, though she felt like she might never be all right again. Every nerve felt exposed and she felt so swollen and hot between her legs she couldn’t move without wincing. “Let’s just…there are other people waiting to be announced. Let’s just go.”

  “Of course.” He took her hand and helped her gently off the stage.

  Lissa stumbled twice and would have fallen if he hadn’t been there to catch her. Goddess, what was wrong with her? Why was she so unsteady on her feet? It was almost as though her body was protesting the fact that she hadn’t let Saber make her come.

  But I couldn’t, she thought, feeling dazed. I just couldn’t—not in front of everyone!

  What if everyone else was gone and it was just you and Saber? asked the critical little voice in her head. Wouldn’t have been so quick to stop him then, would you?

  Lissa was about to tell that stupid little voice to shut up when an unfamiliar slave with blue hair came up to them.

  “Well, well—that was quite a show the two of you put on. Very tender.” He smiled mockingly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen such devotion between a slave and his lady.”

  Lissa felt her cheeks going red with embarrassment but she reminded herself that she was the one in control here. She was a grand lady—as far as anyone knew, anyway—and this person was only a slave.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” She demanded haughtily, crossing her arms over her chest.

  The slave raised his eyebrows, which were also royal blue. “Touchy, aren’t we? Well, my Lady R’awr, I am Greggor, Lady Hake’bean’s personal director of festivities. She sent me over to see personally that you had a good time. Said something about it being your first sensation party?”

  “Oh, yes—yes, it is.” Lissa nodded quickly. “And we’re very interested in trying some documents from the historical drama section of your lady’s collection.”

  “Yes, yes,” Greggor drawled. “She said something about the Hoard Wars?”

  “Exactly!” Lissa could barely contain her excitement. “Can you direct us there or take us to them?”

  “Well, I’m not taking you anywhere before you put these on.” Greggor whipped out a piece of clear plastic film that had several black dots in various sizes. “Here.”

  Before she could stop him, he had peeled off two of the sticky black dots and pasted them directly over her nipples. He was reaching to place a larger, oval-shaped dot over her exposed sex when Saber caught him by the wrist.

  “No one touches my lady there but me,” he growled, giving the other slave a hard look.

  “Very well, put it on if you like.” Greggor dropped the black oval into his hand and stepped back, rub
bing his wrist. “I don’t even like females, you know. That’s why Lady Hake’bean made me her party planner—I’m hopeless at servicing a mistress. Now, when it comes to other males, especially big, strapping, sexy ones…”

  He trailed off, giving Saber a significant glance, but Lissa could tell her kinsman was oblivious. All his concentration was focused on his current task of kneeling before her and carefully applying the sticky black oval to her pussy. It just covered her slit and most of her outer pussy lips.

  Between this and the nipple dots, I feel more dressed than I have all night, she thought ruefully as he finally stood and put himself between her and Lady Hake’bean’s slave.

  “Well, if you’re quite finished, here are some sensor pads for you,” Greggor said. “I don’t suppose you’d like me to apply them?” He winked flirtatiously at Saber. “I have a very steady hand.”

  Saber frowned and held out his hand silently.

  “Fine, be that way,” Greggor pouted and placed the clear plastic sheet with its remaining dots in his palm. “Paste two on your nipples, wrap one around your cock and you might want one for your anus as well—if you’re planning on doing the zeno-porn station.”

  “Uh, no—no porn,” Lissa said quickly. “We’re only interested in historical drama.”

  “So boring.” Greggor made a face. “Why don’t you let me set you up with a little role-play porn? That’s very popular tonight.”

  “Thank you but no. Just the Hoard Wars—those are the only documents we want to see,” Lissa said firmly.

  “Fine.” Greggor sighed dramatically, as though having to escort such boring people was a terrible burden. “Come with me and try not to breathe in too much Dream Gas until we get to the right section. You want your synapses to be fresh for your first sensi-play.”

  * * * * *

  They followed Lady Hake’bean’s slave through the milling crowds of party guests and Saber made sure to keep an eye out for anyone else who might pose a threat to Lissa. He didn’t like the look of half the slaves here tonight but maybe he was just on edge after watching their foolish hostess and the massive convict she’d taken as a personal body-slave.

  “You’re a jumpy fellow.” Greggor gave him a significant look as they threaded their way through the swirling strips of colored silk and the other half-naked partygoers. “Looking out for your mistress, are you?”

  “I do my best,” Saber said shortly and then added, “You should do the same.”

  Greggor widened his eyes dramatically. “You think my lady is in danger?”

  “I know she is. We saw the convict she’s taken from the mines and now uses as her slave.”

  “Oh, the Beast?” Greggor gave a delighted shiver. “Yes, he is a brute. My lady’s mother tried to warn her when she was alive but little Miss Snyra always was headstrong. She loves a challenge.”

  “That male is no challenge—he’s her death waiting to happen,” Saber said darkly. “I don’t think your mistress fully understands the way a male who isn’t born into subjugation feels about being dominated and used the way she plans to use him.”

  “And you do?” Greggor raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you telling me you weren’t born into one of the slave training houses?”

  “We’re not from here, we’re from Zetta Prime,” Lissa put in, joining the conversation. “I didn’t get Saber from any, uh, house.”

  Greggor’s eyes widened. “You were born free and taken, as the Beast was?”

  Saber shifted uncomfortably. “Something like that.”

  “And you serve her anyway? You don’t mind being dominated? You don’t mind taking the rod?” Lady Hake’bean’s servant persisted.

  “I serve my mistress out of love.” Saber frowned at the other male. “Anything she finds it necessary to do to me, I accept for the same reason.”

