
  It was just a little before dawn and Colin felt as though every pore on his body was in pain. Perched on the deep windowsill he looked out across the lawn at the caravan belonging to Frederick and imagined himself going down and knocking on his door. But what do you say to a father you’ve never known: “Hi, Dad, just thought I’d drop by and say a big helloooo! So, Dad, is there any reason why you haven’t claimed me as your son?” His current state of internal agony came from weighing the two possible answers that had come to mind: either he had no clue at all, or Frederick knew and didn’t care. Right now, not knowing the answer seemed safer. Another question that caused him great pain was why his Aunt and Grandfather Thunder hadn’t told him any of this for so long. It made him burn with fury, made him feel as though his image in the mirror was right, about everything.

  “What are you doing up so early?” asked a groggy voice behind him. Spike was sitting up on the edge of his bed rubbing his eyes.

  “Did you know too?” said Colin harshly.

  The tone of Colin’s voice seemed to bring Spike fully awake. He slipped into his robe and went over to the windowsill and glanced outside. “What’s eating you?”

  “Silverberry,” was all Colin said, waiting for a response, and when it didn’t come, he knew the answer. “I thought you were my friend. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I am! I don’t know why I didn’t say anything; maybe I was hurt, maybe a bit jealous,” explained Spike.

  “Jealous?” He turned to face him in disbelief.

  “I thought she was my mom! I was hoping she was, but when Sergeant Peary got her to confess, she said she was your mom. I’m sorry. I was going to tell you, honestly!”

  “Right, well, you don’t have to bother. I know now,” he said, softening his tone towards Spike; after all, they were in the same canoe. He stared out the window at the caravan. “I know who my dad is too.”

  Spike looked out the window. “Where is he? Who is he?”

  “Grizzelda said it’s Frederick.”

  “Do you think it’s true?”

  “Maybe. It depends who was talking, her or the Nix.”

  “Well, what are you doing here; let’s go wake him up! He should know, shouldn’t he?”