  “My, my…” Greggor shook his head. “You really are devoted. I’ve never seen such love for a mistress before.”

  “Look to your own mistress,” Saber retorted. “See if you can’t stop the exhibition she’s going to put on tonight. The Beast will never forgive her if she uses him so publicly—he’ll feel it as an insult to his masculinity—an unforgivable degradation to his very being as a male.”

  “Oh, there’s no stopping Lady Hake’bean when she decides to do something,” Greggor said dismissively. “In fact, she said I was to escort you personally to the show—apparently you and your mistress get a front row seat. Oh, look, here we are.” He stopped short in front of an area cordoned off by long swatches of silky purple fabric hanging from the high ceilings. “Historical drama. There doesn’t appear to be anyone here though. I wonder why.”

  “That’s all right,” Lissa said eagerly. “We don’t mind being the only ones. Saber and I will just look through the documents—”

  “Ah-ah-ah.” Greggor blocked her way, wagging a finger in her face. “I was told to give you the perfect sensi-play experience and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Come this way.”

  Saber felt a surge of irritation. If it wasn’t for the officious slave, he and Lissa might have searched the documents, found the missing scrolls, and been out of the party and off Yonnie Six before anyone was the wiser. Instead, they were saddled with what was surely the most annoying male on the entire planet. With a sigh, he followed Greggor and Lissa into the historical drama area, which was just a makeshift room formed by the hanging purple curtains and filled with stacks of scrolls and books.

  “Ugh, there’s barely room to move in here.” Greggor made a face. “The old mistress was a little too fond of historicals from all different cultures. My mistress has been hoping to sell some of them off to pay for expenses.”

  “Really?” Lissa sounded doubtful. “I was given to understand that serious collectors rarely parted with the documents in their collections.” Which was why they had decided not to pose as merchants who wished to buy antiquities in the first place.

  “Well, this is a special case.” Greggor winked. “Just between us, what with importing and training murderous convicts, commissioning new rods molded especially for her from the most cutting edge artists, and throwing massive sensation parties every other weekend, she’s running through her credit like it was water. So if you find something you like, I don’t think any reasonable offer will be refused.”

  Saber and Lissa exchanged a glance. Even better! They could buy the scrolls and not have to worry about getting caught as they left the planet. Eagerly, Saber dug into a bunch of documents that were heaped haphazardly in a pile by the nearest curtain. On the other side of the room, Lissa did the same.

  “Well, don’t mind me,” Greggor said sulkily as they searched. “I’ll just be over here, bored out of my skull while you—”

  “Look, here it is! I’ve found it!” Lissa’s voice was high and excited.

  Saber rushed over to her and examined the ancient scroll she held reverently in her hands. The document was so old it would have been crumbling to pieces if someone hadn’t thoughtfully laminated the entire thing in thin sheets of pale blue plastic.

  “Listen,” Lissa said, unrolling it carefully. “It talks about the Hoard—about how the Councilor and his mate had to decide what to do. And—”

  “Found one you like, did you? Good.” Greggor whisked the document out of her hand and rolled it up neatly.

  “Hey!” Saber reached for the scroll. “Give that back!”

  “I don’t think so.” Greggor put the precious document behind his back. “How can you use it for sensi-play if I don’t put it in the dream projector?”

  “We don’t want to do sensi-play,” Lissa objected. “We just want the scroll, honestly.”

  But Greggor was already feeding the end of the long scroll into a flat black device with a blinking red light, which rested in one corner of the room. Saber hadn’t seen it earlier, possibly because it was obscured by another pile of documents.

  “Get ready,” he said. “I’m turning on the gas. In a moment the projector will
put you in the document.”

  “What are you talking abou—?” Saber began but his words ended in a cough. The flat black machine was spewing out a thick white fog. It had a complex, sickly sweet odor that reminded Saber of the scent that had come up from the trench they had ridden over in order to get to Opulex in the first place.

  “Is that the Dream Gas?” he heard Lissa say. “I don’t like it—it makes me feel funny.”

  Saber was beginning to feel strange as well. His entire body suddenly felt light—as though he might float away with the least breeze. And as he looked at Lissa, she began to change. She grew several inches taller to start and then her pale blonde hair turned a warm golden brown while the jade streaks in it became a brilliant, emerald green. Her thin lace dress melted into a more modest white gown and her belly grew beneath it as though she had suddenly somehow become pregnant.

  “Lissa!” he tried to say but the name that came out of his mouth was, “Zali.”

  “Kall,” the strange new Lissa responded, looking at him in confusion.

  Looking down at himself, Saber realized that he had changed too and not just his clothing. He had suddenly and inexplicably sprouted a vast pair of shimmering, iridescent wings.

  “What in the seven hells?” he tried to exclaim. But instead he heard himself saying, “Zali, my love. I must go. You know there is no other way.”

  “But our baby…” Tears glimmered in Lissa/Zali’s eyes and she stroked her rounded stomach tenderly. “He’ll never know his father if you go.”

  “Zali, he’ll never know either of us. We must send him away—you know this has to be—we have seen it in the Eye of Foreknowlege.”

  Saber was speaking his lines more easily now and though it was a strange situation, he almost felt like he was getting used to it. Clearly the dream projector took whatever document they picked and turned it into a narrative—a kind of story that the Dream Gas allowed them to participate in. No wonder the porn stations Greggor had tried to steer them to were so popular! With the use of the projector and the sweet smelling Dream Gas, one could become literally anyone they wanted to be doing anything they wanted with no consequences. Why, he and Lissa…